In Celebration of the Human Voice - The Essential Musical Instrument
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List of artists such as arrangers, composers, performers, directors, singers and more. |
The ArrangersOne of the key elements of a vocal harmony song is of course the arrangement. It's all about the harmony and the mixing and blending of the different voices. Creating a great arrangement needs a special skill and artistic ability and here are some of the top published arrangers in the business. | The ComposersSo much of what many of us would think of as choral music is traditional, centuries-old works, things our parent and grandparents grew up with, but that’s really not the be-all and end-all of choral works. There are many talented, genius composers of the last century and a bit, who have created some beautiful, stellar works that are being sung by choirs around the world today. |
Vocal Harmony GroupsMany a cappella singers have at some point harmonized in the style of this original American art form, which has grown to be a passion for more than 60,000 men and women around the globe. If you haven't heard any of these recordings, you've likely missed the evolution of the barbershop sound. As its best, today's barbershop is guaranteed to send shivers down the spine of even the most jaded a cappella fan. | The SongwritersAs much as we enjoy a great performance or singing a wonderful arrangement it all comes down to a well-written song. Hundreds of thousands of songs are probably written every year but only a few rise above the crowd to be worthy of our attention. These songwriters created some of the greatest songs of the past 100 years. |
The Harmony Group SingersThere are of course many great singers but we believe those who sing with others in harmony are particularly talented. Knowing how to blend with different voices to create that wonderful vocal harmony sound is a special skill and these are some of the best. There are many wonderful harmony singers and this list is just a beginning and we will be adding more over time. | Vocal CoachesYou like to sing and you want to be better? Then learn from some of the top professional vocal coaches around. With years of experience a good vocal coach can be invaluable and can take you and your voice to a whole other level. Vocal lessons can be expensive but here with these affordable CDs, books and DVDs you can learn at your own pace, review and practice classes and repeat the vocal warmups and exercises at your convenience. |
The Solo SingersMany of us enjoy singing but only a handful ever lucky enough to become professional. These singers have all enjoyed considerable success and whose songs have been arranged for both solo and harmony voices. | Choral DirectorsThere are many elements necessary to create a great choral sound from the quality of the singers to the intricacies of an arrangement but none are more important than the director. Directing the choir, choosing repertoire, auditioning singers are just some of the talents needed to be a successful director. Fortunately many directors have created many fine recordings and many have shared their knowledge with a wide variety of choral development books and DVDs. Here we have bios and photos of some of the top directors from around the world. |
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