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Christmas Vocal Harmony Music

Christmas A Cappella Music- Songbooks, CDs, sheet music, DVDs and more.

Christmas Arrangements

Christmas Arrangements

Whether you’re looking for your choir or your caroling group, or maybe just for your family to sing together on Christmas Eve, we have the arrangements you need. Just knowing the words isn’t enough – you need to know how to sing it as a group, and thanks to an amazing collection of world-class arrangers, we have the arrangements you need to achieve that. If you don’t want to sing your favorites in the traditional manner, why not try a pop arrangement? Maybe a jazz arrangement, or even a barbershop one? Make each old favorite new again each season!

Choral Christmas Music

Choral Christmas Music

In a genre that has been split along gender lines for most of a century, who'd have expected mixed barbershop to be successful? Well, whoever didn't, should have. The great thing about mixed barbershop quartets is that they combine the best of the single-gender groups, and build on them. Mixed barbershop is on its way - you'll definitely want to get on the train now!

Barbershop Christmas CDs

Barbershop Christmas CDs

Come on, admit it. You love that barbershop sound. There's nothing like a locked chord and a hanging-in-the-air tag to make the air ring. Add in Christmas music and you've got everything you need. Many internationals-winning choruses and quartets have gone on to put out holiday CDs, and we don't need to tell you what combining a group that's taken home the gold with holiday music sounds like = spectacular! And we even have songbooks that allow you to sing the holiday classics in that barbershop style yourself!

Contemporary Pop Christmas

Contemporary Pop Christmas

Yeah, OK, so most Christmas music is reserved for one particular time of the year. But Contemporary Christmas music has a seasonless quality that makes it great in December, and terrific fun in June, too. Even timeless classics get a contemporary, rockin' edge from these groups, and the originals are modern songs that happen to be about that happiest time of the year. If you're a fan of contemporary a cappella, you won't go wrong with the albums we carry here, even if holiday music isn't your thing.

Vintage Harmony Christmas

Vintage Harmony Christmas

Nope. As it turns out, popular groups recording holiday albums really is not just a modern trend. Whether it's the movie & music stars of the '40s and '50s, or the family on which one of the most popular holiday movies of all time was based, these golden age Christmas recordings (and modern recordings in the golden age style) are not just celebrations of the Christmas holiday season, but they evoke an earlier, more simple time. For cozy, comforting December music, these familiar groups and their great recordings are where you want to go

Vocal Jazz Christmas

Vocal Jazz Christmas

Christmas music is a genre of its own, but one of the great things about holiday tunes is that they can be sung in almost any style and genre, too. You've heard many of these classics before, you've probably even sung most of them, but you've never heard or sung them like this! And that's not even going into the beauty of the holiday originals some of these terrific groups have written. Whether you choose to explore the work of a group you're not familiar with, or revisit a group you already know that you love, you'll find some luscious sounds with which to wrap yourself in a holiday spirit here.

Doo Wop Christmas CDs

Doo Wop Christmas CDs

The great thing about doo-wop is that is transcends subject matter. That streetcorner sound, wrapped around some of the most loved holiday classics of all time - would could be more appealing? Whether you're a fan of Christmas music, or a fan of doo-wop, or - best of both worlds - smart enough to love 'em both, these albums will warm you up and getting you singing.

Contemporary Christian and Gospel Christmas

Contemporary Christian and Gospel Christmas

Christmas music is some of the most evocative out there - who can hear "Away in a Manger" or "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" without flashing back to that happy holiday season? The albums we carry contain the traditional carols of centuries past, more modern carols we all grew up with, and in many cases, original works sure to be added to many a family's annual caroling sing-a-long. Some of the groups interpret the works and make them uniquely their own, others perform more traditional versions, but one thing you can rely on is the spirit and talent with which the music is sung!

Early Music Christmas

Early Music Christmas

Christmas, as a holiday, goes back nearly two millennium. Music has changed over the time, but the idea of celebrating with music hasn’t. Much of our favorite Christmas music date back to the Middle Ages or even earlier, and the best way to experience them is in the work of those groups dedicated to preserving centuries-old music – Tudor polyphony, medieval chant, medieval carols, renaissance motets, plainchant or more.

Children's Choirs Christmas CDs

Children's Choirs Christmas CDs

Children love Christmas, and not just because of the presents. Christmas has pageantry, it has good food, and it’s got good, fun music that they love to sing. What could be better for them? If you enjoy the sound of children’s voices singing Christmas music – and who wouldn’t enjoy the pure magic of that sound? – we’ve got a number of treats for you here! Children’s choirs from around the U.S. and Canada, and even some from as far away as Russian, singing traditional carols and modern pieces in English, French, Finnish, German, Latin – even Cherokee!

Christmas DVDs

Christmas DVDs

There’s a reason that your local public broadcasting station has been airing some of these great Christmas videos each year – they’re great Christmas videos, with the music performed by some of the best a cappella groups out there! The difference between watching them on PBS and on DVD/video, of course, is that with these, you can watch them over and over, and back up to those particularly delicious moments that make Christmas music so popular. Christmas music, performed by some of the top jazz, barbershop and choral groups – you love their year-‘round stuff, now enjoy the holidays with them, year-‘round.

Christmas CDs From Around the World

Christmas CDs From Around the World

You knew that Christmas is celebrated in many countries, but did you know how much Holiday music comes out of those countries? You do now. Whether the groups are singing the Holiday music well-known around the planet, or the lovely music indigenous to one particular country, the music is wonderful and the message is communicated in any language. Some of these songs are indicative of centuries-old traditions that predate the birth of America; take the chance and explore a beautiful-sounding history!

Christmas A Cappella Videos

Christmas A Cappella Videos

A cappella and Christmas is a wonderful combination as many carols sound perfect when sung unaccompanied. Here we offer a selected list of holiday harmony videos as performed by some of the top groups of both today and in the past.

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