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Sacred Choral Arrangements for Mixed Voices

A selection of both modern and classical sacred music arranged for mixed harmony voices

Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media

Displaying 1-60 of 137 items.

Alan Bullard : Wondrous Cross : SATB : Songbook : 9780193379893

Alan Bullard : Wondrous Cross

Wondrous Cross is a reflective work suitable for church or concert choirs at Passiontide. Bullard skilfully weaves the traditional Seven Last Words of Christ with linking biblical passages, 3 well-known hymns, and settings of 4 well-known sacred texts, including 'Drop, drop, slow tears' and 'Ave verum corpus' (both of which may be sung as independent motets) to create a moving and at times dramatic work. The short solos are perfectly suited to members of the choir, and strings (quartet, quintet, or ensemble) may optionally join the organ or piano in the accompaniment. If performed liturgically, the work may be interspersed with prayers and readings. The result is a flexible and striking work that re-presents this timeless story for a modern audience. String parts and full scores are available to hire from the Music Hire Library.

Songlist: Prelude, The First Words, There is a green hill far away, The Second Words, The Third Words, When my love to God grows weak, The Fourth Words, Drop, drop, slow tears, Were You There?, The Fifth Words, Ave verum corpus, The Sixth Words, God so loved the world, The Seventh Words, In the departure of the Lord, When I survey the Wondrous Cross

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Voicing: SATB | 40540b | Songbook | $13.75

Anton Bruckner : The Great Unaccompanied Motets : SATB : Songbook : 9780571517640 : 12-0571517641

Anton Bruckner : The Great Unaccompanied Motets

The a cappella classics Christus Factus est and Locus iste are central to this collection featuring the best of Bruckner's outstanding output for unaccompanied choir. These pieces are among the most enduring choral masterworks of the 19th century. Simon Halsey's performing edition includes an informative introduction, keyboard reductions for rehearsal and English translations of the Latin texts for reference.

Songlist: Tantum Ergo, Pange, Lingua, Locus Iste, Os Justi, Christus Factus Est, Virga Jesse

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Voicing: SATB | 7321b | Songbook | $6.95 | A Cappella

Arvo Part : Collected Choral Works : SATB : Songbook : 978-3-7024-6616-9 : UE033880

Arvo Part : Collected Choral Works

This new anthology of Part's choral works replaces the earlier one published in 1999. It is even more representative of Part's work, not only because of the recent additions, but because of the very welcome decision to include two selections from his major a cappella work, Kanon Pokajanen. The revised selection is also carefully geared towards the music represented on three CDs, all of which were recorded in consultation with the composer. introduced by Paul Hillier.

Songlist: Arvo Part, Observation on the Performance of Arvo Part's choral music, Bemerkungen zur Auffuhrungspraxis der Chorwerke Arvo Parts, Remarques sur l'interpretation des oeuvres chorales d'Arvo Part, Werkvezeichnis- List of Works- Catalogue des oeuvres, An den Wassen zu Babel saben wir und weinten, Beatus Petronius, Cantate Domino canticum novum, Da Pacem, Domine, De profundis, Dopo la vittoria, Gebet nach dem Kanon, I Am the True Vine, Littlemore Tractus, Magnificat, Memento (Ode VII), Missa syllabica (a cappella), Most Holy Mother of God, Nunc dimittis, Salve Regina, Sieben Magnificat- Anthiphonen, Solfeggio, Statuit ei Dominus, Triodion, Veni creator, Which Was the Son of ..., Zwei slawische Psalmen

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Voicing: SATB | 8735b | Songbook | $49.95 | A Cappella

Barry Rose : Sing, Precious Music : SATB : Songbook : 884088424671 : 1847722962 : 14030308

Barry Rose : Sing, Precious Music

Selected and edited by Barry Rose, Sing, Precious Music is a superb collection of nine anthems written between the 1960s and today, one newly published in this volume: all by noteworthy composers if choral works, all memorable, suitable for concert as well as liturgical use, and all within the capabilities of the modern mixed choir, large or small. A Choral Advisor to Novello since 1999, Barry Rose has been associated with many forms of choral music for over sixty years. The Novello Choral Programme is the creation of a panel of advisers preeminent in the British music scene. The aim is to publish essential editions from the best of the wealth of existing choral music, ancient and modern, while widening the repertoire with exciting new composers and new trends in music making.

Songlist: Feast song for Saint Cecilia, Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, Harvest Anthem, I love all beauteous things, I saw three ships, Let all the world, The praises of the Trinity, Rejoice and be merry, There is no rose

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Voicing: SATB | 5114b | Songbook | $19.95

Barry Rose : More Than Hymns 2 : SATB : Songbook : 884088447151 : 0711993947 : 14021853

Barry Rose : More Than Hymns 2

More Than Hymns is a two-volume collection of anthems for mixed voice choirs featuring extended arrangements of existing hymn tunes, together with original anthem-style settings of the texts of several well known hymns. Of the seventeen works in this second volume, seven are published here for the first time, including new pieces by composers of today: John Barnard, Indra Hughes, Stephen Jackson, Bryan Kelly, Barry Rose and Gavin Williams. The texts cover many seasons of the church's year - Advent, Lent, Passiontide, Easter, Communion, Evensong and more.

Songlist: Be Still, For The Presence Of The Lord, Come Down, O Love Divine, Crossing The Bar, Forty Days And Forty Nights, Hail, Gladdening Light, Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face To Face, King Of Glory, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Lord Of All Hopefulness, Lord Of The Dance, Love's Redeeming Work Is Done, Morning Glory, Starlit Sky, My Dancing Day, Now Is The Bitter Time, O Sons And Daughters Let Us Sing!, Thou Art The Way, Christ Be With You

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Voicing: SATB | 7853b | Songbook | $19.95

Barry Rose : More Than Psalms : SATB : Songbook : 884088464950 : 0711997748 : 14021854

Barry Rose : More Than Psalms

An excellent compilation of twenty-four anthems for Mixed Voice Choirs featuring texts taken from the Psalms, featuring new works and performing editions published for the first time. The anthology spans four centuries and includes material by many of the greatest composers of English choral music, including William Harris, Herbert Howells, Samuel Sebastian Wesley and Bernard Rose.

Songlist: Behold, O God Our Defender, Turn Thee Again, O Lord, Enter Not Into Judgement, God Is Gone Up With A Merry Noise, I Am Thine, O Save Me, I Love The Lord, I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, Jubilate (O Be Joyful In The Lord), Let My Prayer, Lord, I Call Upon Thee, Lord, I Have Loved The Habitation Of Thy House, Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Refuge, O Be Joyful In The Lord, O Hearken Thou, O Lord Our Governor, O Praise God In His Holiness, O Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem, O Sing Unto The Lord, Praise The Lord, My Soul, Sing We Merrily Unto God Our Strength, The Eyes Of All Wait Upon Thee, O Lord, The Lord Is My Shepeherd, The Lord Is My Shepeherd, Cast Me Not Away From Thy Presence

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Voicing: SATB | 7854b | Songbook | $29.95

Barry Rose : More Than Hymns : SATB : Songbook : 884088425463 : 0711988803 : 14021852

Barry Rose : More Than Hymns

More Than Hymns is a two-volume collection of anthems for mixed voice choirs featuring extended arrangements of existing hymn tunes, together with original anthem-style settings of the texts of several well known hymns. Of the sixteen works in this first volume, six are published here for the first time, including new arrangements by composers of today: Malcolm Archer, Rogers Covey-Crump, John Joubert, Barry Rose and Gavin Williams. The texts cover many seasons of the church's year - Advent, Epiphany, Passiontide, Easter, Ascension, as well as celebratory occasions such as festival services and weddings.

Songlist: A Hymn For St. Cecilia, When I Needed A Neighbour Were You There?, Brightest And Best, Fight The Good Fight With All Thy Might, For The Beauty Of The Earth, Here I Am Lord, Jesus Is The Brightest Light, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Let All The World In Ev'ry Corner Sing, O Perfect Love, Rejoice The Lord Is King, Sweet Consolation, There Is A Green Hill Far Away, There's A Wideness In God's Mercy, This Joyful Eastertide, Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

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Voicing: SATB | 7855b | Songbook | $19.95

Bob Chilcott : Advent Antiphons : SSAATTBB : Songbook : Bob Chilcott : 9780193433366 : 9780193433366

Bob Chilcott : Advent Antiphons

Composed for the Reykjavik Cathedral Choir's "Solo Dei Gloria" Festival in 2004, Advent Antiphons is an exquisite concert setting of the Great O Antiphons. Traditionally chanted or sung between 17 and 23 December, the Antiphons comprise seven brief prayers which proceed in sequence, charting events from before Creation through to the birth of Christ. The powerful sentiments conveyed in these texts are brought to the fore in Chilcott's masterful writing for double choir; he embroiders a beautifully textured work in which echoes of plainchant combine with richly expressive harmony. In the third and fifth movements, the composer instructs the individual sopranos and altos in each choir to sing their parts in their own rhythm, to entrancing effect. Without doubt, this is some of Chilcott's finest music to date; subtle yet potent, haunting, and uplifting.

Songlist: O Sapientia, O Adonai, O Radix Jesse, O Clavis David, O Oriens, O Rex Gentium, O Emmanuel

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Voicing: SSAATTBB | 9347b | Songbook | $12.75 | A Cappella

Bob Chilcott : Anthems : SATB : Songbook : Bob Chilcott : 9780193530898

Bob Chilcott : Anthems

These anthems by Andrew Carter, Bob Chilcott, and John Rutter contain ten of their most popular pieces to date. The anthems have been carefully selected to be both approachable to a wide range of choirs and appropriate to the needs of today's liturgy. Together, these collections offer an unrivalled choice of text, style, and scoring, which will make them indispensible and treasured additions to any choir library.

Songlist: And Thank Him Then, Be Thou My Vision, even Such Is Time, God Loved So The World, If Ye Love Me, Irish Blessing, Just As I Am, Song From Jubilate, Sweet Prospect, Walk Softly

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Voicing: SATB | 9349b | Songbook | $15.75 | Accompanied

Brian Kay : The Greatest Choral Classics : SATB : Songbook : 884088426316 : 0711988315 : 14013297

Brian Kay : The Greatest Choral Classics

Brought together for the first time, a comprehensive collection of timeless choruses newly engraved in recent editions from the historic Novello series of vocal scores. For programming festivals, concerts, celebrations or just run-through practice for the choral society, events can be organised at last from a single volume of classics without the need for the singers to carry scores of any number of oratorios or motets. Includes introductory notes by Brian Kay.

Songlist: Miserere mei, Deus, O Jesus, when I come to die, Ave Maria, The Shepherds' Farewell, How lovely are all Thy dwellings, Locus iste, Ave verum, Give unto the Lord, Cantique de Jean Racine, Panis angelicus, Zadok the Priest, Insanae et vanae curae, Hear my Prayer, Ave verum Corpus, Blest pair of Sirens I was glad, Sanctus, God so loved the world

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Voicing: SATB | 5111b | Songbook | $19.95

Brian Kay : Great Choruses from Great Oratorios : SATB : Songbook : 884088441005 : 0711988323 : 14013276

Brian Kay : Great Choruses from Great Oratorios

Brought together for the first time, a comprehensive collection of choruses from the best loved sacred musical works newly engraved in recent editions from the historic Novello series of vocal scores. Includes Dona Nobis Pacem (Haydn), Lauda Jerusalem (Monterverdi) and In Paradisum (Faure). Selected with introductory notes by Brian Kay.

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Voicing: SATB | 11059b | Songbook | $19.95

Charles Villiers Stanford : Three Motets, Op. 38 : SATB divisi : Songbook : 073999346718 : 48011506

Charles Villiers Stanford : Three Motets, Op. 38

Irish composer Sir Charles Villiers Stanford composed a substantial number of concert works, including seven symphonies, but his best-remembered pieces are his choral works for church performance, chiefly composed in the Anglican tradition.

Songlist: Justorum animae, Coelos ascendit hodie, Beati quorum via

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Voicing: SATB divisi | 2983b | Songbook | $15.95 | A Cappella

Christopher Morris (editor) : Anthems For Choirs 4 : SATB : Songbook : 9780193855847 : 9780193530164

Christopher Morris (editor) : Anthems For Choirs 4

26 anthems for SATB chorus by twentieth-century composers. These fifty anthems have been chosen with average church choirs in mind, but it is hoped that the collection will prove useful to cathedrals, collegiate churches and those churches supporting cathedral-like choirs. The collection covers all the main seasons and festivals in the church year and also includes a number of anthems for general use. Twelve of the anthems are suitable for unaccompanied singing.

Songlist: O Thou The Central Orb, Puer Natus, On This Day Earth Shall Ring, Lord, Thou Hast Told Us, A Litany, Christ The Lord Is Risen Again, Lift Up Your Heads, O Clap Your Hands, A Pure River Of Water Of Life, A Hymn To The Trinity, We Wait For Thy Loving Kindness, Set Me As A Seal, O Taste and See, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Thou, O God, Art Praised In Sion, Faire Is The Heaven, Give Us The Wings Of Faith, Make A Joyful Noise (Jubilate Deo), O Be Joyful In The Lord, O How Amiable, Like As The Hart, Jesu Dulcis Memoria, A Prayer For Peace, Lo, In The Time Appointed, Ah, Holy Jesus, Gloria In Excelsis

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Voicing: SATB | 9470b | Songbook | $25.95

Dan Locklair : Brief Mass : SSAATTBB : Songbook : 073999827439 : 0793569761 : 50482743

Dan Locklair : Brief Mass

Like the basic bread and wine elements of Mass, the fundamental musical materiel of "Brief Mass" are simple. Yet, like the profound and eternal meanings of Mass, the use and development of the musical materials strive for deeper musical dimensions. The pitch material of each movement is basic, very limited, and does not stray from its foundation pitches. Each individual movement serves as a vital link to the whole of the work. "Brief Mass" requires a minimum of eight singers for performance: SSAATTBB. It is suggested that the singers be divided into two separate SATB antiphonal choirs.

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Voicing: SSAATTBB | 9268b | Songbook | $14.95 | A Cappella

David Hill :  : SATB : Songbook : 884088447144 : 184609058X : 14023539

David Hill : The Novello Short Anthems Ð Collection 1

A two-volume collection of short anthems from the Novello Choral Programme, representing five hundred years of church music, all suitable for SATB chorus with keyboard. Familiar and long-established works are represented alongside many lesser-known and more recent works by composers such as Douglas Guest, Philip Rose and Ralph Allwood. Many of the pieces are ideal as Introits and Anthems for general church use, whilst other have a more specific intended function within the liturgical calendar. However, all are well suited to both devotional and concert performance. The works here are short, ranging from straight-forward to technically challenging and more exciting. As a whole, the collection features an overwhelming number of choices for choirs of all different sizes and abilities.

Songlist: Jesu Dulcis Memoria, Cantate Domino, Crucifixus, Dominus Illuminatio, For The Fallen, God So Loved The World, I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, View Me, Lord, Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring, Lead me, Lord, Litany To The Holy Spirit, Long Since In Egypt's Plenteous Land, O Come, Ye Servants Of The Lord, O Taste And See, Oculi Omnium, Sanctus, Thou Knowest, Lord, Three Introits, Ave Verum Corpus K.618, Almighty And Everlasting God, If Ye Love Me Keep My Commandments

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Voicing: SATB | 7856b | Songbook | $21.95

Felix Mendelssohn : Four Sacred Choruses : SATB : Songbook : 029156916317  : 00-K06306

Felix Mendelssohn : Four Sacred Choruses

A true apotheosis of life, Mendelssohn's music absolutely overflows with energy, ebullience, drama, and invention, as evidenced in his most enduring works: the incidental music to A Midsummer Night's Dream. While the sunny disposition of so many of Mendelssohn's works has led some to view the composer as possessing great talent but little depth, however these religious compositions reflect the complexity and deeply spiritual basis of his personality. German and English text.

Songlist: Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart, Op. 69 No. 1, O Be Joyful In The Lord, Op. 69 No. 2, My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord, Op. 69 No. 3, Lord, Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us

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Voicing: SATB | 7009b | Songbook | $6.95 | A Cappella

Felix Mendelssohn : Six Seasonal Motets : SATB : Songbook : 9780193953222 : 9780193953222

Felix Mendelssohn : Six Seasonal Motets

A set of unaccompanied eight-part motets with German and English texts.

Songlist: Christmas, New Year, Ascensiontide, Passiontide, Advent, Good Friday

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Voicing: SATB | 9473b | Songbook | $6.95 | A Cappella

Felix Mendelssohn : Hear My Prayer, A Sacred Cantata : SATB : Songbook : 029156049688  : 00-K06303

Felix Mendelssohn : Hear My Prayer, A Sacred Cantata

A choral worship cantata for SATB with S Solo composed by Felix Mendelssohn.

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Voicing: SATB | 10462b | Songbook | $7.95

Francis Jackson (Edited) : Anthems For Choirs 1 : SATB : Songbook : 9780193532144 : 9780193532144

Francis Jackson (Edited) : Anthems For Choirs 1

These fifty anthems have been chosen with average parish church choirs in mind, but it is hoped that the collection will prove useful to cathedrals, collegiate churchs and those churchs supporting cathedral-like choirs. Anthems suitable for unaccompanied singing and those needing organ accompaniement are about equal in number: most are for four voices without divisi parts. This collection covers all the main seasons and festivals of the Church's Year, and also includes 21 anthems for general use.

Songlist: Advent, Christmas, Innocents, Epiphany, Septuagesima, Lent, Passiontide, Easter, Whitsun, Ascension, Trinity, Weddings, Mornin, Evening, Communion, Unity, Dedication

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Voicing: SATB | 9468b | Songbook | $14.95 | A Cappella

Gabriel Faure : Requiem : SATB : Songbook : 884088426606 : 0853604088 : 14011131

Gabriel Faure : Requiem

Faure was not drawn to compose a Requiem because of the death of a loved one, even though his mother had died during the early stages of composition and his father had passed away two years before. Faure's composition does not set his Requiem to the standard liturgical text, instead adding a lyrical Pie Jesu and transcendent Paradisum, and omitting the Dies Irae and Tuba Mirum - which, for most composers, are opportunities to demonstrate the dramatic possibilities available with the choral and orchestral forces. As a result the mood of the Requiem is relatively calm and peaceful and often referred to as a lullaby of death. Faure's unconventional composition has become a firm favourite in the repertoire and available here is the vocal score, for soloists and SATB choir with piano accompaniment, as edited by Desmond Ratcliffe.

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Voicing: SATB | 40488b | Songbook | $9.95

Gabriel Jackson : Edinburgh Mass : SATB : Songbook : 9780193356191 : 9780193356191

Gabriel Jackson : Edinburgh Mass

This major work by one of Britain's leading choral composers was commissioned by St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh. The setting is terse and direct, in the manner of the Poulenc Mass, and the textures often unusually pared-down. By turns fiery and exuberant, and inward and numinous, the music includes a huge variety of textures and techniques, including flowing melismas, luminous key changes, and pure homophony. This is a work of great power that will appeal to committed concert and church choirs.

Songlist: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus & Benedictus, Agnes Dei

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Voicing: SATB | 9474b | Songbook | $7.95 | A Cappella

George Frideric Handel : Great Handel Choruses : SATB : Songbook : 884088424664 : 0711995885 : 14013282

George Frideric Handel : Great Handel Choruses

17 Choruses for mixed voices from Handel's sacred works. Selected with introductory notes by Brian Kay. Rarely brought together, these diverse choruses demonstrate the enduring vitality of Handel's writing.

Songlist: Acis and Galatea, Alexander's Feast, Dixit Dominus, Israel in Egypt, Judas Maccabaeus, Messiah, Samson, Semele, Solomon, Coronation Anthem

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Voicing: SATB | 5120b | Songbook | $21.95

Giles Swayne : Giles Swayne Choral Songbook : SATB : Songbook : 14012712

Giles Swayne : Giles Swayne Choral Songbook

A first retrospective of Giles Swayne's challenging but rewarding liturgical settings. This album brings together five short religious choral settings, for mixed voices unaccompanied or with organ.

Songlist: O Magnum Mysterium, Veni Creator I, Veni Creator II, Beatus Vir, Missa Brevissima

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Voicing: SATB | 7328b | Songbook | $14.95 | A Cappella

Gioachino Rossini : Stabat Mater : SATB : Songbook : 073999985245 : 50098190

Gioachino Rossini : Stabat Mater

Latin Only. SATB and soloists.

Songlist: Stabat Mater Doloros, Cujus Animam, Quis Est Homo, Pro Peccatis, Eia Mater, Sancta Mater, Fac Ut Portem, Inflammatus Et Accensus, Quando Corpus, In Sempiterna Saecula

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Voicing: SATB | 4343b | Songbook | $25.95

Giovanni Pergolesi : Magnificat : SATB : Songbook : 029156184921  : 00-K06376

Giovanni Pergolesi : Magnificat

The authorship of this work is sometimes attributed to (or shared with) Pergolesiis teacher, Francesco Durante. There are editorial notes included by Clayton Westermann. The Latin text also has an English translation directly underneath, in italics, and the voices are written out on separate staves over a piano reduction of the orchestral part. Includes: Magnificat * Et Misericordia * Deposuit * Suscepit Israel * Sicut Locutus Est * Sicut Erat in Principio.

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Voicing: SATB | 10946b | Songbook | $10.95

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina : Missa Papae Marcelli : SATB divisi : Songbook : 841886012134 : 3795762812 : 49010403

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina : Missa Papae Marcelli    Out of Print

Missa Papae Marcelli, or Pope Marcellus Mass, is Palestrina's most well-known and most often-performed mass, and is frequently taught in university courses on music. The mass is freely composed, not based upon a cantus firmus or parody. It is a six-voice mass, though the use of the full forces is reserved for specific climactic portions in the text, and voice combinations are varied throughout the piece. It is set primarily in a homorhythmic, declamatory style, with little overlapping of text and a general preference for block chords such that the text, unlike many polyphonic masses of the 16th century, can clearly be heard in performance.

Songlist: Kyrie, Gloria, Gloria: Qui tollis, Credo, Credo: Crucifixus, Credo: Et in spiritum sanctum, Sanctus, Sanctus: Hosanna in excelsis, Sanctus: Benedictus, Agnus Dei I & II

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Voicing: SATB divisi | 9599b | Songbook | $9.95 | A Cappella

Henry Purcell : Purcell Anthology : SATB : Songbook : 9780193533516

Henry Purcell : Purcell Anthology

The tercentenary of the death of world-famous English Baroque composer Henry Purcell (most widely known for his opera "Dido and Aeneas") will be celebrated everywhere. This volume offers an opportunity to choral associations to join the celebration. With Purcell's expertise in setting the English language, ten of the eleven anthems are in English (one in Latin). The editor, secretary to the Purcell Society, has selected those most representative and most useful, from among the composer's prodigious output.

Songlist: Hear My Prayer, O Lord, I Was Glad, O God, the King Of Glory, Remember not, Lord, Our Offences, Thou Knowest, Lord, The Secrets Of Our Hearts, Jehova, Quam Multi Sunt Hostes Mei!, Lord. How Long Wilt Thou Be Angry, O God, Thou Art My God, Thy Word Is A Latern, O Sing unto The Lord, Rejoice In The Alway

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Voicing: SATB | 9151b | Songbook | $27.95

Henry Washington : Missa Brevis : SATB : Songbook : 884088423230 : 0711928975 : 14024888

Henry Washington : Missa Brevis

Giovanni Palestrina's Missa Brevis for four unaccompanied voices, has been edited and arranged for modern usage, by Henry Washington. This edition also contains a piano reduction for practice purposes.

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Voicing: SATB | 2972b | Songbook | $7.95 | A Cappella

Henryk Gorecki : Marian Songs : SATB : Songbook : 884088452735 : 48020715

Henryk Gorecki : Marian Songs

Selection of five songs from Jan Siedlecki's Church Hymn-book (1878: 1928 edition), in four of which Gorecki faithfully sets the original melodies. Polish text. Suitable for intermediate standard choirs

Songlist: Mother of the Heavenly Lord, Most Holy Mother, Hail Mary, Oh! How sad it is to part, We shall sing your praises for ever and ever

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Voicing: SATB | 7279b | Songbook | $12.95 ON SALE $11.95 | A Cappella

Herbert Howells : Requiem : SATB : Songbook : 884088417284 : 0853606943 : 14027133

Herbert Howells : Requiem

Herbert Howell's Requiem written for unaccompanied SATB chorus and soli. Although written in 1936, Requiem was not released for performance until 1980, held back by Howells following the death of his son in 1935. It is a harmonious and deeply Romantic composition, but restrained and it is at these moments we realise how affected he was by his loss. It was the composer's intention that Requiem should be performed a cappella, however he provided a limited organ part, for rehearsal purposes only, which is included here.

Songlist: Psalm 23, Salvator Mundi, Requiem Aeternam 1, Requiem Aeternam 2, I Heard a Voice From Heavan, Psalm 121

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Voicing: SATB | 7238b | Songbook | $9.95 | A Cappella

James MacMillan : Missa Dunelmi : SSAATTBB : Songbook : 884088630645 : 48021154

James MacMillan : Missa Dunelmi

16 minutes.

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Voicing: SSAATTBB | 4276b | Songbook | $22.99

James MacMillan : Tenebrae Responsories : SSAATTBB : Songbook : 884088270186 : 48019808

James MacMillan : Tenebrae Responsories

A powerful setting for 8-part choir of three of the Good Friday responses at matins: "Tenebrae factae sunt," "Tradiderunt me" and "Iesum tradidit impius." Commissioned by Cappella Nova and recorded by them on Linn Records. 20 minutes.

Songlist: Tenebrae factae sunt, Tradiderunt me, Iesum tradidit impius

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Voicing: SSAATTBB | 7060b | Songbook | $19.95 | A Cappella

James MacMillan : Missa Brevis : SATB : Songbook : 884088213473 : 48019665

James MacMillan : Missa Brevis

Scottish composer James MacMillan (b. 1959) composed this liturgical setting in 1977, published here for the first time. Latin text: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei. An accessible addition to the repertoire for intermediate standard choirs, but one which professional groups will also find rewarding.

Songlist: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, At the conclusion

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Voicing: SATB | 9619b | Songbook | $17.95 | A Cappella

John Baird : Sing, Choirs! : SATB : Songbook : 888680026707 : 178305414X : 14043105

John Baird : Sing, Choirs!

Sing, Choirs! is a library in miniature. It contains many of the Christian church's popular traditional anthems, including at least one example that will be suitable for each of the major services of the year. Includes works by Haydn, Palestrina, Vivaldi, Fauré, Howells, Parry, Bach, Byrd and many more.

Songlist: Locus Iste, Ave Maria, Canon, Ave Verum Corpus, O For The Wings Of A Dove (Hear My Prayer), Almighty And Everlasting God, Lead me, Lord, Thou Visitest The Earth, If Ye Love Me, Sheep May Safely Graze, Silent Night, Glory To God, Ave Verum Corpus, Laudate Dominum, All My Hope On God Is Founded, Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring, Largo, Gloria In Excelsis, Ode To Joy, Thou Knowest, Lord, The Secrets Of Our Hearts, Come, Holy Ghost, Psalm 121, Psalm 130, Nunc Dimittis, Magnificat, Psalm 23, Psalm 42, Gaudete, God Be In My Head, Now Thank We All Our God, and more

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Voicing: SATB | 4286b | Songbook | $19.95

John Gardner / Simon Harris (Edited by) : A Cappella : SATB : Songbook : 9780193361997

John Gardner / Simon Harris (Edited by) : A Cappella

A unique anthology which casts its net far and wide across seven centuries of unaccompanied European choral music, this book is a fascinating selection of thirty pieces, ideal for enterprising choirs looking for something out of the ordinary to enliven their repertoire. Diversity and eclecticism are the hallmarks of this stimulating collection: the pieces range from two to eight voices; from monuments of the Renaissance to miniature canons by Lawes, Schubert, and Brahms; from "Sumer is icumen in" to Stanford and Grieg. This is a truly European anthology, encompassing the music of composers from England, France, Spain, Norway, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands. The contents are arranged chronologically, and though they include a few classics of the genre that no such survey can afford to ignore, the majority of pieces are unjustifiably lesser known. All are newly edited from their sources, at original pitch and in original note-values wherever practical; minimal editorial intervention allows this music to breathe afresh. There are notes on each piece, and prose translation for non-English texts.

Songlist: Sumer is icumen in, Ave regina coelorum, Ach herzigs Herz, Puisqu'en amour, Tri ciechi siamo, Lugebat David Absalon, Los bracos traygo cansados, La nuit froide et sombre, Laetentur coeli, Miracolo d'amore, Miraculous love's wounding, Benedictus qui venit, Iubilate Deo, She weepeth sore, Draw on, sweet night, Dolcissima mia vita, The Silver Swan, Der Kuckuck, Jesu, dulcis memoria, Gaudete omnes, Ich bin eine rufende Stimme, Hear my prayer, O Lord, Wo der perlender Wein, Tod und Schlaf, Lacrimoso son io, Wenn Kummer hatte zu toten Macht, An dem Sturmwind, Christus factus est, Beati quorum via, Guds son har gjort mig fri

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Voicing: SATB | 6604b | Songbook | $19.95 | A Cappella

John Harbinson : Six Motets : SATB : Songbook : 073999823059 : 50482305

John Harbinson : Six Motets

John Harbinson is a winner of the prestigious MacArthur Foundation's "genius" award, the Pulitzer Prize, and the Heinz Award in the Arts and Humanities. Harbison has composed music for most of this country's premiere musical institutions. Here is a collection of his motets for unaccompanied mixed voices.

Songlist: Ave Verum Corpus, Concerning Them Which Are Asleep, O Magnum Misterium (Long setting), O Magnum Misterium (Short setting), Emanuel Motets, Wherefore I Put Thee In Rememberance

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Voicing: SATB | 8024b | Songbook | $12.95 | A Cappella

John Leavitt : The Renaissance Singer : SATB : Songbook : 884088138592 : 1423425332 : 08596774

John Leavitt : The Renaissance Singer

This colleciton of pieces represent the high art and refinement of the choral song from several countries during the age of the Renaissance. The vocal chamber music in this collection was designed for entertainment in a palace chamber or the home. All of the represented forms in this collection used both the familiar style of the homophony as well as polyphony. the pieces can be performed with multiple voices to each part or s little as one voice for each part. For the German and French songs, the original text is provided as well as an English paraphrase.

Songlist: What if I Never Speed, April Is in My Mistress' Face, Musica, die ganz lieblich Kunst (Music, Most Wondrous Lovely Art), Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen (Innsbruck, I Now Must Leave You), Je le vous dirai! (Do not dare I say it!),, Bonjour, mon coeur (Good Day, Sweetheart)

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Voicing: SATB | 1552b | Songbook | $5.95 | A Cappella

John Leavitt : The Choral Singer : SATB : Songbook : 884088212063 : 08596778

John Leavitt : The Choral Singer

Seven popular choruses from the Gewrman Baroque and Classical periods are gathered together in this collection that offers quality and value. Excellent for contest and festival!

Songlist: Anthem, Oratorio Chorus, Movement From a Canticle Setting, Chorale Settings, Movement from Mass, Motet, Oratorio Chorus

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Voicing: SATB | 9802b | Songbook | $5.95 | With Piano

John Rutter : Sacred Choruses : SATB : Songbook : 9780193518827

John Rutter : Sacred Choruses

This volume comprises twenty-eight of the finest oratorio choruses, complete short choral works, and movements from masses or requiems from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Drawing repertoire from Britain and mainland Europe, the volume features renowned choruses and familiar cornerstones of the repertoire, as well as some choral discoveries, all in new, carefully researched, and practical editions. Playable piano reductions for rehearsal use are included in the main volume, with a separate volume of purpose-made three-stave organ accompaniments, and newly typeset orchestral material available on rental. Intended for choral societies and cathedral, church, and concert choirs, this is a unique collection of choral classics for mixed voices and orchestra, and an invaluable practical addition to any choir's library.

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Voicing: SATB | 2109b | Songbook | $25.95

John Rutter : Anthem Collection : SATB : Songbook : John Rutter : 9780193534179

John Rutter : Anthem Collection

A collection of John Rutter's anthems, featuring eleven of his best compositions. These selections have been carefully chosen to reflect the breadth and beauty of Rutter's sacred choral music making this collection an invaluable addition to any music library.

Songlist: God Be In My Head, A Prayer Of Saint Patrick, All Things Bright And Beautiful, For The Beauty Of The Earth, I Will Sing With The Spirit, Look At The World, Go Forth Into The World In Peace, A Clare Benediction, The Lord Bless You And Keep You, The Peace Of God, A Choral Amen

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Voicing: SATB | 7556b | Songbook | $12.50

John Rutter : Gloria : SATB : Songbook : John Rutter : 0193380625

John Rutter : Gloria

Composed by John Rutter, this vocal score for mixed voices and piano is a brilliant choral piece that your singers and audience members will love. The score comes with choral notation and piano reduction, the text language is Latin, with a total of 44 pages.

Songlist: Allegro Vivace, Andante, Vivace e Ritmico

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Voicing: SATB | 9360b | Songbook | $9.95 | Accompanied

John Rutter : Psalmfest : SATB : Songbook : John Rutter : 0193380404

John Rutter : Psalmfest

This excellent choral collection by John Rutter is written for mixed voices and keybord. The nine movements form a single choral work comprising seven pieces previously published separately and two new movements. A broad range of emotions all find their place with rich and varied musical settings. It features solos for soprano and tenor soloists - an excellent addition to your sacred choral program!

Songlist: O Be Joyful In The Lord, I will Lift Up Mine Eyes, Praise The Lord, O My Soul, The Lord Is My Shepard, Cantate Domino, The Lord Is My Light And Salvation, O Clap Your Hands, O How Amiable Are Thy Dwellings, O Praise The Lord Of Heaven

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Voicing: SATB | 9361b | Songbook | $11.95 | Accompanied

John Rutter (editor) : English Church Music, Volume 2: Canticles and Responses : SATB : Songbook : 9780193368446 : 9780193368446

John Rutter (editor) : English Church Music, Volume 2: Canticles and Responses

Oxford Choral Classics: English Church Music assembles in two volumes around 100 of the finest examples of English sacred choral music. The second volume presents a wealth of service material suitable for use throughout the year. The evening canticles are given due space, with seventeen settings, including those by Byrd, Gibbons, Purcell, Walmisley, Stanford, Noble, Howells, Walton, and Tippett. Also included are settings of the Te Deum and Jubilate Deo, alongside seven settings of the Preces and Responses and two additional early Lord's Prayers. The selection is completed with three supplementary items: a set of previously unpublished Psalm chants by Howells, John Sanders's Good Friday Reproaches, and a written-out Order for Compline. Robert King has prepared completely new editions of all the pre-twentieth-century works, going back to the earliest and most reliable manuscripts or printed sources. Playable keyboard reductions have been added for the majority of unaccompanied items.

Songlist: Preces & Responses, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in B minor (original setting), Preces & Responses, Second Service (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis), Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in C minor (unison voices) (transposed to D minor), Preces & Responses, Lord's Prayer, Short Service (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis), Second Service (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis), Short Service (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis), Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in B minor, Psalm Chants, Preces & Responses, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in B minor, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in G minor, Preces & Responses, Good Friday Reproaches, Preces & Responses, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in G, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in C, Te Deum and Jubilate in C, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in A, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in B flat, Lord's Prayer, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (St John's service), Preces & Responses, Te Deum in G, Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in D minor, Magnificat & Nunc Dimmitis (Chichester Service), Jubilate Deo, and more

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Voicing: SATB | 5692b | Songbook | $24.95

John Rutter (Editor) : European Sacred Music : SATB : Songbook : John Rutter : 9780193436954

John Rutter (Editor) : European Sacred Music

The Oxford Choral Classics gathers together over three hundred of the world's choral masterpieces into a unique series of seven volumes that span the whole of Western choral literature. Each volume contains all of the established classics of its genre under a single cover, in authoritative new editions and at a budget price. European Sacred Music is the second volume in the series and a fabulous value for money. From the Allegri Misereri to the Victora O vos omnes, John Rutter and co-editor Clifford Bartlett have researched the best available sources and provided excellent new English singing translations and sensible, practical keyboard reductions.

Songlist: Miserere, Cristus factus est, Otche nash (The Lord's Prayer), O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht, Warum ist das Licht gegeben dem Muhseligen?, Ach, arme Welt, Geistliches Lied, Ave Maria, Christus factus est, Os justi, Locus iste, Magnificat, O vos omnes, Cantique de jean Racine, Panis angelicus, Jubilate Deo, O vos omnes, The Cherubic Hymn (Izhe kheruvimyi), Ave aris stella, Ave Virgo sanctissima, Pater noster, Dixit Maria, Crux fidelis, Ave Maria, Adoramus te, Christe, Ave verum Corpus, Timor et tremor and Exaudi Deus, Crucifixus a8, Psalm 48 (Richte mich, Gott), Verleih uns Frieden, and more

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Voicing: SATB | 9125b | Songbook | $23.95

John Sheppard : Missa Cantate : SATTBB : Songbook : 9780193870048

John Sheppard : Missa Cantate

This practical performing edition is based on the single extant manuscript preserved at the Bodleian Library. The beautiful and well-written Missa Cantate (Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei) follows the well-established technique of drawing some material, usually the cantus firmus, from a pre-existing work.

Songlist: Missa Cantate, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei

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Voicing: SATTBB | 9634b | Songbook | $19.95 | A Cappella

John Tavener : Favorite Anthems : SATB : Songbook : 884088992149 : 1783051736 : 14042356

John Tavener : Favorite Anthems

Favourite Anthems' for SATB choir presents some of John Tavener's most popular works from his outstandingly varied and extensive catalog of works for choir. Also included are beautiful miniatures and radiant anthems which trace a line over the years from the exquisite simplicity of his setting of William Blake's The Lamb to the monumental Veil of the Temple and beyond.

Songlist: A Christmas Round, A Hymn To The Mother Of God, Advent Antiphon, Agnus Dei, As One Who Has Slept, Exhortation And Kohima, God Is With Us (A Christmas Proclamation), Nunc Dimittis, O That We Were There, Rocking, Song For Athene, The Founder's Prayer, The Lamb, Today The Virgin, What God Is, We Do Not Know

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Voicing: SATB | 4044b | Songbook | $14.95

John Tavener : Coplas : SATB : Songbook & 1 CD : 888680045685 : 14043288

John Tavener : Coplas

Coplas is a short anthem for voices and belongs to a much larger work called 'Last Rites' which is based on the mystical idea of St. John of the Cross. In once sense Coplas is a prolonged decoration of the 'et sepultus est' cadence from the Crucifixus in Bach's Mass in B minor. In another sense I think of it not so much as my music but a way of listening to Bach's music.

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Voicing: SATB | 8370b | Songbook & 1 CD | $13.95 | A Cappella

John Tavener : Choral Collection : SATB : Songbook : 884088434540 : 0711977151 : 14032767

John Tavener : Choral Collection

A collection of Tavener's most popular choral pieces most all of which are a cappella. The text of Annunciation is taken from St Luke's gospel. The words of the Archangel are sung by the main choir, and should build up to a thunderous, awesome theophany. The response of the Mother of God 'How shall this be' comes form a quartet of solo voices set apart, preferably raised in a gallery. This songbook includes program notes from Tavener himself.

Songlist: Annunciation, Come and Do Your Will In Me, Eonia, Funeral Canticle, Hymn to the Mother of God, I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, Ikon of St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, Love Bade Me Welcome, Prayer To The Holy Trinity, Song From Athene

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Voicing: SATB | 9395b | Songbook | $15.95 ON SALE $14.95 | A Cappella

Josquin Desprez : Missa De beata : SATB : Songbook : 073999652765 : 48000761

Josquin Desprez : Missa De beata

Missa de Beata Virgine is a musical setting of the Ordinary of the Mass, by Renaissance composer Josquin des Prez. A late work, probably composed or assembled around 1510, it was the most popular of his masses in the 16th century. The Missa de Beata Virgine is unusual among Josquin's masses in that the first two movements are for four voices, and the last three for five, with the fifth voice derived canonically. Like most musical settings of the mass Ordinary, it is in five sections, or movements. It uses different plainsong chants for each movement, and is a paraphrase mass, one in which the original chants are elaborated, broken up, passed between voices, or sung in different voices simultaneously. The movements differ in their treatment of the source plainchant. The Kyrie has the chant in all voices, imitatively and paraphrased; the Gloria treats the chant as a cantus firmus, migrating it from voice to voice. Tonally, both movements end on G, and most of their cadences are on G or D. The Credo, the first movement for five voices, ends with a surprising Phrygian cadence on E, and uses canonic techniques more prominently than in the preceding movements.

Songlist: Missa De beata, Kyrie 1, Christe, Kyrie 2, Et in terra, Qui tollis, Cum Sancto, Credo sections, Sanctus, Pleni sunt caeli, Hosanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei 1, Agnus Dei 2, Agnus Dei 3

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Voicing: SATB | 9603b | Songbook | $25.95 | A Cappella

Judith Blezzard (Editor) : 30 Sacred Masterworks for Upper Voices : Treble : Songbook : 9780571523009 : 12-0571523005

Judith Blezzard (Editor) : 30 Sacred Masterworks for Upper Voices

30 Sacred Masterworks presents a wealth of invaluable, original repertoire for upper voice choirs. Many of the pieces collected in this volume are published here for the first time or have not enjoyed the same exposure as much of the mixed voice repertoire. IT builds on the success of Faber music's Choral Programme Series, from which some of the pieces have been drawn. The collection encompasses many eras and offers both accompanied and unaccompanied pieces and is suitable for a variety of services and concerts through the year. This volume is an invaluable resource, both for upper voice choirs seeking new and inspiring repertoire as well as for mixed voice choirs who want to showcase the talent of their female singers.

Songlist: Adoramus te Christe, Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur, Adoramus te Christe, The Oxen, Sing ye to our Lord a new song, O Salutaris Hostia, O vos omnes, Tantum ergo, O Salutaris Hostia, Love divine, O lovely peace, Ex ore innocentium, In pace idipsum, Tantum ergo, Ave maris stella, Lift thine eyes, O Domine Jesu Christe, Alleluia, Be still, and know I am with you, Hodie Christus natus est, Quando corpus morietur, Danksaget dem Vater, A Celtic Prayer, Ave Maria, Der 23. Psalm, Ave Maria, Have mercy upon me, O God, Laudi alla Vergine Maria, O vos omnes, The First Mercy

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Voicing: Treble | 7286b | Songbook | $16.95 | A Cappella

Julian Elloway (editor) : The Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems : SATB : Songbook : 9780193533257 : 9780193533257

Julian Elloway (editor) : The Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems

A definitive collection of 100 anthems from Tudor times to the present, this book includes favorites as well as lesser-known pieces. The anthems were selected for their practical usefulness for church choirs today, bearing in mind the needs of smaller choirs: the anthems are mostly for SATB with or without keyboard accompaniments.

Songlist: Ave verum Corpus, Haec dies, Justorum animae, Laetentur coeli, Miserere mei, O quam gloriosum, Sing joyfully, Teach me O Lord, This day Christ was born, Factum est silentium, Call to remembrance, Hide not thou thy face, Lord for they tender mercy's sake, Almighty and everlasting God, Hosanna to the Son of David, O clap your hands, O Lord in thy wrath, This is the record of John, Let thy merciful ears, O Lord the maker, Ave Maria, Ascendit Deus, If Ye Love Me, O nata lux, Salvator mundi, With all our hearts, I heard a voice, When David heard, Give almes of thy goods, Alleluia. I heard a voice, and more

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Voicing: SATB | 9693b | Songbook | $23.95 | A Cappella

Karl Jenkins : Motets for Mixed Voice A Cappella : SATB : Songbook : 888680046699 : 48023245 : 48023245

Karl Jenkins : Motets for Mixed Voice A Cappella

A set of intimate and spiritually uplifting choral work, featuring new pieces and arrangements of a selection of movements from his popular works.

Songlist: I'll Make Music, Cantate Domino, Laudamus te, Benedictus, The Shepherd, Ave Maria, Ave verum corpus, Agnus dei, Healing Light, Locus iste, Pie Jesu, Exsultate, jubilate, God shall wipe away all tears, And the Mother did weep, Lullay, Peace, peace!, In paradisum, Dona nobis pacem, Nunc dimittis

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Voicing: SATB | 4199b | Songbook | $19.95 | A Cappella | Companion CD Available

Karl Jenkins : Sacred Songs : SATB : Songbook : 884088397258 : 0851625738 : 48019946

Karl Jenkins : Sacred Songs

(Compiled 2008, 36 minutes) Sacred Songs brings together the most famous and beautiful movements from the composer of Adiemus. This collection includes pieces from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace, Requiem and Stabat Mater. Included are Benedictus (The Armed Man), Pie Jesu and In Paradisum (Requiem) and Virgo Virginum (Stabat Mater). All the pieces can be performed together, or performers can make up their own suite of favorites from those in this volume. Orchestral material is available on hire.

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Voicing: SATB | 40508b | Songbook | $21.95

Kevin Mayhew (Editor) : The Book of 100 Anthems for SATB choirs : SATB : Songbook : 50604816

Kevin Mayhew (Editor) : The Book of 100 Anthems for SATB choirs

Choirs throughout the world have come to depend on us for approachable yet fulfilling music. This new collection offers works by some of the most respected choral composers from Purcell to Parry and Mozart to Mawby.

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Voicing: SATB | 6750b | Songbook | $26.95

King's Singers : The Quiet Heart: Choral Essays Vol 1 : SATB divisi : Songbook : 884088216894 : 1423460154 : 08748209

King's Singers : The Quiet Heart: Choral Essays Vol 1

From the King's Singers' exquisite album The Quiet Heart - Choral Essays Volume 1, drawn from the sacred repertoire of the Salvation Army, these 13 selections are a reflective musical journey into the spirit. The invitation to perform in March 2005 as guest of the marvellous Hendon Salvation Army Band in heir special concert "Hendon Highlights" at London's Royal Festival Hall led to a relationship which resulted in the re-arranging and recording of 19 beautiful hymns for the CD, The Quiet Heart, on the SP&S label. Rather then just perform what were in many cases simple four-part hymns, they decided to take advantage of their six-part status, and so the hymns were mostly re-arranged with the inclusion of low 5ths to complement bass notes, double tunes (soprano and baritone) and the occasional extra harmony note. Some had Piano accompaniment, so for these they either converted them into vocal accompaniments or wrote a new vocal pattern to go with the tune. So here is the companion volume to the CD, in which we have included 13 of the tracks in the exact voicings as heard on the album. They work equally well in a concert hall or in a church.

Songlist: All For Thee, By His Hand, Christ's Part, Even Me, Grant Us Thy Peace, His Provision, Home To Thee (From Reflections), In The Secret Of Thy Presence, Intercede, O Lord, The Quiet Heart, Spirit Divine, To The Hills, When We Cannot See Our Way

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Voicing: SATB divisi | Performed by King's Singers | 9650b | Songbook | $6.95 | A Cappella

Kzysztof Penderecki : Veni Creator : SSAATTBB : Songbook : 073999241761 : 49012115

Kzysztof Penderecki : Veni Creator

Composed in 1987, this work for a cappella chorus of approximately nine minutes' duration was written on the occasion of the bestowing of an honorary doctorate on the composer by the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Penderecki employs four stanzas of the traditional verse attributed to Hrabanus Maurus, and assigns varying numbers of voices within the four overlapping standard ranges (SATB) so that the density of the choral sound is also modulating throughout the piece which proves to be a particularly effective device for creating musical imagery.

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Voicing: SSAATTBB | 8772b | Songbook | $10.95 | A Cappella

Kzysztof Penderecki : Agnus Dei : SATB divisi : Songbook : 073999696318 : 49012101

Kzysztof Penderecki : Agnus Dei

Veni Creator, for a cappella choir, was conducted by Penderecki himself when he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Madrid in April 1987. That same year, he received the Karl-Wolf Award from the Israel Wolf-Foundation.

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Voicing: SATB divisi | 8773b | Songbook | $7.95 | A Cappella

Lionel Dakers (Edited by) : The New Church Anthem Book : SATB : Songbook : 9780193531093

Lionel Dakers (Edited by) : The New Church Anthem Book

A definitive collection of 100 anthems from Tudor times to the present, this book includes favorites as well as lesser-known pieces. The anthems were selected for their practical usefulness for church choirs today, bearing in mind the needs of smaller choirs: the anthems are mostly for SATB with or without keyboard accompaniments.

Songlist: A Gaelic Blessing - Rutter, A Palm Sunday Antiphon - Morgan, Above All Praise - Mendelssohn, Adoramus Te Christe - Palestrina, Almighty And Everlasting God - Gibbons, Almighty God Which Hast Me Brought - Ford, Antiphon - Moore, Ave Verum Corpus - Byrd, Ave Verum Corpus - Elgar, Ave Verum Corpus - Mozart, Awake Thou Wintry Earth - Bach, Behold The Tabernacle - Harris, Blessed Be The God And Father - Wesley, Blessed Is He That Considereth - Wise, Cantate Domino - Pitoni, Come Down O Love Divine - Harris, Blest Are The Pure Heart - Davies, Blessed Be The God And Father - Wesley, Blessed Is That Considerth - Wise, Call To Remberence - Farrant, Come Holy Ghost - Attwood, Come Ye Faithful - Thatcher, Comfort O Lord The Soul Of My Servant - Crotch, Crux Fidelis - John IV, Drop Drop Slow Tears - Gibbons, Evening Hymns - Gardiner, Glorious And Powerful God - Stanford, God Be In My Head - Davies, God Be In My Head - Rutter, God Is A Spirit - Bennet, and more

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Voicing: SATB | 9141b | Songbook | $26.95

Lionel Pike (Editor) : Tudor Anthems - 50 Motets and Anthems for Mixed Voice Choir : SATB : Songbook : 884088559939 : 1847729746 : 14037773

Lionel Pike (Editor) : Tudor Anthems - 50 Motets and Anthems for Mixed Voice Choir

Tudor and Stuart monarchs reigned during a period of political and ecclesiastical turmoil, out of which occurred profound developments in musical style. Tudor Anthems, (the term loosely applied to cover the years 1520 to 1640) anthologizes some of the finest English musical works of that era. It includes sacred works of various lengths and standards of difficulty for mixed voice choir, accompanied and unaccompanied, by an array of composers, including Byrd, Dering, Gibbons, Morley, Mundy, Parsons, Philips, Smith, Taverner and Tomkins. A comprehensive collection and indispensable resource for any choir's library, prepared in an easily understood performing edition by Lionel Pike.

Songlist: Adolescentulus Sum Ego, Agnus Dei, Almighty God Which Hast Me Brought, Almighty God, The Fountain Of All Wisdom, Almighty God, Who By The Leading Of A Star, An Heart That's Broken And Contrite, And The King Was Moved, Appropinquet Deprecacio Mea, Audivi Vocem De Coelo, Ave Maria, Credo Quod Redemptor Meus Vivit, Dum Transisset Sabbatum, Exaudiat Te Dominus, Gaudent In Coelis, God, Which As On This Day, Great King Of Gods, Hear My Prayer, O God, Hosanna To The Son Of David, How Are The Mighty Fallen, I Will Sing Unto The Lord, I Will Wash My Hands In Innocency, In Ieiunio Et Fletu, In Manus Tuas, Domine, In Pace, In Idipsum Dormiam, In The Departure Of The Lord, Laboravi In Gemitu Meo, Laudibus In Sanctis, Man Dream No More, Mater Christi Sanctissima, My Shepherd Is The Living Lord, and more

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Voicing: SATB | 7661b | Songbook | $23.95

Mack Wilberg : Anthems : SATB : Songbook : 9780193398191

Mack Wilberg : Anthems

This anthology of 9 mixed-voice anthems combines new material written specially for the collection with established favourites from the Oxford catalogue, some of which appear here for the first time with SATB scoring. Containing both accompanied and a cappella pieces, and with festive anthems (with keyboard or orchestral accompaniment) alongside short, gentle blessings, Mack Wilberg Anthems contains an attractive selection of pieces suitable for a variety of liturgical seasons and will appeal to all mixed-voice church choirs.

Songlist: Beautiful Saviour, Benediction, Brother James's Air, I sing the mighty power of God (O little town of Bethlehem), King of glory, King of peace, Morning has broken, O Light of Life!, O praise ye the Lord, The Morning Trumpet

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Voicing: SATB | 40523b | Songbook | $17.75

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Individual Folios

Displaying 1-50 of 203 items.

A Divine Voice Sings Through All Creation : SATB : David L. Brunner : David L. Brunner : Songbook : 48005179 : 073999691634

David L. Brunner : A Divine Voice Sings Through All Creation

This celebratory and joyous original work speaks of music, of wonder, of praise and of thankfulness. Opening with vibrant fanfares, the energy, power and enthusiasm of this anthem make it a magnificent addition to the sacred repertoire.

Composer: David L. Brunner

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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.95 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48005179

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God : SATB : Mark Hayes : Sheet Music : 08596561 : 073999965612

Mark Hayes : A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Mark Hayes' setting of this hymn is as timeless as the text and tune. A bestseller in the Hal Leonard Sacred catalog, we proudly present this piece again, so that every choir may have the opportunity to enjoy and worship using this spectacular rendition.

Arranger: Mark Hayes

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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596561 | Choirtrax CD Available

Adeste Fideles : SAB : John Purifoy : Sheet Music : 00117952 : 884088891046

John Purifoy : Adeste Fideles

Here is a stately setting of the traditional hymn with four stanzas in Latin (with optional English verses) that will be accessible and very useful for many Christmas programs and services. Optional strings. Available separately: SATB, SAB, SSA, ChoirTrax CD. String parts (vln 1, vln 2, vla, vcl, bs) available as a digital download. Duration: 3:05.

Arranger: John Purifoy

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.15 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00117952 | Choirtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SSA

Adoramus Te : SAB : Tom Fettke : Sheet Music : 35030153 : 888680046200 : 1495010619

Tom Fettke : Adoramus Te

Bach's famous instrumental arioso is set here with a simple Latin text. The expressive piano accompaniment can be used alone or with the optional string parts, richly enhancing this choral work. A beautiful way to introduce your singers to important works of the master composers.

Arranger: Tom Fettke

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Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35030153 | Digital Version Available| Showtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB

Adoramus Te : 3-Part : Emily Crocker : Emily Crocker : Sheet Music : 08740062 : 073999400625

Emily Crocker : Adoramus Te

This joyful festival anthem in Emily Crocker's highly-regarded concert festival series is uplifting, accessible and extremely well-crafted for choirs of all ages. In this contemporary setting, the traditional Latin is combined with an English hymn text. Available: SATB, 2-Part, 3-Part Mixed. Performance Time: Approx. 3:15.

Composer: Emily Crocker

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08740062 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: 2-Part, 2-Part, SATB

Adoramus Te : SATB : John Leavitt : Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina : Sheet Music : 35000211 : 747510058496

John Leavitt : Adoramus Te

A passionate Latin text, Adoramus Te embodies all of the purity and pristine beauty of Renaissance music. Sung a capella, this reverent masterwork may be used in concert, contest, or festival settings by school or church groups. Appropriate for high school children.

Arranger: John Leavitt | Composer: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35000211
Other Voicings: SATB, TTBB, TTBB

Agnus Dei : SATB : Antonio Lotti : Antonio Lotti : Sheet Music : GIA7482 : 785147748205

Antonio Lotti : Agnus Dei

This fairly simple setting of the Lamb of God text (in Latin) is from Lotti's Missa Brevis. The edition also includes a chant setting of the text, which allows the performance to be tailored with several options, in whatever way works best for you.

Composer: Antonio Lotti

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.20 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| GIA7482

Agnus Dei : SATB : Shawn Crouch : Shawn Crouch : Sheet Music : 00285457 : 888680889753

Shawn Crouch : Agnus Dei

Here is a reflective composition for a cappella choir that uses overlapping, repetitive homophonic textures which build to an emotional climax. This is a prayer for understanding in difficult times.

Composer: Shawn Crouch

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00285457

Agnus Dei : SATB : Sherri Porterfield : Sherri Porterfield : Sheet Music : 00-7735 : 038081015187

Sherri Porterfield : Agnus Dei

Breathtaking! This gorgeous setting of the Agnus Dei text begins with piano and gradually crescendos to a mezzo forte before ending in a pure, hushed final major chord. Easy to teach, this ABA-form piece will show off your choir in concerts, festivals and adjudications. It's a winner! This title is available in SmartMusic.

Composer: Sherri Porterfield

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-7735

Agnus Dei : SATB : Carol Barnett : Carol Barnett : Sheet Music : 48019700 : 884088210120

Carol Barnett : Agnus Dei

Here is the second edition of this popular single movement from the major work The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass. The solemnity of the classical-based Mass joins together with the down-home sparkle of bluegrass to create a work that is unique in scope, and a beautiful union of seemingly disparate musical traditions. The a cappella setting of Agnus Dei is rich with lush harmonies that breathe new life into an oft-set text.

Composer: Carol Barnett

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48019700

Agnus Dei : SATB divisi : Mikael Carlsson : Mikael Carlsson : Sheet Music : SBMP1019 : 608938358080

Mikael Carlsson : Agnus Dei

Fine choirs--who have access to a venue with good acoustics--will want to sing this fabulous setting of "Agnus Dei." The Swedish composer builds great excitement, as the piece culminates in a mid-point phrase with sixteen parts. With its exquisite beauty, this one brings on goose bumps.

Composer: Mikael Carlsson

More details
Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | $1.85 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| SBMP1019

Agnus Dei : SATB : Joseph Martin : Joseph Martin : Sheet Music : 35000336 : 747510046486

Joseph Martin : Agnus Dei

From the highly successful cantata, Song of the Shadows, here is the incredibly beautiful and lush Agnus Dei. The Latin text, Behold the Lamb of God, is always moving, no matter what the arrangement. In this setting, a duet for soprano and tenor soars above a rich, chant-like chorus and flowing accompaniment. A poignant and beautiful offering for Holy Week!

Composer: Joseph Martin

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35000336 | Showtrax CD Available

Agnus Dei : SATB : Lloyd Larson : Michael W. Smith : Michael W. Smith : Sheet Music : 35027634 : 884088531713

Lloyd Larson : Agnus Dei

Uses: Holy Week, Lent, Communion Scripture: John 1:29; I Corinthians 5:7 A modern sacred classic by contemporary Christian artist Michael W. Smith is touched with arranging excellence in this offering for Holy Week or anytime. Elegant fluid part-writing and a supportive keyboard part characterizes this beautiful selection. Includes Sop. Sax part and substitute C instrument part.

Arranger: Lloyd Larson | Composer: Michael W. Smith Performed By: Michael W. Smith

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35027634 | Digital Version Available| Showtrax CD

Agnus Dei : SATB : Brian Lewis : Brian Lewis : Sheet Music : 00-23908 : 038081260365

Brian Lewis : Agnus Dei

This lyrical setting of the traditional Latin text overflows with warm harmonies and expressive melodic lines. Developing mixed and treble choirs will achieve a polished sound and appreciate an enriching musical experience. Accomplishable A-B-A form.

Composer: Brian Lewis

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.65 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-23908
Other Voicings: SSA, SAB

Agnus Dei : SATB : John Leavitt : Sheet Music : 00-38036 : 038081425085

John Leavitt : Agnus Dei

This, the stirring final movement from John Leavitt's world-famous Missa Festiva, is presented in newly engraved octavos, available for all choirs. A superb new chamber orchestration enhances the musical texture and color of this captivating modal work.

Arranger: John Leavitt

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.80 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-38036
Other Voicings: SSA, 2-Part, SAB

Agnus Dei : SATB : Sonja Poorman : Sheet Music : 00-43216 : 038081487588

Sonja Poorman : Agnus Dei

All sections of the choir take a turn singing the elegant melody in this harmonically rich concert work. Encourage pure vowels when pronouncing the familiar Latin text, which comes from the Mass Ordinary. A reverent piece of great depth.

Arranger: Sonja Poorman

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.90 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-43216
Other Voicings: 3-Part Mixed

Agnus Dei : SATB : Rollo Dilworth : Rollo Dilworth : Sheet Music : 00325469 : 888680986445

Rollo Dilworth : Agnus Dei

Accessible concert music with energy and excitement are the hallmarks of Rollo Dilworth's music. This is perfect for the concert stage or the sanctuary.

Arranger: Rollo Dilworth | Composer: Rollo Dilworth

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00325469 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SSA, SSA

Agnus Dei : 3-Part : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08703392 : 884088535872

Audrey Snyder : Agnus Dei

Set in a gentle 3/4 meter, this beautiful setting of the familiar Latin text offers younger and developing choirs an opportunity to build important performance skills through legato phrasing and expressive contemporary harmonies. Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, SSA. Duration: ca. 1:45.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $2.35 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08703392 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SSA, SSA, SATB

Agnus Dei : SATB : Kirke Mechem : Kirke Mechem : Sheet Music : 50486224 : 884088063788 : 1423410653

Kirke Mechem : Agnus Dei

A stunningly beautiful new setting of the Latin text, this work is vocally expressive and immensely rewarding in performance.

Composer: Kirke Mechem

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.70 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50486224
Other Voicings: SSAATTBB, SATB

Agnus Dei (from Missa Secunda) : SATB : John Leavitt : Sheet Music : 08596736 : 073999967364

John Leavitt : Agnus Dei (from Missa Secunda)

This masterwork from Hassler's Missa Secunda is ideal for developing the representative style qualities of the era. Excellent for contest and concert!Available separately: SATB a cappella. Performance Time: Approx. 3:00

Arranger: John Leavitt

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596736

Agnus Dei (Lamb Of God) (from Mass II) : SATB : Karl-Heinz Schnee : Antonio Lotti : Sheet Music : W6036

Karl-Heinz Schnee : Agnus Dei (Lamb Of God) (from Mass II)

Arranger: Karl-Heinz Schnee | Composer: Antonio Lotti

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.60 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| W6036

Agnus Dei (Requiem) : SATB : Jay Althouse : Jay Althouse : Sheet Music : 00-45667 : 038081514062

Jay Althouse : Agnus Dei (Requiem)

Written in response to numerous unfortunate tragedies in 2016, "Agnus Dei" (with a text from the Requiem Mass) honors the memory of victims. Two chromatic, contrary vocal lines weave over an insistent single note, which tolls in the piano until all voices combine in meditative, reflective, somber harmony.

Composer: Jay Althouse

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.90 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-45667

Agnus Dei (with Lamb of God) : SATB : Russell Mauldin : Twila Paris : Sheet Music : 08743020 : 073999585582

Russell Mauldin : Agnus Dei (with Lamb of God)

Michael W. Smith's Agnus Dei has been creatively paired with Twila Paris's Lamb of God, creating an unforgettable moment of awe-inspiring praise! Russell Mauldin's choral scoring will make your choir sound their best, while the accompaniment is supportive and creative.Available separately: SATB, ChoirTrax CD and I-Pak (Full Orchestra).

Arranger: Russell Mauldin | Composer: Twila Paris

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.30 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08743020 | Choirtrax CD Available

Agnus Dei - Dona Nobis Pacem : SATB : John O. Westlund : Johann Nepomuk Hummel : Sheet Music : WW1025 : 073999639964

John O. Westlund : Agnus Dei - Dona Nobis Pacem

Arranger: John O. Westlund | Composer: Johann Nepomuk Hummel

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $3.20 | Keyboard |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| WW1025

Agnus Dei: from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace : SSATTBB : Karl Jenkins : Karl Jenkins : Sheet Music : 48023273 : 888680031633 : 1784540064

Karl Jenkins : Agnus Dei: from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace

Latin text.

Composer: Karl Jenkins

More details
Voicing: SSATTBB | Sheet Music | $2.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48023273

Agnus Dei: Music of Inner Harmony : SATB : Benjamin Harlan : Michael W. Smith : Michael W. Smith : Sheet Music : 08743991 : 073999785319

Benjamin Harlan : Agnus Dei: Music of Inner Harmony

Michael W. Smith's popular praise chorus is given a well-crafted choral treatment from Benjamin Harlan. With a superb piano accompaniment to support the heartfelt words and music, this anthem is great for choirs, ensembles and/or praise teams.

Arranger: Benjamin Harlan | Composer: Michael W. Smith Performed By: Michael W. Smith

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.15 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08743991

Agnus Dei: Music of Inner Harmony : SATB : Patrick Liebergen : Sheet Music : 08596766 : 884088067274

Patrick Liebergen : Agnus Dei: Music of Inner Harmony

Franz Joseph Haydn's Little Organ Mass is a departure from the larger, more fully orchestrated works of the 18th century. Written to be performed in a small chapel, this meditative setting is appropriate for school or church use.Available separately: SATB. Performance Time: Approx. 2:45.

Arranger: Patrick Liebergen

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.60 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596766

Agnus Dei: Music of Inner Harmony : SATB : Roger Emerson : Sheet Music : 40326297 : 073999262971

Roger Emerson : Agnus Dei: Music of Inner Harmony

Michael W. Smith's contemporary treatment of the mass setting may be performed with a concert approach, using piano accompaniment alone, or by pop/show groups with the recorded tracks. An excellent transition piece or musical change of pace. Available: SATB. Performance Time: Approx. 5:00.

Arranger: Roger Emerson

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 40326297

Agnus Dei: Music of Inner Harmony : SATB : Ron Kean : Sheet Music : 08301585 : 073999272963

Ron Kean : Agnus Dei: Music of Inner Harmony

An expressive Agnus Dei is paired with the treasured American hymn Shall We Gather at the River, each perfectly complementing the other in both emotion and spirituality. Available: SATB, 2-Part.

Arranger: Ron Kean

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.65 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08301585
Other Voicings: 2-Part

Almighty and Most Merciful Father : SATB : Edwin Childs : Edwin Childs : Sheet Music : 00159797 : 888680619732

Edwin Childs : Almighty and Most Merciful Father

Although the title may conjure images of power, this sacred anthem is actually a prayer. The composer constructs lovely flowing lines within a chorale style and introduces some delightfully surprising harmonies. The inspirational words come from the Book of Common Prayer. Easy to medium.

Composer: Edwin Childs

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.35 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00159797

Artist of the Heart : SATB : Kevin Memley : Kevin Memley : Sheet Music : 00466831 : 196288070597

Kevin Memley : Artist of the Heart

This beautiful anthem combines the themes of music appreciation with servitude in a truly artistic way, both musically and textually. Above those themes is also a song of praise and thanks. The optional string quartet adds more color to the piece which mirrors the prayer in the words.

Composer: Kevin Memley

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.95 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00466831 | Digital Version Available

Ascribe to the Lord : SATB : Rosephanye Powell : Sheet Music : 08738993 : 073999389937

Rosephanye Powell : Ascribe to the Lord

Although Rosephanye often selects sacred texts for her music, it is the uniqueness of her writing style that enables it to serve both in worship and concert. Ascribe to the Lord has been one of her most popular compositions and this arrangement for men's voices by her husband, William, will spread its popularity even further. A driving accompaniment and roaring musical lines bring a fresh wind to Psalm 29:1-4.

Arranger: Rosephanye Powell

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.95 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08738993
Other Voicings: TTBB, SSAA, TTBB

Ave Maria : SATB : Imant Raminsh : Sheet Music : 48021165 : 884088607517

Imant Raminsh : Ave Maria

A beautiful rendition of the sacred text from the Gospel of Luke set for SATB divisi chorus and mezzo soprano soloist. This work has been recorded by the Vancouver Chamber Choir, Jon Washburn conducting. Duration: 4:45.

Arranger: Imant Raminsh

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48021165

Ave Maria : SATB : John Cramer : Sheet Music : 00007477 : 073999074772

John Cramer : Ave Maria

(Rachmaninoff/Cramer) SATB English and Latin

Arranger: John Cramer

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00007477

Ave Maria : SAB : Russell Robinson : Sheet Music : 35027549 : 884088523930

Russell Robinson : Ave Maria

These new SAB and SSA arrangements make the beautiful Tomás Luis de Victoria choral work accessible for younger and smaller choirs as well as treble voices. The optional piano is a supportive accompaniment, offering an alternative to a cappella singing for developing choirs. A timeless classic in choral literature. Available: SAB, opt. a cappella; SSA, opt. a cappella; PianoTrax CD (35027473). Duration: ca. 1:50.

Arranger: Russell Robinson

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35027549
Other Voicings: SSA

Ave Maria : SATB divisi : Wayne Oquin : Sheet Music : 48005072 : 073999466638

Wayne Oquin : Ave Maria

This contemporary a cappella setting of the traditional Latin text was composed as a gift to Judith Clurman. Edited by Ms. Clurman. Duration: 2:30.

Arranger: Wayne Oquin

More details
Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | $2.25 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48005072
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB divisi

Ave Maria from Adiemus: Songs of Sanctuary : SSAATB : Karl Jenkins : Karl Jenkins : Sheet Music : 48023276 : 888680031602 : 1784540080

Karl Jenkins : Ave Maria from Adiemus: Songs of Sanctuary

Latin text.

Composer: Karl Jenkins

More details
Voicing: SSAATB | Sheet Music | $2.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48023276

Beata Es, Virgo Maria : SATB divisi : Paul Mealor : Paul Mealor : Sheet Music : 14042880 : 888680012717

Paul Mealor : Beata Es, Virgo Maria

This short unaccompanied motet with the Latin text drawn from the tradition of Lauda Spiritual is quiet and reflective with lovely expressive choral textures.

Composer: Paul Mealor | Country: Wales

More details
Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | $2.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 14042880 | Digital Version Available

Becomes Bethlehem : SATB : Mark Sirett : Mark Sirett : Sheet Music : 48024798 : 888680972912

Mark Sirett : Becomes Bethlehem

This marvelous poetry is by award-winning Canadian poet, Wendy Jean MacLean, who also provided the fascinating text for Sirett's The Stars Point the Way which was awarded Outstanding Composition from Choral Canada in 2010. Based on traditional and contemporary thought on the nativity, linking together both sacred and secular images of the Christmas celebrations. The eternal themes of Christmas are proclaimed: peace, justice, wonder, hope, love...and home.

Composer: Mark Sirett

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48024798 | Digital Version Available

Bell Mass : SATB : Rupert Lang : Rupert Lang : Sheet Music : 48019367 : 884088126353

Rupert Lang : Bell Mass

An unrushed setting of the Sanctus and Agnus Dei suitable for liturgical use or for the concert stage. Its small scale makes it easy to prepare without much rehearsal time, or for occasions when the full choir is not available. With handbells.

Composer: Rupert Lang

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.95 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48019367

Benedicamus Domino : 3-Part : Cristi Cary Miller : Cristi Cary Miller : Sheet Music : 08552352 : 884088564186

Cristi Cary Miller : Benedicamus Domino

Bright rhythms, buoyant layered melodies and an easy Latin text combine to create a superb concert showcase for younger and developing choirs. After a contrasting legato Alleluia section, the opening material returns and the piece is propelled into a joyful conclusion. Available separately: 3-Part Mixed, 3-Part Treble, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 3:00.

Composer: Cristi Cary Miller

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $2.95 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08552352 | Digital Version Available| Voicetrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SSA, SSA

Benedictus : SAB : Andrea Klouse : Andrea Klouse : Sheet Music : 08721807 : 073999218077

Andrea Klouse : Benedictus

Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord. The Latin text and carefully crafted vocal textures in minor create a wonderful harmonic work. Ideal concert/festival use!. Available: SATB, SAB, 2-Part. Performance Time: Approx. 3:00.

Composer: Andrea Klouse

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08721807

Benedictus : SAB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00117716 : 884088890087

Audrey Snyder : Benedictus

Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord. Set in an expressive 3/4 meter, the Latin text and carefully crafted vocal textures create a wonderful harmonic work. Ideal concert/festival use, it may be performed with keyboard only or with the optional strings and brass of the chamber orchestration. Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, SSA. Instrument parts available as a digital download (tpt 1, tpt 2, euph, tbn 1, tbn 2, vln 1, vln 2, vla, vc, db). Duration: ca. 2:15.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00117716 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SSA, SATB, SSA

Benedictus from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace : SATBB : Karl Jenkins : Karl Jenkins : Sheet Music : 48023277 : 888680031589 : 1784540102

Karl Jenkins : Benedictus from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace

Latin text.

Composer: Karl Jenkins

More details
Voicing: SATBB | Sheet Music | $2.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48023277

Breath of Heaven : SAB : Roger Emerson : Amy Grant : Amy Grant : Sheet Music : 08595536 : 073999955361

Roger Emerson : Breath of Heaven

The miracle of Christmas is expressively portrayed through the peaceful, reflective atmosphere of this lovely song recorded by Amy Grant. Available: SATB, SAB, SSA, ShowTrax CD. Performance Time: Approx. 5:15.

Arranger: Roger Emerson | Composer: Amy Grant Performed By: Amy Grant

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08595536 | Showtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SSA, 2-Part

Brightest and Best : SATB : Shawn Kirchner : Sheet Music : 48023967 : 888680657185

Shawn Kirchner : Brightest and Best

This lively arrangement for SATB chorus and piano with solo violin and string bass included in the octavo and an optional string orchestra accompaniment is based on a sturdy American hymn tune with a text by Reginald Heber. A banjo inspired piano accompaniment provides sparks while the tune is presented first in unison, then in canon, next adorned with mirrored countermelodies, with the refrains growing in intensity following each verse.

Arranger: Shawn Kirchner

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $3.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48023967
Other Voicings: TTBB, SSAA

Cantate Domino : SSAB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08744421 : 073999456387

Audrey Snyder : Cantate Domino

This a cappella original work is both accessible and appealing for developing choirs and ideal for contest and festival repertoire.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSAB | Sheet Music | $2.35 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08744421

Cantate Domino : SATB : Patti Drennan : Patti Drennan : Sheet Music : 08754305 : 884088633585

Patti Drennan : Cantate Domino

The Latin text of this contemporary concert work is not difficult and the obbligato trumpet adds rhythmic exuberance. An excellent opener for honor choir, high school and community groups! Duration: ca. 2:00.

Composer: Patti Drennan

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08754305 | Digital Version Available

Cantate Domino from Adiemus: Songs of Sanctuary : SSATB : Karl Jenkins : Karl Jenkins : Sheet Music : 48023278 : 888680031565 : 1784540110

Karl Jenkins : Cantate Domino from Adiemus: Songs of Sanctuary

Latin text.

Composer: Karl Jenkins

More details
Voicing: SSATB | Sheet Music | $3.15 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48023278

Cantate Hodie! (Sing on This Day!) : 3-Part : John Purifoy : John Purifoy : Sheet Music : 00142992 : 888680052270

John Purifoy : Cantate Hodie! (Sing on This Day!)

This buoyant sacred work will be an excellent and accessible work for contest, festival and sacred concert performance, with a rhythmic and lively refrain contrasted with a somewhat more lyrical section.

Composer: John Purifoy

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00142992 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SSA, SSA

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