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Sacred Choral Arrangements for Female Voices

A selection of both modern and classical sacred music arranged for female harmony voices

Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media

Displaying 1-40 of 40 items.

Barry Rose : High Praise: A Book Of Anthems For Upper-Voice Choirs : SA Treble : Songbook : 884088424480 : 0853608482 : 14014996

Barry Rose : High Praise: A Book Of Anthems For Upper-Voice Choirs

A splendid collection of Anthems, edited for upper-voices by Barry Rose. In total there are twenty-eight pieces - eight published for the first time - including a set of Preces and Responses and a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. This is a really useful resource for choirs that sing Services.

Songlist: The Blessed Virgin's Cradle Song, Praise The Lord, Exult, And Now Another Day Is Gone, Give Us The Wings Of Faith, Examine Me, O Lord, A Cradle Song, My Song Is In Sighing, Light of the World, Preces and Responses, O Bone Jesu, I Will Worship, Ave Verum Corpus - Jesu, Word Of God Incarnate, Behold, Now, Praise The Lord, As I Outrode This Enderes Night, Prevent Us, O Lord, Risen Lord, Christ, Whose Glory Fills The Skies, O Magnum Mysterium, The Lamb, Make Me A Light, Mater Ora Filium, Magnificat and Nunc Domittis

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Voicing: SA Treble | 5115b | Songbook | $17.95 | Accompanied

Barry Rose : High Praise II For Upper-Voice Choirs : Treble : Songbook : 884088424909 : 1844493709 : 14014997

Barry Rose : High Praise II For Upper-Voice Choirs

A useful resource for Upper Voice choirs. It includes thirty-one pieces, several compositions and new arrangements published for the first time, a set of Preces and Responses and a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. The music is drawn from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries and has been carefully selected to embrace a wide range of musical and vocal abilities from unison to four-part writing.

Songlist: Ave Maria, Ave Verum, The Bringer Of Life, A Christmas Carol, Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life, God Be In My Head, God Be With You Till We Meet Again, A Grateful Heart, Here I Am, Lord, Here, O My Lord, Hills of the North, How Like An Angel I Came Down, How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair, A Hymn To The Virgin, I Sing Of Maiden, Lift Thine Eyes, The Lord Is My Shepherd, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, A New Year Carol, Notre Pere, Nunc Dimittis, Pie Jesu, Praise, A Prayer, Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, The Preces and Responses, Psalm 150, Through The Day, The Virgin's Slumber Song, Who Can Express the Noble Acts of the Lord?

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Voicing: Treble | 5116b | Songbook | $19.95

Barry Rose : Merrily On High - For Upper Voice Choirs : Treble : Songbook : 884088423483 : 085360956X : 14021295

Barry Rose : Merrily On High - For Upper Voice Choirs

Merrily On High is an exciting compilation of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany music for church, cathedral, school, youth and community choirs of 'upper voices' - trebles or sopranos and altos. Thirty pieces are included, eleven published for the first time. Contents include new settings and arrangements of familiar and lesser known carols, a 3-part Advent Responsory and Mark Blatchly's setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in B flat. Lyrics are in English, French, German, Latin and Polish. Includes invaluable historical and performance notes for each piece by Barry Rose.

Songlist: Adam Lay Ybounden, An Advent Responsory: I Look From Afar, Come, Thou Redeemer of Earth, Brightest and Best, A Child Is Born, Come, Watch With Us This Christmas Night, Down In Yon Forest, Fum, Fum, Fum, Gabriel's Message, Go, Tell It On The Mountain, When Christ Was Born of Mary Free, The Holly and the Ivy, How Far is it to Bethlehem?, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Myn Lynking, No Room at the Inn, Now the Most High Is Born, O This Night is Born Noel, People, Look East, Two Polish Carols, Rejoice and be Merry, The Shepherd's Farewell, Say, Where is He Born?, Silent Night, Still, Still, Still, Sweet Was The Song, Tomorrow Shall be My Dancing Day, Torches!, Watts's Cradle Hymn, Whence is that Goodly Fragrance Flowing?

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Voicing: Treble | 5117b | Songbook | $15.95

Camp Kirkland  : Worship From The Heart ... For Women's Voices : SSA : Songbook : 080689326172

Camp Kirkland : Worship From The Heart ... For Women's Voices

Word Music has provided solid resources for women's ensembles and choruses for years. How many times have you worked with your ladies' ensemble out of "that Green book that Word did?" This new collection, Worship from the Heart . . . for Women's Voices continues that great tradition and at the same time breaks new ground. Camp Kirkland has compiled a fabulous collection of songs for women's choir. We were careful to include a wide variety of titles that you can use for almost every occasion. From non-seasonal praise and worship, to Christmas and Easter, these arrangements feature contemporary standards, hymn classics and other new favorites.

Songlist: Grace Alone, Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus, Jesus, We Crown You with Praise, You Are My All in All, It Is Good, How Deep the Father's Love for Us, Love Is the More Excellent Way, Our Great Savior, Dying to Reach You, What a Faithful God, Wonderful Grace of Jesus, Beautiful Baby, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, Send Me, O the Blood of Jesus, Nothing But the Blood, There Is a Fountain, In the Manger, He's Been Faithful

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Voicing: SSA | 4001b | Songbook | $12.95

Dave Williamson : Blessings, Honor and Praise : SSA : Songbook : 080689377174

Dave Williamson : Blessings, Honor and Praise

Give the women of your church the tools to sing and lead your congregation in worship with arranger Dave Williamson's collection of 14 favorite praise and worship songs. In Blessing, Honor and Praise you'll discover the soaring, simple beauty of women's voices blended for a sweet and fluid sound. The unison, two and three part arrangements include occasional solos for variety and are all designed to be approachable for singers of all skill levels. Optional parts for female worship teams (groups of three to six voices) are spread throughout the collection as well as two a cappella arrangements. With heart-moving songs like "We Fall Down," "Above All," and "Take This Life," the entire congregation can join together in worship with Blessing, Honor and Praise.

Songlist: Above All, Draw Me Close, God of Wonders, He Knows My Name, Here I Am To Worship, I Will Remember Thee, Light of the World, Oh The Glory of Thy Presence, The Power of Your Love, Shout to the North, Take This Life, We Fall Down, You Are My Refuge, Your Love Feeds My Soul, Peace Like a River

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Voicing: SSA | 6891b | Songbook | $12.95 | Accompanied | Companion CD Available

David Hill : Novello Book of Short and Easy Anthems : SA : Songbook : 888680086183 : 1783059591 : 14043693

David Hill : Novello Book of Short and Easy Anthems

Featuring 28 anthems that can be learnt and sung quickly, The New Novello Book Of Short & Easy Anthems gives Upper Voice choirs a grand selection of songs that will prevent a reliance on the same ones. Whether your choir is large or small, the music contained within this collection is perfect for beautifully versatile melodies that can be learned very easily.

Songlist: Salve Regina, Tantum Ergo, Ave Maria, There Is A River, The Lord's Prayer, Psalm 23, O Salutaris Hostia, Sun Of My Soul, Evening Hymn, The Dormouse's Carol, A Thin Place, Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, Fauxbourdon Service, Beati Omnes, Xicochi, Preces And Responses, Draw Near With Faith, A Prayer Of Desmond Tutu, Lord, I Am Not Worthy To, Advent Responsory, Joseph Fili David, Listen To The Song Of The, Lord, By Thy Word My Rule, Missa Eudora, O Trinity! O Unity!

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Voicing: SA | 2962b | Songbook | $15.95

Dennis Allen : Contemporary Praise for Ladies' Voices 2 : SSA : Songbook : 0834175894

Dennis Allen : Contemporary Praise for Ladies' Voices 2

Ladies will love these 14 selections, creatively arranged in a variety of contemporary styles by Dennis Allen Included are many of the best current praise & worship songs along with contemporary favorites including one new a cappella arrangement. A great value with many uses, the SSA voicing works equally well for ladies' trios, ensembles, and choirs. Not too high and not too low, the vocal ranges are well within reach of most ladies' voices.

Songlist: Trading My Sorrows, Lord Most High, Who Am I?, Rescue, When I Think About the Lord, Jesus Christ, Forever, Amen, Once Again, Shoes, Father, Spirit, Jesus, I Will Sing, How Deep the Father's Love for Us, Thanks Be to God with Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Communion, Sweeter

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Voicing: SSA | 1015b | Songbook | $8.95 | Some a cappella

Desmond Ratcliffe : Requiem : SSA : Songbook : 884088427849 : 0853603006 : 14027134

Desmond Ratcliffe : Requiem

The vocal score for this classic work, with Latin and English text, edited and arranged for SSA and piano by Desmond Ratcliffe.


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Voicing: SSA | 40491b | Songbook | $11.95

Gabriel Faure : Messe Basse & Other Sacred Works : SSA : Songbook : 884088433154 : 0853602093 : 14021306

Gabriel Faure : Messe Basse & Other Sacred Works

For female or boys' voices. Vocal score (in English and Latin) contains all voice parts and piano accompaniment, edited by Desmond Ratcliffe. Contents: Ave Maria - Ave Verum Corpus - Cantique de Jean Racine - Maria, Mater Gratiae - Messe Basse - Tantum Ergo.


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Voicing: SSA | 40490b | Songbook | $11.95

Johannes Brahms : Three Sacred Choruses for Women's Voices : SSAA : Songbook : 884088959548 : 1480363936 : 35029436

Johannes Brahms : Three Sacred Choruses for Women's Voices

Many of Brahms' early choral works are the result of his work in the 1850s as director of a women's choir in Hamburg and the choral society of Detmold. These three sacred choruses are based on rather complex contrapuntal forms: O Bone Jesu is a metric double canon in contrary motion. Adoramus te, Christe is a continuous four-voice canon at the fourth, fifth and octave. Regina coeli is a canon in contrary motion sung by two soloists with choral interjections of Alleluia. Together with an Ave Maria, these comprise Brahms' only published settings of Latin texts. Duration: ca. 3:30.

Songlist: O Bone Jesu, Adoramus te, Christie, Regina coeli

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Voicing: SSAA | 4341b | Songbook | $2.50 | A Cappella

John Leavitt : Renaissance Women : SSAA : Songbook : 884088648398 : 1458431886 : 08596810

John Leavitt : Renaissance Women

This collection is a fantastic resource for introducing the music of the Renaissance to your women's choir.

Songlist: How Merrily We Live, Sonatemi un balleto, Je le vous dirai!, Mein Feinslieb, Tanzen und Springen

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Voicing: SSAA | 5706b | Songbook | $3.95 | A Cappella

John Tavener : Choral Music For Upper Voices : SSA : Songbook : 884088606343 : 1849382573 : 14037518

John Tavener : Choral Music For Upper Voices

Original pieces as well as new arrangements for upper voices of some of the most popular titles from John Tavener's outstandingly varied and extensive list of works for choir. Over the years, we can trace a line from the exquisite simplicity of his setting of Blake's The Lamb to the monumental Veil Of The Temple. The arrangements are all for soprano and alto singers, with a varying number of parts, up to four sopranos and four altos (in Ikon Of Saint Hilda). An Organ or Piano accompaniment part is provided as applicable, with an additional optional Cello solo in Song For Athene.

Songlist: Agnus Dei (Missa Brevis), Awed By The Beauty (The Veil Of The Temple), Ikon Of Saint Hilda, Notre Pere, Song For Athene, The Lamb, The Lord's Prayer (1999), Theotoke

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Voicing: SSA | 6754b | Songbook | $8.95

Joseph Linn : Heart Songs : SSA : Songbook : MB-632

Joseph Linn : Heart Songs

A wonderfully diverse and practical collection for ladies' choirs and small groups featuring familiar contemporary or classic favorites. Useful for Sunday morning worship services, Sunday night or "revival"-type settings. Several seasonal songs included in the 21 songs in 20 arrangements with accompaniment and one a cappella setting.

Songlist: Hosanna, His Strength is Perfect, In the First Light, How Great the Love, Eternal Life, Embrace The Cross, The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power, I Surrender All, We Shall Rise, I Bowed on My Knees and Cried, "Holy!", I'm Bound for the Kingdom, Bless God, Ah Lord God, O For a Thousand Tongues, He Will Pilot Me, One Small Child, We Praise Thee, O God Our Redeemer, There Is a Fountain, When We Hear the Trumpet Sound, Rest Within His Sanctuary

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Voicing: SSA | 1016b | Songbook | $8.95 | Some a cappella

Katherine Davis : The Green Hill - for three part choir SSA : SSA : Songbook : 1838

Katherine Davis : The Green Hill - for three part choir SSA

The anthems in this book have been chosen from the best religious music of many churches, countries, and centuries. Since the amount of good church music composed for women's voices is practically negligible, the book contains for the most part traditional airs and carols newly harmonized, arrangements of music composed originally for mixed voices, and a few judiciously selected songs originally composed for solo voice, to which choral parts have been added. There are included a number of anthems intended to be sung without accompaniment and simple enough for a young choir's first venture into a cappella singing. Accompaniments are provided, but are marked FOR REHEARSAL ONLY, and directors are urged to let their choirs experience the delight and growth that comes from this kind of singing, and never to doubt their ability to undertake it.

Songlist: A Babe So Tender, But the Lord is Mindful of His Own, Deck Thyself, my Soul, With Gladness, Ding-Dong! Merrily on High, Father Eternal, From God Shall Naught Divide Me, Glory to God, God is a Spirit, God our Father, Lord of Heaven (Tantum Ergo), Good Christian Men, Rejoice, He Shall Feed His Flock, Holy, Holy, Holy!, How Beautiful are the Feet, Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Jesu, Holy Spirit, Let All Things Now Living, Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains, Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending, Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, Long Hast Thou Stood, O Church of God, O For a Heart to Praise my God, O Holy Jesu, O Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly, O Sacred Head now Wounded, Praise the Lord!, Rejoice in the Lord Alway, The King of Love my Sheperd is, The Spacious Firmament, Thou Knowest, Lord, Turn Thee, again, O Lord, and more

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Voicing: SSA | 9620b | Songbook | $14.95

Katherine K. Davis : Junior Choir Book for Sacred and Festival Occasions : SA : Songbook : 1.3005

Katherine K. Davis : Junior Choir Book for Sacred and Festival Occasions

Eleven pieces for Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and devotional occasions arranged by K. K. Davis for SA Junior Choir.

Songlist: Brazilian Rose, Bagpipes, The Keel Row, Legend, On A May Morning, The Pitcher, Pretty Maid, Hard By The Crystal Fountain, Pretty Jeanette, Bold Wolfe

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Voicing: SA | 7721b | Songbook | $5.60

Lajos Bardos : Musica Sacra Vol 3 : SSA. Treble : Songbook : 50485339

Lajos Bardos : Musica Sacra Vol 3

This volume contains canons and choral pieces for female, children's or upper voices.

Songlist: Adoremus, Aki magat felmagasztalja, Aron vetettetek, Ave maris stella, Boldogasszony anyank, Buntetesunk hordozta, Ekes nap, Fel, fel, dalra fel, Halljatok meg az Ur hangjat, Hallod-e Jezus hivasat?, Istene az aldas, Krisztusban dicseked, Legy hiv mindhalalig, Mas nev nincs, Mennyorszag ajtaja, Nagybojti kanon (Konyorulj rajtam), O, en edes Jezusom, Szalljon a dal, Szent karacsony ejjel (O, gyonyoruszep, titokzatos ej!, Szolj, Uram, szolj, Teljes szivemmel, Zsoltar-kanon, Mennyorszagnak kiralyneja, O, edes Jezus

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Voicing: SSA. Treble | 7369b | Songbook | $19.95 | A Cappella

Larry Pugh (editor) : 6 Anthems For Women's Voices : SSA : Songbook : 9781429102476 : 45/1158L

Larry Pugh (editor) : 6 Anthems For Women's Voices

Six attractive SSA anthems varied in musical style, both seasonal and non-seasonal in service usage, and all best-sellers in separate octavo format from some of today's favorite composers are now offered in this remarkable budget-stretching choral collection: "6 Anthems for Women's Voices." Let the men of the choir join their families in the congregation for Sunday worship and have the opportunity to enjoy hearing their female cohorts sing these inspirational anthems not only a great treat, but one in which they can reciprocate with the use of the companion volume of "7 Anthems for Men's Voices!". It is a wonderful opportunity to offer musical variety for the congregation, a Sunday "off" for half your choir, and to feature the talents of your female choir members.

Songlist: How Can I Keep From Singing?, Lulay Alleluia, I'm Gonna Sing, Christ Came To Bethlahem, Prayer For Peace, Father (O God), We Worship You

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Voicing: SSA | 8101b | Songbook | $9.95 | Accompanied

Libby Larsen : The Womanly Song of God : SSSSAAAA : Songbook : 9780193867550 : 9780193867550

Libby Larsen : The Womanly Song of God

When I first read Catherine de Vinck's jubilant celebration of birth, renewal, and life "The Womanly Song of God" (the complete poem appears on page 27), I heard it as a head-tossing, laughing, dancing first-person soliloquy. I was immediately drawn to its energy and set out to compose a work with exactly the same feeling. The Choir acts both as a singing group and as drumming group. The piece begins with a "call to the dance" consisting of an upward scale that builds to a diatomic nine-note chord. Following this, the choir becomes a drumming group, spinning sung rhythmic patterns into a buoyant accompaniment to the sung text. C major (Ionian mode) anchors the piece tonally. As the piece progresses, the choir, as drumming group, adds foot-stomping and hand-clapping, until the piece becomes a vibrant song-dance. - Libby Larsen

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Voicing: SSSSAAAA | 9654b | Songbook | $5.95 | A Cappella

Mosie Lister : Marvelous Grace : SSA : Songbook : MB-790

Mosie Lister : Marvelous Grace

Gospel Music Hall of Fame songwriter Mosie Lister brings his arranger's touch to Marvelous Grace, a compilation of 22 arrangements for ladies' voices. Ideal for choir, ensemble, or trio and features some of Mosie's best-loved songs, some of today's popular gospel titles, original songs, and three a cappella selections. SSA and SSAA formats

Songlist: All of Me, Beyond the Cross, Call Home, Canaanland is Just in Sight, Celebrate His Coming, Grace, Grace Greater than Our Sins, He's Still the King of Kings, Here Come's the King, His Hand In Mine, I'm Not Giving Up, In the Name of Love, Jesus, the Son of God, Keep on the Firing Line, Lay These Burdens Down, Love Was in the Room, New Shoes, O Lord, How Wonderful, That Says It All, The Light From Heaven, The Man on the Middle Cross, The Night Before Easter, Wedding Music, Well Done, My Child

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Voicing: SSA | 1021b | Songbook | $8.95 | Some a cappella

Mosie Lister : Sweet Assurance : SSA : Songbook : MB-576

Mosie Lister : Sweet Assurance

6 arrangements for SSA voices, useful for ladies' trios, choirs, or ensembles. Mosie Lister's arrangements are full and interesting, yet practical and in reasonable ranges. A variety of gospel styles are included.

Songlist: A New Name In Glory, A Storm Now and Then, All Because of God's Amazing Grace, Alleluia to the King, At the Right Time, Come and Dine, Come and See the Man, Dwelling in Beulah Land, From the First Hallelujah to the Last Amen, Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome, How Long Has it Been?, I Don't Need to Understand, I Go to the Rock, I Won't Turn Back, I'd Rather Have Jesus, I've Been Changed, Jesus is Coming Soon, Led by the Master's Hand, Love Through Me, Sweet Will of God, The Eastern Gate, The King of Who I Am, 'Til the Storm Passes By, When They Call My Name, While Ages Roll, Wonderful Saviour

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Voicing: SSA | 1022b | Songbook | $9.95 | Some a cappella

Philip Lawson : Angels and Shepherds - Christmas Collection for Upper Voices : SSA : Songbook : 884088990183 : 00125373

Philip Lawson : Angels and Shepherds - Christmas Collection for Upper Voices

Upper voice choirs will resound with the glory of Christmas and these wonderful settings of traditional Latin carols. Ideal for treble voices in high school through professional level and a great value.

Songlist: Personent Hodie, Veni, Veni Emmanuel, Angelus ad Virginem, Qui Creavit Coelum, Quem Pastores Laudavere (14th C)

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Voicing: SSA | 8392b | Songbook | $3.95

Philip Ledger (editor) : Anthems for Choirs 3 (Sopranos & Altos) : SSAA Upper : Songbook : 9780193532427

Philip Ledger (editor) : Anthems for Choirs 3 (Sopranos & Altos)

Anthems For Choirs Volume 3 is comprised of anthems in three or more parts and a set of five introits. Four new anthems have been specially commisioned from David Lord, John Rutter, Robert Sherlaw Johnson, and Phyllis Tate. With the exception of Christmas all seasons of the church's year are represented in the collection. There are 24 anthems included in this volume.

Songlist: Anthems, Introit for Ascension, Introit for Easter, Veni Creator, Introit for Whitsun, O Bone Jesu, Psalm 13, In Praise of God, Ave Regina Caelorum, Quam Pulcra es, Introit for Lent or Passiontide, Anthem for the Trinity, Psalm 150, O Crux Benedicta, O Domine Jesu Christe, Surgens Jesus, Two Canons (Alleluja and Ave Maria), Song of the Sun, Im Himmelreich ein Haus Steht, Christ the Lord is Risen Again, Good Nature to Animals, Hymn to the Virgin, O Vos Omnes

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Voicing: SSAA Upper | 9142b | Songbook | $22.95

Philip Ledger (editor) : Anthems For Choirs 2 : SSAA : Songbook : 9780193532403

Philip Ledger (editor) : Anthems For Choirs 2

The two volumes Anthems for Choirs 2 and 3 form a comprehensive collection for soprano and alto voices ranging from the 13th century to the present day. They are suitable for cathedral, church, school, women's, girls', and boys' choirs. Volume 2 is devoted to unison and two-part anthems whilst Volume 3 comprises anthems in three or more parts and a set of five introits. Four new anthems have been specially commissioned from David Lord, John Rutter, Robert Sherlaw Johnson, and Phyllis Tate. With the exception of Christmas (most choir libraries already contain music for this festival) all seasons of the Church's year are represented in the collection. There are 24 anthems in each book.

Songlist: The Sorrows of my Heart, Christo Resurgenti, Lord What Love Have I, Duo Seraphim, Gaudent, O Salutaris, O Come Hither, The Lord is my Shepherd, Wash me Throughly, Litany to the Holy Spirit, I Will Always Give Thanks, Beatus Vir, Oculus Non Vidit, Close in my Breast, Give Ear Unto Me, The Souls of the Righteous, Abat Mater Dolorosa, Evening Hymn, O My God I Cry in the Daytime, Let Saints on Earth, Eins Bitte Ich Vom Herren, Come Ye Children, Sing We Merrily, The Song of the Tree of Life

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Voicing: SSAA | 9469b | Songbook | $22.95

Sarah Watts : Angel Voices: Feel Good Sacred Songs for SSA : SSA : Songbook & 1 CD : 50604814

Sarah Watts : Angel Voices: Feel Good Sacred Songs for SSA

Choirs will love the great tunes, fresh-sounding harmonies and relaxed rhythms that Sarah Watts weaves into her ten signature pieces in this fun collection. Enjoyment is guaranteed!

Songlist: Angel Voices Ever Singing, Morning Has Broken, St. Columba's Prayer, Infant Holy, Infant Lowly, Peace Is Like a Flowing River, God Is Love, Angels from the Realms of Glory, All Night, All Day, For the Beauty of the Earth, Jesus, Good Above All Other

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Voicing: SSA | 6741b | Songbook & 1 CD | $9.95

Stan Pethel : He Is Exalted (Collection) : SSA : Songbook : 073999416664 : 08741666

Stan Pethel : He Is Exalted (Collection)

Here's a dynamic collection tailored especially for women's voices as only Stan Pethel can arrange. He Is Exalted contains eight singable, easily-prepared, winning selections. This is a resource you'll use time and again with ensembles, women's choirs and trios. Available: SSA, ChoirTrax CD, Preview Cassette, Preview Pak.

Songlist: Find Us Faithful, Revive Us, O Lord, How Beautiful, Lord, I Lift Your Name On High, Glorify Thy Name, Thy Word, He Is Exalted, We Will Glorify, I Love You Lord

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Voicing: SSA | 4239b | Songbook | $5.95

Tarik O'Regan : Alleluia, Laus Et Gloria : SSA : Songbook : 884088440824 : 14001687

Tarik O'Regan : Alleluia, Laus Et Gloria

Alleluia, laus et gloria was commissioned by the BBC for the Pro Musica Girls' Choir of Hungary, winner of the 2003 Let the People Sing competition.

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Voicing: SSA | 5717b | Songbook | $5.50 | A Cappella

Tom Fettke : Ladies Classics : SSA : Songbook : MB-826

Tom Fettke : Ladies Classics

Here are 21 arrangements for SSA trios, ensembles or choirs, several with optional 4th part. Timeless worship statements in a variety of styles from classical to contemporary with fresh settings accessible to volunteer singers. Great resource to fill the need for specialized voicing material for ladies.

Songlist: A Mighty Fortress is Our God, And Can it Be?, Be Still and Know, Be Thou My Vision, Beautiful Savior, Bless the Lord, Blessed Be The Name, Finally Home, Glorious is Thy Name, Hallowed Be Thy Name, His Eye is On the Sparrow, How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings, I Am The Shepherd, I Sing the Mighty Power of God, I Want to Be Like Jesus, I Will Sing of My Redeemer, I Will Sing the Wondrous Story, Lord, Be Glorified, Lord, From Your Hand, No Other Lord, O Lord, Most Holy, Oh for A Thousand Tongues to Sing, Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven, The Lord is My Light, The Mighty Power of God, Your Love Compels Me

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Voicing: SSA | 1018b | Songbook | $8.95 | Some a cappella

Tom Fettke : Ladies Rejoice : SSA : Songbook : MB-535

Tom Fettke : Ladies Rejoice

This best selling collection for female voices includes 23 arrangements for ladies' choirs or ensembles. Includes contemporary and gospel favorites in attractive and practical arrangement. Some seasonal selections included. SSA, some with optional fourth part

Songlist: A Perfect Heart, Ceaseless Praise, Christlike Medley - He's Still Workin' on Me, Let the Beauty of Jesus be Seen in Me, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Forever, God Exalted Him, He Giveth More Grace, He Loved Me, Heaven's Jubilee, His Grace is Sufficient for Me, How Majestic is Your Name, I Will Glory in the Cross, I'm Climbing Up the Mountain, Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee - A Meditiation: Sun of My Soul, Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee, Fairest Lord Jesus, Lift Up A Song, Lord, Let me Serve - Medley: Lord, Let Me Serve, This Is My Prayer, Near the Cross, Proclaim the Glory of the Lord, Shut De Do, Ten Thousand Angels, The Birthday of a King, The Love of God, Victory in Jesus, We've Come, O Lord

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Voicing: SSA | 1020b | Songbook | $8.95 | Some a cappella

Tom Fettke : The Best of Tom Fettke for Women's Voices, Vol 1 : SSA : Songbook : 9780834178977

Tom Fettke : The Best of Tom Fettke for Women's Voices, Vol 1

For years, Tom Fettke has provided women's ensembles with beautiful arrangements for every season of the church year. In The Best of Tom Fettke for Women's Voices, Vol. 1, Tom has selected his favorite arrangements of artist songs, choral classics, southern gospel classics and even Christmas songs to make a wonderful collection that celebrates decades of his exemplary arranging for women's voices. The songs selected run the gambit of styles; from soaring ballads and quiet expressions of faith and trust, all the way to toe-tapping southern gospel! Every song in the book can be performed with the fully orchestrated accompaniment found on the Stereo Accompaniment CD, or you can choose to use the piano accompaniment in the book. Your women will love the collection of songs found in The Best of Tom Fettke for Women's Voices, Vol. 1, and will find many options for worship services and concerts throughout the year!

Songlist: Be Still and Know, Canticle of Praise (Medley), Coming Down, Good Old Gospel Singing (Medley), How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings, If Heaven Never Was Promised to Me, Lamb of God, Midnight Cry, People Need the Lord, Rejoice with Exceeding Great Joy, The Rock of Faith Is Jesus, Rose of Bethlehem, This World Is Not My Home

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Voicing: SSA | 1027b | Songbook | $8.95

Tom Fettke : Women Sing Great Hymns of the Faith : SSA : Songbook : 08766974

Tom Fettke : Women Sing Great Hymns of the Faith

This exciting collection of favorite hymns has been compiled and arranged especially for women's voices by the incomparable Tom Fettke. Singable and timeless, the songs in this resource are useful for trios, ensembles or full ladies chorus.

Songlist: Sing the Mighty Power of God, Jesus Saves!, All the Way My Savior Leads Me, Jesus Love Me, This I Know, All Creatures of Our God and King, Higher Ground, Praise Him! Praise Him!, I Must Tell Jesus, All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought, I Love Thee with More Love to Thee, Jesus Shall Reign, Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee, Crown Him With Many Crowns

More details
Voicing: SSA | 7033b | Songbook | $8.95 | Accompanied | Companion CD Available

Tom Fettke : Ladies Sing Christmas : SSA : Songbook : MC-543

Tom Fettke : Ladies Sing Christmas

Eighteen Christmas settings (fourteen full-length accompanied arrangements and four a cappella settings) create a treasury of useful materials for worship services, concerts, pageants, or other seasonal events. Includes ballads and up tempo numbers; classic carols and contemporary expressions. Arranged by Tom Fettke. The ultimate resource book for ladies trio, ensemble or choir.

Songlist: Angels, From the Realms of Glory, Bless That Wonderful Name, Child In the Manger, Come and See, Come Rejoicing!, Emmanuel, Emmanuel - Prince of Peace, Gloria, Gloria Deo, Go, Tell It on the Mountain, His Name Is Called Emmanuel, Holy Is the Lord, Hope Has Arrived, I Extol You, Immanuel, Immanuel, Jesus, O What a Wonderful Child, Jesus, the Light of the World, O Come, Let Us Adore Him, O Lord, Most Holy, Precious Promise, Saw You Never in the Twilight, Simple Worship, Sovereign Lord, That Beautiful Name, the Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy, There Is Hope, Thou Didst Leave Thy Thorne, Who Is This Child?, Wonderful Counselor

More details
Voicing: SSA | 7097b | Songbook | $8.95

Tom Fettke : Contemporary Praise for Ladies' Voices : SSA : Songbook : MB-889

Tom Fettke : Contemporary Praise for Ladies' Voices

Contemporary praise and worship for ladies' choir, ensemble, or trio. A rich and lively blend of favorite praise songs, contemporized hymns and fresh songs. Nineteen arrangements by Dennis Allen, Camp Kirkland, Russell Mauldin, Tom Fettke, and Michael Lawrence, including such titles as Bow the Knee; Desire of My Heart; The Call; We Fall Down; and many more.

Songlist: All Creature of Our God and King, Bow the Knee, Desire of My Heart, Forever, Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing), Heart of Worship Medley, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, New Mercies, O for a Thousand Voices to Sing, On My Cross, Sing Praises to God, Speechless, The Call, The Father's Song, The Lord is the Strength of My Life, There Is Joy Medley, Wait, We Fall Down, Are You My King

More details
Voicing: SSA | 7098b | Songbook | $8.95

Various Arrangers : Augsburg Choirbook for Women : SSAA : Songbook : 9780800620370

Various Arrangers : Augsburg Choirbook for Women

The Augsburg Choirbook for Women offers diverse musical selections for choirs of all ages and abilities from high school through adult. The high quality and yet accessible music in this volume will be useful to church, college and community choirs. The volume contains a cappella settings as well as gospel settings with piano and voicings from unison to SSAA. Composers include Nancy Grundahl, Carolyn Jennings, Anne Krentz Organ and Bruce Trinkley. This will be a wonderful addition to a choral library.

Songlist: Ah, Holy Jesus, Cold December's Winds Were Stilled, Come, Gracious Spirit, For The Beauty Of The Earth, How Can I Keep From Singing, The King Of Love My Shepard Is, Many In One, My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord, Nunc Dimittis, O Splendor Of God's Glory Bright, Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep, Tears Will Dry, Thou Shalt Know Him, Three German Carols, When I Survey The Wondrous Cross

More details
Voicing: SSAA | 9512b | Songbook | $9.95

Zoltan Kodaly : Choral Works for Children's and Female Choirs : Treble : Songbook : 073999110333 : 50511033

Zoltan Kodaly : Choral Works for Children's and Female Choirs

A collection of 75 pieces by noted composer and educator. Suitable for upper voices. Some are quite challenging while other pieces are simple and delightful.

Songlist: Hegyi ejszakak I-V, Jankovich Ferenc: Jelige, Nagyszalontai koszonto (konnyu letet), Nagyszalontai koszonto, Angyalkert - Kecskejatek, Angyalkert - Tyukozas, Angyalkert - Gyertyajatek, Angyalkert - Bent a barany, Angyalkert - Vasarosdi, Hat trefas kanon - Lencse, borso, kasa, Hat trefas kanon - Madarak voltunk, Hat trefas kanon - A leanyka szotalan, Hat trefas kanon - Tyukkergeto, Hat trefas kanon - Furdo utan, Hat trefas kanon - Mikor mentem misere, Szolmizalo kanon, A juhasz, Het konnyu gyeremekkar - Eva, szivem Eva, Het konnyu gyeremekkar - Falu vegen, Het konnyu gyeremekkar - Heja, Het konnyu gyeremekkar - Versenges, Het konnyu gyeremekkar - Ciroka, Het konnyu gyeremekkar - Jo gazd'asszony, Het konnyu gyeremekkar - Zolderdoben, Weores Sandor: Bekedal, Vargha Karoly dr: Az eneklo ifjusaghoz, Nyulacska, Katalinka, A csiko, Cu fol, lovam, and more

More details
Voicing: Treble | 7365b | Songbook | $23.95

Elektra Women's Choir : Choral Classics : SSAA : Sheet Music Collection

Elektra Women's Choir : Choral Classics

"Adam Lay Ybounden" was written originally for a small church choir, this piece takes the ancient text and sets it with a mystical angularity, but maintaining a beautiful sense of line. Includes a small soprano solo. Written for Elektra Women's Choir, this piece is now heard around the world. Using only the words "Ave Maria" this rhythmic and visionary work is suitable for women's or very advanced children's choir. "Missa Brevis" is a short mass setting for unaccompanied women's or treble choir consists of Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei. Although not technically demanding, the work requires sensitivity of phrasing and detailed attention to text and word stress. The heartfelt simplicity of expression underlines the inherent reverence and beauty of this liturgical text. Performance note: Missa Brevis can also be sung by a mixed chorus with tenors doubling sopranos and basses doubling altos. "Salve Regina" is one of the Catholic Church's four Marian antiphons, is set for unaccompanied women's choir and solo flute or solo soprano. With thick, luscious harmonies, this is a challenging piece of music, at times requiring 8-part divisi. The work requires a good sense of flow, attention to word stress and a convincing understanding of the piece's structure.

Songlist: Adam Lay Ybounden, Ave Maria, Missa Brevis, Salve Regina

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Performed by Elektra Women's Choir | 9713b | Sheet Music Collection | $8.50 | A Cappella

Javier Busto : SSAA Arrangements Vol. 1 : SSAA : Sheet Music Collection

Javier Busto : SSAA Arrangements Vol. 1

The beautiful choral writing of Javier Busto speaks to the heart. His "Ave Maria" is one of the great works, which permits a choir to perform to the fullest, emotionally as well as technically. A fine choice for a festival program. Composed for the Tapiola Choir, the theme for "For The Peace", describes in its three sections how provocation and violence are turned into understanding and peace.The Lord Is My Shepherd is an equally brilliant setting of the 23rd Psalm. Magnificat is perfect for your Children's Choir Christmas program!

Songlist: The Lord is My Shepherd, Bustapi (For The Peace), Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Magnificat

More details
Voicing: SSAA | 9085b | Sheet Music Collection | $6.98 | A Cappella

Javier Busto : SSAA Arrangements Vol. 2 : SSAA : Sheet Music Collection

Javier Busto : SSAA Arrangements Vol. 2

The popular latin text 'Laudate Dominum,' is brought to life in Javier Busto's brilliant setting. The graceful setting of 'Salve Regina' highlights the beauty of the female voice. For ambitious choirs, it would be an excellent concert or competition choice. The beautiful setting of 'Pupule Meus' will be enjoyed equally by the singers and audience alike!

Songlist: Salve Regina, Laudate Dominum

More details
Voicing: SSAA | 9086b | Sheet Music Collection | $5.98 | A Cappella

Linda Spevacek : Sacred Christmas Carols for SSA : SSA : Sheet Music Collection

Linda Spevacek : Sacred Christmas Carols for SSA

The vibrant, upbeat original, 'A Glad Noel' is a marvelous opener or change-of-pace selection. Its fanfare-like style and bright mood will inspire the joyous spirit of the season. Creative and charming, it is easy and accessible, yet sounds sophisticated, make it an ideal choice. 'A Jubilant Gloria' is an exceptional work that offers driving rhythmic excitement from its fanfare-like opening to its exhilarating conclusion. This sophisticated piece sings easily and sounds gloriously full. The new voicings of this best-selling arrangement of the Spanish Carol, 'Riu, Riu, Chiu,' include text options for English or Spanish. Tambourine and hand claps lend a festive, colorful flair. Whether performed with or without piano accompaniment, the limited ranges, repetitious form, and opportunities for solos yield built-in success for holiday programs.

Songlist: A Glad Noel, A Jubilant Gloria, Riu, Riu, Chiu

More details
Voicing: SSA | 9506b | Sheet Music Collection | $5.95 | A Cappella

Randall Thompson : A Cappella Compositions for Women's Voices : SSAA : Sheet Music Collection

Randall Thompson : A Cappella Compositions for Women's Voices

Five choral works by one of the master's of 20th century American choral music. Randall Thompson's Alleluia. Since 1940, this classic of classics has become one of the nation's most-often performed choral works. Rare is the church, school, community, or professional choir that has not sung it. The masterful construction and simplicity of text (Alleluia, Amen) make the Alleluia suitable for almost any choir for almost any occasion. "The Gate of Heaven" was composed for the dedication of the Jessie Ball duPont Chapel, Hollins College, Virginia, 1959. It is particularly suitable for the dedication of religious buildings. "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" In response to a complaint from his students about having to use Latin texts, Dr. Thompson composed this motet at the blackboard for his class in modal counterpoint. The text is the familiar bedtime prayer from The New England Primer. "Pueri Hebraeorum" was composed in 1928 for the Wellesley College Choir, when the enrollment grew to twice the size the chancel could accommodate. The choirs sang back and forth from opposite ends of the chapel. Jacob Handl's Haec Dies had suggested the pattern for eight-part chorus. The voice parts may be doubled by two quartets of similar instruments. The text is in Latin. Particularly suitable for Palm Sunday. "Rosemary", the name of Thampson's daughter, was commission by the Women's University Glee Club of New York and is based on a cycle of American verse. Any one of these compositions would make an interesting and rewarding addition to a women's choir repertoire.

Songlist: Alleluia, The Gate of Heaven, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, Pueri Hebraeorum, Rosemary

More details
Voicing: SSAA | 9163b | Sheet Music Collection | $14.98 | A Cappella

Various Arrangers : Sacred Christmas Carols for Women's Voices : SSAA : Sheet Music Collection

Various Arrangers : Sacred Christmas Carols for Women's Voices

Joan Szymko's 3 part arrangement of 'Ave Maria' is beautiful and moving. It is simple, yet profound. Her arrangement also comes with a helpful phonunciation and translation guide. The text of the 'Magnificat' depicts the scene when the Angel Gabriel came to Mary to tell her of the good news that she has been chosen to bear the son of God. This touching moment is captured in the opening plainchant and polyphony, Mary's joy is unveiled in the ensuing dance-like figuration which follows. Another gem by Joan Symko, Hodie, opens with the soprano section, adding the rest of the choir at measure 12. This vigorous take on the Vespers Aniphon is a great addition to your womens choir's holiday concert. David V. Montoya's 'Ave Maria' is written for 4 part women's voices and it is not to be missed. A contemporary version in english, this arrangement's soprano line could easily lend itself well to either a soloist or a group of sopranos. J. Edmund Hughes' arrangement of 'Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming' is quite different than most arrangements of this tune out there. It incorporates a nice solo in the alto line to be sung inbetween the typical verses. The 'background vocals' singing the typical harmonies start out with 3 parts, then grow to 6 parts by the end. This is an exquisite arrangement!

Songlist: Ave Maria, Magnificat, Hodie, Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming

More details
Voicing: SSAA | 9459b | Sheet Music Collection | $5.45 | A Cappella

Individual Folios

Displaying 1-50 of 82 items.

Adeste Fideles : SSA : John Purifoy : Sheet Music Collection : 00117956 : 884088891053

John Purifoy : Adeste Fideles

Here is a stately setting of the traditional hymn with four stanzas in Latin (with optional English verses) that will be accessible and very useful for many Christmas programs and services. Optional strings. Available separately: SATB, SAB, SSA, ChoirTrax CD. String parts (vln 1, vln 2, vla, vcl, bs) available as a digital download. Duration: 3:05.

Arranger: John Purifoy

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.15 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00117956 | Choirtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SAB

Adiemus : SA : Karl Jenkins : Karl Jenkins : Sheet Music : 48023769 : 888680612672

Karl Jenkins : Adiemus

The major work Songs of Sanctuary (of which Adiemus is the first movement) was conceived in the European classical tradition. However, the words are invented and conceived to simulate tribal sounds. Already one of the world's most popular works, this new SA voicing of the opening movement will allow directors and singers to explore pure sounds and raw emotions in the music. Strings and percussion available on rental from Boosey & Hawkes.

Composer: Karl Jenkins

More details
Voicing: SA | Sheet Music | $1.95 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48023769

Adoramus Te : SSA : David Hicken : David Hicken : Sheet Music : 08748829 : 884088241261

David Hicken : Adoramus Te

Gentle arpeggios form the harmonic underlay for the rich and soaring vocal lines of this setting of traditional Latin. A wonderful selection for treble choirs from middle school and up and ideal for contest and festival! Duration: ca. 3:20.

Composer: David Hicken

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08748829

Agnus Dei : SSA : Ryan R. Brechmacher : Ryan R. Brechmacher : Sheet Music : GIA8802 : 785147880202

Ryan R. Brechmacher : Agnus Dei

"Agnus Dei" is a standard Latin text from the Mass, and is part of the Ordinary (the five or six sections of the Mass that remain the same from day to day). With the repetition of the first line of text, the heartfelt prayer of petition and yearning is in three parts. This setting follows the tradition of using similar music for the first two statements, with some contrast in the music for the concluding "dona nobis pacem."

Composer: Ryan R. Brechmacher

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.40 | Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| GIA8802

Agnus Dei : SSA : Ivo Antognini : Ivo Antognini : Sheet Music : 35029593 : 884088987947 : 1480371211

Ivo Antognini : Agnus Dei

Swiss composer Ivo Antognini has created a beautiful and transparent setting of this standard text of mercy and peace. At times sounding like Gregorian chant and at other times completely contemporary. Project Encore has found this work to be of exceptional merit. Its panel of internationally known conductors has selected the work for inclusion in its database of recommended choral music.

Composer: Ivo Antognini

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35029593

Agnus Dei : SSA : Jerry Weseley Harris : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Sheet Music : 00-LG51305 : 783556004882

Jerry Weseley Harris : Agnus Dei

Arranger: Jerry Weseley Harris | Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Country: Germany

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-LG51305

Agnus Dei : SSA : John Leavitt : John Leavitt : Sheet Music : 00124312 : 884088966096

John Leavitt : Agnus Dei

Opening andante espressivo over a ground bass, this deeply emotional setting of the Agnus Dei is infused with hopefulness and warmth. Together with the companion movements Kyrie and Gloria, this work will enhance concert programs and worship services from high school through adult. Perform with keyboard or the optional chamber orchestra. Duration: ca. 2:45

Composer: John Leavitt

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00124312 | Choirtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB

Agnus Dei : SSA : Brian Lewis : Sheet Music : 00-23910 : 038081260389

Brian Lewis : Agnus Dei

This lyrical setting of the traditional Latin text overflows with warm harmonies and expressive melodic lines. Developing mixed and treble choirs will achieve a polished sound and appreciate an enriching musical experience. Accomplishable A-B-A form.

Arranger: Brian Lewis

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.65 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-23910
Other Voicings: SATB, SAB

Agnus Dei : SSA : John Leavitt : Sheet Music : 00-38038 : 038081425108

John Leavitt : Agnus Dei

This, the stirring final movement from John Leavitt's world-famous Missa Festiva, is presented in newly engraved octavos, available for all choirs. A superb new chamber orchestration enhances the musical texture and color of this captivating modal work.

Arranger: John Leavitt

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.80 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-38038
Other Voicings: 2-Part, SATB, SAB

Agnus Dei : SSA : Rollo Dilworth : Rollo Dilworth : Sheet Music : 00325473 : 888680986469

Rollo Dilworth : Agnus Dei

Accessible concert music with energy and excitement are the hallmarks of Rollo Dilworth's music. This is perfect for the concert stage or the sanctuary.

Arranger: Rollo Dilworth | Composer: Rollo Dilworth

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00325473 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB

Agnus Dei : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08703393 : 884088535889

Audrey Snyder : Agnus Dei

Set in a gentle 3/4 meter, this beautiful setting of the familiar Latin text offers younger and developing choirs an opportunity to build important performance skills through legato phrasing and expressive contemporary harmonies. Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, SSA. Duration: ca. 1:45.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08703393 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, 3-Part, SATB, 3-Part

An Evening Collect : SA : Simon Lole : Simon Lole : Sheet Music : 00121521 : 884088924485

Simon Lole : An Evening Collect

An expressive setting of the Collect for Compline, this short anthem for treble voices creates a reflective and spiritual mood for worship or sacred concert performances.

Composer: Simon Lole

More details
Voicing: SA | Sheet Music | $1.95 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00121521

Aurora Lucis Rutilat : SSA : Andrea Ramsey : Sheet Music : 48023321 : 888680033217

Andrea Ramsey : Aurora Lucis Rutilat

With a text taken from a 4th century Latin hymn, this fiery anthem explores the contrast between heaven and hell in a contemporary neoclassical style. An exciting and powerful concert opener, and especially ideal for a reverberant performance space! With opt. string quartet.

Arranger: Andrea Ramsey

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48023321 | Digital Version Available

Beautiful Savior : SSA : Julie Knowles : Sheet Music : 41702013 : 073999605969

Julie Knowles : Beautiful Savior

A simple, effective setting of the famous hymn. Available: SSA.

Arranger: Julie Knowles

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.65 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 41702013

Benedictus : SSA : Melissa Malvar-Keylock : Sheet Music : 00117663 : 884088889401

Melissa Malvar-Keylock : Benedictus

Introduce your treble choirs to the glorious sounds of the Renaissance with this short a cappella work by Sixtus Dietrich, who composed sacred and secular works in 16th century Germany.

Arranger: Melissa Malvar-Keylock

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00117663

Benedictus : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00117718 : 884088890100

Audrey Snyder : Benedictus

Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord. Set in an expressive 3/4 meter, the Latin text and carefully crafted vocal textures create a wonderful harmonic work. Ideal concert/festival use, it may be performed with keyboard only or with the optional strings and brass of the chamber orchestration. Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, SSA. Instrument parts available as a digital download (tpt 1, tpt 2, euph, tbn 1, tbn 2, vln 1, vln 2, vla, vc, db). Duration: ca. 2:15.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00117718 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SAB, SAB, SATB

Benedictus (Blessed is He) (from Mass to St. Aloysius) : SSA : Walter Ehret : Johann Michael Haydn : Sheet Music : W5032

Walter Ehret : Benedictus (Blessed is He) (from Mass to St. Aloysius)

Arranger: Walter Ehret | Composer: Johann Michael Haydn

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.60 | Keyboard |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| W5032

Breath of Heaven : SSA : Roger Emerson : Amy Grant : Amy Grant : Sheet Music : 08595537 : 073999955378

Roger Emerson : Breath of Heaven

The miracle of Christmas is expressively portrayed through the peaceful, reflective atmosphere of this lovely song recorded by Amy Grant. Available: SATB, SAB, SSA, ShowTrax CD. Performance Time: Approx. 5:15.

Arranger: Roger Emerson | Composer: Amy Grant Performed By: Amy Grant

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08595537 | Showtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SAB, SATB, 2-Part

Brightest and Best : SSAA : Shawn Kirchner : Sheet Music : 48024507 : 888680897024

Shawn Kirchner : Brightest and Best

Now available for SSAA, this lively arrangement of the early American hymn tune STAR IN THE EAST has a stylized banjo-inspired piano accompaniment. Optional fiddle and string bass part, along with an altered piano part are included in the back of the choral score. There is also a full score and set of parts available for solo violin, violin, viola, cello and bass.

Arranger: Shawn Kirchner

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $3.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48024507
Other Voicings: TTBB, SATB

Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella : SSA : Shawn Kirchner : Sheet Music : 48024508 : 888680897031

Shawn Kirchner : Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella

This lively French carol form the 17th century is skillfully set to be accompanied by Flute, Oboe, Violin and Piano. All the women sing verse one in unison with each verse expanding, dividing and introducing a beautiful polyphonic final verse.

Arranger: Shawn Kirchner | Country: France

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48024508

Cantate Domino : SSA : Laura Farnell : Laura Farnell : Sheet Music : 08747426 : 884088204907

Laura Farnell : Cantate Domino

Opening with a jubilant vocal pyramid, this vibrant selection is perfect for competition and honor choir performances. Easily learned Latin phrases alternate with English for an exceptionally rewarding choral experience. A fantastic opener! Duration: 1:40. Available separately: TTB and SSA.

Composer: Laura Farnell

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08747426 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: TTB, TTB

Cantate Domino! Alleluia! : SSA : Cristi Cary Miller : Cristi Cary Miller : Sheet Music : 08703170 : 073999252583

Cristi Cary Miller : Cantate Domino! Alleluia!

This marvelous contemporary concert work is energetic, exciting and an excellent treble showcase. Available: SSA. Performance Time: Approx. 2:30.

Composer: Cristi Cary Miller

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.20 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08703170

Cantate et Exultate : SA : Ken Berg : Sheet Music : 00114513 : 884088874681

Ken Berg : Cantate et Exultate

With a text based on Psalm 147, this delightful work for treble choir is composed in a neoclassical style with dancing imitative melodies and contrapuntal lines. The contrasting B section is legato and in the relative minor, before the final recapitulation. Easily-learned Latin text and English.

Arranger: Ken Berg

More details
Voicing: SA | Sheet Music | $2.65 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00114513 | Digital Version Available

Cantate Hodie! (Sing on This Day!) : SSA : John Purifoy : John Purifoy : Sheet Music : 00142993 : 888680052287

John Purifoy : Cantate Hodie! (Sing on This Day!)

This buoyant sacred work will be an excellent and accessible work for contest, festival and sacred concert performance, with a rhythmic and lively refrain contrasted with a somewhat more lyrical section.

Composer: John Purifoy

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00142993 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: 3-Part, 3-Part

Carillon : SSAA : Stephen Hatfield : Sheet Music : 48019683 : 884088208349

Stephen Hatfield : Carillon

A unique pairing of Latin text (taken from a bell inscription) and the percussive beats of African drumming, Carillon is full of rhythmic excitement, call-and-response singing, and relentless energy.

Arranger: Stephen Hatfield

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48019683

Confitemini Domino : SSA : Patti Drennan : Patti Drennan : Sheet Music : 08749631 : 884088311407

Patti Drennan : Confitemini Domino

Fanfare-like choral textures give a rhythmic exuberance to this exciting concert work. Set mostly in a buoyant 6/8, slight shifts in meter, accent and dynamics add interest without adding difficulty, making this a fine choice for festival and contest performances. Duration: ca. 1:50.

Composer: Patti Drennan

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.20 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08749631 | Digital Version Available

Creation's Song : SSA : Melissa Malvar-Keylock : Melissa Malvar-Keylock : Sheet Music : 00140670 : 888680040567

Melissa Malvar-Keylock : Creation's Song

This contemporary setting of lyrics from an ancient medieval hymn create an uplifting and joyful showcase for treble voices. An excellent choice for contest, festival and sacred concerts!

Composer: Melissa Malvar-Keylock

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00140670

Da Pacem, Domine : SSAA : Mary Goetze : Sheet Music : 48004007 : 073999540482

Mary Goetze : Da Pacem, Domine

This canon at the fourth has the simplest melodic material, which when combined in two and four voices achieves an interesting and contrapuntal effect. It can provide students an easy entrance into the flavor of the simple four-part music which sounds much more complex than it is.

Arranger: Mary Goetze

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $2.50 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48004007

Dona Nobis Pacem : SSA : Richard A. Williamson : Richard A. Williamson : Sheet Music : 35029216 : 884088946999 : 1480354112

Richard A. Williamson : Dona Nobis Pacem

This familiar Latin text is set for women or 3-part treble voices in a simple setting that allows singers to interpret the music by the rise and fall of the musical lines, the rubato style, expressive dissonance, and dynamic opportunities. Beautiful in performance, it is also a wonderful teaching piece for a variety of ages.

Composer: Richard A. Williamson

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35029216

Dona Nobis Pacem (from <I>Missa Brevis,</I> K. 259) : SSA : Patrick Liebergen : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Sheet Music : 00-OCT9817 : 029156911190

Patrick Liebergen : Dona Nobis Pacem (from Missa Brevis, K. 259)

Patrick Liebergen provides us with a very singable edition of this Mozart masterpiece from Missa Brevis. Both Latin and English texts are provided. Add the optional flute part to enhance your performance. Ideal for concert, festival, or contest usage.

Arranger: Patrick Liebergen | Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Country: Germany

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-OCT9817
Other Voicings: SAB

Dona Nobis Pacem (from Missa S. Leopoldi) : SSA : Patrick Liebergen : Sheet Music : 08742756 : 073999427561

Patrick Liebergen : Dona Nobis Pacem (from Missa S. Leopoldi)

This work written in 1805 by Michael Haydn is an excellent introduction to classical style for treble ensembles. Ideal for contest or concert, the work calls for legato lines and expressive singing and features an optional solo at the beginning as well as two optional flutes. Available: SSA .

Arranger: Patrick Liebergen

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08742756

Exultate Justi : SSA : Russell Robinson : Sheet Music : 08748688 : 884088238667

Russell Robinson : Exultate Justi

Here is the famous Psalm 33 motet by Lodovico Grossi da Viadana adapted for younger ensembles. This composition is written in the typical Renaissance style of motets (a cappella sacred works) and madrigals (a cappella secular works).

Arranger: Russell Robinson

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.70 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08748688
Other Voicings: SAB

Fanfare and March on Gloria! : SSA : Patti Drennan : Patti Drennan : Sheet Music : 00110209 : 884088860592

Patti Drennan : Fanfare and March on Gloria!

Following a short a cappella vocal fanfare, this exuberant work transitions into a lively 12/8 theme with full vocal textures and rich harmonies. The middle section is a contrasting slower 4/4 legato followed by the return to the original theme and a glorious conclusion. Ideal for school, community and sacred concerts! Available separately: SATB, SSA. Duration: ca. 2:40.

Composer: Patti Drennan

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00110209 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB

Festival Gloria : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08749660 : 884088312800

Audrey Snyder : Festival Gloria

Rhythmic energy and bright mixed meters give this Latin setting a colorful quality that will keep your choir and audience fully engaged. After a contrasting middle legato section, the main theme comes back and builds to a fantastic conclusion. Easily learned and impressive in performance! Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part. Duration: ca. 2:00.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.70 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08749660 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, 3-Part, 3-Part, SATB

Fragments from the Mass : SSAA : Emma Lou Diemer : Emma Lou Diemer : Sheet Music : 00007605 : 073999076059

Emma Lou Diemer : Fragments from the Mass

(Diemer) SSAA

Composer: Emma Lou Diemer

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00007605

Gesu Bambino : SSA : Mac Huff : Sheet Music : 08750084 : 884088365288

Mac Huff : Gesu Bambino

The buoyant and joyful song by Pietro Yon is set in sparkling style for SSA voices! This treasured melody is known and loved the world over and will make a marvelous treble choir addition to Christmas concerts! Available for SSA, Piano and Flute. Flute part included in choral octavo. Duration: ca. 4:15.

Arranger: Mac Huff

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08750084

Gloria : SSA : John Leavitt : John Leavitt : Sheet Music : 08703420 : 884088632410

John Leavitt : Gloria

Alternating between a dance-like 6/8 and a more tranquil 2/2 meter, this buoyant setting of the Gloria of the Latin mass is a fresh and contemporary work that will absolutely delight your audience! Whether you perform it with piano or with the sparkling chamber orchestration, this will become a welcome addition to the choral repertoire! Available separately: SATB, SSA, ChoirTrax CD. Chamber Orchestra score and parts available as a printed edition and as a digital download (fl 1-2, ob, cl 1-2, bn, perc 1-2-3, hp, vn 1-2, va, vc, db). Duration: ca. 4:00.

Composer: John Leavitt

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.95 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08703420
Other Voicings: TTBB, SATB, SATB

Gloria in Excelsis Deo : SSA : John Purifoy : John Purifoy : Sheet Music : 08751173 : 884088478087

John Purifoy : Gloria in Excelsis Deo

A brilliant choral fanfare, this vibrant work resounds with rhythmic energy and joy. A marvelous opener for concert performances! Available separately: SATB, SAB, SSA. Duration: ca. 2:00.

Composer: John Purifoy

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08751173 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SAB, SATB, SAB

Gloria in Excelsis Deo! : SSA : Cristi Cary Miller : Cristi Cary Miller : Sheet Music : 08744682 : 073999647358

Cristi Cary Miller : Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Mixed meter adds to the excitement in this new setting of the familiar text. Great for contest or festival use. Fun to sing! Performance Time: Approx. 2:25

Composer: Cristi Cary Miller

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.60 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08744682

 : SSA : Patrick Liebergen : Sheet Music : 08743645 : 073999436457

Patrick Liebergen : Glory to God in the Highest (Ehre Sei Gott in der Höhe)

Originally set for voices with cornetts, strings and continuo as accompaniment, this new edition by Patrick Liebergen uses two optional flutes for color. The SSA voicing is a perfect way to introduce your women's choirs to the music of the Classical period.Available separately: SAB and SSA. Performance Time: Approx. 1:55.

Arranger: Patrick Liebergen

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.65 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08743645

His Eye Is on the Sparrow : SSA : Roger Emerson : Sheet Music : 08595463 : 073999954630

Roger Emerson : His Eye Is on the Sparrow

A warm, contemporary setting of a standard song loved by many. The vocal writing is smooth and appealing. This anthem works well throughout the year. The optional accompaniment cassette contains a full orchestration beautifully scored. Truly inspirational. Available: SATB, SAB, SSA, ShowTrax Cassette.

Arranger: Roger Emerson

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.65 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08595463
Other Voicings: SATB

Hodie! : SSA : John Leavitt : Sheet Music : 08602125 : 073999259001

John Leavitt : Hodie!

Utilizing a traditional Latin text, fiery piano accompaniment and mixed meters, John Leavitt's popular festival piece is challenging, but definitely worth the extra effort. Use the optional percussion to further intensify this dramatic Christmas anthem. Available: SATB, SSA, TTBB. Performance Time: Approx. 2:50.

Arranger: John Leavitt

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08602125 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, TTBB, TTBB, SATB

In Memoriam : SSAA : Bruno Coulais : Bruno Coulais : Sheet Music : 08744849 : 073999861853

Bruno Coulais : In Memoriam

From the French film The Chorus, this setting of the Latin text from the requiem mass features a powerful vocal accompaniment chanting Kyrie eleison while treble solo voice soars above. Performance Time: Approx. 3:20

Composer: Bruno Coulais | Country: France

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08744849

Kadiq : SSA : Francisco J. Nunez : Sheet Music : 48005173 : 073999051735

Francisco J. Nunez : Kadiq

A beautifully unique work, this setting features a 19th century children's poem which unfolds into an imaginative combination of the Latin canon Dona nobis pacem with the ancient Hebrew Sim shalom and the Arabic Saalam, kadiq (peace, brother). For SSA chorus, 2-Part children's choir (or soloists) and piano. Recorded by the Young People's Chorus of New York City; Fransciso J. Nuñez, Artistic Director.

Arranger: Francisco J. Nunez

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48005173

Kadosh/Benedictus : SSA : Lee Kesselman : Sheet Music : 48018972 : 073999639889

Lee Kesselman : Kadosh/Benedictus

In a world filled with intense divisions of faith, we often forget our common ancestors, the common pillars of our religious heritage. In this work, the composer has mixed the Hebrew and Latin texts of the Sanctus and Benedictus texts, which derive from the Old Testament.

Arranger: Lee Kesselman

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48018972

Kyrie : SSA : Arkadi Serper : Sheet Music : 00123673 : 884088961312

Arkadi Serper : Kyrie

From the Mozart Missa Brevis K.275, this delightful work has been adapted for treble voices. An excellent introduction to Classical era style and performance practice!

Arranger: Arkadi Serper

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00123673

Kyrie & Gloria from Missa Brevis : SSAA : Kristina Vasiliauskaite : Kristina Vasiliauskaite : Sheet Music : SBMP263 : 964807002639

Kristina Vasiliauskaite : Kyrie & Gloria from Missa Brevis

Composer: Kristina Vasiliauskaite

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $2.05 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| SBMP263

Kyrie Eleison : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08750861 : 884088468910

Audrey Snyder : Kyrie Eleison

With her sensitive approach to voice leading and passion for tension/resolution, Audrey Snyder has created a choral masterpiece with her setting of the Latin text Kyrie Eleison. Program with her Festival Gloria for an awe-inspiring set. Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed. SSA. Duration: 2:00.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.15 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08750861 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, 3-Part, SATB, 3-Part

Laetatus Sum : SSAA : Nicola Porpora : Nicola Porpora : Sheet Music : 08596799 : 884088611880

Nicola Porpora : Laetatus Sum

This 8-minute Latin setting of Psalm 121 for women's voices will be an excellent choice for honor choirs, college groups and better high school ensembles. The Baroque composer Nicola Porpora is well known for his florid style. Perform with keyboard or with chamber orchestra on rental from Theodore Presser. Duration: ca. 7:30.

Composer: Nicola Porpora

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596799

Laudate Pueri Dominum (Lord, Now We Praise Your Name) : SSA : Henry Leck : Sheet Music : 08596737 : 073999480627

Henry Leck : Laudate Pueri Dominum (Lord, Now We Praise Your Name)

Treble voices will shine with this 6-minute work by Michael Haydn. Bold thematic statements and contrapuntal lines and a dance-like alleluia coda give this work appropriate challenge as well as making it a wonderful introduction to the music of the classical era. Latin and English texts.

Arranger: Henry Leck

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596737

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