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Have you ever seen someone pick up a chart and deliver an almost flawless performance on their first reading? Sometimes it's talent, but you did know that it's also a learned skill, right? And here's your chance to learn it. We've got books for teachers of primary and secondary-school singers, as well as those written for the adult singer. You wouldn't think sight-singing could be made easy, but that's because you haven't read these books (or listened to the accompanying CDs & tapes) yet.
Displaying 1-50 of 62 items.
Micheal Houlahan and Philip Tacka : Choral Sight ReadingReview: Choral Sight Reading provides a practical and organic approach to teaching choral singing and sight-reading. The text is grounded in current research from the fields of choral pedagogy, music theory, music perception and cognition. Topics include framing a choral curriculum based on the Kodaly concept; launching the academic year for beginning, intermediate, and advanced choirs; building partwork skills; sight-reading; progressive music theory sequences for middle to college level choirs; teaching strategies; choral rehearsal plans as well as samples of how to teach specific repertoire from medieval to contemporary choral composers. ![]() Alan McClung : Movable Tonic - A Sequenced Sight-Singing Method Teacher's EditionReview: Movable Tonic is is a comprehensive sight-singing resource, perfect for daily practice or an entire curriculum Because this resource includes each of the important pedagogical steps needed to teach sight-singing effectively, your students can become independent music readers. Includes - Lesson plans carefully guide teachers and their students, building skills to last a lifetime. - Assessment component specifically connects to learning objectives. - Step-by-step teaching strategies reflect the latest research in music learning. - Pitch system (movable do) and rhythm system (traditional, beat-based rhythm numbers) are presented as independent concepts prior to merging. - Sequencing provides innovative options for multileveled settings that include beginning, intermediate, or advanced levels. - Abundant music examples and transferable practice drills reinforce each concept. - Specific lessons to guide the transfer of reading skills to classroom repertoire. Alan C. McClung is the high school and middle school choral music specialist at the University of North Texas in Denton. He teaches conducting and secondary choral methods, and conducts the seventy-five voice UNT Concert Choir. Songlist: Unit 1: Establishing Tonal Relationships, Unit 2: Combining Duration and Pitch, Unit 3: Developing Musical Independence, Part 1, Unit 4: Developing Musical Independence, Part 2, Appendices ![]() Andy Beck : Sing at First Sight ... More Melodies!Review: Augment your sight-singing curriculum with this supplemental exercise book that directly correlates to levels one and two of Alfred Music's popular Sing at First Sight method. Every melody in this reproducible resource appears in both treble and bass clef, and the Data CD includes digital files of the entire book for printing and projecting. More Melodies! is highly effective when used on a routine basis after each of the sequential lessons, as needed for additional drill to master challenging concepts, or as a general review following the completion of the original textbooks. Songlist: Level 1, Unit 2, Level 1, Unit 3, Level 1, Unit 4, Level 1, Unit 5, Level 1, Unit 6, Level 2, Unit 1, Level 2, Unit 2, Level 2, Unit 3, Level 2, Unit 4, Major and Minor Key Signatures, Curwen Hand Signs ![]() Andy Beck, Karen Farnum Surmani and Brian Lewis : Sing at First Sight Level 2Review: Sing at First Sight is a sequential sight-singing curriculum for all choirs! This Level 2 book opens with a comprehensive Rhythm Review and Pitch Practice reinforcing the concepts studied in Sing at First Sight, Level 1. Each of the four units that follow features a helpful Getting Ready page, progressive Rhythm Readiness exercises, and thorough music-reading Lessons with practice Exercises, useful Hints, and motivating Challenge Exercises. Unit summary and assessment is easily achieved with choral excerpts from Alfred's Choral Designs series, fun-filled Review games, and Evaluating Your Performance questions. Plus, Alfred has included a full-length Performance Piece to measure and celebrate your choir's sight-singing progress, and then perform in concert. Songlist: Singing in Minor, Chromatics, 2-Part, 3-Part, and 4-Part Harmony, Major and Minor Intervals, Changing Meter, Sixteenth-Note Patterns ![]() Andy Beck, Karen Farnum Surmani, and Brian Lewis : Sing at First Sight, Level 2Review: The Reproducible Companion/CD kit for the second level of Alfred's popular sight-singing curriculum is now available! This sequential sight-singing text introduces new music reading concepts using both rhythmic and pitch exercises, plus actual excerpts from real choral music. The new Reproducible Companion/CD offers additional exercises, activities, and assessments, plus a CD with accompaniments and ear training lessons. Songlist: Singing in Minor, Chromatics, 2-Part, 3-Part, and 4-Part Harmony, Major and Minor Intervals, Changing Meter, Sixteenth-Note Patterns ![]() Arnold Fish and Norman Lloyd : Fundamentals of Sight Singing and Ear TrainingReview: An essential part of musicianship! This realistic first-year program of sight singing and ear training presents a broadly based approach to music reading as an essential and integral part of musicianship and exhibits a sharp focus on essential skills. The authors developed and tested the materials in their classes at the Juilliard School of Music, refining them to enhance accessibility and improve learning. Special features include: arranges specific concepts and problems in a carefully graded order based upon performance difficulty; isolates specific rhythmic and pitch problems and then drills them in a concentrated form but in a variety of music contexts; includes copious examples of each problem in actual music; stimulates readers' creative imagination through the consistent employment of assignments that require original work. Songlist: Some Basic Elements of Rhythm, Basic Pitch Relationships; Stepwise Melodies in the Major Scale, Major and Minor Thirds in the Major Scale; Plainsong, Meter; Elementary Conducting; Rhythmic Ratios of Three to One and Four to One; Melodies Beginning on Tones Other Than the Tonic; the Alto Clef, Simple Subdivisions of the Beat; Melodies Beginning on Upbeats; Perfect Fourths and Fifths in the Major Scale; The Major Triad; Chorale Melodies, Melodies Based on Primary Harmonies; the Dominant Seventh; Rhythmic Canons; Rests; Excerpts from Music Literature, Dotted Notes and Tied Notes; the Minor Triad; the Diminished Triad; Leaps in All Diatonic Triads; Further Drills on Perfect Fourths and Perfect Fifths; Excerpts from Music Literature, Forms of the Minor Scale; Further Subdivisions of the Beat; Excerpts from Music Literature, Large Melodic Leaps; Triplets; Compound Meter; the Tenor Clef; Excerpts from Music Literature, Chromatic Tones; Melodies in Mixed Forms of the Minor Scales; Syncopation; Excerpts from Music Literature, Accents and Cross-Accents; Leaps in Triads in Minor Keys; Tritones; Chromaticism; Excerpts from Music Literature, Changing Meters; Modal Music; Excerpts from Music Literature ![]() Audrey Snyder : Sight-Sing a Song! Music Reading for the Elementary ClassroomReview: Sight-Sing a Song will help you do just that-teach your students to sing-sing with confidence. This well-designed sight-singing approach by master teacher and choral director Audrey Snyder progresses in an easy step-by-step fashion through a variety of exercises that culminate with a special song students will be able to sight-sing! Each lesson includes helpful Teacher Tips that focus on the music concepts being presented, a suggested teaching sequence to use when presenting each exercise, keys to sight-singing success, options for enrichment and motivation, and two student reproducible pages filled with sight-reading exercises. Exercises and songs are presented in the keys of C major and F major, so students will also experience moveable 'Do.' After students have perfected each exercise a cappella on their own, they can enhance the learning process further by performing wiht the accompaniment tracks on the enclosed CD. Perormanc / accompaniment tracks for the songs are also included. Time is short. Let's start sight-singing!i Songlist: Begin with the Beat, Add DO and RE, Introducing Meter and MI, Add Neighbors FA and SOL, Neighbor LA joins in, Finishing off with TI and DO, Songsheet, Piano accompaniment Voicing: Children ![]() Audrey Snyder : Sing on Sight - A Practical Choral Sight-Singing Course (for 2-Part / 3-Part Mixed Voices)Review: 'Sing on Sight' is a comprehensive sight-singing method by Audrey Snyder. Volume One assumes no previous experience and begins with simple rhythm practice, and then proceeds step-by-step to full, choral sight-singing. Exercises are written so that two or more lines may be sung simultaneously, so students gain sight-singing independence and develop their part-singing skills. With just a few minutes a day, 'Sing on Sight' can help your choirs learn to read music and have fun in the process Songlist: How to Use this Book and CD, Rhythm and Pitch Concepts, Teaching Sequences, Checklist for Success, Options for Enrichment and Motivation, The Beat: Quarter Note and Quarter Rest, Barline and Measure / Repeat Sign, Half Note and Half Rest, Time Signature: 4/4 Meter, The Staff / Treble Clef and Bass Clef / The Grand Staff, Introducing and Practicing with Do Re Mi, Ritard, Song: Daydream, Eighth Notes, Introducing and Practicing with Fa and Sol, Beginning on Pitches other than Do, Sight-Singing in Parts, Song: Come on Everybody, Introducing and Practicing with La Ti and high Do, Dotted Half Note, Time Signature: 3/4 Meter, Down the Scale from Do - Lower Neighbors, Sight-singing in Two Parts, The F Major Tonic Chord / Sight-singing skips with the F Major Tonic Chord, The Scale / The Key / Key Signature, Mixing it Up - Sight-singing Skips and Steps in F Major, Song: In the Distance, Intervals: Whole and Half Step / Major and Minor Scale Patterns, Sight-singing in D Minor / D Minor Tonic Chord / Sight-singing Skips in D Minor, Song: This Winter Night, and more ![]() Audrey Snyder : Sing on Sight - A Practical Choral Sight-Singing Course (for Unison / 2 - Part Treble Voices)Review: 'Sing on Sight' is a comprehensive sight-singing method by Audrey Snyder. Volume One assumes no previous experience and begins with simple rhythm practice, and then proceeds step-by-step to full, choral sight-singing. Exercises are written so that two or more lines may be sung simultaneously, so students gain sight-singing independence and develop their part-singing skills. With just a few minutes a day, 'Sing on Sight' can help your choirs learn to read music and have fun in the process Songlist: How to Use this Book and CD, Rhythm and Pitch Concepts, Teaching Sequences, Checklist for Success, Options for Enrichment and Motivation, The Beat: Quarter Note and Quarter Rest, Barline and Measure / Repeat Sign, Half Note and Half Rest, Time Signature: 4/4 Meter, The Staff / Treble Clef and Bass Clef / The Grand Staff, Introducing and Practicing with Do Re Mi, Ritard, Song: Daydream, Eighth Notes, Introducing and Practicing with Fa and Sol, Beginning on Pitches other than Do, Sight-Singing in Parts, Song: Come on Everybody, Introducing and Practicing with La Ti and high Do, Dotted Half Note, Time Signature: 3/4 Meter, Down the Scale from Do - Lower Neighbors, Sight-singing in Two Parts, The F Major Tonic Chord / Sight-singing skips with the F Major Tonic Chord, The Scale / The Key / Key Signature, Mixing it Up - Sight-singing Skips and Steps in F Major, Song: In the Distance, Intervals: Whole and Half Step / Major and Minor Scale Patterns, Sight-singing in D Minor / D Minor Tonic Chord / Sight-singing Skips in D Minor, Song: This Winter Night, and more ![]() Brian Beck : Sightsinging Made Really EasyReview: With Brian Beck (of the Championship Quartet Dealer's Choice) as your guide and author, you'll be up to speed in no time! Includes learning CD. Songlist: The Musical Scale, Reading in the Bass Clef, Sharps and Flats and Half Steps, The Beck Rhythm Method, Intermediate Note Reading, Advanced Exercises, Chord Changes and the Circle of Fifths, The Clock System, Rhythms Once Again, Music to Read, Read, Read ![]() Carl W. Vandre : Sight Reading Fun for Changed VoicesReview: This sight-reading book is perfect for choirs of any level. It has exercises for 2-4 part choirs, focusing on rhythm, melody and harmony. Songlist: Unison Preparatory Drills, Unison Chord Drill, Introducing the Eighth Note, Let's Sing, Two-Part Rhythm Catches, The Dotted Quarter Note, The Dotted Quarter Note in Three-Four Time ![]() Carol Krueger : Progressive Sight SingingReview: Ideal for undergraduate courses in aural skills, Progressive Sight Singing introduces students to the underlying grammar and syntax of musical structure and prepares them to perceive that structure with both the ear and the eye. Working from the premise that students learn musical skills in much the same order as they do language skills, this book employs a unique pedagogical structure that introduces the concept of sound before sight. It trains the ear first - through hearing and imitating patterns - teaching students to hear and perform before they read and write. Packaged with an audio CD that includes rhythm and tonal patterns introduced in the book; this connects the eye to the ear and helps student hone their aural skills Songlist: Preface to the Instructor, Preface to the Student, An Introduction to the Music Literacy Process, Strategies for Successful Sight Singing, Building Musicianship and Independence, Chapter 1. Simple Meter--Quarter Note = Beat Unit; Undivided Beat, Chapter 2. Simple Meter--Quarter Note = Beat Unit; Divided Beat, Chapter 3. Simple Meter--Quarter Note = Beat Unit; Slur, Tie, and, Chapter 4. Terms and Symbols, Chapter 5. Compound Meter--Dotted Quarter = Beat Unit; Divided Beats, Chapter 6. Simple Meter--Quarter Note = Beat Unit; Borrowed Beat Division, Chapter 7. Simple Meter--Quarter Note = Beat Unit; Syncopation, Chapter 8. Simple Meter--Quarter Note = Beat Unit; Subdivided Beats, Chapter 9. More Terms and Symbols, Chapter 10. Simple Meter--Quarter Note = Beat Unit; More Rhythms with Borrowed Beat Division, Chapter 11. Simple Meter--Quarter Note = Beat Unit; More Rhythms with Syncopations, Chapter 12. Simple Meter--Quarter Note = Beat Unit; More Rhythms with Subdivided Beats, Chapter 13. Half Note = Beat Unit, Chapter 14. Simple Meter--Eighth Note = Beat Unit, Chapter 15. Compound Meter--More Rhythms, Chapter 16. Cross Rhythms and Hemiola, Chapter 17. Asymmetrical Meters, Chapter 18. Mixed Meters, Chapter 1. Tonic Pentachord in Major Mode; Simple Meters, Undivided Beat, Chapter 2. Diatonic Steps and Tonic Triad in the Major Scale; Simple Meters, Undivided Beat, Chapter 3. Diatonic Steps and Tonic Triad in the Natural Minor Scale; Simple Meters, Undivided Beat, Chapter 4. Diatonic Steps and Tonic Triad in the Major Scale; Simple Meters, Divided Beat, Chapter 5. Diatonic Steps and Tonic Triad in the Major Scale; Simple Meters, Dotted Quarter Notes, Chapter 6. Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic Minor Scales; Simple Meters, Eighth and Dotted Quarter Notes, Chapter 7. Major and Minor Modes; Compound Meters--Dotted Quarter = Beat Unit, and more ![]() Chad Johnson : How to Sight SingReview: How to Sight Sing aims to help readers master the art of singing a melody correctly upon first glance. Though this may seem a daunting task initially, like any other skill, it simply takes practice to master. Like learning a new language, there are fundamentals to learn and drills and exercises to cement the concepts, but there are other helpful tools to make the process enjoyable and productive. The guide begins with a refreshing course in reading music before moving on to topics like the most common keys and scales used in Western music, intervals, and melodic and rhythmic listening. The online audio features listening exercises to hone both melodic and rhythmic skills. PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player, allows users to slow down the audio without changing pitch, set loops points, change keys, and more. ![]() David Bauguess : Jenson Sight Singing Course Vol 1Review: This comprehensive method based on the solfege system gives you a step-by-step plan for teaching the fundamentals of sightsinging. With minimal preparation time, your students will experience solid results in only minutes per rehearsal. There are 334 carefully graded exercises in unison, 2-part and 3-part, most with ranges of an octave or less. Recommended for Grades 6-12. Songlist: Heart Around The World, I See With My Heart, I'll Care, We Remember, Child of the World, Like A Mighty Stream, We Live the Dream, Silent Night, America, The Beautiful, Kumbaya ![]() David Bauguess : Jenson Sight Singing Course Vol 1 (Part Exercises)Review: This supplemental volume of part exercises follows the sequence of The Jenson Sight Singing Course, but can be used in conjunction with any sight singing method. It has been compiled to provide choral directors with graded material in parts for use with choral ensembles, and consists of predominantly 4-part exercises, along with rounds, 2-part and 3-part exercises. Ranges allow for flexibility in voicing for various groups. Songlist: Heart Around The World, I See With My Heart, I'll Care, We Remember, Child of the World, Like A Mighty Stream, We Live the Dream, Silent Night, America, The Beautiful, Kumbaya ![]() David Bauguess : Sight Singing Made SimpleReview: This easy-to-use audio course for self or small group study is a step-by-step introduction to music reading skills. From the creator of The Jenson Sight Singing Course, this resource will be an effective tool for building confidence and skill. Includes exercises on reading note and rest values, meter, echo drills, reading pitch from syllable letters and notes on the staff, movement by step and skip, key signatures, and clef signs. Book and CD. Songlist: Rhythm Practice, Reading Note and Rest Values, Meter and More Practice Reading Rhythms, Echo Drills, Reading Pitch from Syllable Letters, Movement by Step, Reading Pitch from Notes on the Staff, Movement by Step, Introduction of Counting Method for Reading Rhythms, More Reading Pitch from Notes on the Staff, Movement by Step, Reading Skips from Syllable Letters on the Staff, Key Signatures, Reading Combined Steps and Skips, Clef Signs, Reading Combined Steps and Skips, Eighth Notes ![]() Emily Crocker : Essential Sight Singing - Male VoicesReview: Based on the successful Essential Elements for Choir series, this new choral sight-singing method will allow you to build skills in all your choral ensembles in a handy octavo-sized volume! Featuring a step-by-step approach, unison and combinable exercises, and motivating short songs, these volumes provide a basis for developing music literacy within the choral rehearsal, allowing your singers to develop their full individual potential. Songlist: Beat and Rhythm, Pitch, Scale and Key of C, Whole Steps and Half Steps, Sharps and Flats, Accidentals and Key Signature: Rests, Melodic Intervals, Harmonic Intervals, Tonic Chord, Key of F Major, Eighth Notes and Rests, Changing Meters ![]() Emily Crocker : Essential Sight-Singing - Mixed VoicesReview: Based on the successful Essential Elements for Choir series, this new choral sight-singing method will allow you to build skills in all your choral ensembles in a handy octavo-sized volume! Featuring a step-by-step approach, unison and combinable exercises, and motivating short songs, these volumes provide a basis for developing music literacy within the choral rehearsal, allowing your singers to develop their full individual potential. Songlist: Beat And Rhythm; Basic Notation, Measures, Meters, And Barlines, Pitch, Scale And Key Of C, Whole Steps And Half Steps, Sharps And Flats; Key Of G, Accidental And Key Signature; Rests, Melodic Intervals; Harmonic Intervals, Tonic Chord, Key Of F Major, Eighth Notes And Rests, Changing Meters, Solfege; Numbers; Counting Systems; Simple Meter; Compound Meter ![]() Emily Crocker : Essential Sight-Singing - Treble VoicesReview: Based on the successful Essential Elements for Choir series, this new choral sight-singing method will allow you to build skills in all your choral ensembles in a handy octavo-sized volume! Featuring a step-by-step approach, unison and combinable exercises, and motivating short songs, these volumes provide a basis for developing music literacy within the choral rehearsal, allowing your singers to develop their full individual potential. Songlist: Beat And Rhythm; Basic Notation, Measures, Meters, And Barlines, Pitch, Scale And Key Of C, Whole Steps And Half Steps, Sharps And Flats; Key Of G, Accidental And Key Signature; Rests, Melodic Intervals; Harmonic Intervals, Tonic Chord, Key Of F Major, Eighth Notes And Rests, Changing Meters, Solfege; Numbers; Counting Systems; Simple Meter; Compound Meter ![]() Emily Crocker : Essential Sight-Singing Vol. 1 Male VoicesReview: Based on the successful Essential Elements for Choir series, this new choral sight-singing method will allow you to build skills in all your choral ensembles in a handy octavo-sized volume! Featuring a step-by-step approach, unison and combinable exercises, and motivating short songs, these volumes provide a basis for developing music literacy within the choral rehearsal, allowing your singers to develop their full individual potential. Also available is an accompaniment CD that provides light accompaniment for the combinable pitch builders, speech choruses and songs. In keeping with the spirit of sight-reading, there is no singing on the CD.Available separately: Treble Voices, Mixed Voices and Male Voices. ![]() Emily Crocker : Essential Sight-Singing Vol. 1 Mixed VoicesReview: Based on the successful Essential Elements for Choir series, this new choral sight-singing method will allow you to build skills in all your choral ensembles in a handy octavo-sized volume! Featuring a step-by-step approach, unison and combinable exercises, and motivating short songs, these volumes provide a basis for developing music literacy within the choral rehearsal, allowing your singers to develop their full individual potential. Also available is an accompaniment CD that provides light accompaniment for the combinable pitch builders, speech choruses and songs. In keeping with the spirit of sight-reading, there is no singing on the CD.Available separately: Treble Voices, Mixed Voices and Male Voices. ![]() Emily Crocker : Essential Sight-Singing Vol. 1 Treble VoicesReview: Based on the successful Essential Elements for Choir series, this new choral sight-singing method will allow you to build skills in all your choral ensembles in a handy octavo-sized volume! Featuring a step-by-step approach, unison and combinable exercises, and motivating short songs, these volumes provide a basis for developing music literacy within the choral rehearsal, allowing your singers to develop their full individual potential. Also available is an accompaniment CD that provides light accompaniment for the combinable pitch builders, speech choruses and songs. In keeping with the spirit of sight-reading, there is no singing on the CD.Available separately: Treble Voices, Mixed Voices and Male Voices. ![]() Emily Crocker : Essential Sight-Singing Vol. 2 for Treble VoicesReview: Based on the successful 'Essential Elements for Choir series, this second volume in our choral sight-singing method will allow you to continue to build skills in your choral ensembles with a handy octavo-sized volume! Continuing where Volume 1 finished, this step-by-step approach uses unison and combinable exercises along with motivating songs to provide a basis for developing music literacy within the choral rehearsal. The Accompaniment CDs provide light accompaniment for the combinable pitch builders, speech choruses and songs. In keeping with the spirit of sight-reading, there is no singing on the CDs. Songlist: Beat and Rhythm; Basic Notation; Measure, Meters & Barlines, Pitch, Scale & Key of C, Whole Steps and Half Steps; Ledger Lines, Sharps and Flats; Key of G Major; Accidentals and Key Signature, Melodic Intervals; Harmonic Intervals, Tonic Chord; Rests, Changing Meters, Eighth Notes and Rests; Dominant chord, Key of F Major, Subdominant Chord, Key of D Major, Sixteenth Notes and Rests, Key of Bb Major, Natural Minor Scale; Relative Minor Scales, Ties and Slurs; Dotted Notes and Thythms, Appendix: Solfege; Numbers; Counting Systems; Simple Meter; Compound Meter ![]() Emily Crocker : Sight-Reading for Young SingersReview: Sight-Reading for Young Singers is a fun, easy collection of songs to help kids bridge the gap between singing by ear and reading notes. The lessons are easy to follow and present just one concept at a time, using audio, simplified notation and do-re-mi pitch syllables to guide learning. The full-length Showcase Solos will provide plenty of motivation, and the collection is ideal for kids to enjoy along with a teacher, parent, or friend. Concepts presented: the beat; counting rhythm; music notes on the staff; keys of C, F, G Major; songs in minor; key signatures; more. Showcase Solos: Best Day of My Life - Blackbird - Castle on a Cloud - Do-Re-Mi - Happiness - Let's Go Fly a Kite - Love Is an Open Door - My Favorite Things - What a Wonderful World - and more! Songlist: A-Tisket, A-Tasket, Happiness, Kumbaya, Mary Ann, I'm Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing, Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee, Pachelbel's Canon, Michael Row The Boat Ashore, Blackbird, Take Me Out To The Ball Game, Here Comes A Bluebird, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Hot Cross Buns, Love Somebody, Castle On A Cloud, Ah, Poor Bird, Do-Re-Mi, Don't Worry, Be Happy, Merrily We Roll Along, Edelweiss, Fais Do-Do (Go To Sleep), Love Is An Open Door, Shalom Chaverim (Goodbye, My Dear Friend), Best Day Of My Life, Frere Jacques (Are You Sleeping?), Rocky Mountain, Frog In The Meadow, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Animal Rhythms, Huckleberry Pie, and more ![]() Emily Crocker : Sight-Singing For SSAReview: An excellent introduction to sight singing for SSA chorus. From the creators of "Patterns of Sound" and "The Choral Approach to Sight Singing," comes this practical, easy-to-use sight-singing method for SSA choirs in junior high and high school! It includes 3-part exercises and songs (accompanied and a cappella) that begin from square one, assuming no previous training, and presents musical elements in a logical sequence that will yield quick results. Recommended for Grades 6-12. Songlist: Travel On, Good Night!, Young Man Came A-Courting, The Librarian, Oh Dear, Ties and Slurs, Goodbye, Goodbye, Who Has Seen The Wind?, As I Was Out Walking, Good Luck Song, One I Love, Slovak Folk Song, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Green Grow The Rushes, Skater's Waltz, Summer Is A-Coming In, Song Without Words, Ev'ry Night ![]() Emily Crocker : Sound Patterns - Sequential Sight-Reading in the Choral ClassroomReview: Imagine - learning to sight read while having fun! Singers will grasp concepts quickly while singing real music from day one. This step-by-step method includes fun songs with lyrics, dynamics, and accompaniment, along with prepatory exercises that are interesting, authentic, and flexible. This resource may be used with beginners of any age. The sequential approach focuses on the keys of C, F, and G major, basic rhythms, and simple intervals in the tonic, dominant, and subdominant chords. Teacher Edition comes complete with teaching suggestions and online digital access to student notation and audio files. Songlist: Cantique De Noel ![]() Emily Crocker : Sound Patterns for Changing Voices - Sequential Sight-Reading in the Choral Classroom - TeacherReview: For Tenor and Baritone changing voices, Sound Patterns for Changing Voices teaches sight reading skills quickly while singing real music from day one. This step-by-step method includes age and range appropriate songs with lyrics, dynamics and accompaniment, along with preparatory exercises that are interesting, authentic and flexible. This resource may be used with changing voice beginners from approximately age 11 through 15 and for older singers with less singing experience. The sequential approach focuses on the keys C, G, and F, basic rhythms and simple intervals in the tonic, dominant and subdominant chords. Teacher Edition comes complete with teaching suggestions and online digital access to student notation and audio files. Songlist: Bip Bop, When The Sun Goes Down, Creepy, Crawly Creatures, Match Cats On The Avenue, Soaring Gliding, The King's Three Sons, Wassail, Wassail, Whoops Hoops, I'll Be Your Friend, We Bring Peace, Away, Away, That Lonesome Sky, Child Of Wonder ![]() Emily Crocker : The Choral Approach to Sight-Singing Vol. 2 - Teacher's EditionReview: Here is an exciting easy-to-use sight-singing method for middle school/jr. high choirs that starts from square one, assuming no previous training. It is presented in a logical, sequenced order, with harmonically combinable exercises to develop rhythmic and melodic independence. The collection offers a variety of a cappella and accompanied songs for 3-Part Mixed voices. This is volume 2! Songlist: Rhythm - Let's Review, Key of F _ Review and Practice, Syncopation, Two Practice, Key of G, Exercises in G, Key of D, Key of A Flat, Key of E Flat, Key of B Flat ![]() Emily Crocker & John Leavitt : Essential Sight-Singing Vol. 2 for Male VoicesReview: Based on the successful 'Essential Elements for Choir series, this second volume in our choral sight-singing method will allow you to continue to build skills in your choral ensembles with a handy octavo-sized volume! Continuing where Volume 1 finished, this step-by-step approach uses unison and combinable exercises along with motivating songs to provide a basis for developing music literacy within the choral rehearsal. The Accompaniment CDs provide light accompaniment for the combinable pitch builders, speech choruses and songs. In keeping with the spirit of sight-reading, there is no singing on the CDs. Songlist: Beat and Rhythm; Basic Notation; Measure, Meters & Barlines, Pitch, Scale & Key of C, Whole Steps and Half Steps; Ledger Lines, Sharps and Flats; Key of G Major; Accidentals and Key Signature, Melodic Intervals; Harmonic Intervals, Tonic Chord; Rests, Changing Meters, Eighth Notes and Rests; Dominant chord, Key of F Major, Subdominant Chord, Key of D Major, Sixteenth Notes and Rests, Key of Bb Major, Natural Minor Scale; Relative Minor Scales, Ties and Slurs; Dotted Notes and Thythms, Appendix: Solfege; Numbers; Counting Systems; Simple Meter; Compound Meter ![]() Emily Crocker & John Leavitt : Essential Sight-Singing Vol. 2 for Mixed VoicesReview: Based on the successful 'Essential Elements for Choir series, this second volume in our choral sight-singing method will allow you to continue to build skills in your choral ensembles with a handy octavo-sized volume! Continuing where Volume 1 finished, this step-by-step approach uses unison and combinable exercises along with motivating songs to provide a basis for developing music literacy within the choral rehearsal. The Accompaniment CDs provide light accompaniment for the combinable pitch builders, speech choruses and songs. In keeping with the spirit of sight-reading, there is no singing on the CDs. Songlist: Beat and Rhythm; Basic Notation; Measure, Meters & Barlines, Pitch, Scale & Key of C, Whole Steps and Half Steps; Ledger Lines, Sharps and Flats; Key of G Major; Accidentals and Key Signature, Melodic Intervals; Harmonic Intervals, Tonic Chord; Rests, Changing Meters, Eighth Notes and Rests; Dominant chord, Key of F Major, Subdominant Chord, Key of D Major, Sixteenth Notes and Rests, Key of Bb Major, Natural Minor Scale; Relative Minor Scales, Ties and Slurs; Dotted Notes and Thythms, Appendix: Solfege; Numbers; Counting Systems; Simple Meter; Compound Meter ![]() Emily Crocker & Joyce Eilers : Choral Approach to Sight SingingReview: Here is an exciting easy-to-use sight-singing method for middle school/jr. high choirs that starts from square one, assuming no previous training. It is presented in a logical, sequenced order, with harmonically combinable exercises to develop rhythmic and melodic independence. The collection offers a variety of a cappella and accompanied songs for 3-Part Mixed voices in two sequenced volumes. The Teacher's Edition additionally includes complete instruction for use of the method! Songlist: Rhythm - Let's Begin, Singing Exercises, Rests - Silent Breathes, The Pitch Ladder, New Patterns, Warm-Ups, Tune-Ups, Ties, Slurs, Dotted Notes, How To Find Do, Terms And Symbols Glossary ![]() Giuseppe Concone : The School of Sight-SingingReview: This excellent book combines Theory and Sight-Singing instruction into 73 different exercises. A student with the ability to read music already will get the most use out of this very thorough instructional. Style: Classical ![]() Giuseppe Concone : The School of Sight-Singing: Practical Method for Young Beginners (Lutgen)Review: Expertly arranged Vocal Method by Giuseppe Concone from the Kalmus Edition series. This is from the Romantic era. ![]() James Owen Bowyer : Creative SightsingingReview: Creative Sightsinging was developed for ensemble conductors, general music teachers, music ministers, and studio instructors who have been charged with the task of teaching fundamental musicianship skills. Musical concepts are presented in a logical and intuitive manner, integrating solfege, rhythm syllables, conducting gestures, and hand signs through superb musical literature. Songlist: Conducting Patterns, Pitches on the Keyboard, Letter Names on the Staff, Rhythm Syllables, Hand Signs, Voice Registration, Scope & Sequence, Strategies for Successful Sightsing, Suggestions for Part Singing, Ear Training, 24 exercises ![]() John Bertalot : 5 Wheels to Successful Sight-SingingReview: Bertalot's fresh approach motivates both experienced teachers and novices alike. He identifies five basic principles and twelve steps to success. Songlist: A Practical Secret, Passion, Small Groups, One Step, Theory and Practice, Steer The Car, Five Wheels in Practice, Singing One note, Singing the Great Scale, Step Wise Melodies, Clapping Rhythms, Putting It Together Voicing: Children ![]() John Bertalot : Teaching Adults to Sight SingReview: You wish your adult singers could read music. So do they! This new book by internationally honored choir director, John Bertalot, explains in short easy-to-follow steps how you can fulfill their wish - and yours! The book is a most valuable tool for many who face the more extreme difficulty of teaching reluctant adults things that children learn very readily. While the reader may wish to temper some of John's experiences to suite individual situations, they serve as superb resources for ideas, reminders and discipline for all who work with adult singers. Colin Mawby, former Director of Music of London's Westminster Cathedral, writes: 'This book is essential reading for choirmasters and singers. It's superbly structured, beautifully written, down to earth and amusing, and it's destined to become a classic.' Songlist: What Sight-singing Is And Is Not, The Essence Of Teaching Sight Singing, How To Start, Pulse, Musical Notation, A Short History Of Notation, Useful Time Names, Writing Sample Rhythms, Clapping Simple Rhythms, Clapping And Counting, Putting Theory Into Practice, Four-beat Notes, Bar Lines and Time Signatures, Looking At Words And Music, Rests, Dotted Notes, Learning New Music By Clapping Rhythm, Looking At The Pitch Of Notes, Pitching Notes Using Warm-ups, Clapping Eighth-notes, Warm-ups using Eighth-notes, Key Signatures, Intervals-The Third, Flat Keys, Intervals - The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Octave, Slurs Ties and Dotted Quarter Notes, Half Note Beats, Compound Time, Syncopation, Starting Off The Beat, Rehearsal Techniques, and more ![]() John Kember : Sight Singing 1Review: The aim of this first sight-singing volume is to instill confidence in singers and to present a method of approaching all aspects of singing at sight. Many of the melodies follow familiar shapes and rhythms, and use sequences to aid recognition of these patterns. Singers are encouraged to observe how to obtain their starting note from the introduction and to note the help with their vocal line that can be found in the accompaniment. Songlist: Preface, Rhythms for sight singing, Melodies for sight singing ![]() John Leavitt : 30 More Bach Chorales for Sight-Singing and PerformanceReview: As a follow-up to his popular 31 Bach Chorales for Sight-Singing and Performance, here is a collection of 30 more! Each chorale includes English and German texts along with pedagogical suggestions to help your singers build skills and develop musical literacy. A great tool for school, church and community groups. For chorale titles, click on songlist. Songlist: O Wondrous Love, All Glory Be To God On High, 'Come, Follow Me,' The Savior Spake, Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now, How Bright Appears The Morning Star, Praise To The Lord, The Almighty, Abide, O Dearest Jesus, Awaken, Lord, Our Spirit, Draw Us To Thee, For The Baptist's Voice Is Crying, Good Christian Friends Rejoice, He Brings The Year Of Jubilee, If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee, In Peace And Joy I Now Depart, Jesus Christ My Sure Defense, Jesus I Will Never Leave, Jesus, Who Didst Ever Guide Me, Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word, Now Pray We To God The Holy Ghost, O Lamb Of God, Pure And Holy, Our Father, Thou In Heav'n Above, Rise, My Soul To Watch And Pray, Salvation Unto Us Has Come, Savior Of The Nations, Come, What Is The World To Me?, Whate'er May Vex Or Grieve Thee, Where'er I Go, What'ever My Task, Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light, Once I Loved From Thee To Wander, Wake, Awake, For Night Is Flying ![]() John Leavitt : 31 Bach Chorales for Sight-Singing and PerformanceReview: John Leavitt has selected and edited 31 Bach chorales for choirs to sight-read and perform. Each chorale includes English and German texts along with historical background and pedagogical suggestions to help your singers build skills and develop musical literacy. This collection of accessible masterworks is a great tool for school, church and community groups! Songlist: A Mighty Forest Is Our God, Ah! Dearest Jesus, Holy Child, Alas, Dear Lord, All Darkness Flies Before Thy Face, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!, Awake Us Lord We Pray To Thee, Beside Thy Cradle Here I Stand, Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light Eternity Tremndous Word, From Depths Of Woe I Cry To Thee , From Saba Came The Kings From Afar, How Shall I Fitly Meet Thee, Jesus Bread Of Life From Heaven, Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring, Jesus Priceless Treasure, Lord Jesu Blessed Prince Of Peace, Now Thank We All Our God, O Sacred Head Now Wounded, Praise To God, Preserve Thy Faith From Error Free, Rejoice And Sing, The Day Hath Dawned the Day of Days, The Lord Hath Dawned All These Wonders Wrought, The Sorrow Thou Art Bearing, The Will Of God Be Always Done, Thee With Tender Care I'll Cherish, Then Let Us Feast, This Proud Heart Within Us Swelling, Today He Opens Us The Door, What God Does Ever Well Is Done, Within Yon Gloomy Manger Lies ![]() John Leavitt : A Treasury of Song for Sight-Singing and PerformanceReview: Sight-singing is important in the development of independent musicianship. The music in this collection will aid in the development of this skill but also be interesting enough to motivate the singer and be substantive enough to be useful in a variety of performance applications. Song categories include Patriotic, Christmas, Folk Song, Renaissance and Baroque Part Songs and Spirituals. All songs will stand alone as a cappella settings. Several songs also have optional piano accompaniments. Sight-reading or analysis tips are included for each selection. Songlist: America, The Beautiful, Da Pacem, Domine, Deep River, Down By The Riverside, Faith And Hope And Love, Happy, Happy Birthday, In The Bleak Midwinter, Innsbruck, I Now Must Leave Thee, Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming, Now All The Woods Are Sleeping, Oh, Dear! What Can the Matter Be?, Oh Mary Don't You Weep, Say Love If Ever Thou, Set Me As A Seal, Since First I Saw Your Face, The Star Spangled Banner, Take Me Out To The Ball Game, Water Is Wide, We Wish You A Merry Christmas ![]() John M. Feierabend : The Book of Tunes for Beginning Sight-ReadingReview: A collection of tunes from the Conversational Solfege method, intended for teaching sight-singing to older students Songlist: 277 Exercises ![]() Jonathan Rathbone : Sight-Sing Well: Exercise BookReview: At last - a book which makes the mysterious business of sight-singing accessible to all. Jonathan Rathbone has accurately identified what the process of reading music and turning it into sounds actually involves. The course has taken over two years to develop and has been devised to take the guesswork out of sight-singing. It has been used very successfully both as an individual workbook and with choirs of singers both young and old. Specifically designed for the students to use, it contains just the exercises and songs from the Teachers Manual. Songlist: Don't Eat The Last Donut - SOLFA Chart, Me And Ray - Accompianiments, Laughing - Accompianiments, Farmer Ray - Key Signature Slide Rule, Our Team - Accompianiments, He's Mean - Accompianiments ![]() Jonathan Rathbone : Sight-Sing Well: Teachers ManualReview: At last - a book which makes the mysterious business of sight-singing accessible to all. Jonathan Rathbone has accurately identified what the process of reading music and turning it into sounds actually involves. The course has taken over two years to develop and has been devised to take the guesswork out of sight-singing. It has been used very successfully both as an individual workbook and with choirs of singers both young and old. Contains all teaching information and exercises. Songlist: Don't Eat The Last Donut, Me And Ray, Laughing, Farmer Ray, Our Team, He's Mean ![]() Joyce Eilers and Emily Crocker : Patterns of Sound - Teacher's Edition Vol. 2Review: Don't read notes, read patterns of sound! This unique sight reading course for treble voices in elementary and early middle school does just that! PATTERNS OF SOUND uses excellent voice leading, careful sequencing and musically interesting exercises that can be combined to strengthen part singing, pitch relationships and to develop rhythmic independence. Volume 1 starts from square one, assuming no previous training, with exercises that are so carefully sequenced that the students are quickly singing four-measure phrases and eight measure songs in two parts and finding it easy! Students are introduced to notes, rests, meter, pitch and unison/2-part songs in Vol. 1, and continue in Vol. 2 with dotted rhythms & syncopation, keys & key changes and more 2-part songs. Use it every day and watch your students' confidence level grow! Songlist: Rhythm - Let's Review, Let's Review Pitch, Ties, Name That Tune, Hear the Wind, Slurs, Dotted Notes, Songs Using Dotted Notes, Angels We Have Heard on High, More Dotted Rhythms, More Practice, Name That Tune, Getting Up to Speed, Go, Tell it on the Mountain, On the Road Again, Pick Up Notes, Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, Syncopation Information, Combining Pitch and Rhythm, Here We Go Again, Michael Row the Boat Ashore, Ping Pong, Our Gallant Whaling Ship, Counting in Six, 3/8 Notes and Rests, New 6/8 Combinations, Name That Tune, On We Go, The Echo, How to Find Do, and more ![]() Karen Surmani : Sing At First Sight - Reproducible Companion CD KitReview: Augment your sight-singing curriculum with this well-written supplemental textbook which directly correlates to the lessons taught in Alfred's popular Sing at First Sight method. Includes over 80 reproducible pages of additional exercises, activities, and assessments designed to strengthen the music reading skills of developing musicians. A listening CD provides ear training activities and recorded accompaniments for the six end-of-unit songs. Plus, a handy appendix with easy-to-follow charts and diagrams of music fundamentals. The Reproducible Companion is highly effective when used with Sing at First Sight; on a routine basis after each of the 24 sequential lessons; as needed to master challenging musical concepts; or as a general review following the completion of the original textbook. Logically layed out in a 96 page spiral-bound book, ready for the photocopier! Songlist: Rhythm Exercises, Pitch Exercises, Written Activities, Ear Training, Assessment, Answer Key ![]() Karen Surmani : Sing at First Sight, Level 1Review: A sequential sight singing curriculum for all choirs. Each of the six units (containing four lessons each) clearly introduces new music reading concepts, reinforces those concepts with several rhythm and pitch exercises, motivates students with helpful hints and challenge exercises, and concludes with fun-filled review games and "Evaluating Your Performance" questions. The helpful "Getting Ready" pages (which precede each unit) are filled with music fundamentals, and for choirs who have never read music before, an optional "Before We Begin" chapter opens the book. And it's all neatly laid out in a 96-page octavo sized publication; a perfect fit for your students, and their folders. From whole notes to sixteenth note patterns, seconds to sevenths, key signatures, dynamics, articulations, and tempo markings; it's all here, and it's all logically ordered to insure student success! Spend just a few minutes a day with this book and your choir, too, will learn to "Sing At First Sight!" Songlist: Quarter None, Quarter Rest, Do, Re, Half Note, Half Rest, Mi, Fa, Whole Note, Whole Rest, Sol, La, Eighth Note, Eighth Rest, Ti, High Do, Choral Designs: "Song of Joy" by Jay Althouse, Review: Scavenger Hunt, Find the Wrong Note, Name That Tune, Evaluation Your Performance, Tie, Dotted Half Note, Low Ti, High Re, Dotted Quarter Note, Low La, Low Sol, Intervals, 2nds, 3rds, Choral Designs: "Sleep, My Child" by Mary Donnelly and George L.O. Strid, Dotted Half Note, Low Ti, High Re, Dotted Quarter Note, Low La, Low Sol, Intervals, 2nds, 3rds, Choral Designs: "Sleep, My Child" by Mary Donnelly and George L.O. Strid, 3/4 Time, 2/4 Time, 8ths/Octaves, Eighth-Quarter-Eighth Note Pattern, 4ths, 5ths, Choral Designs: "Where Go the Boats" by Dave and Jean Perry, 6ths, 7ths, Changing Meter, Pick-up Notes, Sixteenth Note, Sixteenth-Eighth Note Patterns, Choral Designs: "La Musica" by Jerry Estes, Rounds/Canons, Two-Part Harmony, Dotted Eighth Note, Dotted Eighth-Sixteenth Note Patterns, Triplet, Choral Designs: "Frozen December" by Jackie O'Neill, and more ![]() Mark Philips : Sightsing Any Melody InstantlyReview: Many voice students are incorrectly taught to sight-sing by memorizing the sounds of intervals. This book is for you if you'd like to be able to look at any melody and instantly know how it sounds. It will show you how to memorize the sound of each scale degree in both major and minor keys, sing chromatic tones, and much more. Packed with tips and tricks, this new book is essential for every vocalist. Songlist: Learning "1", "3", and "5", Slight-Singing Songs with "1", "3", and "5", Learning "2" and "6", Slight-Singing Songs with "1", "2", "3", "5", and "6", Learning "4" and "7", Slight-Singing Songs with All Seven Scales, Name That Tune, Songs For Practice (All Pitches, All Keys), Minor Keys, Slight-Singing Songs in Minor Keys, Chromatic Tones, Slight-Singing Songs with Chromatic Tones, Establishing the Key for All Major and Minor Keys, Major and Minor Scales Identified by Letter Name and Scale Degree, Intervals, Famous Songs for Learning Each Scale Degree, Answers for "Name That Tune" ![]() |
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