| Song Name | Composer | O My Father | | Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah | Hughes / Williams | Faith of Our Fathers | | O Worship the King | | O God, Our Help In Ages Past | Crof / Watts | Lift Thine Eyes | | Now the Day is Over | Barnby / Baring / Harris | Hail, Bright Adobe | | Hear My Supplication | | Hallelujah Chorus | George Frideric Handel | Come, Come Ye Saints | Trad / Clayton | Abide With Me | Monk / Lyte / Harris | Praise To The Lord | | The Lord's Prayer | Malotte / Scripture | A Mighty Fortress | Johann Sebastian Bach | Now Thank We All Our God | | Let The Mountain Shout For Joy | | Jesus, World Of God Incarnate | | Achieved Is The Glorious Work | | Rise! Up! Arise! | |