| Song Name | Composer | Adoramus te, Christe | Dubois | Ave Maria | Arcadelt | Ave verum corpus | Gounod | Ave verum corpus | Mozart | Be still, for the presence | David Evans | Blest are you, O God, Creator | June Nixon | Bread of heaven | Richard Lloyd | Christ be with me | Pachelbel | Come, dearest Lord | Richard Lloyd | Come, Holy Ghost | Malcolm Archer | Come with us, O blessed Jesus | Stanley Vann | Day by day | Norman Warren | Deep within me | Higgins | Draw nigh | Jones | Father God, we worship you | Graham Kendrick | God be in my head | Malcolm Archer | God is a Spirit | Smart | God to enfold me | Stanley Vann | Here is bread | Graham Kendrick | Here, O my Lord | Alan Vine | Hide not thou thy face | Farrant | Holy, holy, holy | Schubert | Hosanna to the Son of David | Noel Rawsthorne | In an upper room | Chopin | Incline thine ear | Himmel | I will lift up mine eyes | Alan Ridout | I will sing of the Lord | Clarke | Jesu, joyaunce of my heart | Ahle | Jesus Christ is ris'n today | Richard Lloyd | Laudate Dominum | Pitoni | Lead me, Lord | Wesley | Let thy blood in mercy poured | Stanley Vann | Lord, I lift my hands to you | Ludwig Van Beethoven | Morning has broken | Christopher Tambling | O come and mourn with me | Higgins | O King, and desire of all nations | Stainer | O may my soul on thee repose | Alan Ridout | O praise God in his holiness | Weldon | O saving victim | Stanley Vann | Proclaim the story | Charpentier | Seek the Lord | Harrison Oxley | Shepherd of souls | Stanley Vann | Sing, Holy Spirit, sing! | Rosalie Bonighton | Spirit of God | Gounod | Spirit of God | David Terry | The grace of Christ | Richard Lloyd | The King is among us | Graham Kendrick | The Lord's Prayer | Martin Setchell | Timeless love | Norman Warren | We come in faith | Stanley Vann |