In Celebration of the Human Voice - The Essential Musical Instrument

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Gospel Arrangements for Male Voices

A selection of gospel songbooks and sheet music arrangements for male voices.

Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media

Displaying 1-25 of 25 items.

Barry Rose : Sing Low : TTBB : Songbook : 884088440985 : 0711992320 : 14030301

Barry Rose : Sing Low

'Sing Low' is a new and wide-ranging collection of sacred music for church, collegiate, cathedral, school and youth choirs of 'low voices': altos, tenors and basses. The anthology includes Medieval and Renaissance works, and represents the rich diversity of twentieth century church music. Selected and edited by Barry Rose. Most arrangements with rehearsal accompaniment.

Songlist: Ave Maria (Angelus Domini), Behold now, praise the Lord, By the waters of Babylon, Christ hath a garden, Come, thou Redeemer of the earth, Exsultate justi, Give rest, O Christ, God so loved the world, Grace, Holy is the true light, I will lift up mine eyes, If Ye Love Me, In manus tuas, In paradisum (Nunc dimittis), Jubilate Deo, Look down, O Lord, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Oculi omnium, O most merciful, O praise God in his holiness, Preces and Responses, Salve Regina, Sancta Maria, The shepherds' farewell, Sicut cervus, Thou, O God, art praised in Sion, Upon this Holy Eastertide, When Christ was born of Mary free

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Voicing: TTBB | 5036b | Songbook | $19.95

Dale Mathews : Men of God Sing! - Choral Book : TTBB : Songbook : 080689648175 : 080689648175

Dale Mathews : Men of God Sing! - Choral Book

Encouraging and enabling men everywhere to join us in offering up our praises in this rich, timehonored tradition of singing together, comes this new, standout collection for TTBB men's choir, Men of God Sing!, from Word Music & Church Resources. Men of God Sing!, featuring 10 must-have arrangements of worship, praise, commitment, and testimony songs. Arranged especially for Men's Choir by Daniel Semsen, Cliff Duren, Marty Hamby, David Wise, Steve W. Mauldin, and Luke Gambill, this collection will be a high value resource for your music ministry needs, giving the men of your choir and congregation the opportunity to come together as one, men of God, singing praises to the King of kings. Featuring a wide selection of songs ranging from chart-topping, CCM songs such as Red Letters, Song of Deliverance, and I Got Saved, to hymns and gospel songs such as I Saw the Light, Sinner Saved by Grace, The King Is Coming, and Child of the King, Men of God Sing! is the perfect choice for your Men's Choir, ensemble, or quartet.

Songlist: Red Letters, Song of Deliverance, I Got Saved, I Saw the Light, Sinner Saved by Grace, The King Is Coming, Child of the King, Men of God Sing!

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Voicing: TTBB | 12154b | Songbook | $12.95

Other Voicings: TTBB, TTBB

Dave Williamson : Men Sing Praise : TTBB : Songbook : 0834177412 : 9780834177413

Dave Williamson : Men Sing Praise

We've long held to our commitment of providing a wide range of useful materials encompassing all age groups and a variety of specialized voicings. To that end we're pleased to present this new compilation creatively arranged for men's choirs, ensembles, and quartets, by some of Christian music's finest arrangers including Dave Williamson, Chris Barron, Marty Parks, Shannon Kropf, Michael Lawrence, and Dennis Allen.Men Sing Praise offers 12 powerful arrangements for men's choirs, ensembles, and quartets in a variety of styles and themes. From the sing-a-long style of "Everlasting God" with "O God, Our Help in Ages Past," to the truth and promise of "What a Great Morning," to the strength and beauty of Dove Award winning "Reason Enough," this collection will be enjoyed by performers and audiences alike. Each song has its own unique touch, and though there's a wide spectrum of styles represented here, the unifying element is practical, powerful material sure to enhance the worship of your congregation

Songlist: Blessed Assurance, Blessed Be, Desire of My Heart, Everlasting God with O god, Our Help in Ages Past, How Can I Keep from Singing? with I Will Sing the Wondrous Story and I Could Sing of Your Love Forever, How Great is Your Love, How We Thank You, Mighty is the Power of the Cross, Reason Enough, What a Great Morning, You're Everything, Your Name

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Voicing: TTBB | 1024b | Songbook | $8.95 | Some a cappella | Companion CD Available

Other Voicings: TTBB, TTBB

Eclipse 6 - Patrick Rose : Grateful Praise Charts Vol. 1 : TTBB : Sheet Music Collection

Eclipse 6 - Patrick Rose : Grateful Praise Charts Vol. 1

Original arrangements from "Grateful Praise", the 5th excellent CD from Utah-based Contemporary Christian sextet Eclipse. We have been watching Eclipse with great interest since their dynamic performances at the Harmony Sweeps Finals in 2001 and 2002, winners of the Denver and Pacific NW Regionals. The group's trademark sound features tight, smooth harmonies, solid vocal percussion, complex, beautiful arrangements and high energy.

Songlist: All Creatures of Our God and King, For The Beauty of the Earth, His Eye is on the Sparrow, Mercy's Arms

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Voicing: TTBB | Performed by Eclipse | 2255b | Sheet Music Collection | $12.95 | A Cappella

Eclipse 6 - Patrick Rose : Think Twice - Song Charts : TTBB : Sheet Music Collection

Eclipse 6 - Patrick Rose : Think Twice - Song Charts

The follow up to Eclipse's first contemporary album 'Once,' 'Think Twice' was a much anticipated release. Here are six original arrangements from that album! For five male voices!

Songlist: Heaven's Eyes, Keep Pushin' On, Kick Back, Relax, Live It On Up, Pouring Rain, Think Twice

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Performed by Eclipse | 9401b | Sheet Music Collection | $12.95 | A Cappella

Ernie Haase & Signature Sound : Dream On : TTBB : Songbook : 884088470043 : 9780834177550

Ernie Haase & Signature Sound : Dream On

With this collection from the men's southern gospel quartet Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, you can recreate the ragtime style of "Are You Enjoying the Show," or the bluesy heart of "My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me." With its enchanting doo-wop backup, excite your audience with the tireless energy of "Never Give Up, Never Give In," or move them with Bill Gaither's timeless "Since Jesus Passed By" in a stirring arrangement by Lari Goss and Wayne Haun. This collection is a must for any ensemble or fan who wishes to sing the finest in southern gospel music.

Songlist: Right Place, Right Time, Reason Enough, My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me, Dream On, Never Give Up, Never Give In, Since Jesus Passed By, No Unknown Soldiers, Sundays are Made for Times Like These, A Good Heart, Between the Cross and Heaven, Are You Enjoying the Show?, The Old Landmark, Out of Bondage, We Need Each Other

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Voicing: TTBB | 6715b | Songbook | $19.95

Good News Quartet : Gospel 1 Songbook  : TTBB : Songbook

Good News Quartet : Gospel 1 Songbook

The mission of the Good News! Gospel Quartet is to provide music and learning assistance for quartets who want to sing gospel songs in the four-part barbershop style. The songbooks are in four part a cappella arrangements with most having supporting CDs with part-predominant tracks plus full-mix tracks are also available. It is the hope of the Good News! that you will find your mission as a quartet singer, or as a listener, and be enriched and learn with these fine recordings. Complete voice part set includes Tenor, Lead, Bass and Baritone.

Songlist: I Will Sing the Wondrous Story, Wonderful Words of Life, He Keeps Me Singing, There's Something About that Name, In the Garden, Near to the Heart of God, Amazing Grace, Something Beautiful, It Is Well With My Soul, Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Abide With Me, Why Will You Do Without Him

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 2829b | Songbook | $11.95 | A Cappella | Voice Parts CDs Available

Good News Quartet : Gospel 2 Songbook : TTBB : Songbook

Good News Quartet : Gospel 2 Songbook bestseller

The mission of the Good News! Gospel Quartet is to provide music and learning assistance for quartets who want to sing gospel songs in the four-part barbershop style. The songbooks are in four part a cappella arrangements with most having supporting CDs with part-predominant tracks plus full-mix tracks are also available. It is the hope of the Good News! that you will find your mission as a quartet singer, or as a listener, and be enriched and learn with these fine recordings.

Songlist: When We All Get to Heaven, The Gloryland Way, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, Wispering Hope, Just Over in the Gloryland, Standing on the Promises, To God Be the Glory, Were You There?, Christ Arose, Softly and Tenderly, Just As I Am, Without One Plea, Just a Closer Walk With Thee, Beneath the Cross of Jesus, Rock of Ages, God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 2831b | Songbook | $11.95 | A Cappella | Voice Parts CDs Available

Larry Pugh (editor) : 7 Anthems For Men's Voices : TTB : Songbook : 9781429102483 : 45/1157L

Larry Pugh (editor) : 7 Anthems For Men's Voices

Seven attractive anthems for three- or four- part men's voices-varied in musical style, both seasonal and non-seasonal in service usage and all best-sellers in separate octavo format from some of today's favorite composers-are now offered in this remarkable budget-stretching choral collection: "7 Anthems for Men's Voices." Let the women of the choir join their families in the congregation for Sunday worship and have the opportunity to enjoy hearing their male cohorts sing these inspirational anthems-not only a great treat, but one in which they can reciprocate with the use of the companion volume of "6 Anthems for Women's Voices!". It is a wonderful opportunity to offer musical variety for the congregation, a Sunday "off" for half your choir, and to feature the talents of your male choir members. Keyboard accompaniment.

Songlist: Father, We Worship You, Christ is the Rock, Prayer for Peace, Sov'reign Lord, Creator, Righteous One, In the Bleak Midwinter, Come, Peace of God, Holy and Mighty

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Voicing: TTB | 8102b | Songbook | $10.95 | Accompanied

Marty Parks : Men Sing Christmas : TTBB : Songbook : MC-523

Marty Parks : Men Sing Christmas

A heavenly host of great music for men's voices in the Advent and Christmas season. This collection from Marty Parks has established a treasured place in music ministry. The essence of the Christmas story is captured in a variety of styles. Collection includes service openers, anthems, calls to prayer, and benedictions.

Songlist: Amen, Child of Bethlehem, Christmas Presence, How Great Our Joy!, Jesus, the Light of the World, Jesus, the Son of God, Joyfully We Sing, Mary Had A Baby, O Come, All Ye Faithful, O Little Town of Bethlehem, O Lord, Most Holy, Once In Royal David's City, Prince of Peace, We Have Seen His Star

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 7095b | Songbook | $8.95 | Companion CD Available

Other Voicings: TTBB, TTBB

Mary Lynn Lightfoot (editor) : Singable Solutions for TB Choirs : TB : Songbook : 000308094169 : 45/1132H

Mary Lynn Lightfoot (editor) : Singable Solutions for TB Choirs

Your numerous requests for an accessible and practical TB collection have now been answered! Whether your guys are scheduled separately, or you offer a TB choir as part of your middle school, junior high or smaller high school choral program, we are delighted to present these creative solutions to meet your repertoire needs. The eight selections are in a variety of styles, and possess musical integrity and educational value. Some are brand new, and the rest have been excellent sellers as individual octavos. Now available in this outstanding collection for about half the cost than if purchased separately-a welcome budget stretcher for your program. We are confident that you will enjoy these singable solutions for your concerts-and your budget!

Songlist: A Jubilant Gloria, Down in the Valley, Charlottown, Jubilate Deo, Now Let Me Fly, Music of the Sea, What Do We Plant?, American Folk Rhapsody

More details
Voicing: TB | 8107b | Songbook | $10.95 | Accompanied | Companion CD Available

Other Voicings: TB

Michael Tippett : Five Spirituals from 'A Child of Our Time' : TTBB : Songbook : 884088026899 : 49012962

Michael Tippett : Five Spirituals from 'A Child of Our Time'

These arrangements of the Five Spirituals grew from the arranger's desire to see a larger and more interesting repertoire for male choruses, and were created with the approval of Tippett's biographer and execture, Merion Bowen. Whilst the spirituals suit male choruses of various sizes and remain as 'basically simple' as the originals, there are several musical challenges in the arrangements.

Songlist: Steal Away, Nobody Knows, Go Down Moses, By And By, Deep River

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 9137b | Songbook | $11.95 | A Cappella

Mosie Lister : Rise Up and Sing! : TTBB : Songbook : MB-629

Mosie Lister : Rise Up and Sing!

Included here are 23 hymn arrangements, traditional gospel songs, and southern gospel favorites arranged for male choirs and ensembles by Mosie Lister. Easily accessible 2-part and 4-part voicings, in comfortable keys. TTBB selections always have the melody in the second tenor. Five numbers are a cappella and are great for existing men's groups or as a first volume for starting a men's music ministry. A special section is provided with tips on organizing and maintaining male choirs.

Songlist: Rise Up and SIng!, Come, Thou Almighty King, Holy, Holy, Holy, I Believe That Promise, I Saw the Light, I Sing the Mighty Power of God, I'll Have a New Life, I'm Bound for the Kingdom, It is No Secret, It's Alright Now, Just A Little Talk With Jesus, Let Some Drops Fall on Me, Love Through Me, Near to the Heart of God, Rise Up, O Men of God, Stand By Me, Steal Away, The Gentle Stranger, The King and I, 'Til Jesus Comes (Medley), To God Be the Glory, Touched by the Hand of the Lord, Victory in Jesus, Who at My Door is Standing?

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 1025b | Songbook | $8.95 | Some a cappella

Paul Sjolund : The Lights of the World - Hymns and Spirituals : TTBB : Songbook : 073999380163 : 08738016

Paul Sjolund : The Lights of the World - Hymns and Spirituals

Paul Sjolund is a leading composer of American church and choral music. The range of his style includes a wide spectrum of majestic anthems, fanfares and festival hymns, poignant children's music, and exhilarating range of spirituals and folksongs. Contained in this book are arrangements of several hymns, gospel hymns, one contemporary Christian ballad, two African-American spirituals and an orginal Scrptural anthem.

Songlist: Come, You Thankful People, Come, Crown Him With Many Crowns, Day By Day, Eternal Father, Strong To Survive, God Of Our Fathers, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Hold Out Your Light, Holy, Holy, Holy!, I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say, Let The Whole Creation Cry, Light Of The World, Like A Lamb Who Needs The Shepard, Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us, Standin' In The Need Of Prayer, Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 9158b | Songbook | $10.50

Rudy Partin : Songs of Faith : TTBB : Songbook

Rudy Partin : Songs of Faith

Songs Of Faith is a collection of seven a cappella arrangements for mens' voices, and represent some of Rudy Partin's favorite old time hymns and spirituals, showcasing his talents for lush harmonies. We hope you enjoy singing these wonderful, timeless pieces as much as Rudy's chorus, The Master's Men, have over the years!

Songlist: Amazing Grace, He Leadeth Me, Showers of Blessings, Fanny J. Crosby Medley, His Eye Is On The Sparrow, God Be With You, Taps

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 8925b | Songbook | $12.95 | A Cappella

Rudy Partin : Traditional Christmas : TTBB : Songbook

Rudy Partin : Traditional Christmas

Traditional Christmas is a collection of seven easily singable, yet rich tunes from Rudy Partin's prolific hand, and perfect for any a cappella celebration of the birth of our Lord! Gather your friends around the fire on a chilly winter's night, and warm your heart with these lovely tunes of the Christmas season.

Songlist: Go, Tell It On The Mountain, O Little Town of Bethlehem, O Come, Emmanuel, Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming, O Holy Night, O Come, All Ye Faithful, Silent Night

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 8926b | Songbook | $12.95 | A Cappella

Tom Fettke : The Men's Christmas Collection : TTBB : Songbook : MC-82

Tom Fettke : The Men's Christmas Collection

Traditional and contemporary Christmas selections for men's quartets, ensembles, or choirs. Tom Fettke's settings include twelve TTBB arrangements, five two-part arrangements, and two a cappella renditions.

Songlist: Angels We Have Heard On High, Baby, What You Goin' to Be?, Beautiful Savior, Celebrate the Child, Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus, Come to My Heart, Gesu Bambino, Gloria, Hear the Good News, How Great Our Joy, In All of His Glory, Jesus! Jesus!, Light of the Star, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, O Holy Night, Sing Praise to the King, Sovereign Lord, The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy, When He Comes

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 7094b | Songbook | $8.95

Various Arrangers : Men's Gospel : TTBB : Sheet Music Collection

Various Arrangers : Men's Gospel

Songlist: I Hear a Voice A-Prayin', Deep River, Run To The Manger

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 3332b | Sheet Music Collection | $7.95 | A Cappella

Various Arrangers : Men's Spirituals : TTBB : Sheet Music Collection

Various Arrangers : Men's Spirituals

A fine collection of traditional and modern spirituals that are bound to get your group swayin' and a prayin'. These stiring and heartfelt songs will inspire audience and singers alike.

Songlist: In That Great Gettin' Up Mornin', Keep In The Middle Of The Road, My Lord, What a Mornin', Old Arks A Moverin' / Steal Away, Don't Touch My Garment, Wade in the Water

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 4408b | Sheet Music Collection | $12.95 | A Cappella

Various Arrangers : Folk Hymns : TTBB : Sheet Music Collection

Various Arrangers : Folk Hymns

The wonderful choral work "Prayer Of the Children" has been heard by audiences across the nation. The piece was featured by the Luther College Choir conducted by Weston Noble during their 1996 tour and was performed at the national MENC conference in Kansas City. Also recently performed by the Georgia All-State Choir, 'Prayer of the Children' is perfectly suited for concerts or festivals! Now men's choirs can enjoy the famous arrangement "Hark, I Hear The Harps Eternal" by Alice Parker, originally written for the Robert Shaw Chorale. The strong walking pulse and juxtaposed motives have made it exceptionally popular for over 40 years. Some choral pieces speak for themselves! 'Salvation Is Created' is just such a work. All of the rich sonorities have been captured in this wonderful new edition. Don't miss this one!

Songlist: Brothers, Sing On, Hark, I Hear The Harps Eternal, Salvation Is Created, Prayer Of the Children

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 7022b | Sheet Music Collection | $8.45 | A Cappella

Various Arrangers : A Cappella Spirituals for Male Voices : TTBB : Sheet Music Collection

Various Arrangers : A Cappella Spirituals for Male Voices

The iconic spiritual arrangement of "My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord" by Moses Hogan has been masterfully adapted for men's voices by Peter Eklund. From the powerful opening chords to the exhilarating call and response sections, this is a work that will bring down the house! Using jazz articulation in an exuberant spiritual style, "Plenty Good Room" provides an exciting dimension to choral programming! John Parker and Greg Gilpin have combined their talents to create "Nothin' Gonna Stumble My Feet" an exuberant and original spiritual for a cappella voices. Full of dynamic contrast, rhythmic nuances, and textual percussiveness, Nothin' Gonna Stumble My Feet will be an outstanding festival, concert, or contest piece. Thrilling to sing and to hear. "Fire In The Furnace" recounts the tale of Shadrach, Meshach and Abegnego as they escape the mighty fiery furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar. A super showcase for men's groups!

Songlist: Fire In The Furnace, De Animals A-comin', Blow That Trumpet, Gabriel, Nothin' Gonna Stumble My Feet, Plenty Good Room, My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 7037b | Sheet Music Collection | $12.50 | A Cappella

Various Arrangers : American Hymns for Male Voices : TTBB : Sheet Music Collection

Various Arrangers : American Hymns for Male Voices

Judy Herrington established her reputation through her conducting work with the Tacoma Youth Chorus. Later, her books, folk song arrangements and choral series produced an ardent following. This a cappella arrangement of one of the great American hymns "How Can I Keep From Singing" is another tribute to her excellent work. "Bound For The Promised Land" - Canonic imitation and development propel this sturdy folk setting to a powerful and dramatic conclusion arranged by Emily Crocker. Here is an arrangement of "Almighty Father" by the great Leonard Bernstein.

Songlist: The Lord's Prayer, How Can I Keep from Singing?, Bound For The Promised Land, Almighty Father

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 7038b | Sheet Music Collection | $7.95 | A Cappella

Various Arrangers : Men's Spirituals Vol. 2 : TTBB : Sheet Music Collection

Various Arrangers : Men's Spirituals Vol. 2

Experience this fiery work, "Every Time I Feel The Spirit" and "feel the Spirit" add vitality to any choral program. Hold on to your choir robes! This invigorating a cappella adaptation of "Sinner Man" will bring your audience to their feet! In keeping with Sister Rosetta Tharpe's stylistic blend, this arrangement of "Heaven Somewhere" has a funky doo-wop flavored middle section that reminds us just how many different rock styles go back to the gospel source. In , "Go Down, Moses," Moses Hogan's contemporary settings of spirituals, original compositions, and other works have been enthusiastically accepted by audiences around the globe and have become staples in the repertoires of high school, college, church, community and professional choirs everywhere. Perhaps the spiritual closest associated with Norman Luboff's arranging style is "Deep River." It requires the fine singing of a well trained a cappella choir, high school choir and beyond. Moderately difficult. Destined to become a standard this new setting of "Witness" for men's voices features the classic Moses Hogan style. Opening with a section of sustained close harmony, "Plenty Of Good Room," moves into a medium tempo jazz-flavored groove that's pure delight! An ideal showcase for men's chorus! From the quiet beginning to the joy-filled ending, your men will gladly proclaim, "Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory!"

Songlist: Sinner Man, Heaven Somewhere, Joshua, Rise an' Shine, Plenty Good Room, Witness

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 9260b | Sheet Music Collection | $12.95 | A Cappella

Various Arrangers : Augsburg Choirbook for Men : TTBB : Songbook : 9780800676834

Various Arrangers : Augsburg Choirbook for Men

Following the success of the Augsburg Choirbook and the Augsburg Easy Choirbook, the Augsburg Choirbook for Men will satisfy the needs of choirs and small ensembles alike. This collection features old and new anthems that should be staples in any choral library.

Songlist: Brighter Than The Sun, Come Ye Sinners, Day By Day, Don't Be Weary, Traveler, God Is The Lord Of All, I Want Jesus To Walk With Me, It Is Well With My Soul, Lo How A Rose Er Blooming, Midnight Clear, So Much To Sing About, Standin' In The Need Of Prayer, The Heavens Resounding, The King Of Love My Shepard Is, When Christmas Morn Is Dawning

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 9509b | Songbook | $9.95

Various Arrangers : Hymns for Men : TTBB : Songbook : 9786000000820

Various Arrangers : Hymns for Men

Suitable for either mail chorus or quartet. The range of the individual parts is not extreme and the melody is often in an inner voice with the first tenor providing a descant.

Songlist: Ah, Holy Jesus, Alleluia, All Praise to Thee, My God, Angels We Have Heard on High, Brightest and Best, Come, Holy Spirit, Come, Ye Thankful People, Come, From Heaven Above to Earth i Come, Good Christian Men, Rejoice and Sing, Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise, Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding, Hark! Hark, My Soul!, How Fair the Church, I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, In Heavenly Love Abiding, Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Joy to the World!, Lift Up Your Heads, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, Love of the Father, More Love to Thee, O Christ, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, O Day Fully of Grace, O God, Thou Faithful God, O Lamb of God, O Master, let Me Walk With Thee, Praise to the Holiest in the Height, Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart, Rise, My Soul, Saviour, When We Call, and more

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 9513b | Songbook | $8.95

Individual Folios

Displaying 1-50 of 126 items.

A Christmas Carol : TTBB : Mark Hayes : Leslie Bricusse : Songbook : 01145660 : 196288117360 : 1705185282

Mark Hayes : A Christmas Carol

From the 1970 movie Scrooge, this beloved song has been covered by many artists ever since: from gospel greats to contemporary stars. The arrangement captures the beauty, strength and scope of the original and may be accompanied by either piano or additional chamber instruments. What a glorious moment for any holiday concert!

Arranger: Mark Hayes | Composer: Leslie Bricusse

More details
Voicing: TTBB | $2.75 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 01145660
Other Voicings: SATB, SAB, SSAA, 2-Part

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God : TTBB : Benjamin Harlan : 35028304 : 884088650018

Benjamin Harlan : A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Uses: General, Reformation, Festival, Church Heritage Scripture: Psalm 46 One of the great hymns of faith is visited with an exciting setting of power and majesty. Each verse is treated with thoughtful originality using the words as a springboard for colorful and artful musical moments. Festive brass, percussion, and a rousing piano accompaniment complete the package making this one of the definitive arrangements of a true classic hymn. Available separately: SATB, TTBB, Brass Orchestration. Duration: ca. 4:10.

Arranger: Benjamin Harlan

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35028304
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB, SATB

Abide with Me : TTBB : Peter Eklund : Sheet Music : 08753674 : 884088592479

Peter Eklund : Abide with Me

The timeless hymn Abide With Me arranged by Moses Hogan has been adapted by Peter Eklund for men's voices in a rich and sonorous setting that will be a concert highlight!

Arranger: Peter Eklund

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08753674
Other Voicings: SATB divisi

Ain't Got Time to Die : TTBB : Stacey V. Gibbs : Sheet Music : 00144240 : 888680060923

Stacey V. Gibbs : Ain't Got Time to Die

How is it possible to keep a spiritual favorite rooted in the past but sound so new? In this arena, Stacey Gibbs is the master. This energetic arrangement was premiered at the ACDA National Convention in 2015 under the direction of Jefferson Johnson. A great concert closer, this one will bring the house down. For high school and college male choirs. Medium difficulty.

Arranger: Stacey V. Gibbs

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.45 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00144240

All My Sins Been Taken Away : TTBB : Robert Townsend : Traditional Spiritual : Sheet Music : 08748827 : 884088241247

Robert Townsend : All My Sins Been Taken Away

This spiritual is a heartfelt expression of faith and representative of the rich heritage of African-American music. This accessible arrangement will be a dramatic addition to any concert program and powerful in performance. Available separately: SATB a cappella, TTBB a cappella. Duration: ca. 2:00.

Arranger: Robert Townsend | Composer: Traditional Spiritual

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $1.70 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08748827

Ballade to the Moon : TTBB : Daniel Elder : Daniel Elder : Sheet Music : GIA8760 : 785147876007

Daniel Elder : Ballade to the Moon

Listen to a performance of Elder's Ballade to the Moon by the Missouri State University Men's Chorus in the video below.

Composer: Daniel Elder

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.80 | Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| GIA8760
Other Voicings: SATB

Be Thou My Vision : TTB : Dan Forrest : Sheet Music : 00143143 : 888680053000

Dan Forrest : Be Thou My Vision

Uses: General, Hymn Arrangement, Reformation Scripture: Numbers 12:6; Psalm 16:5-8; Psalm 61:1-5 This sensitive setting of a beloved Irish hymn is truly a worshipful experience. A contrasting a cappella section adds interest and emotional depth, while optional use of harp and cello brings the concept to a beautiful level of expressivity. It is a work that your choir and congregation will ask for again and again, and we are proud to offer this best-selling anthem in a variety of new voicings. Stunning! Instrumental parts (vc, hp) available as a digital download.

Arranger: Dan Forrest

More details
Voicing: TTB | Sheet Music | $2.35 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00143143 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SSA, 2-Part, SATB, SATB, 2-Part, SSA

Beautiful Star of Bethlehem : TTBB : Keith Christopher : R. Fisher Boyce : Sheet Music : 00290599 : 888680922467

Keith Christopher : Beautiful Star of Bethlehem

A touch of gospel always adds a unique and meaningful element to worship. This perennial favorite glows with new luster adorned by a bluegrass consort. Your congregation will sway to the joyful dance of this best seller now available in both SAB and TTBB options. Consider this gospel standard for a distinctive moment of worship anytime of year or as that feel good encore for your Christmas program. Score and parts (mandolin, guitar, fiddle, dobro, upright bass, violin 1-2, viola, cello) available as a CD-ROM and as a digital download.

Arranger: Keith Christopher | Composer: R. Fisher Boyce

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.15 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00290599 | Digital Version Available| Choirtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SAB, SAB, SATB

Bethlehem Spiritual : TTBB : Donald Moore : Donald Moore : Sheet Music : 00-41647 : 038081467276

Donald Moore : Bethlehem Spiritual

The guys in your choir will shine singing this a cappella original that sounds like a traditional spiritual. Opens with a syncopated ostinato, adds a compelling minor-key melody, and expands into full four-part harmony. Gradually, voice parts disappear one by one, fading to the end. Newly Available for TTBB.

Composer: Donald Moore

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $1.85 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-41647
Other Voicings: SATB, SSAB

Bye and Bye : TTBB : Rollo Dilworth : Traditional : Sheet Music : 00350198 : 840126933208

Rollo Dilworth : Bye and Bye

Another rock-solid addition to the spiritual oeuvre of Rollo Dilworth, Bye and Bye is a resolute and medium-difficulty level selection for developing high school choirs.

Arranger: Rollo Dilworth | Composer: Traditional

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.15 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00350198 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SSAA, SATB, SSAA

Caliban's Dream : TBB : Emily Crocker : Emily Crocker : Sheet Music : 00328645 : 840126901689

Emily Crocker : Caliban's Dream

In Shakespeare's play The Tempest Caliban is a character who is half human and half monster. In spite of his wild personality he nonetheless delivers the beautiful lines found in this text as if to show that all creatures are capable of knowing and expressing beauty. The music reflects this dichotomy with an energetic piano part along with contrasting vocal lines.

Composer: Emily Crocker

More details
Voicing: TBB | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00328645 | Digital Version Available

Come and See the King : TTBB : Ken Berg : Sheet Music : 08742750 : 073999427509

Ken Berg : Come and See the King

Ken Berg has emerged among a new generation of choral composers with an amazing list of successful new works. This original for men's voices was composed for his own high school men's choir. With a fresh new text for both sacred and secular uses, it begins quietly and then explodes into a great gospel groove. It offers opportunities to feature your best soloists and ends with reckless abandon that will bring down the house!

Arranger: Ken Berg

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08742750

Come Share the Lord : TTBB : Keith Christopher : Bryan Jeffery Leech : Sheet Music : 00338836 : 840126913972

Keith Christopher : Come Share the Lord

This classic communion song by Bryan Jeffery Leech has been given new life by veteran arranger, Keith Christopher. The vocal parts are very accessible for any choir and provide a musical invitation to the Lord's Table. The orchestration creates a welcoming atmosphere for any congregation. This new arrangement is simply beautiful. Accompaniment tracks and conductor's score and parts available separately.

Arranger: Keith Christopher | Composer: Bryan Jeffery Leech

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $3.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00338836 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB

Deep River : TTBB : H T Burleigh : Traditional : Cantus : Sheet Music : 5583

H T Burleigh : Deep River

A powerful and somber spiritual from Harry T. Burleigh with helpful edits for men's choir from Cantus. Much of the melody is given to Bass 1 as others hum the rich harmonies. A brief animato section builds to a glorious forte before it winds back to the same dramatic and chromatic chord progression that opened the piece.

Arranger: H T Burleigh | Composer: Traditional Performed By: Cantus

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $1.30 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 5583

Deep River : TTBB : Roy Ringwald : Traditional : Sheet Music : 35005232 : 747510013532

Roy Ringwald : Deep River

There is no better example of the classic Waring sound than in the sonorous chords of this arrangement by Roy Ringwald. High school and college choirs, churches and civic choruses must all have the opportunity to perform this unaccompanied masterpiece. We have re-engraved this hallowed choral for clarity and ease of learning. This is choral music at its very best!

Arranger: Roy Ringwald | Composer: Traditional

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35005232
Other Voicings: SATB

Die Lotosblume : TTBB : Matthew Oltman : Franz Schubert : Sheet Music : 08764910 : 728215051364

Matthew Oltman : Die Lotosblume

On a text of Heinrich Henne, this modern edition of the Schumann classic is made available to the advanced college/university or high school festival chorus. Consider pairing it with other classics by Brahms or Schubert. Difficulty Level: Medium Adult.

Arranger: Matthew Oltman | Composer: Franz Schubert

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.15 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08764910

Don't Touch My Garment : TTBB : Robert Shaw : Sheet Music : 50304040 : 073999040401

Robert Shaw : Don't Touch My Garment

Arranger: Robert Shaw

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $1.80 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50304040

Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill : TTBB : Brian Tate : Sheet Music : 00346816 : 840126925517

Brian Tate : Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill

This American folk song from the time of the building of the railroads is both familiar, brawny and humorous. The arrangement is enjoyable and the story comical, making it a great concert selection. Easy to medium in difficulty.

Arranger: Brian Tate

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.75 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00346816 | Digital Version Available

Equality : TTBB : Mark Hayes : Sheet Music : 00-46421 : 038081528007

Mark Hayes : Equality

This contemporary gospel-style rouser denounces oppression and serves as a choral anthem for equal rights. A confident solo voice helps deliver a determined message in the unwavering words of Maya Angelou. If performing as a set, an alternate ending segues directly into the closing movement of Like Dust I Rise. When performing separately, Mark Hayes includes an upward modulation that propels us to the final, most spirited refrain.

Arranger: Mark Hayes | Poetry By: Maya Angelou

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.15 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-46421 | Showtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SSAA

Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit : TTBB : Moses Hogan/James Rodde : Traditional : Sheet Music : 08744443 : 073999690927

Moses Hogan/James Rodde : Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit

James Rodde is Director of Choral Activities at Iowa State University where he conducts the 90-voice men's choir, The Iowa Statesmen. Originally arranged by Hogan for SATB, we are pleased to offer this TTBB adaptation perfect for high school and beyond. Performance Time: Approx. 2:20

Arranger: Moses Hogan/James Rodde | Composer: Traditional

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08744443

Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit : TTBB : Moses Hogan/James Rodde : Sheet Music : 08744443 : 073999690927

Moses Hogan/James Rodde : Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit

James Rodde is Director of Choral Activities at Iowa State University where he conducts the 90-voice men's choir, The Iowa Statesmen. Originally arranged by Hogan for SATB, we are pleased to offer this TTBB adaptation perfect for high school and beyond. Performance Time: Approx. 2:20

Arranger: Moses Hogan/James Rodde

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08744443

Fill-a Me Up! : TTBB : Pepper Choplin : Pepper Choplin : Sheet Music : 10-4395L : 9781429132107

Pepper Choplin : Fill-a Me Up!

Here's a spirited and energetic anthem featuring a soloist with the choir. It sounds more difficult than it is, which allows a variety of choirs to enjoy the challenge of unaccompanied singing. Optional Spanish text is also provided.

Composer: Pepper Choplin

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 10-4395L

Giving : TTBB : Uzee Brown, Jr. : Uzee Brown, Jr. : Sheet Music : GIA8290 : 785147829003

Uzee Brown, Jr. : Giving

Composer: Uzee Brown, Jr.

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.40 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| GIA8290

Go Down Moses : TTBB : Moses Hogan : Sheet Music : 08703231 : 073999032314

Moses Hogan : Go Down Moses

Moses Hogan's contemporary settings of spirituals, original compositions, and other works have been enthusiastically accepted by audiences around the globe and have become staples in the repertoires of high school, college, church, community and professional choirs everywhere. Available: TTBB. Performance Time: Approx. 4:00.

Arranger: Moses Hogan

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.35 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08703231

Go in the Grace of the Lord : TTBB : James Barnard : James Barnard : Sheet Music : 35031004 : 888680617738

James Barnard : Go in the Grace of the Lord

Uses: Benediction, General, Advent Scripture: Hebrews 12:15; II Corinthians 9:8 Now available for men's voices! Rising like a prayer, this lovely blessing is an ideal closer for your worship gathering. Gentle affirmations surround the congregation with assuring messages of hope, peace, joy and love while the lush harmonies create a deep spirit of contemplation. A shortened congregational version is included in the octavo. Useful for general or Advent services.

Composer: James Barnard

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35031004
Other Voicings: SATB

Go Where I Send Thee - TTBB edition : TTBB : Uzee Brown, Jr. : Sheet Music : GIA5778

Uzee Brown, Jr. : Go Where I Send Thee - TTBB edition

A thrilling, potentially definitive setting of this dramatic Christmas spiritual for an adventurous church or school choir with solid men's sections. The choral parts are well constructed with repeated patterns that lie well in the voice and are not difficult to learn. A sure-fire barn-burner to give a Christmas Eve liturgy or a concert great excitement.

Arranger: Uzee Brown, Jr.

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $1.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| GIA5778
Other Voicings: SATB

Go, Tell it on the Mountain : TTBB : Carolyn Jennings : Sheet Music : 35008037 : 747510069515

Carolyn Jennings : Go, Tell it on the Mountain

"Go Tell It on the Mountain" has always been one of our livelier Christmas traditions and Carolyn Jennings's arrangement and additional text is spectacular. This exuberant arrangement for men's voices is bubbling over with joy and good tidings. Great for glee club or men's chorus, or to give the male voices in your mixed choir a moment in the spotlight. This is a real showstopper.

Arranger: Carolyn Jennings

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35008037

Go, Tell It on the Mountain : TB : David Angerman : Sheet Music : 35028399 : 884088653026

David Angerman : Go, Tell It on the Mountain

Uses: Christmas, Youth Scripture: Luke 2:8-14 A well-loved spiritual shines with new life in this contemporary version that is sensitively voiced two ways for developing voices. A fresh compositional approach gives a lively brightness to this traditional spiritual. The text is a challenge to share the good news and celebrate the coming of the Light. For schools and sanctuaries alike. Available separately: SAB, TB, LiteTrax CD. Duration: ca. 3:14.

Arranger: David Angerman

More details
Voicing: TB | Sheet Music | $2.50 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35028399 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SAB, SAB

God Is Gone Up with a Shout : TTBB : David Angerman : Joseph M. Martin : Sheet Music : 35030083 : 888680039097

David Angerman : God Is Gone Up with a Shout

Uses: General, Ascension, Christ the King, Eastertide Scripture: Psalm 47 The poetic imagery of this Psalm makes it usable not only as a general anthem but also for Ascension, Eastertide or Christ the King Sunday. The festive brass and percussion parts added to the organ make this an anthem of great impact. Mixed meter sections dance with more lyric passages as the anthem develops, and a very special wall of sound section is an outstanding moment of choral virtuosity. We are proud to now offer this proven winner for men's voices! Score and Parts (tpt 1-2, hn, tbn, tba, timp) available as a Printed Edition.

Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.50 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35030083 | Showtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen : TTBB : David McCollum : Sheet Music : 35008203 : 747510065807

David McCollum : God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Very cool! A rhythmic and refreshing twist on a holiday favorite! "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" features dynamic syncopation and vocal interplay between parts. The traditional melody is presented in a slightly less than traditional way amidst the dramatic vocal ostinatos and countermelodies of the other parts, then finishes with fabulous glee club choral sound. This is one incredible showstopper!

Arranger: David McCollum

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35008203
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB, SSA

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen : TTBB : Heather Sorenson : Sheet Music : 00419547 : 196288060956

Heather Sorenson : God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen

Primal in its impact and musical syntax, this arrangement of a time-honored Christmas carol is a unique choice for concert or worship programming. Rhythmically vital and infused with syncopated punctuations, this anthem makes use of unison for precision and power while thoughtfully placed harmonic episodes bring forward a distinctive contemporary element. The choir dialogues back and forth with the well-known Tidings of joy phrase, building the crescendo of praise to an almost frenzied finale! Unforgettable! Parts (pno, djem, vn 1-2, vc, syn) available as a digital download.

Arranger: Heather Sorenson

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00419547 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB

God, Give Us Men : TTBB : Uzee Brown, Jr. : Uzee Brown, Jr. : Sheet Music : GIA8289 : 785147828907

Uzee Brown, Jr. : God, Give Us Men

Composer: Uzee Brown, Jr.

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.40 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| GIA8289

Goin' to the Holy City : TTBB : Joseph Martin : Joseph Martin : Sheet Music : 35008287 : 747510038412 : 1458434184

Joseph Martin : Goin' to the Holy City

Uses: General, All Saints Day, Concert Scripture: Revelation 21:2; Ezra 1:1-4 Beginning with the languid strains of a stunning low voice solo, and incorporating the traditional spiritual, City Called Heaven, this compelling anthem is a mixture of styles. The stately opening surrenders to a jazzy theme that is contagious in its vibe using the words almost as a rhythm instrument. The solo returns with choral backup, and the anthem ends with soulful exclamations celebrating the hope of heaven. Now available in three voicing options! Available separately: SATB, TTBB, SSAA, Rhythm Pack (Guitar, Bass, Drums), StudioTrax CD (Accompaniment, Split-Trax, Performance), Orchestration (Score & parts for Flute 1&2, Clarinet 1&2, Bassoon, Horn 1&2, Trumpets 1-3, Trombone 1&2, Bass Trombone/Tuba, Drum Set, Piano, Violin 1&2, Violin, Cello, Double Bass). Duration: ca. 3:14.

Composer: Joseph Martin

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35008287 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB, SSA

Gonna Ride Up in the Chariot : TB : Cristi Cary Miller : Sheet Music : 08552342 : 884088562472

Cristi Cary Miller : Gonna Ride Up in the Chariot

Young men's choirs as will develop vocal and part-singing skills in this accessible setting of the spiritual favorite. Excellent for concert and contest, careful attention to ranges and part-writing ensure success! Available separately: TB, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:00.

Arranger: Cristi Cary Miller

More details
Voicing: TB | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08552342 | Digital Version Available| Voicetrax CD Available

Good News! : TTBB : Jay Althouse : Sheet Music : 00-20095 : 038081186597

Jay Althouse : Good News!

New for TTBB! One of the best in a long line of exuberant, original, a cappella Christmas spirituals by Jay Althouse. It opens with an energetic melody sung by the low voice with the upper three voices singing in counterpoint above. Rhythmic energy develops the piece and it ends with an electrifyimg eight measure coda that's the pinnacle of excitement. No solos, no tempo changes make for quick learning. In the classic spiritual tradition, yet fresh and contemporary.

Arranger: Jay Althouse

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-20095
Other Voicings: SATB

Goodbye, World, Goodbye : TTBB : Keith Christopher : Mosie Lister : Sheet Music : 00319650 : 888680971908

Keith Christopher : Goodbye, World, Goodbye

A southern gospel evergreen is given new wings in this sensational new treatment. After a free-flowing opening featuring an optional solo, the song surrenders to a happy gallop espousing the glories of heaven. Leaving the world behind, the music soars adorned in Dixieland clothing and lifts the spirit to new heights. This one is sure to get lots of affirming Amens! Score and Parts (cl, tpt, tbn, tba, ac gtr/bjo, b, dm) available as a digital download.

Arranger: Keith Christopher | Composer: Mosie Lister

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.15 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00319650 | Digital Version Available| Choirtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SATB

Have You Heard? : TTBB : Jay Althouse : Sheet Music : 00-16285 : 038081136226

Jay Althouse : Have You Heard?

"Have you heard the story of the baby boy, born in Bethlehem?" From that simple question Jay Althouse has crafted another superb, original Christmas spiritual. It features contrasting dynamics (excellent for teaching phrasing), male and female solos, and a tender middle section which contrasts with the hushed excitement of the opening and closing melody. Includes a descant on the final chorus.

Arranger: Jay Althouse

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-16285
Other Voicings: SAB, SATB

He Never Failed Me Yet : TTBB : Keith Christopher : Sheet Music : 08745113 : 073999977370

Keith Christopher : He Never Failed Me Yet

With its driving beat and enormous appeal, this powerful gospel work has become the definitive selection in this style for an entire generation. Use one or two soloists and be prepared for spontaneous, hand-clapping joy as your group reaches the finale. Now available in a TTBB voicing and a full orchestra accompaniment. Available separately: SATB, SSA, TTBB, Combo Parts, Orchestra, ShowTrax CD. Duration: ca. 4:30.

Arranger: Keith Christopher

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08745113 | Digital Version Available| Showtrax CD Available

Heav'n, Heav'n : TTBB : H T Burleigh : Cantus : Sheet Music : 5582

H T Burleigh : Heav'n, Heav'n

An engaging spiritual arranged by Harry T. Burleigh with helpful edits for men's choir from Cantus. A joyful, syncopated work that moves along briskly in under two minutes.

Arranger: H T Burleigh Performed By: Cantus

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $1.30 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 5582

Heaven Somewhere : TTBB : Stephen Hatfield : Sheet Music : 48004773 : 073999057089

Stephen Hatfield : Heaven Somewhere

In keeping with Sister Rosetta Tharpe's stylistic blend, this arrangement has a funky doo-wop flavored middle section that reminds us just how many different rock styles go back to the gospel source.

Arranger: Stephen Hatfield

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48004773

His Name So Sweet : TTBB divisi : Stacey V. Gibbs : Sheet Music : 00123494 : 884088959258

Stacey V. Gibbs : His Name So Sweet

Commissioned by Jefferson Johnson and now part of his male chorus series, here is another excellent arrangement by Stacey V. Gibbs. An ideal choice for fine high school or college men's choirs.

Arranger: Stacey V. Gibbs

More details
Voicing: TTBB divisi | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00123494

Hold Me, Rock Me : TTBB : Brian Tate : Brian Tate : Sheet Music : 00466839 : 196288070672

Brian Tate : Hold Me, Rock Me

This is a modern day spiritual. The SATB voicing has been one of the best-selling pieces for many years. Now Brian Tate has given us a TTBB edition. The words are reassuring and positive and the tune simply rolls as easy as a gentle wave. Easy.

Composer: Brian Tate

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00466839
Other Voicings: SATB, SSAA, SAB, SAB, SATB, SSAA

Hold On - TTBB edition : TTBB : Uzee Brown, Jr. : Sheet Music : GIA6345 : 785147634508

Uzee Brown, Jr. : Hold On - TTBB edition

Arranger: Uzee Brown, Jr.

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.60 | Keyboard |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| GIA6345
Other Voicings: SATB

Holy and Mighty : TTBB : Pepper Choplin : Pepper Choplin : Sheet Music : 10-3284M : 000308103540

Pepper Choplin : Holy and Mighty

In his inimitable style, Pepper Choplin has brilliantly crafted a fun, rhythmic a cappella original based on the familiar hymn text.

Composer: Pepper Choplin

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $1.95 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 10-3284M

Hush! Somebody's Callin' My Name : TTBB : Brazeal Dennard : Sheet Music : 35009893 : 747510020943

Brazeal Dennard : Hush! Somebody's Callin' My Name

Arranger: Brazeal Dennard

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35009893
Other Voicings: SATB

I Hear a Voice A-Prayin' : TTBB : Houston Bright : Houston Bright : Sheet Music : 35010125 : 747510001942

Houston Bright : I Hear a Voice A-Prayin'

This a cappella Shawnee Press Classic, by composer Houston Bright has been a staple in choral libraries for many years. Suitable for developing voices and smaller choirs retaining the vocal finesse. Discover, again, this great choral work. Available separately: SSAB, a cappella; SATB, a cappela; SSAA, a cappella; TTBB, a cappella.

Arranger: Houston Bright | Composer: Houston Bright

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35010125
Other Voicings: SATB, SSAA

I Know I Been Changed : TTBB : Roy Belfield Jr. : Sheet Music : 35028106 : 884088605513

Roy Belfield Jr. : I Know I Been Changed

Uses: Concert Scripture: Romans 12:2 Rich harmonies and engaging textures characterize this affirming song of faith. A classic spiritual treatment for SATB or men's chorus!

Arranger: Roy Belfield Jr.

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35028106
Other Voicings: SATB

I Love You/What a Wonderful World : TTBB : Craig Hella Johnson : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 00138213 : 888680030667

Craig Hella Johnson : I Love You/What a Wonderful World

Known for his unique pairing of songs, Craig Hella Johnson has creatively combined the early contemporary Christian song by Larry Norman and Randy Stonehill with the popular favorite from the '60s. A wonderful and inspirational closing number or encore for mixed, treble and male choirs!

Arranger: Craig Hella Johnson Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00138213 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SATB Divisi, SSAA, SSAA, SATB Divisi

I Will Not Leave You Comfortless : TTBB : Richard Burchard : Richard Burchard : Sheet Music : 1000216907

Richard Burchard : I Will Not Leave You Comfortless

Arranger: Richard Burchard | Composer: Richard Burchard

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Digital | $2.45 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 10 copies)
| 1000216907

I'm Gonna Sing 'Til the Spirit Moves in My Heart : TTBB : Peter Eklund : Digital : 00121745 : 884088932251

Peter Eklund : I'm Gonna Sing 'Til the Spirit Moves in My Heart

Now available in men's and women's groups settings, the multi-layered texture of this powerful original spiritual is both challenging and invigorating. Duration: ca. 2:10.

Arranger: Peter Eklund

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00121745
Other Voicings: SSAA

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