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Abide With Me

Music by Henry Francis Lyte

The author of the hymn, Henry Francis Lyte, was an Anglican minister. He was a curate in County Wexford from 1815 to 1818. According to a plaque erected in his memory in Taghmon Church, he preached frequently in Killurin Church, about nine miles from there. During that time the rector of Killurin Parish, the Reverend Abraham Swanne, was a lasting influence on Lyte's life and ministry. Later he was vicar of All Saints' Church in Brixham, Devon, England.

For most of his life Lyte suffered from poor health, and he would regularly travel abroad for relief, as was customary at that time.

There is some controversy as to the exact dating of the text to Abide with Me. An article in The Spectator, 3 Oct. 1925, says that Lyte composed the hymn in 1820 while visiting a dying friend. It was related that Lyte was staying with the Hore family in County Wexford and had visited an old friend, William Augustus Le Hunte, who was dying. As Lyte sat with the dying man, William kept repeating the phrase "Abide With Me…". After leaving William's bedside Lyte wrote the hymn and gave a copy of it to Le Hunte's family.

The hymn is a prayer for God to remain present with the speaker throughout life, through trials, and through death. The opening line alludes to Luke 24:29, "Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent", and the penultimate verse draws on text from 1 Corinthians 15:55, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

Abide with Me

Abide with Me

Indiana University Jacobs School of Music NOTUS: Contemporary Vocal Ensemble Dominick DiOrio, director

Abide with Me

Abide with Me

Uses: General, Lent Scripture: Luke 24:29; John 15:4-11 Made popular by Matt Redman, this solid contemporary song invokes the presence of Christ in the life of the believer. The dialoguing verses are particularly meaningful, while the chorus soars with rich harmonies that encourage and inspire. Equally effective with piano alone, or with the track and orchestration, this anthem will find its home in a variety of worship services. Score and Parts (pno/rhy, synth, solo vn, solo vc, solo db) available as a digital download.

Voicing: SATB

Abide with Me

Abide with Me

A much-loved hymn is adorned with expressive beauty in this refreshing octavo. The emotive piano accompaniment supports the thoughtful qualities of this classic, bringing an impressionistic quality to its impact. Words that have inspired generations of worshippers remind us again to treasure each moment and to trust God's promise of eternal peace and rest. Meaningful!

Voicing: SATB

Abide with Me

Abide with Me

A much-loved hymn is adorned with expressive beauty in this refreshing octavo. The emotive piano accompaniment supports the thoughtful qualities of this classic, bringing an impressionistic quality to its impact. Words that have inspired generations of worshippers remind us again to treasure each moment and to trust God's promise of eternal peace and rest. Meaningful!

Voicing: TTBB

Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media

Displaying 1-38 of 38 items.

Benjamin Harlan : A Mighty Fortress - A Festival of Hymns : SATB : Songbook : 884088137359 : 08746870

Benjamin Harlan : A Mighty Fortress - A Festival of Hymns

Six settings of beloved hymns for choir, congregation and orchestra. Service readings and responses are also included featuring scripture passages and historical origins of each hymn. Ideally suited for a community-wide hymn festival or as a service of worship. Titles include A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, The Church's One Foundation, Abide with Me, Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow, For All the Saints, and All Creatures of Our God and King. Instrumental ePak includes score and parts for Flute, Oboe, Trumpet 1, 2, Horn 1, 2 (sub. Trumpet/Trombone), Trombone, Bass Trombone, Timpani and Percussion. ChoirTrax CD also available. Duration (if performed as entire work): Approx. 25 min.

Songlist: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Abide With Me, The Church's One Foundation, All Creatures Of Our God And King, For All The Saints, Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow

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Voicing: SATB | 12525b | Songbook | $5.95

F. Melius Christiansen : Selected Songs For Men : TTBB : Songbook : 9780800648602

F. Melius Christiansen : Selected Songs For Men

A selection of songs for men's voices selected by the legendary choral conductor of the St Olaf Choir.

Songlist: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Abide With Me, All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, Alone With Thee, Angels, from the Realms of Glory, Asleep in Jesus, Beautiful Savior, Behold a Host, Built on a Rock, Come, Thou Almighty King, Come, Ye Disconsolate, Dayspring of Eternity, Dearest Jesus, Draw Thou Near Me, Doxology, Eternal Father, Strong to Save, Father Most Holy, Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken, God Bless Our Native Land, God Save America, Heav'ns Resounding, The, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, I know a Flower, I'm a Pilgrim, In Heaven Above, In Heavenly Love Abiding, In Night Forlorn, Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus, Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring, Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Jesus, Priceless Treasure, and more

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Voicing: TTBB | 4313b | Songbook | $7.75 | A Cappella

Good News Quartet : Gospel 1 Songbook  : TTBB : Songbook

Good News Quartet : Gospel 1 Songbook

The mission of the Good News! Gospel Quartet is to provide music and learning assistance for quartets who want to sing gospel songs in the four-part barbershop style. The songbooks are in four part a cappella arrangements with most having supporting CDs with part-predominant tracks plus full-mix tracks are also available. It is the hope of the Good News! that you will find your mission as a quartet singer, or as a listener, and be enriched and learn with these fine recordings. Complete voice part set includes Tenor, Lead, Bass and Baritone.

Songlist: I Will Sing the Wondrous Story, Wonderful Words of Life, He Keeps Me Singing, There's Something About that Name, In the Garden, Near to the Heart of God, Amazing Grace, Something Beautiful, It Is Well With My Soul, Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Abide With Me, Why Will You Do Without Him

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Voicing: TTBB | 2829b | Songbook | $11.95 | A Cappella | Voice Parts CDs Available

Moses Hogan : Feel The Spirit : Mixed 5-8 Parts : Songbook : Moses Hogan : 073999437034 : 0634058444 : 08743703

Moses Hogan : Feel The Spirit

With a foreward by Andre Thomas, this collection of Moses Hogan spiritual arrangements is a welcome addition to any director's library and is a fitting tribute to to this great American composer and conductor. Includes: Ain't That Good News, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Ezekiel Saw the Wheel, I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray, Joshua (Fit the Battle of Jericho), My Soul's Been Anchored in De Lord, Ride the Chariot, This Little Light of Mine, We Shall Walk Through the Valley in Peace and 26 more.

Songlist: Abide With Me, Ain't That Good News, The Battle of Jericho, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Do Lord, Remember Me, Down By the Riverside, Elijah Rock, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, God's Gonna Set This World on Fire, Good News, the Chariot's Comin', Great Day, Hear My Prayer, I Can Tell the World, I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray, I Got a Robe, I Know the Lord's Laid His Hands on Me, I Stood on the River of Jordan, I Want Jesus to Walk With Me, I Want to Be Ready, I Want to Thank You, Lord, I'm Gonna Sing 'til the Spirit Moves in My Heart, Jesus Lay Your Head in the Window, Little David, Play On Your Harp, Lord, I Want To Be A Christian, My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord, Oh Mary, Don't You Weep Don't You Mourn, Ride the Chariot, Standing in the Need of Prayer, Steal Away, and more

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Voicing: Mixed 5-8 Parts | 2833b | Songbook | $22.95 | A Cappella

Moses Hogan : Traditional Spirituals 2 : SATB divisi : Sheet Music Collection : Moses Hogan

Moses Hogan : Traditional Spirituals 2

Moses Hogan's contemporary settings of spirituals, original compositions, and other works have been enthusiastically accepted by audiences around the globe and have become staples in the repertoires of high school, college, church, community and professional choirs everywhere. Here is a taste of some of his best work.

Songlist: Abide With Me, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Down By The Riverside, Give Me Jesus, I Can Tell The World, I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray, I Got A Home In-a Dat Rock

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Voicing: SATB divisi | 3343b | Sheet Music Collection | $13.95 | A Cappella

Moses Hogan : Ain't That Good News : SATB : Songbook : Moses Hogan : 073999420753 : 08742075

Moses Hogan : Ain't That Good News

The five spirituals contained within this collection have been edited directly from Moses Hogan's original a cappella settings to include accompanied arrangements for easy/medium SATB voicings. Great care has been taken to preserve the dynamic nuances, and the accompaniments reflect all of the harmonic and rhythmic stylings of the original a cappella settings.

Songlist: Ain't That Good News, Abide With Me, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Lord, I Want To Be A Christian, God's Gonna Set This World On Fire

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Voicing: SATB | 7073b | Songbook | $6.95 | Accompanied

Stephen Cleobury : Hymns from King's : SATB : Songbook : Stephen Cleobury : 9790577007847 : 98-EP72534

Stephen Cleobury : Hymns from King's

Hymns from King's is a volume of 20 hymn arrangements for choir and keyboard by Stephen Cleobury - Director of Music at King's College Cambridge for more than 25 years. Covering the entire church year, Hymns from King's is not just a book of descants - it also contains varied arrangements and accompaniments for many of the most popular hymns sung not only at King's College, but also in churches around the world.

Songlist: O come, O come Emmanuel, Christians awake, salute the happy morn, As with gladness men of old, My song is love unknown, Jesus Christ is risen today, Thine be the Glory, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty, Come ye thankful people, come, All creatures of our God and king, Alleluia, sing to Jesus, Just as I am, without one plea, Let all mortal flesh, Abide with me, O God our help in ages past, Lord of all hopefulness, Love divine, all loves excelling, Now thank we all our God, Praise my soul, the king of heaven, Glorious things of thee are spoken

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Voicing: SATB | 2709b | Songbook | $14.75

Various : Sing With The Choir - Hymns : SATB : Songbook & CD : 884088544508 : 1617742724 : 00333158

Various : Sing With The Choir - Hymns

This great new collection lets vocalists sing eight classic hymns as part of a wonderful choir! The book includes SATB parts and the CD features full performances. Turn on the CD, open the book, pick your part, and sing along!

Songlist: Abide With Me, All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name, Amazing Grace, Be Still My Soul, Blessed Assurance, Come, Thou Almighty King, It Is Well With My Soul, The Church's One Foundation

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Voicing: SATB | 7862b | Songbook & CD | $14.95

Various Arrangers : Hymns We Love to Sing : SAB : Songbook : 45-1161L

Various Arrangers : Hymns We Love to Sing

Following the successful format of the "Hymns We Love" series for piano, we've asked today's top echelon of choral composers for a new setting of one of their favorite hymns. Further, we requested that it be developed with the smaller church choir in mind and be limited to a two-part mixed or SAB voicing format. We have also continued the unique feature of including notes from each composer explaining why this particular hymn ranks among their list of favorites, and how that may have influenced the musical style they chose. Not surprisingly, the result is a musically satisfying and diverse array of moods and styles providing a fresh look and feel to favorites from our cherished heritage of hymnody. This collection will be a welcome addition to the small-choir repertoire and is economically priced to fit into a smaller church choir budget as well. Don't be surprised if this "Hymns We Love to Sing" collection becomes only the first of a choral collection series for small choirs!

Songlist: Beneath The Cross, Our Grateful Hymns of Parise, How Firm A Foundation, I Give My Life, Rejoice, The Lord is King!, Abide With Me, Let Us Break Bread Together, Fount of Every Blessing

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Voicing: SAB | 4413b | Songbook | $12.95

Various Arrangers : Hymns and Anthems For Male Voices : TTBB : Songbook : V10

Various Arrangers : Hymns and Anthems For Male Voices

The hymns and anthems contained herein represent some of the most loved examples of sacred song literature. Most of the hymns are arrranged for simple four part singing with or without accompaniment. Only in a few cases, notably 'Holy, Holy, Holy' and 'O Come All Ye Faithful,' have the numbers been arranged into anthem style for special occasions! Such numbers will be more effective with accompaniment, although special treatment is included so that they may be sung .

Songlist: Abide With Me, All Glory Laud and Honor, All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, America, America, The Beautiful, American Hymn, The, Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light, Break Thou the Bread of Life, Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today, Chruch's One Fountain, The, Come, Thou Almighty King, Day Is Dying in the West, Doxology, The, Eternal Father, Faith of Our Fathers, For the Beauty of Earth, Go Down Moses, God of Our Fathers, Holy, Holy, Holy, Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord, I Love to Tell the Story, Jesus Calls Us, Joy to the World, Lord Is a Mighty God, The, Love Divine All Love Excelling, Mighty Fortress Is Our God, A, Morning Light Is Breaking, The, My God, How Wonderful Thou Art, Now Thank We All Our God, and more

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Voicing: TTBB | 9055b | Songbook | $4.95 | A Cappella

Various Arrangers : Hymns for 8 Voices : SSAATTBB : Sheet Music Collection

Various Arrangers : Hymns for 8 Voices

This arrangement of "Abide With Me" begins with a very beautiful and effective male a cappella section. This sets the stage for the rest of the piece which rises in intensity and volume until the final and triumphant ending. Abide With Me displays mans complete dependence on God and is very moving for both the audience and the singer. "Sweet, Sweet Spirit" is a bright and warm song that is perfect for a large choir. The fact that it is A Cappella adds greatly to the rich charm of the piece as well as making it highly rewarding to sing. "A Prayer" - This inventive and original composition bestows rich and luminous harmonies to the a cappella choral parts. It is a haunting call for the Lord to save us from sin. This piece requires proficient sopranos and is very fulfilling to an innovative and talented choir. "Hail, all hail", is an animated and vivid a cappella piece. This work will explore the brighter colors and sounds of the choir, allowing a powerful majestic result. Great for Christmas, this work allows the choir to let loose and make a joyful sound!

Songlist: Abide With Me, Sweet Sweet Spirit, A Prayer, Hail, All Hail

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Voicing: SSAATTBB | 9305b | Sheet Music Collection | $6.95 | A Cappella

Various Composers : The New Novello Anthem Book : SATB : Songbook : 884088426194 : 0853607052 : 14022720

Various Composers : The New Novello Anthem Book

Forty-one classic and modern anthems for the church year. This anthology draws on over 180 years of publishing to provide an invaluable resource for parish and cathedral choirs. The selection features many of the leading sacred composers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. All the anthems are for SATB, the majority with keyboard and some unaccompanied. There is a diversity of style and difficulty. Pieces for every season of the church year and every church occasion are included.

Songlist: For I Went With The Multitude, Abide With Me, Come, Holy Ghost, Sing Ye To The Lord, Chirst Is The Morning Star, O Give Thanks Unto The Lord, Prevent Us O Lord, O Most Merciful, By The Waters of Babylon, Et Resurrexit, When Christ Was Born, They Are At Rest, Gracious Spirit, My Beloved Spake, Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life, Christ's Bell, Behold, O God Our Defender, Praise Ye The Lord, They Are Happy, Rejoice, The Lord Is King, Adventate Deo, Jesu, Give Thy Servants, View Me O Lord, Mary Laid Her Child, Sing To the Lord Of Harvest, Blessed Are The Men That Fear Him, O Lord Our God How Great Is Thy Name?, Blessed Are Those Servants, O Quam Gloriosum, Like As The Hart, and more

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Voicing: SATB | 5122b | Songbook | $17.95

Neil Jenkins : Sing Solo Sacred - Low Voice : Solo : Songbook : 0193457857

Neil Jenkins : Sing Solo Sacred - Low Voice

All the most popular sacred solos together in one volume. If you need to sing a solo at church this collection is all you need. Many of the pieces have been specially arranged for this book, and well-loved items traditionally viewed as only for higher voices are now available in the low voice volume in suitable keys.

Songlist: Abide With Me, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Alleluia, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Verum Corpus, Ave Verum Corpus, Blessed are All They That Fear The Lord, Brother James' Air, Christians, On This Day Gladness, Come Unto Him, Crimond, God Be In My Head, God Shall Wipe Away All Tears, Hark! The Echoing Air!, He That Is Down, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth, I'll Walk With God, If Thou Art Near, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Laudate Dominum, Let The Bright Seraphim, Litany, Lowly They Kneel, May The Father's Boundless Love, Merciful God, O For The Wings of a Dove, Panis Angelicus, and more

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Voicing: Solo | 5303b | Songbook | $23.95 | Voice and Piano

Neil Jenkins : Sing Solo Sacred - High Voice : Solo : Songbook : 0193457843

Neil Jenkins : Sing Solo Sacred - High Voice

All the most popular sacred solos together in one volume. If you need to sing a solo at church this collection is all you need. Many of the pieces have been specially arranged for this book, and well-loved items traditionally viewed as only for higher voices are now available in the low voice volume in suitable keys.

Songlist: Abide With Me, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Alleluia, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Verum Corpus, Ave Verum Corpus, Blessed are All They That Fear The Lord, Brother James' Air, Christians, On This Day Gladness, Come Unto Him, Crimond, God Be In My Head, God Shall Wipe Away All Tears, Hark! The Echoing Air!, He That Is Down, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth, I'll Walk With God, If Thou Art Near, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Laudate Dominum, Let The Bright Seraphim, Litany, Lowly They Kneel, May The Father's Boundless Love, Merciful God, O For The Wings of a Dove, Panis Angelicus, and more

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Voicing: Solo | 5304b | Songbook | $23.95 | Voice and Piano

Various : Songs America Sings: 121 Easy Arrangements for Piano/Vocal/Guitar : Solo : Songbook : 073999330205 : 0793571804 : 50453280

Various : Songs America Sings: 121 Easy Arrangements for Piano/Vocal/Guitar

A fabulous collection of 121 all-time sing-along hits in easy-to-play arrangements for piano, voice, and guitar. Song categories include folk songs, patriotic songs, railroad melodies, hymns, and Broadway songs. Includes: I Left My Heart in San Francisco - Give My Regards to Broadway - Somewhere - and Tonight (from West Side Story). A great value!

Songlist: Kum Ba Yah, Casey Jones, Tonight, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Abide With Me, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Tom Dooley, Nine Hundred Miles, All God's Children, Simple Gifts, Goodbye, Old Paint, Worried Man Blues, Somewhere, Danny Boy, Auld Lang Syne, Frankie And Johnny, Deep River, Alouette, Amazing Grace, America, The Beautiful, Down In The Valley, The Lord's Prayer, Greensleeves, The Big Rock Candy Mountain, Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen, When The Saints Go Marching In, Go, Tell It On The Mountain, One More River, Home On The Range, I've Been Working On The Railroad, and more

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Voicing: Solo | 10045b | Songbook | $34.95 | PVG

American Boychoir and The St Olaf Choir : Harmony - American Songs of Faith : 1 CD : AR1006

American Boychoir and The St Olaf Choir : Harmony - American Songs of Faith

The newest release from The American Boychoir, directed by Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, is a wonderfully eclectic collection that reflects the faith that has been expressed consistently across different backgrounds, religions and races since the founding of this country. This fine recording includes familiar camp songs, Sunday School melodies such as "This Little Light of Mine", praise songs and beloved hymns that sprang from American soil such as "Happy Land" and "Amazing Grace". Also featured are three tracks sung with the renowned St. Olaf Choir conducted by Anton Armstrong. The Alumni Chorus of the American Boychoir School, conducted by Music Director James Litton, makes a special guest appearance on the album as well.

Songlist: Kubaya, This Little Light of Mine, Jesus Loves Me, Here I Am, Lord, Precious Lord, Take My Hand, Walk in the Light, Give Me Jesus, How Can I Keep from Singing?, Little Innocent Lamb, The Gift of Love, Softly and Tenderly, Earth and All Stars, Ose Shalom, Shall We Gather at the River, Happy Land, How Can I Keep From Singing, Abide With Me, America, The Beautiful, Amazing Grace, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

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8701c | 1 CD | $15.95 | Some a cappella

Blue Cheese : Roll Back the Stone : 1 CD

Blue Cheese : Roll Back the Stone

OK, it's a funny name for a 3-man, 1-woman Bluegrass Gospel quartet, formed by 4 BYU students in 2003, but once we've heard these yummy harmonies and spirited tunes, we aren't likely to forget the name! From the color pictures scattered in the liner notes we see that these four are having a good time performing and spreading their ministry, dressing in blue jeans, non-matching shirts and t-shirts, and even in hillbilly hats and beards. The 15 songs, however, are as simple and powerful as any a cappella Bluegrass or Gospel we have ever heard. "Reaping in the Spirit," "Brethren, We Have Met to Worship," the title tune, "Death Shall Not Destroy My Comfort," the wonderful "Angel Band," "Jesus' Love is like a River," "Abide with Me," the traditional Christmas tunes "What Child is This," "Silent Night," the spiritual "Christmas Train," with lyrics by the group, and the traditional "We'll Soone Be Done" are Gospel favorites. Secular tunes like "Danny Boy," with guest artist Kristine Perry, "You are my Sunshine" and "I am a Man of Constant Sorrow" from the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou" are also excellent. Blue Cheese is strong, tasty stuff that takes us back to the beginnings of country music, that makes us want to tap our feet and sing along!

Songlist: Reaping in the Spirit, Brethren, We Have Met to Worship, Roll Back the Stone, Death Shall Not Destroy My Comfort, Amazing Grace, Angel Band, Jesus Love is like a River, Abide With Me, Danny Boy, You Are My Sunshine, What Child is This?, Silent Night, Christmas Train, We'll Soon Be Done

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2498c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella

BYU Singers : The Peace of Christ : 1 CD : Ronald Staheli

BYU Singers : The Peace of Christ    onsale

The Peace of Christ, envisioned as a follow-up to BYU Singers' first CD, We Sing of Christ, uses a wonderful mixture of new arrangements of hymns and anthems to speak directly to the depths of our hearts and souls. Join Ronald Staheli and the BYU Singers as they use music to express the peace that is offered to all of us by Christ.

Songlist: Where Can I Turn For Peace/ Grant Us Thy Peace, O Peace Of Christ, Love Divine, I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say, Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me, O Heart Subdued With Grieving, Nearer My God To Thee, My Heavenly Father Loves Me, Ave Verum Corpus, Jesus Christ, The Apple Tree, O Sing A Song Of Bethlehem, Lord, Accept Our True Devotion, Morning Has Broken, Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing, Abide With Me

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6077c | 1 CD | $14.95 ON SALE $2.95 | A Cappella

Chor Leoni : Meetin' Here Tonight : 1 CD : CCR0901

Chor Leoni : Meetin' Here Tonight

Since its founding in 1997 by director Diane Loomer, C.M., recipient of the Order of Canada, 57-strong men's chorus Chor Leoni has been recognized as a Canadian choral treasure, and lauded for its innovative programming, technical precision and commitment to the creation of new Canadian works for male choir. We have given high praise to the ensemble's collections of Folk, Pop, traditional and original tunes in the catalog, and totally enjoyed this collection of traditional Christian hymns, like "Shall We Gather at the River," "All Beautiful the March of Days," the Shaker hymn "Not One Sparrow is Forgotten," "Precious Lord," "Eternal Father, Strong to Save," "In The Garden," "Abide with Me" and "Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal;" Spirituals like the title tune, "Nobody Knows the Trouble I See," "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," "In Dat Great Gittin' Up Mornin'," "Witness," "Over Yonder" and "Ain'-A That Good News!;" and Folk songs like Stephen Foster's "Hard Times" and Antonin Dvorak's "Goin' Home." There is some piano accompaniment. Chor Leoni doesn't overpower us with testosterone as some large, all-male choruses have a tendency to do, but touches and moves us with beautiful leads and sweet harmonies. Kudos and thanks to Ms. Loomer for crafting one of our favorite men's choruses, and for another stellar collection, "Meetin' Here Tonight!"

Songlist: There's a Meetin' Here Tonight, Shall We Gather at the River, Hard Times, All Beautiful the March of Days, Not One Sparrow Is Forgotten, Precious Lord, Eternal Father, Strong to Save, Goin' Home, Nobody Knows the Trouble I See, Blessed Assurance, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, In Dat Great Gittin' Up Mornin', Witness, All Through the Night, In the Garden, Wehrlos und verlassen, Abide with Me, Over Yonder, Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal, Ain'-A That Good News!

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2314c | 1 CD | $15.95 | A Cappella

Concordia Choir : Folk Songs, Spirituals & Hymns : 1 CD : Rene Clausen : 2052

Concordia Choir : Folk Songs, Spirituals & Hymns

This top-selling recording contains all of the favorites! It includes a refreshing combination of accessible choral music for the enthusiast and the church choir member.

Songlist: Las Agachadas, This Little Light of Mine, Shenandoah, Hark, I Hear The Harps Eternal, I Got Shoes, All My Trials, John Saw Duh Numbah, Set Down Servant, Abide With Me, Lamb of God, Lost in the Night, Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying, O Day Full of Grace, Beautiful Savior

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6676c | 1 CD | $15.98

The Idea Of North : The Early Years : 2 CDs

The Idea Of North : The Early Years

A four piece mixed group from Australia, "The Idea of North" has compiled an eclectic mix of songs, performed and arranged in an accessible contemporary jazz style. About half are accompanied; the melody line on "My Funny Valentine" is played by a flugelhorn, and there is bass and percussion on several other songs (bassist Duncan Brown plays in the snappin' and poppin' style of the "Seinfeld" theme). "The 23rd Psalm" (arranged by McFerrin) and "Irish Blessing" reveals a traditional side, and "Just a Closer Walk With Thee" has a gospel inflection and ragtime vocal horn solo. James Taylor's "Shed a Little Light" and "That Lonesome Road" are included, as is Harry Connick's "Trouble." This is a "crossover" record: it could qualify in either the contemporary or jazz categories. The second CD.has guest artists, James Morrison on Trombone on "Mas Que Nada," and "Fragile," the only two very lightly accompanied songs. This is an impressive, confident CD, reminiscent of the Real Group, and all the tunes are so beautifully arranged, selected and performed, it's hard to pick favorites - so we just sat back and enjoyed the sweet jazzy ride. The full color, beautifully photographed liner notes are a perfect complement to the music. Recommended!

Songlist: Sweet, Sweet Spirit, Fragile, Triste, Takes My Breath Away, Amazing Grace, Trouble, Shed A Little Light/The Gulf War Song, Sitting In Limbo, My Funny Valentine, The 23rd Psalm, You've Got What It Takes, That Lonesome Road, Just A Closer Walk With Thee, The Irish Blessing, My Foolish Heart, Straight To My Heart, It's Alright With Me, Mas Que Nada, Neat Surprise, Singin' A Cappella, Gotta Move On, Two Sides to the Story, Fragile, Abide With Me

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2478c | 2 CDs | $16.95 | A Cappella

Johnny Mann Singers : Nearer My God to Thee : 1 CD

Johnny Mann Singers : Nearer My God to Thee

Johnny Mann paid some serious dues, boasting 39 albums arranged and conducted for his Singers, a 3-year stint on national tv on Chevrolet's "Stand Up and Cheer," 5 nominations and two Grammies merely scratch the iceberg of this man's musical resume. "Nearer" is a collection of 10 hymns plus "The Star Spangled Banner," and it lets you know immediately that here is a deep, talented ensemble, trained and directed by a master arranger, and every song touches us, no matter how many times we may have heard it before. Listen to the sweet tenor solo on "Fairest Lord Jesus," the harmonies on "Shadows of the Evening," "The Church is One Foundation," the title tune, "Hark, Hark My Soul," "Hosanna" and "Now the Day is Over." This is how these hymns should be directed and sung, and, forgive us, Johnny was the Mann who could make it happen!

Songlist: Nearer My God To Thee, Faith Of Our Fathers, Fairest Lord Jesus, We Plow The Fields, Shadows Of The Evening, The Church's One Foundation, Hark Hark My Soul, Hosanna, Abide With Me, The Star Spangled Banner, Now The Day is Over

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3063c | 1 CD | $14.98 | A Cappella

Libera : Visions : 1 CD : Robert Prizeman : 39862.2

Libera : Visions

The twenty-four boys aged seven to sixteen who make up the vocal band Libera, and who meet several hours each week at a church in South London to rehearse and perform, have been described as "normal" and "ordinary". However, as their new EMI CD amply demonstrates, the music the produce is truly extraordinary. With shimmering, mystical chords and ecstatic harmonies, they are unlike any other group you have ever heard. Of the twelve tracks on Visions, Libera's second album for EMI Classics, a few will sound familiar, including Locus Iste, which is based on the well-known Pachelbel Canon, the hymn Abide with me, and Ave Maria. The remaining tracks are entirely original, with titles like New Day, Sing for ever and Something sings. The singers of Libera attend local primary schools and come from a variety of backgrounds. Although they are boys and they sing, they do not think of themselves as choirboys, but rather as an alternative kind of boy band. While the unique sound of Libera may be impossible to pigeonhole, its universal appeal has endeared the group to fans all over the world, particularly in the US, the UK, Korea and Japan, where their previous CDs have topped the mainstream and classical charts.

Songlist: Locus Iste (Sanctus), Always With You, Ave Maria, Libera, Sempiterna, Prayer, Recordare, Wings Of A Dove, Something Sings, New Day, We Are The Lost, Sing Forever, Abide With Me

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8101c | 1 CD | $16.98 | Primarily a cappella

Libera : Angel Voices : 1 CD : Robert Prizeman : 70523.2

Libera : Angel Voices

The beautiful full-color liner notes of "Angel Voices" fold out to show us a panoramic portrait of white-clad boy singers, ages 7 to 14, members of renowned 23-voice, South London-based boy's choir, Libera. Libera's repertoire is wide, from classical and cathedral pieces to works for pop and media productions. The backlit photo makes the boys appear to be angels, and that impression is not at all diminished by the sweetly soaring music. "Far Away," "Sanctus" (based on Pachelbel's "Canon"), "Ave Maria," the touching "Going Home" (based on Dvorak's "From the New World"), the lovely hymn "Be Still My Soul," the stunning "Salva Me," "I Vow to Thee, My Country," "Voca Me," the poignant, "Always with You," "We Are the Lost," the marvelous "I Am the Day" and "Recordare" are favorites, but all 15 light-to-heavily-accompanied tunes are very fine. Pure soprano leads and harmonies, a touching, well-chosen song selection - "Voices" is a choral treat that lifts us up from the earthbound mundane to the bright, clear, rarified air of angels.

Songlist: Far Away, Sanctus, Ave Maria, Going Home, Be Still My Soul, Salva Me, I Vow To Thee My Country, Voca Me, Always With You, We Are The Lost, I Am The Day, Recordare, Abide With Me, Silent Night, Going Home

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8490c | 1 CD | $16.95 | Primarily a cappella

Libera : In Concert : 1 CD : EMC03172.2

Libera : In Concert

Libera, the South London choral group of boys aged 9 to 15, brings a uniquely mystical and transcendent sound to their first live concert recording. Robert Prizeman, founder, arranger and director of Libera, has taken the simple purity of boys' voices and, with great care and respect for classical vocal tradition, has created a new sound. To hear them do it live is a real treat as Prizeman knows exactly what to feature about a boy's voice and how to blend textures, creating an etheral sound that envelops you. Excellent musicality, and the choir has such confidence.

Songlist: Adoramus, Going Home, Far Away, Prayer, Libera, Sanctus, Salva Me, Lacrymosa, Abide With Me, I Vow to Thee My Country, Stay With Me, Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep, I Am The Day

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8987c | 1 CD | $16.95 | Primarily a cappella

Millikin University Choirs : Hearts All Whole : 1 CD : Brad Holmes

Millikin University Choirs : Hearts All Whole    onsale

This beautifully recorded studio album from Millikin's flagship mixed choir covers a stunning diversity of moods and landscapes. The challenging program and virtuosic performance make for a compelling and rewarding listening experience.

Songlist: A Choral Fanfare, Cantus Gloriosus, Kyrie (from Mass in G Minor), O Lord God, Lucis Creator Optime, Sanctus (from Mass in E Major), Christus Vincit, Praise to the Lord, Verbum Caro Factum Est, Sure On This Shining Night, See Dat Babe, Idumea, Till Minne, Wade in de Water, Abide With Me

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6069c | 1 CD | $14.95 ON SALE $6.95

Mormon Tabernacle Choir : Rock Of Ages : 1 CD : Richard Condie : 07464482932-7 : MDK48293

Mormon Tabernacle Choir : Rock Of Ages

Possibly the best-known Choir in the world, the 375 devoted mixed voices of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir bring us 30 of the best-loved Christian Hymns, culled from their many lps and CDs across the years. From "Onward Christian Soldiers," "Abide with Me," "Bringing In the Sheaves," "Rock of Ages" and "The Church in the Wildwood," accompanied by the Philadelphia Brass Ensemble and Percussion, to ""A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," "O God, Our Help in Ages Past," "I Need Thee Every Hour," "Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah" and "All Creatures of Our God and King," accompanied by the great Mormon Tabernacle organ, these are powerful, magnificent, inspirational hymns of the highest order. "30 Great Hymns" is a triumph!

Songlist: Onward, Christian Soldiers, Abide With Me, Bringing in the Sheaves, Rock of Ages, Now the Day Is Over, The Church in the Wildwood, Softly Now the Light of Day, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, How Firm A Foundation, Behold the Great Redeemer Die, More Holiness Give Me, The Lord Is My Shepherd, O God, Our Help In Ages Past, Come, Come, Ye Saints, I Know That My Redeemer Lives, Though in the Outward Church, God of Our Fathers, I Need Thee Every Hour, Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand, Nearer, My God, To Thee, Holy, Holy, Holy, God Be With You Till We Meet Again, Father In Heaven, Abide With Me; 'Tis Eventide', Come, Follow Me, Lead, Kindly Light, Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah, The Morning Breaks, The Shadows Flee, Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise, All Creatures of Our God And King

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7794c | 1 CD | $11.98 | Some a cappella

Mormon Tabernacle Choir : Favourite Uplifting Hymns : 1 CD : TM1338

Mormon Tabernacle Choir : Favourite Uplifting Hymns

One of the nation's top choirs sings some of our favourite hymns with their usual panache and delivers a truly delightful and inspiring recording.

Songlist: O My Father, Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah, Faith of Our Fathers, O Worship the King, O God, Our Help In Ages Past, Lift Thine Eyes, Now the Day is Over, Hail, Bright Adobe, Hear My Supplication, Hallelujah Chorus, Come, Come Ye Saints, Abide With Me, Praise To The Lord, The Lord's Prayer, A Mighty Fortress, Now Thank We All Our God, Let The Mountain Shout For Joy, Jesus, World Of God Incarnate, Achieved Is The Glorious Work, Rise! Up! Arise!

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8869c | 1 CD | $11.95 | Accompanied

Moses Hogan Singers : Choral Series 2002 : 2 CDs : Moses Hogan : 073999226430 : 08743982

Moses Hogan Singers : Choral Series 2002

This is a double CD featuring 39 stirring arrangements of traditional African-American spirituals by renowned pianist, conductor and arranger Moses Hogan, a leading force in preserving and promoting this incredible music. Picking our favorites is no easy task-all the cuts are beautifully and uniquely arranged, and performed with spirit and style: "Plenty Good Room," "Oh, Mary Don't You Weep, Don't You Mourn," "No Hidin' Place," "Walk Together Children," "The Lily of the Valley," "Any How," "The Battle of Jericho," "Wade In The Water," "The Chariot's Comin'," "Great Day," "Elijah Rock," "Who Built The Ark," "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," "Jesus Lay Your Head In the Window," "Go Down Moses" and "His Light Still Shines." A brilliant, moving collection!

Songlist: Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, Plenty Good Room, Oh Mary Don't You Weep, Don't You Mourn, Do, Lord, Remember Me, No Hidin' Place, Surely He Died On Calvary, Walk Together Children, My Lord, What a Mornin', Go, Tell it on the Mountain, The Lilly Of The Valley, Any How, Fix me, Jesus, My Good Lord's Done Been Here, The Battle Of Jericho, I'm Gonna Sing Till The Spirit Moves In My Heart, Wade In The Water, I Got A Home In-A Dat Rock, I Got A Robe, I Can Tell The World, Good News, The Charoit's Commin, Great day, Abide With Me, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Hear My Prayer, Elijah Rock, De Blin' Man Stood On De Road n' Cried, Glory, Glory, Glory To The New Born King, Ride On King Jesus, We Shall Walk Thru The Valley In Peace, and more

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6706c | 2 CDs | $22.98 | Primarily a cappella

Mountain Blue : A Cappella : 1 CD : 9781598116922 : 51595

Mountain Blue : A Cappella

Originally known as Blue Cheese when this quartet of three men and one woman was formed at Brigham Young University in 2003. Inspired by old-time bluegrass musicians like the Stanley Brothers as well as newer groups like Blue Highway and Signature Sound, Mountain Blue began performing regularly at BYU's semiannual A Cappella Jam. "A Cappella" follows "Roll Back the Stone" and their debut album, "Gospel Train. There are 14 songs here, some favorites are the opening cut "Roll Back the Stone," Gully, Abernathy & Wheeler's powerful "John," Joe Isaacs' "Reaping in the Spirit," and Traditional songs "Down in the River," "Brethren, We Have Met to Worship," "Gospel Train," "Wondrous Love," "Amazing Grace," "Abide with Me," "We'll Soon Be Done" and the classic "Man of Constant Sorrow." Beautiful, authentic, heartfelt harmonies grace these wonderful, foot-tapping, feel-good tunes. Don't miss this powerful, down-home collection from Mountain Blue!

Songlist: Roll Back The Stone, John, Down In the River, Be Thou My Vision, Brethren, We Have Met to Worship, Reaping in the Spirit, Gospel Train, Wondrous Love, Amazing Grace, Hallelujah, I Sing The Mighty Power of God, Abide With Me, We'll Soon Be Done, Man of Constant Sorrow

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5704c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella

National Lutheran Choir : Hymns We Love To Sing : 1 CD : David Cherwien : 01922

National Lutheran Choir : Hymns We Love To Sing

Hymn CDs are among our best sellers, and this one represents a Lutheran flavor of hymn singing and arrangements that is beautifully done. With varied arrangements by conductor and organis, David Cherwien, this large choir from Minnesota has produced a CD that is guaranteed to have you singing along with hymns like "Beautiful Savior," "A Mighty Fortress," and "Abide with me."

Songlist: Praise To The Lord, If You But Trust In God To Guide You, Our Father's Love Begotten, Jesus Loves Me, Love Divine All Loves Excelling, Children Of The Heavenly Father, Now The Green Blade Rises, A Mighty Fortress, Amazing Grace, Blessed Assurance, Precious Lord, Beautiful, Built On A Rock, Abide With Me

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7893c | 1 CD | $15.98 | Some a cappella

Pacific Mozart Ensemble  : A Story Of Freedom : 1 CD : Lynne Morrow :

Pacific Mozart Ensemble : A Story Of Freedom    onsale

The Berkeley, CA-based PME has just been getting better and more innovative since its founding 20 years ago. This rich, powerful, live collection of 23 authentic Spirituals is their 3rd winning recording in the Primarily A Cappella catalog. Some songs are recorded at the Green Room in San Francisco, and the rest at the Oakland Museum. All of our favorites are here, with fresh new arrangements: "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel," "Ezekiel Saw de Wheel," "His Name So Sweet," "Freedom Train," the heartbreaking "Steal Away," "Do Lord, Remember Me," "Elijah Rock," "The Battle of Jericho," "Amazing Grace," "Mary Had a Baby" and many others. Every song a gem, soaring solos, great music, live performance excitement-what could be better? We loved "A Story of Freedom!"

Songlist: Lord I Want To Be A Christian, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, Ain't That Good News, His Name So Sweet, Freedom Train, Steal Away, Soon And Very Soon, Deep River, Do Lord Remember Me, Great Day, Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Chile, Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen, Abide With Me, Elijah Rock, I'm Gonna Sing 'til The Spirit Moves In My Heart, The Battle Of Jericho, Down By The Riverside, Who Is Dat A Yonder, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Amazing Grace, Behold A Star, Mary Had A Baby

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8630c | 1 CD | $14.95 ON SALE $7.95

St. Olaf Choir : Repertoire for Mixed Voices Vol. II : 2 CDs : E 3213/4

St. Olaf Choir : Repertoire for Mixed Voices Vol. II

For nearly a century the 75-voice a cappella St. Olaf Choir, long regarded as one of the finest college a cappella choirs in the United States, has maintained its original purpose--study and preparation of choral literature for public performance. Recorded live in St. Olaf's Boe Memorial Chapel between 2001 and 2008, "Repertoire for Mixed Voices" is a generous, impressive 2-CD set, with 11 songs on each disc, is a powerful, joyous, sometimes accompanied collection of sacred Christian music. Some favorites are Lassus' "Jubilate Deo," Byrd's "Ave Verum Corpus," a pair by Bach, "Singet dem Herrn" and "Lobet den Herrn," three by Kenneth Jennings, "The Call," "Prayer" and "Antiphon." On Disc 2 we especially liked G. Randall Stroope's "Conversion of Saul," Tacach's "The Darkling Thrush," Miskinis' "Lucis Creator Optime," "Tankuj Tankuij," Susa's "The Shepherds Sing," Guastavino's "Arroz con leche" and many others. This is a remarkable, inspirational collection that shows of the clear, soaring sound and rich harmonies of the St. Olaf Choir, one of the best in the United States!

Songlist: Jubilate Deo, Ave Verum Corpus, Elohim Hashivenu, Singet dem Herrn, Lobet den Herrn, Agnus Dei, Light's Glittering Morn, The Call: Spiritual Song 1, Prayer: Spiritual Song 2, Antiphon: Spiritual Song 3, The Shepherds Sing, Ave Verum Corpus, Conversions of Saul, Lucis Creator Optime, Musicks Empire, The Darling Thrush, Tancuj Tancuj, Duerme Negrito, What A Wonderful World, Arroz con Leche, Abide With Me, Let Everything That Hath Breath

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2370c | 2 CDs | $24.95 | Primarily a cappella

St. Olaf Choir : Great Hymns Of Faith : 1 CD : Anton Armstrong : 2294

St. Olaf Choir : Great Hymns Of Faith

"Great Hymns of Faith" marks the first time the ensemble has produced an entire recording of hymns. Traditional and new songs of faith include "A Mighty Fortress", "Children of the Heavenly Father", "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", "Here I Am Lord", as well as F. Melius Christiansen's settings of "Praise to the Lord", and "Beautiful Savior". The selections are performed here with the rich tonalities and emotional impact we've come to expect from the internationally acclaimed St. Olaf Choir.

Songlist: Holy God We Praise Thy Name, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Praise to The Lord, Rise Up, O Men of God, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Children of the Heavenly Father, We Praise You. O God, From Heaven Above, O Day Full of Grace, Thy Little Ones, Dear Lord, Beautiful Savior, Blessed Assurance, Abide With Me, What a Friend We Have In Jesus, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Let Us Talents And Tongues Employ, Praise His Holy Name, Here I Am, Lord, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

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6416c | 1 CD | $15.98 | A Cappella

St. Phillip's Boys Choir : Best of Angel Voices : 1 CD : 030206709322 : VARF067093.2

St. Phillip's Boys Choir : Best of Angel Voices

This collection demonstrates the diversity in the choir's repertoire - traditional-sounding inspirational hymns paired with more contemporary songs. The selections are from the mid-'90's before their name was changed to Libera.

Songlist: For the Beauty of the Earth, O for the Wings of a Dove, How Can I Keep from Singing, Pie Jesu (Faure Requiem), Sailing, Amazing Grace, Evening Falls, All Things Bright and Beautiful, Be Still My Soul, Nunc Dimitti, Praise My Soul (The King of Heaven), Close Every Door to Me, Abide with Me, Adoramus Te, Be Still for the Presence of the Lord, Jerusalem

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22255c | 1 CD | $11.95

Touche : Touche : 1 CD

Touche : Touche

From the 2013 International Queens of Harmony comes a wonderful recording of adroitly arranged and exquisitely sung standards and classics. Charlie Chaplin's "Smile" actually makes you smile, Larry Wright's arrangement of "As Long As I'm Singing" makes you want to sing and "The Way You Look Tonight" will have you making googly eyes at your significant other! This is the kind of recording that puts you in a great mood and leaves you singing away long after the recording is finished.

Songlist: Smile, For Once in My Life, Auld Lang Syne, As Long As I'm Singing, Come Rain or Come Shine, Midnight Choo Choo, Someone Like You, The Night We Called It A Day, Abide With Me, Hooray For Love, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, A-Tisket A-Tasket, The Way You Look Tonight, It Is Well With My Soul

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22173c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella

University of New Mexico Concert Choir : Fast Falls the Eventide : 1 CD : Bradley Ellingboe

University of New Mexico Concert Choir : Fast Falls the Eventide

University of New Mexico Music Professor Brad Ellingboe and the UNM Concert Choir releases "Fast Falls the Eventide," a collection of sacred and familiar songs as well as pieces specially written and arranged for the choir including, "O Esca Viatorum," a 17th century hymn. Ellingboe's original piece, "Be Music, Night," is featured. Voice faculty Jaccqueline Zander-Wall, a mezzo soprano, is featured in the classic, "What a Wonderful World." "The name of the CD comes from the second line in the song 'Abide with Me.' The CD is comprised of gentle music about evening, music and the night. The more hidden meaning is 'abide with me,' or come with me to listen to the UNM choirs," Ellingboe said.

Songlist: Amor De Mi Alma, I Saw a Stranger Yestere'en, Shenandoah, O Esca Viatorum, Water Night, There Will Be Rest, St. Michael Prayer, Abide with Me, Be Music, Night, What a Wonderful World

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8856c | 1 CD | $15.95 | Some a cappella

Various Choirs : Ultimate Welsh Choirs : 2 CDs : 5014797670907

Various Choirs : Ultimate Welsh Choirs

Enjoy the sound of Wales with this extensive collection performed by some of the country's most cherished choirs. Featuring traditional Welsh songs, West End musical classics and popular standards this collection is full of spirit and charm. A beautifully packaged 2 CD set.

Songlist: Love Changes Everything, Take Me Home, Sailing, Lily of the Valley, Do You Hear the People Sing?, The Sound Of Silence, Gloria, I Have a Dream, With a Voice of Singing, The Wonder of You, Solitare, There's A Valley Called the Rhondda, Battle Hymn of the Republic, The Lost Chord, Where Shall I Be?, Abide With Me, Passing By, Love Could I Only Tell The, Sunrise Sunset, Amen, The Crusaders, Pilgrims Chorus, Softly As I Leave You, Rhythm of Life, Myfanwy, Deryn Y Bwn o'r Banna, Speed Your Journey, Beautiful Dreamer, Calm is the Sea, Amazing Grace, and more

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2763c | 2 CDs | $17.95 | A Cappella

Individual Folios

Displaying 1-6 of 6 items.

Abide with Me : SATB divisi : Blake R. Henson : William H. Monk : 2 CDs : GIA7338 : 785147733805

Blake R. Henson : Abide with Me

Arranger: Blake R. Henson | Composer: William H. Monk

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Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | None

Abide with Me : SATB : Anna Laura Page : William H. Monk : Sheet Music : 08754803 : 884088662752

Anna Laura Page : Abide with Me

Anna Laura Page has taken this hymn classic and put it into a lovely setting for choir, solo handbells and flute. Handbell and flute parts included. Available separately: SATB, BonusTrax CD. Duration: ca. 4:00.

Arranger: Anna Laura Page | Composer: William H. Monk

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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08754803

Abide With Me : SSAATTBB : Lucy Hirt : Sheet Music : 08738051 : 073999380514

Lucy Hirt : Abide With Me

Arranger: Lucy Hirt

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Voicing: SSAATTBB | Sheet Music | $2.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08738051

Abide with Me : SATB : Heather Sorenson : Sheet Music : 00194373 : 888680640583

Heather Sorenson : Abide with Me

Uses: General, Lent Scripture: Luke 24:29; John 15:4-11 Made popular by Matt Redman, this solid contemporary song invokes the presence of Christ in the life of the believer. The dialoguing verses are particularly meaningful, while the chorus soars with rich harmonies that encourage and inspire. Equally effective with piano alone, or with the track and orchestration, this anthem will find its home in a variety of worship services. Score and Parts (pno/rhy, synth, solo vn, solo vc, solo db) available as a digital download.

Arranger: Heather Sorenson

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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.15 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00194373 | Digital Version Available| Choirtrax CD Available

Abide with Me : SATB : Lloyd Larson : Sheet Music : 00299859 : 888680958954

Lloyd Larson : Abide with Me

A much-loved hymn is adorned with expressive beauty in this refreshing octavo. The emotive piano accompaniment supports the thoughtful qualities of this classic, bringing an impressionistic quality to its impact. Words that have inspired generations of worshippers remind us again to treasure each moment and to trust God's promise of eternal peace and rest. Meaningful!

Arranger: Lloyd Larson

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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00299859 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: TTBB, TTBB

Abide With Me : SATB divisi : Moses Hogan : Henry Francis Lyte : Sheet Music : 08703227 : 073999032277

Moses Hogan : Abide With Me

Moses Hogan's contemporary settings of spirituals, original compositions, and other works have been enthusiastically accepted by audiences around the globe and have become staples in the repertoires of high school, college, church, community and professional choirs everywhere.

Arranger: Moses Hogan | Composer: Henry Francis Lyte

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Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | $2.15 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08703227
Other Voicings: TTBB

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