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Choral Arrangements of Motets

A polyphonic vocal style of composition. The motet was popular in the middle ages, when it consisted of a tenor foundation upon which other tunes were added. The texts of these voices could be sacred or secular, Latin or French, and usually had little to do with each other, with the result that the composition lacked unity and direction. During the 14th century, isorhythm came into use and other rhythmic refinements, somewhat unifying the sound and texture of the motet. By the Renaissance, the separate voices of the motet had adopted the same text (by this time the texts were religious almost without exception) and each voice was considered a part of the whole rather than a whole in itself, thus finally giving the motet unity and grace. from the French term mot (word).

The medieval motet is a polyphonic genre which originated in the thirteenth century in which the upper voice or voices are texted (usually syllabically) and the bottom voice, the tenor, is untexted. The tenor is usually an excerpt from a solo section of chant (though a few are drawn from secular models), but the excerpt has been provided with rhythm and may be repeated or manipulated. Though early motets are sacred, by the end of the thirteenth century the newly-created texts of the top lines often deal with secular topics such as love. See motet, double; motet, early; conductus-motet; Franconian motet; Petronian motet; isorhythm. See also conductus (polyphonic).

Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media

Displaying 1-55 of 55 items.

Aaron Copland : Four Motets for Mixed Voices : SATB : Sheet Music Collection : 884088587659 : 1458410382 : 48021108

Aaron Copland : Four Motets for Mixed Voices

These four motets were composed in the fall of 1921 while Copland was studying with Nadia Boulanger in Paris. The four motets have remained unpublished until now. Writing to Copland about them in 1924, Boulanger tells the composer that "those motets sound in the voices in a stunning manner."

Songlist: Help Us, O Lord, Sing Ye Praises To Our King, Have Mercy On us, O My Lord, Though, O Jehovah, Abideth Forever

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Voicing: SATB | 9164b | Sheet Music Collection | $7.95 | A Cappella

Alan Bullard : Wondrous Cross : SATB : Songbook : 9780193379893

Alan Bullard : Wondrous Cross

Wondrous Cross is a reflective work suitable for church or concert choirs at Passiontide. Bullard skilfully weaves the traditional Seven Last Words of Christ with linking biblical passages, 3 well-known hymns, and settings of 4 well-known sacred texts, including 'Drop, drop, slow tears' and 'Ave verum corpus' (both of which may be sung as independent motets) to create a moving and at times dramatic work. The short solos are perfectly suited to members of the choir, and strings (quartet, quintet, or ensemble) may optionally join the organ or piano in the accompaniment. If performed liturgically, the work may be interspersed with prayers and readings. The result is a flexible and striking work that re-presents this timeless story for a modern audience. String parts and full scores are available to hire from the Music Hire Library.

Songlist: Prelude, The First Words, There is a green hill far away, The Second Words, The Third Words, When my love to God grows weak, The Fourth Words, Drop, drop, slow tears, Were You There?, The Fifth Words, Ave verum corpus, The Sixth Words, God so loved the world, The Seventh Words, In the departure of the Lord, When I survey the Wondrous Cross

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Voicing: SATB | 40540b | Songbook | $13.75

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 1 : SATB : Songbook : 884088421625 : 0711920575 : 14025422

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 1

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Alma Redemptoris (Da Palestrina) - Christus Factus Est (Anerio) - Ego Sum Panis Vivus (Da Palestrina) - Ego Sum Panis Vivus (Da Palestrina) - In Monte Oliveti (Ingegneri) - O Rex Gloriae (Marenzio) - O Sacrum Convivium (Croce) - Regina Caeli (Soriano) - Requiem Aeternam (Anerio) - Sisut Cervus (Da Palestrina) - Super Flumina (Da Palestrina) - Tribus Miraculis (Marenzio).

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Voicing: SATB | 70642b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 2 : SATB : Songbook : 884088422936 : 0711920583 : 14025423

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 2

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Includes: Agnus Dei (Thomas Morley) - Alleluia (John Tavener) - Audivi (John Tavener) - Ave Verum Corpus (William Byrd) - Cibavit Eos (William Byrd) - Dum Transisset (Robert Johnson) - Euge Caeli (Thomas Tallis) - Gloria Laus (Christopher Tye) - In Manus Tuas (John Shepherd) - Sancte Deus (Thomas Tallis) - Senex Puerum (Byrd, William) - Venite Comedite (William Byrd).


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Voicing: SATB | 70643b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 3 : SATB : Songbook : 884088428822 : 0711920273 : 14025424

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 3

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Anima Mea (Rivaflecha) - Ave Maria (Victoria) - Canite Tuba (Guerrero) - Ego Sum Panis Vivus (Esquivel) - Gloriose Confessor (Guerrero) - Janitor Caeli (Ortiz) - O Magnum Mysterium (Victoria, Tomas Luis De) - Peccantem Me Quotidie (Morales) - Pueri Hebraeorum (Victoria) - Regina Caeli (Morales) - Simile Est Regnum (Morales).

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Voicing: SATB | 70644b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 4 : SATB : Songbook : 884088478506 : 0711924546 : 14025425

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 4

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Cantate Domino (Hassler) - Deus In Adjutorium (Senfl) - Ecce Concipies (Handl) - Ecce Quomodo (Handl) - Factus Est Repente (Aichinger) - Laetentur Caeli (Hassler) - Puer Natus (Praetorius) - Regina Caeli (Aichinger) - Resonet In Laudibus (Handl) - Salve Rex Noster (Praetorius) - Tu Es Petrus (Hassler) - Verbum Caro (Walter).


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Voicing: SATB | 70645b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 5 : SATB : Songbook : 884088478490 : 0711920265 : 14025426

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 5

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Ave Maria Gratia Plena (Desprez, Josquin) - Crux Fidelis (Papa) - Gustate Et Videte (Isaac) - Haec Dies (Arcadelt) - Improperium (Lassus) - Jerusalem Surge (Isaac) - Jubilate Deo (Lassus, Orlandus) - O Magnum Mysterium (Willaert) - O Quam Gloriosum (Vaet) - Scio Enim (Lassus) - Tu Solus (Des Prez).

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Voicing: SATB | 70646b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 7 : 3 Part : Songbook : 884088425630 : 0711938199 : 14025428

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 7

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Adoramus Te Christe (Lassu) - Ave Maria (Monteverdi) - Confitemini Domino (Costantini) - Deus Canticum Novum (Asola) - Domine Deus (Morales) - Ego Flos Campi (Papa) - In Die Tribulationis (Morales) - In Pace (Lassus) - Jesu Rex Admirabilis (Palestrina) - Lauda Sion (Monteverdi) - Memento Salus Auctor (Byrd) - O Vos Omnes (Asola) - Recordare Domine (Genet) - Sederunt In Terra (Genet) - Tua Jesu Dilectio (Palestrina).

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Voicing: 3 Part | 70647b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 9 : SSATB : Songbook : 884088442224 : 0711936730 : 14025430

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 9

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in completely new editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Ave Virgo Gloriosa (Dering) - Confirma Hoc Deus (Byrd) - Justorum Animae (Byrd) - O Nata Lux De Lumine (Tallis, Thomas) - O Sacrum Convivium (Tallis) - Omnes Gentes Plaudite (Tye) - Precamur Sancte Domine (White) - Terra Tremuit (Byrd) - Tibi Laus (Philips).

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Voicing: SSATB | 70649b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 10 : SSATB : Songbook : 884088487492 : 0711938172 : 14025431

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 10

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Adoramus Te Christe (Nanino) - Dominator Coelorum (Festa) - Gaude Virgo Maria (De Victoria) - Gloria Laus (Perez) - Manus Tuae Domine (Morales) - Mirabile Mysterium (Vinci) - O Beata Trinitas (Da Palestrina) - Repleti Sunt Omnes (Esquivel) - Voce Mea (Porta).

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Voicing: SSATB | 70650b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 11 : SSATB : Songbook : 884088487270 : 0711969647 : 14025432

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 11

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Ave Maria (Papa) - Cantate Domino (Hassler) - Eripe Me De - Inimicis (Raselius) - In Nomine Jesu (Handl) - Jubilate Deo (De Rore) - Justorum Animae (Lassus) - Magi Videntes Stellam (Amon) - Peccantem Me Quotidie (De Monte) - Stetit Jesus (Regnart).

Songlist: Jubilate Deo, Ave Maria, Cantate Domino, Justorum Animae, Eripe Me De Inimicis, In Nomine Jesu, Magi Videntes Stellam, Peccantem Me Quotidie, Stetit Jesus

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Voicing: SSATB | 70651b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 12 : SSATB : Songbook : 884088478513 : 0711920605 : 14025433

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 12

A comprehensive series of Latin motets from the Renaissance period, combining old favorites with lesser-known works. This volume include works by Robert Ramsey, Byrd, Palestring and Peter Philips, including: Alma Redemptoris (Orlandus Lassus) - Beata Viscera (William Byrd) - Canite Tuba (Palestrina) - Hodie Christus Natus Est (Jan Sweelinck) - O Beatum Et Sacrosanctum Diem (Peter Phillips) - O Sapienta (Robert Ramsey) - Orietur Stella Jacob (Handel) - Surge Illuminare Jerusalem (Francesco Corteccia) - Tria Sunt Munera (Juan Esquivel).


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Voicing: SSATB | 70652b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 13 : SSAATB : Songbook : 884088485337 : 0711947805 : 14025434

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 13

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Ad Te Levavi (White) -Adolescentulus Sum Ego (Mundy) - Aspice Domine (Byrd, William) - Four Rounds From Pammellia (Ravenscroft) - Jubilate Deo (Dering) - Laboravi In Gemitu (Morley) - O Lux Beata Trinitas (Byrd).

More details
Voicing: SSAATB | 70653b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 16 : SSATBB : Songbook : 884088431921 : 0711936684 : 14025437

Anthony G. Petti : The Chester Book of Motets - Volume 16

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. All appear in editions by Anthony G. Petti. Contents: Ad Te Domine Levavi (Hakenberger) - Domine Dominus Noster (Lassus) - Gloria In Excelsis (Nanino) - O Magnum Mysterium (Da Palestrina) - Pastores Loquebantur (Guerrero) - Rorate Caeli (Handl) - Veni Domine (De Morales) - Verbum Caro Factum Est (Hassler).

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Voicing: SSATBB | 70655b | Songbook | $13.95

Anthony G. Petti (Editor) : Christmas and Advent Motets for 4 Voices : SATB : Songbook : 884088425319 : 0711938180 : 14025427

Anthony G. Petti (Editor) : Christmas and Advent Motets for 4 Voices

The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time.

Songlist: O Magnum Mysterium, Magi Veniut Ab Oriente, Verbum Caro Factum Est, Rorate Caelli, Dixit Maria, Ecce Virgo Concipies, Hodie Christus Natus Est, Dies Sanctificatus, Omnis Mundus Jocundetur, Prope Est Dominus, Ave Gratia Plena, Ne Timeas Maria

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Voicing: SATB | 7710b | Songbook | $13.95

Anton Bruckner : The Great Unaccompanied Motets : SATB : Songbook : 9780571517640 : 12-0571517641

Anton Bruckner : The Great Unaccompanied Motets

The a cappella classics Christus Factus est and Locus iste are central to this collection featuring the best of Bruckner's outstanding output for unaccompanied choir. These pieces are among the most enduring choral masterworks of the 19th century. Simon Halsey's performing edition includes an informative introduction, keyboard reductions for rehearsal and English translations of the Latin texts for reference.

Songlist: Tantum Ergo, Pange, Lingua, Locus Iste, Os Justi, Christus Factus Est, Virga Jesse

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Voicing: SATB | 7321b | Songbook | $6.95 | A Cappella

Brian Kay : The Greatest Choral Classics : SATB : Songbook : 884088426316 : 0711988315 : 14013297

Brian Kay : The Greatest Choral Classics

Brought together for the first time, a comprehensive collection of timeless choruses newly engraved in recent editions from the historic Novello series of vocal scores. For programming festivals, concerts, celebrations or just run-through practice for the choral society, events can be organised at last from a single volume of classics without the need for the singers to carry scores of any number of oratorios or motets. Includes introductory notes by Brian Kay.

Songlist: Miserere mei, Deus, O Jesus, when I come to die, Ave Maria, The Shepherds' Farewell, How lovely are all Thy dwellings, Locus iste, Ave verum, Give unto the Lord, Cantique de Jean Racine, Panis angelicus, Zadok the Priest, Insanae et vanae curae, Hear my Prayer, Ave verum Corpus, Blest pair of Sirens I was glad, Sanctus, God so loved the world

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Voicing: SATB | 5111b | Songbook | $19.95

Carson Cooman : Three Passiontide Motets : SATB : Songbook : 884088308582 : 00042259

Carson Cooman : Three Passiontide Motets

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Voicing: SATB | 70634b | Songbook | $5.95 | A Cappella

Charles Villiers Stanford : Three Motets, Op. 38 : SATB divisi : Songbook : 073999346718 : 48011506

Charles Villiers Stanford : Three Motets, Op. 38

Irish composer Sir Charles Villiers Stanford composed a substantial number of concert works, including seven symphonies, but his best-remembered pieces are his choral works for church performance, chiefly composed in the Anglican tradition.

Songlist: Justorum animae, Coelos ascendit hodie, Beati quorum via

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Voicing: SATB divisi | 2983b | Songbook | $15.95 | A Cappella

Felix Mendelssohn : Six Seasonal Motets : SATB : Songbook : 9780193953222 : 9780193953222

Felix Mendelssohn : Six Seasonal Motets

A set of unaccompanied eight-part motets with German and English texts.

Songlist: Christmas, New Year, Ascensiontide, Passiontide, Advent, Good Friday

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Voicing: SATB | 9473b | Songbook | $6.95 | A Cappella

Francis Poulenc : Quatre motets pour le temps de Noel : SATB : Songbook : 884088877439 : 1480312789 : 50498641

Francis Poulenc : Quatre motets pour le temps de Noel

Completed in 1952, Poulenc often returned to traditional forms of French church music popular in the Renaissance, such as the motet, that had fallen out of favor in the late eighteenth century. Following the narrative of the nativity, Poulenc intended that the movements be performed together.

Songlist: O magnum mysterium, Quem vidistis pastores dicite, Videntes stellam, Hodie Christus natus est

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Voicing: SATB | 2652b | Songbook | $9.95 | A Cappella

Giovanni de Palestrina : Sicut Cervus : SATB : Songbook : 884088448295 : 14024892

Giovanni de Palestrina : Sicut Cervus

A setting of the Tract for the Blessing of the Font. Motet for SATB Choir A Cappella, edited by J. Steele.

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Voicing: SATB | 40358b | Songbook | $5.95 | A Cappella

Giovanni Palestrina : Motets : SATB : Songbook : 884088426897 : 0853605750 : 14021988

Giovanni Palestrina : Motets

This is part of a series of short volumes, each devoted to a single composer or appropriate group of composers, thoroughly exploring the unlimited resources of Renaissance sacred polyphony.

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Voicing: SATB | 70640b | Songbook | $13.95

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina : Canticum Canticorum - 29 Motets for 5-part mixed choir : SATB divisi : Songbook : 073999110944 : 50511094

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina : Canticum Canticorum - 29 Motets for 5-part mixed choir    Out of Print

Palestrina first published his 29 five-part motets, to words from King Soloman's Song of Songs, in 1583-1584 in Rome. These are most rewarding and challenging pieces for ensembles looking to add to their repertoire.

Songlist: Osculetur me, Trahe me, Nigra sum, sed formosa, Vineam meam non custodivi, Si ignoras te, Pulchrae sunt genae tuae, Fasciculus myrrhae, Ecce tu pulcer es, Tota pulchra es, Vulnerasti cor meum, Sicut lilium inter spinas, Introduxit me rex, Laeva eius, Vox dilecti mei, Surge, propera amica mea, Surge, amica mea, Dilectus meus mihi, et ego illi, Surgam et circuibo civitatem, Adiuro vos, Capet eius, Dilectus meus descendit, Puchra es, amica mea, Qua est ista, Descendi in hortum nucum, Quam pulchri sunt, Duo ubera tua, Quam pulchra es, Guttur tuum, Veni, veni dilecte mi

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Voicing: SATB divisi | 9602b | Songbook | $24.95 | A Cappella

Harrison Birtwistle : Three Latin Motets from 'The Last Supper' : SATB divisi : Songbook : 073999120769 : 48012076

Harrison Birtwistle : Three Latin Motets from 'The Last Supper'

The 'Three Latin Motets' were written as choral 'Visions' in the dramatic tableaux 'The last Supper.' The Visions cut across the physical action of the drama, taking us through Christ's Passion in reverse order: The Crucifixion (O bone Jesu), The Stations of the Cross (Pange lingua) and The Betrayal (In supremae nocte cenae). In the opera, the motets are pre-recorded, but are here available for separate concert performance.

Songlist: O bone Jesu, Pange lingua, In supremae nocte cenae

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Voicing: SATB divisi | 9385b | Songbook | $14.75 | A Cappella

Hayes Biggs : Four Christmas Motets   : SATB : Songbook : 98-EP67678

Hayes Biggs : Four Christmas Motets

Collection of four motets which were originally composed as personal holiday greetings to family, friends and colleagues. Includes excellent performance notes.

Songlist: Vidistis Pastores, O Sapientia, Videntesstellam, Verbum caro factumest

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Voicing: SATB | 7698b | Songbook | $6.50 | A Cappella

Ivan Moody : Motets for Five Voices : SAATB : Songbook : 888680904647 : 0853605785 : 14021989

Ivan Moody : Motets for Five Voices

All the motets in this volume are quite early works, taken from the collection 'Sacrae Cantiones Quinque Vocum', published in 1562 at Nuremburg. The typical features of these works are their virtuoso character and exuberance. These are achieved through the use of predominantly bright tonalities, frequent variation of textures and dramatic harmonic and melodic touches. Edited by Ivan Moody, this is part of a series of short volumes, each devoted to a single composer or appropriate group of composers, thoroughly exploring the unlimited resources of Renaissance sacred polyphony. Contains keyboard part for rehearsal purposes.

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Voicing: SAATB | 70641b | Songbook | $13.95

James MacMillan : The Strathclyde Motets I : SATB : Songbook : 884088632014 : 48021120

James MacMillan : The Strathclyde Motets I

A collection of sacred motets, many of them for use at Communion, designed for a good, amateur church or secular choir. 35 minutes.

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Voicing: SATB | 40510b | Songbook | $27.95

James MacMillan : The Strathclyde Motets II : SATB : Songbook : 884088632021 : 48021121

James MacMillan : The Strathclyde Motets II

25 minutes.

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Voicing: SATB | 40511b | Songbook | $27.95

Johannes Brahms : Two Motets, Opus 29 : SATBB : Songbook : 029156133318  : 00-K06105

Johannes Brahms : Two Motets, Opus 29

A choral worship collection for SATBB, composed by Johannes Brahms. Titles: 1. Es ist das Heil uns kommen her * 2. Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein rein Herz.

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Voicing: SATBB | 70676b | Songbook | $6.95

John Harbinson : Six Motets : SATB : Songbook : 073999823059 : 50482305

John Harbinson : Six Motets

John Harbinson is a winner of the prestigious MacArthur Foundation's "genius" award, the Pulitzer Prize, and the Heinz Award in the Arts and Humanities. Harbison has composed music for most of this country's premiere musical institutions. Here is a collection of his motets for unaccompanied mixed voices.

Songlist: Ave Verum Corpus, Concerning Them Which Are Asleep, O Magnum Misterium (Long setting), O Magnum Misterium (Short setting), Emanuel Motets, Wherefore I Put Thee In Rememberance

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Voicing: SATB | 8024b | Songbook | $12.95 | A Cappella

John Rutter (Editor) : Christmas Motets : SATB : Songbook : John Rutter : 9780193437043

John Rutter (Editor) : Christmas Motets

This songbook is part of the Oxford Choral Classics series and gathers in one volume sixteen of the finest motets and related pieces for the season of Christmas. The collection gives due space to the magnificant works of the Renaissance period, with well-known motets such as Victoria's O magnum mysterium and Sweeelink's Hodie Chritus natus est placed alongside works by Byrd, Palestrina and Mouton. There are also works from later peiods, including Bruckner's Virga Jesse, an estatic motet in praise of Christ's birth, and Cui's fervant and sonorous setting of the Magnificat. As such, the collection is an outstanding and richly varied survey of the repertoire, and provides a superb choice of pieces for all choirs seeking a broad selection of music for this season.

Songlist: Virga Jesse floruit, O magnum mysterium and Beata Virgo, Magnificat, Quem vidistis, pastores, Riu, riu, chiu, Resonet in laudibus, Omnes de Saba venient, Frohlocket, ihr Volker auf Erden, Nesciens mater, Hodie Christus natus est, O beatum et sacrosanctum diem, In dulci jubilo, Quem pastores laudavere, In dulci jubilo, Hodie Christus natus est, O Magnum Mysterium

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Voicing: SATB | 6608b | Songbook | $17.95 | A Cappella

Judith Blezzard : French Motets : SA : Songbook : 9780571518050 : 12-0571518052

Judith Blezzard : French Motets

This is a collection of seven beautiful motets by French composers of the 19th century. It includes evocative settings by the lesser-known Massenet and Caplet as well as motets by Franck, Faure, Saint-Saens and a new two-part version of Gounod's Ave Maria (based on J. S. Bach's Prelude in C).

Songlist: O Salutaris Hostia, Priere de St Bernard, Maria Mater Gratiae, Ave Maria, Ave Maris Stella, O Salutaris Hostia

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Voicing: SA | 40784b | Songbook | $7.50

Karl Jenkins : Motets for Mixed Voice A Cappella : SATB : Songbook : 888680046699 : 48023245 : 48023245

Karl Jenkins : Motets for Mixed Voice A Cappella

A set of intimate and spiritually uplifting choral work, featuring new pieces and arrangements of a selection of movements from his popular works.

Songlist: I'll Make Music, Cantate Domino, Laudamus te, Benedictus, The Shepherd, Ave Maria, Ave verum corpus, Agnus dei, Healing Light, Locus iste, Pie Jesu, Exsultate, jubilate, God shall wipe away all tears, And the Mother did weep, Lullay, Peace, peace!, In paradisum, Dona nobis pacem, Nunc dimittis

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Voicing: SATB | 4199b | Songbook | $19.95 | A Cappella | Companion CD Available

Lionel Pike (Editor) : Tudor Anthems - 50 Motets and Anthems for Mixed Voice Choir : SATB : Songbook : 884088559939 : 1847729746 : 14037773

Lionel Pike (Editor) : Tudor Anthems - 50 Motets and Anthems for Mixed Voice Choir

Tudor and Stuart monarchs reigned during a period of political and ecclesiastical turmoil, out of which occurred profound developments in musical style. Tudor Anthems, (the term loosely applied to cover the years 1520 to 1640) anthologizes some of the finest English musical works of that era. It includes sacred works of various lengths and standards of difficulty for mixed voice choir, accompanied and unaccompanied, by an array of composers, including Byrd, Dering, Gibbons, Morley, Mundy, Parsons, Philips, Smith, Taverner and Tomkins. A comprehensive collection and indispensable resource for any choir's library, prepared in an easily understood performing edition by Lionel Pike.

Songlist: Adolescentulus Sum Ego, Agnus Dei, Almighty God Which Hast Me Brought, Almighty God, The Fountain Of All Wisdom, Almighty God, Who By The Leading Of A Star, An Heart That's Broken And Contrite, And The King Was Moved, Appropinquet Deprecacio Mea, Audivi Vocem De Coelo, Ave Maria, Credo Quod Redemptor Meus Vivit, Dum Transisset Sabbatum, Exaudiat Te Dominus, Gaudent In Coelis, God, Which As On This Day, Great King Of Gods, Hear My Prayer, O God, Hosanna To The Son Of David, How Are The Mighty Fallen, I Will Sing Unto The Lord, I Will Wash My Hands In Innocency, In Ieiunio Et Fletu, In Manus Tuas, Domine, In Pace, In Idipsum Dormiam, In The Departure Of The Lord, Laboravi In Gemitu Meo, Laudibus In Sanctis, Man Dream No More, Mater Christi Sanctissima, My Shepherd Is The Living Lord, and more

More details
Voicing: SATB | 7661b | Songbook | $23.95

Mason Martens (editor) : Laudate Dominum - Motets of the Renaissance : SATB : Songbook : 073999166750 : WM134

Mason Martens (editor) : Laudate Dominum - Motets of the Renaissance

Here are twelve outstanding works from some of the best composers of the era. All are suitable for use in concert performance as well as being organized to provide anthems for most of the major occasions of the Church year.

Songlist: Laudate Dominum (O praise the Lord our God), Hodie nobis caelorum Rex (On this day the King of heaven), O vos omnes (O ye people), Crux fidelis (Faithful cross), Surrexit Dominus (The Lord is risen), Regina caeli (O Queen of heaven), Confirma hoc, Deus (Confirm in us, O God), Te Deum Patrem (Thee, God the Father), O sacrum convivium (O sacred and holy feast), Justorum animae (The souls of reighteous men), Beati eritis (Yea, blessed shall ye be), Cantate Domino (O sing unto the Lord)

More details
Voicing: SATB | 9601b | Songbook | $4.95 | A Cappella

Maurice Durufle : Quatre Motets sur des Themes Gregoriens, Op. 10 : SATB : Songbook : 884088877064 : 148031269X : 50565708

Maurice Durufle : Quatre Motets sur des Themes Gregoriens, Op. 10

Durufle's Four Motets on Gregorian Themes for SATB a cappella chorus, composed in 1960 and beloved by choruses around the world, appears in a fresh new edition with new music engraving and with historical introduction in English and English translation of the Latin texts. Includes the movements Ubi caritas, Tota pulchra es, Tue s Petrus, Tantum ergo.

Songlist: Ubi caritas, Tota pulchra es, Tue s Petrus, Tantum ergo

More details
Voicing: SATB | 2986b | Songbook | $8.95 | A Cappella

Maurice Durufle : Motets : SAM : Songbook : 196288016502 : 1705149855 : 00373785

Maurice Durufle : Motets

The arrangements in this collection represent 80 percent of Duruflé's entire a cappella oeuvre, with three from the four Quatre Motets sur des thèmes grégoriens Op. 10 (1960) alongside Notre Père Op. 14 (1977/1978). The name SAM-Klang takes the three voice parts from the arrangements -- Soprano, Alto and Men -- and combines it with the Scandinavian and German words for sound to create the portmanteau word sound together or harmony. The series offers basic and advanced choral repertoire. In addition to new repertoire and new arrangements, you will also find essential parts of the classical German, Scandinavian, French and English SATB repertoire, carefully and considerately reworked for SAM. The arrangements retain the characteristic features of the original movements and have almost the same richness of timbre, resulting in works which sound nearly unchanged to an audience. Piano reductions of all choral movements facilitate rehearsal preparation. The arrangements offer development opportunities for all voice sections, bringing new life and new quality to SAM choir work. SAM-Klang enables youth choirs to gain access to classical choral literature and ensures that mixed choirs who face challenges in finding singers for all male voice parts continue to have access to well-loved repertoire.

Songlist: Tantum Ergo, Ubi Caritas, Notre Pere, Tu Es Petrus

More details
Voicing: SAM | 12138b | Songbook | $6.50 | A Cappella

Ned Rorem : Seven Motets For the Church Year : SATB : Sheet Music Collection

Ned Rorem : Seven Motets For the Church Year

Ned Rorem's 'Seven Motets for the Church Year' was commissioned by All Saints Episcopal Church in Ft. Laurderdale, FL, on the occasion of its 75th Anniversary. All seven movements are beautiful 4 part settings of Antiphons, to be used throughout the year.

Songlist: While All Things Were In Quiet Silence, Before the Morning Star Begotten, Lay Up For Yourselves, Praise Him Who Was Crucified, God Is Gone Up, Today the Holy Spirit Appeared, Rejoice We All in the Lord

More details
Voicing: SATB | 9523b | Sheet Music Collection | $14.95 | A Cappella

Pawel Lukaszewski : Two Lenten Motets : SATB : Songbook : 884088486174 : 14019541

Pawel Lukaszewski : Two Lenten Motets

Includes: Memento mei, Domine and Crucem tuam adoramus, Domine.

More details
Voicing: SATB | 70638b | Songbook | $2.95

Philip Lawson : Prayers and Partsongs : SATB divisi : Songbook : 888680636005 : 00192462

Philip Lawson : Prayers and Partsongs

Thomas Tallis (1505-1585) was equally at ease composing simple settings of English texts, and more florid Latin motets, as the examples in this collection show.

Songlist: If Ye Love Me, Hear The Voice And Prayer, O Lord, Give Thy Holy Spirit, Salvator Mundi, O Sacrum Convivium

More details
Voicing: SATB divisi | 4433b | Songbook | $4.95 | A Cappella

Reger, Rheinberger, Schuburt, Wagner and Wolf : German Romantic Motets : SATB : Songbook : 884088450267 : 1844496805 : 14012591

Reger, Rheinberger, Schuburt, Wagner and Wolf : German Romantic Motets

A superb collection of sixteen works by the greatest nineteenth-century German and Austrian composers for choir, compiled and edited by Ralph Allwood. This volume includes works by Reger, Wagner, Rheinberger, Wolf and Schubert.

Songlist: Abendlied, op.39, no. 2, O Tod, wie bitter bist du, Op.110, no. 3, Abendlied, Op. 69, no.3, Anima nostra (Unsere Seele 0, Op. 113, no. 1, Eripe me (Rette mich, Herr), Op. 140, no. 3, Laudate Dominum (Lobpriest Gott den Herrn), Op. 133, no. 3, Meditabor (Denken will ich), Op.133, no. 2, Morgenlied, Op. 69, no. 1, Tribulationes (Lieden und Berdrangnis), Op. 140, no. 1, An die Musik, D. 547, Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen, D. 343, Zum Sanctus, D. 872, An Webers Grabe, WWV 72, Aufblick, Ergebung, Letzte Bitte

More details
Voicing: SATB | 5027b | Songbook | $19.95

Robert Schumann : Verzweifle Nicht Im Schmerzenstal Op. 93 : TTBB : Songbook : 841886005969 : 49016839

Robert Schumann : Verzweifle Nicht Im Schmerzenstal Op. 93

Motet for double male chorus with organ, ad lib. Described as religious song by Schumann, the motet Verzweifle nicht was first performed with organ on July 4, 1850, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary St. Pauli, the choral society at the University of Leipzig. A version with orchestral accompaniment was premiered in 1853. In a letter to Schumann, Herrmann Langer, the conductor of both premieres, called the motet one of the most stimulating and inspiring creations in male-voice literature.

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 40391b | Songbook | $29.95

Robert Sund : Three Motets : SATB : Songbook : Robert Sund : 884088944407 : 49019423

Robert Sund : Three Motets

Robert Sund is a distinguished Swedish composer and conductor. These unaccompanied works for mixed chorus divisi, based on sacred texts in Latin, include: Ave maris stella, Ave verum corpus, Ave Maria.

Songlist: Ave maris stella, Ave verum corpus, Ave Maria

More details
Voicing: SATB | 2967b | Songbook | $7.95 | A Cappella

Simon Halsey : Six Motets for Upper Voices (Collection) : SA : Songbook : 073999180138 : 08718013

Simon Halsey : Six Motets for Upper Voices (Collection)

From the Faber Choral Programme Series, includes four settings of Ave Maria and two settings of Tantum Ergo. Available: SA.

Songlist: Ave Maria b, Ave Verum, Tantum Ergo, Ave Maria c

More details
Voicing: SA | 70637b | Songbook | $3.95

Tomas Luis de Victoria : Masses and Motets : SATB : Songbook : 884088434601 : 1846091853 : 14021609

Tomas Luis de Victoria : Masses and Motets

This beautifully presented edition from Novello offers a full Mass setting alongside a Motet, both for SATB chorus, by Tomas Luis De Victoria. Regarded by many as one of the greatest composers of Spanish renaissance polyphony, this Mass setting is rich in his characteristic tonalities and the textures of the sacred choral tradition. Alongside this is the original Motet upon which the Mass setting is based. Both are transcribed and edited by Andrew Parker. The pairing of the two works offers an exciting and fascinating performance opportunity, with the devout grandeur of the Mass set against the modesty of the original Motet.


More details
Voicing: SATB | 70639b | Songbook | $9.95

Tomas Luis de Victoria : 52 Motets - Volume 4 : SATB : Songbook : 884088858643 : 14032507

Tomas Luis de Victoria : 52 Motets - Volume 4

Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) was one of the last representatives of the 'prima prattica', the polyphonic style which was dominant in the period music history has labelled the 'renaissance'. Vol. 4 of these 52 motets for voice.

More details
Voicing: SATB | 70656b | Songbook | $17.50 | A Cappella

Tomas Luis de Victoria : 52 Motets - Volume 1 : SATB : Songbook : 884088858629 : 14032508

Tomas Luis de Victoria : 52 Motets - Volume 1

Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) was one of the last representatives of the 'prima prattica', the polyphonic style which was dominant in the period music history has labelled the 'renaissance'. Vol. 1 of these 52 motets for voice.

More details
Voicing: SATB | 70657b | Songbook | $17.50

Various Arrangers : English Church Music Vol 1 - Anthems & Motets : SATB : Songbook : 9780193368415 : 9780193368415

Various Arrangers : English Church Music Vol 1 - Anthems & Motets

Oxford Choral Classics: English Church Music assembles in two volumes around 100 of the finest examples of English sacred choral music of the past five centuries. The first volume, dedicated to anthems and motets, presents both favourite and lesser-known works, from the exceptional Renaissance polyphony of Taverner, Tallis, and Byrd, through the Restoration led by Purcell, to the glorious works of the great nineteenth- and twentieth-century composers, including Wesley, Elgar, Stanford, Vaughan Williams, and Howells. The volume contains a number of more substantial works, including Mendelssohn's Hear my prayer, Stainer's I saw the Lord, and Naylor's Vox dicentis: Clama, as well as a wonderful selection of shorter pieces, from Gibbons's O Lord, in thy wrath to Walton's Set me as a seal upon thine heart. With the second companion volume of canticles and responses, this bipartite collection presents a comprehensive survey of English sacred music at its best.

Songlist: Rejoice in the Lord alway, Jesu, the very thought of thee, Salvator mundi, O where shall wisdom be found?, Ave verum Corpus, Haec dies, Justorum animae, Sing joyfully, They are at rest, Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake, O clap your hands, O Lord, in thy wrath, These are they which follow the Lamb, Lord, let me know mine end, My song is love unknown, Faire is the heaven, O how glorious is the kingdom, Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks, Greater love hath no man, The souls of the righteous, Hear my prayer, Nolo mortem peccatoris, Vox dicentis: Clama, Ave Maria, Ascendit Deus, Hear my prayer, O Lord, I was glad when they said unto me, Let mine eyes run down with tears, Lord, how long wilt thou be angry?, Remember not, Lord, our offences, and more

More details
Voicing: SATB | 7363b | Songbook | $24.95

Various Arrangers : The Ivy and the Holly : SATB : Songbook :

Various Arrangers : The Ivy and the Holly

The Ivy and the Holly is a superb collection of carols and motets for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany by contemporary composers. Scored for mixed voices - a cappella and with organ - the pieces present a wide range of styles and sonorities. A great collection for church and concert choirs alike. The New Horizons series showcases the wealth of exciting, innovative, and occasionally challenging choral music being written today. It encompasses the whole gamut of small-scale choral genres, both secular and sacred, and includes pieces for upper-voice and mixed choirs. With titles by some of the most accomplished choral composers active in Great Britain and abroad, the series introduces new repertoire and fresh talent to a broad spectrum of choirs. New Horizons features composers with growing reputations for quality composition reflecting a strong individual voice. The series is continually expanding and should be the first place to look for attractive and performable contemporary choral music.

Songlist: The Contest of the Ivy and the Holly, Antiphon to Mary, And all the stars looked down, Cradle Song, The Shepherds Carol, Telling, The Magi, Now we may singen, Gabriel fram Hevene-King, St. Margaret's Carol, Mary's Carol, Dormi, Jesu, Rejoice, rejoice, Veni, redemptor gentium

More details
Voicing: SATB | 8110b | Songbook | $19.95

Various Arrangers : 52 Sacred Motets by Old Masters : SATB : Songbook : 029156985658  : 00-K06401

Various Arrangers : 52 Sacred Motets by Old Masters

A collection of a cappella sacred motets.

Songlist: 52 sacred motets, SATB with latin text

More details
Voicing: SATB | 9267b | Songbook | $11.95 | A Cappella

Various Arrangers : Cantica Nova : SATB : Songbook : 9780193355361

Various Arrangers : Cantica Nova

Cantica Nova is an outstanding collection of new motets by contemporary British composers. Scored for mixed voices - a cappella and with organ the pieces present a kaleidoscope of different styles and sonorities, united in their ability to communicate fresh ideas and the skill of their vocal writing. Here are dancing, energetic rhythms and rich, ecstatic chords; simple, plainchant lines and overlapping, mesmeric phrases; pieces direct and strong and pieces radiant and spacious; motet telling in their simplicity and motets dramatic and theatrical. Encompassing a wide range of texts, with settings of some of the great hymns of the Church alongside little-known, rarely set texts, the collection will be welcomed by concert and church choirs seeking innovative and exciting contemporary repertoire.

Songlist: O Lux Beata Trinitas, Pasce Agnos Meos, Ave Maria Stella, Pange Lingua, Ave Regina Coelorum, Ave Verum Corpus, A Prayer Of King Henry, In Medio Ecclesiae, Surrexit Christus, Ave Verum Corpus, Cantate Domino, Jesu Dulcis Memoria, Veni Sancte Spiritus, Surge Illuminare, Ostende Nobis Domine, Christus Est Stella, O Adonai, Et Dux Domus Israel

More details
Voicing: SATB | 9408b | Songbook | $22.95 | A Cappella

Various Composers : 20th Century Sacred Music : SATB : Songbook : 884088965150 : 50565755

Various Composers : 20th Century Sacred Music

10 famous Latin a cappella choral works. Includes: Quatre Motets sur des themes gregoriens (Durufle), O sacrum convivium (Messiaen), Promesse de Dieu (Milhaud), Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noël (Poulenc), and more.

More details
Voicing: SATB | 2987b | Songbook | $20.95 | A Cappella

William Byrd : Four Motets for All Saints : SATB : Songbook : 0193953420

William Byrd : Four Motets for All Saints

William Byrd's Mass Proper for the feast of All Saints is beautifully arranged for unaccompanied mixed voices by Sally Dunkly.

Songlist: Mass Of Propers For The Feast Of Old Saints, Introit, Gradual & Alleluia, Offertory, Communion

More details
Voicing: SATB | 9356b | Songbook | $6.95 | A Cappella

William Mundy : Beatus et Sanctus, sive vigilem : SAATB 5 Parts : Sheet Music : 9780193870055 : 9780193870055

William Mundy : Beatus et Sanctus, sive vigilem

This edition reconstructs two breathtaking motets by the English composer William Mundy. The text by St Francis of Assisi, incorporating the phrase 'we do not know the day or the hour when the Lord will come', is appropriate for the end of the Church Year and during the Season of Advent. These elegant, straightforward settings are within the abilities of most church choirs.

More details
Voicing: SAATB 5 Parts | 9637b | Sheet Music | $3.95 | A Cappella

Individual Folios

Displaying 1-50 of 70 items.

A Mozart Canon : 2-Part : Donald Moore : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Sheet Music : 00-22969 : 038081221526

Donald Moore : A Mozart Canon

Donald Moore has skillfully crafted a canonic piece based on one of Mozart's most memorable melodies. "Alleluia" from the famed motet, Exsultate Jubilate, is placed in an easy range for young singers, supported by a simple piano accompaniment, enhanced with a light optional flute (or C-instrument) part, and combined with lovely original material. Young voices will shine as they sing this classical sounding piece, written expressly for 2-part choirs. The optional SoundTrax CD boasts a chamber music-like quality. This title is available in SmartMusic.

Arranger: Donald Moore | Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | Sheet Music | $2.05 | With Piano |
Other Voicings: 3-Part

Ad Bibinem Cum Me Rogaret Ad Cenam : SATB : Samuel Barber : Samuel Barber : Sheet Music : 50490472 : 884088569051 : 1458402207

Samuel Barber : Ad Bibinem Cum Me Rogaret Ad Cenam

This brief Latin motet was written in 1943 as a contribution to a Festschriften in honor of the sixtieth birthday of the president of G. Schirmer, Inc. A limited run of three hundred copies was printed and likely never performed. This new edition is the first available to the public.

Composer: Samuel Barber

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.80 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50490472

Ah, Holy Jesus : SATB : Jennifer Klein : Jennifer Klein : Sheet Music : 00285265 : 888680888503

Jennifer Klein : Ah, Holy Jesus

There is a stark loveliness to this Lenten motet. The hymn tune Herzlibester Jesu emerges effortlessly, surrounded by original material that depicts the beauty and agony of the sacrifice. Easy to medium in difficulty, it is a superb choice for Communion or Lenten services.

Composer: Jennifer Klein

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.15 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00285265

Alleluia : SSA : Russell Robinson : Sheet Music : 08596782 : 884088238971

Russell Robinson : Alleluia

Treble choruses can experience Baroque style and performance practice in this setting from Bach's Motet VI. Performed a cappella or with the continuo accompaniment, it will make a fine addition to honor choir or festival concerts. Duration: ca. 2:15.

Arranger: Russell Robinson

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596782

Ave Maria : SAB : Julio Dominguez : Julio Dominguez : Sheet Music : WLG145 : 884088906122

Julio Dominguez : Ave Maria

This motet, sung in Latin, is accessible to a wide range of choirs with or without accompaniment. The perfect choice to make any level choir sound beautiful. Duration: Approx. 3:10. Lynne Gackle Choral Series.

Composer: Julio Dominguez

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| WLG145

Ave Maria : SATB : John Leavitt : Sheet Music : 08596720 : 073999967203

John Leavitt : Ave Maria

A superb edition of the de Victoria motet. Available: SATB a cappella. Performance Time: Approx. 1:40.

Arranger: John Leavitt

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.35 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596720
Other Voicings: TTBB, TTBB, TTBB

Ave Maria : SATB : Morten Lauridsen : Sheet Music : 00228870 : 680160431168

Morten Lauridsen : Ave Maria

Ave Maria, one of Lauridsen's growing series of a cappella motets on well-known Latin texts, received its world premiere performance by the Los Angeles Master Chorale, conducted by Paul Salamunovich. The composer wrote, "This serene setting was specially composed as a 70th birthday gift to Maestro Salamunovich, who continues to enrich us all through his magnificent and enduring contributions to the art of choral music." The changing moods of the text's two verses are reflected in a pair of strong and evocative themes, and in polyphonic textures enriched with divisis to eight or more parts, and peppered with the composer's trademark "gentle" dissonances.

Arranger: Morten Lauridsen

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00228870
Other Voicings: SATB divisi, SATB divisi

Ave Verum : SATB divisi : Philip Stopford : Philip Stopford : Sheet Music : 08751310 : 884088483104

Philip Stopford : Ave Verum

Stopford's Ave Verum is scored for SATB divisi a cappella, but is simple and effective. With sustained and powerfully intense harmony, this motet is beautifully crafted and measured. Duration: ca. 3:30.

Composer: Philip Stopford

More details
Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | $2.35 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08751310

Ave verum Corpus : SATB : David N Childs : David N Childs : Sheet Music : SBMP462 : 964807004626

David N Childs : Ave verum Corpus

An exquisite setting by a composer who has a special flair for setting Latin motet texts.

Composer: David N Childs

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| SBMP462

Ave Verum Corpus : SATB : Alejandro Consolacion : Alejandro Consolacion : Sheet Music : 00159341 : 888680617448

Alejandro Consolacion : Ave Verum Corpus

The Randy Stenson International Series launches with this stunning a cappella motet by Alejandro Consolacion. Based in Japan, Randy leads seminars throughout Asia and hears beautiful choral music most of us would miss. This anthem pulls at the heartstrings and complements any college or community choir program. Medium to difficult.

Composer: Alejandro Consolacion

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.35 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00159341

Beata Es, Virgo Maria : SATB divisi : Paul Mealor : Paul Mealor : Sheet Music : 14042880 : 888680012717

Paul Mealor : Beata Es, Virgo Maria

This short unaccompanied motet with the Latin text drawn from the tradition of Lauda Spiritual is quiet and reflective with lovely expressive choral textures.

Composer: Paul Mealor | Country: Wales

More details
Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | $2.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 14042880 | Digital Version Available

By The Rivers of Babylon : SATB : Kirke Mechem : Kirke Mechem : Sheet Music : 50486223 : 884088063771 : 1423410645

Kirke Mechem : By The Rivers of Babylon

From Psalm 137, "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion," this a cappella motet is filled with longing and deep emotion.

Composer: Kirke Mechem

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.70 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50486223

Cantate Domino : SATB : Kirke Mechem : Kirke Mechem : Sheet Music : 50482210 : 073999227901

Kirke Mechem : Cantate Domino

Composer: Kirke Mechem

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50482210

Cantate Domino : SATB : Vladimir Silva : Vladimir Silva : Sheet Music : 00159822 : 888680619992

Vladimir Silva : Cantate Domino

Cantate Domino means sing a new song to the Lord, and this composition truly embodies its meaning. Beginning in 7/8, the opening motif is a short statement in Latin, then English, that establishes the macaronic character of the piece. William Powell selected this motet for his new choral series that features fine music useful in festivals and concert. Medium to difficult.

Composer: Vladimir Silva

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.45 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00159822

Cantate Domino : SSAA : Donald Moore : Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni : Sheet Music : 00-37846 : 038081423180

Donald Moore : Cantate Domino

Now available for a cappella SSAA choirs, Pitoni's Baroque motet is one of the great masterpieces of the choral repertoire. Top-notch concert and contest literature.

Arranger: Donald Moore | Composer: Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | A Cappella
Other Voicings: 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part, TTBB

Cantate Domino : SSA : Jill Gallina : Claudio Monteverdi : Sheet Music : 35030730 : 888680102333 : 1495054063

Jill Gallina : Cantate Domino

One of a number of short motets written by Italian composer, Claudio Monteverdi, this madrigal style for six voices has been set for SSA, carefully weaving selected vocal lines from the original to create this stylistically authentic edition using both energized and legato singing.

Arranger: Jill Gallina | Composer: Claudio Monteverdi

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35030730 | Digital Version Available

Christmas Motet/Glory Be to God : SAB : Axel Theimer : Axel Theimer : Sheet Music : 08772004 : 649325016084

Axel Theimer : Christmas Motet/Glory Be to God

Composer: Axel Theimer

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.15 |

Diffusa est gratia : SATB divisi : Vytautas Miskinis : Vytautas Miskinis : Sheet Music : SBMP521 : 964807005210

Vytautas Miskinis : Diffusa est gratia

The Lithuanian composer has created a beautiful contemporary motet featuring chant-like melodies, a dramatic climax, and a hushed ending.

Composer: Vytautas Miskinis | Country: Lithuania

More details
Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | $1.85 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| SBMP521

Dixit Maria : SATB : John Leavitt : Sheet Music : 08596722 : 073999206623

John Leavitt : Dixit Maria

A superb edition of this famous motet! Available: SATB a cappella. Performance Time: Approx. 2:35.

Arranger: John Leavitt

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.35 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596722

Domine, labia mea aperies : SATB : Charlene Archibeque : Orlando Lassus : Sheet Music : SBMP02 : 964807000024

Charlene Archibeque : Domine, labia mea aperies

A beautiful, moving motet. This performing edition includes a word by word translation of the text, a pronunciation guide, and directives for creating interpretive nuances for performance.

Arranger: Charlene Archibeque | Composer: Orlando Lassus

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.85 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| SBMP02

Ehre Sei Dir, Christe (Christ to You Be Honor) : SATB :  :  : Sheet Music : 08596787 : 884088480622

Heinrich Schütz : Ehre Sei Dir, Christe (Christ to You Be Honor)

Heinrich Schütz was one of the great German masters of vocal music, serving as a bridge between the early contrapuntal school of Palestrina and the later contrapuntal school of Bach and Handel. This motet illustrates both homophonic and contrapuntal techniques and concludes Schütz's setting of The St. Matthew Passion. Available: SATB a cappella. Duration: ca. 2:13.

Composer: Heinrich Schütz | Country: Germany

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.80 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596787

Eternal Hope : SATB : Stacey V. Gibbs : Stacey V. Gibbs : Sheet Music : 00229995 : 888680675226

Stacey V. Gibbs : Eternal Hope

Premiered at the ACDA National Convention in 2017 and written for the Bruce Rogers Series, this piece is a first in many ways. Stacey Gibbs, the reigning king of Spiritual arrangements and Richard Burchard, the modern day motet master, have teamed up and produced this remarkable piece that delivers both of their styles, and without compromises. Opening in Latin with Burchard's setting of Romans 18:21, one expects a beautiful and serious anthem. But the next statement comes from Gibbs in a setting of How Long? that turns the corner. Soon thereafter the choir divides in two and both styles are sung together. It is a stunning achievement that works to a glorious conclusion. Great for festivals and concerts with advanced high school, college and community choirs. Medium in difficulty.

Composer: Stacey V. Gibbs

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $3.25 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00229995

Exaltabo te : SATB : Kenneth Hannaford : Orlando Lassus : Sheet Music : SBMP03 : 964807000031

Kenneth Hannaford : Exaltabo te

A dramatic, energetic motet. This performing edition includes a word by word translation of the text, a pronunciation guide, and directives for creating interpretive nuances for performance.

Arranger: Kenneth Hannaford | Composer: Orlando Lassus

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| SBMP03

Exultate Justi : SSA : Russell Robinson : Sheet Music : 08748688 : 884088238667

Russell Robinson : Exultate Justi

Here is the famous Psalm 33 motet by Lodovico Grossi da Viadana adapted for younger ensembles. This composition is written in the typical Renaissance style of motets (a cappella sacred works) and madrigals (a cappella secular works).

Arranger: Russell Robinson

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.70 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08748688
Other Voicings: SAB

Four Motets for Small Choirs : SAB : Paul Paviour : Paul Paviour : Sheet Music : 08771205 : 649325103531

Paul Paviour : Four Motets for Small Choirs

Composer: Paul Paviour

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |

Four Motets on Old Czech Chorales : SAB :  :  : Sheet Music : 08771589 : 649325012192

Jirí Laburda : Four Motets on Old Czech Chorales

Composer: Jirí Laburda | Country: Czech

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $3.65 | A Cappella |

Gaudete omnes : SSATB : Jan Sweelinck : Jan Sweelinck : Sheet Music : 08596793 : 884088396671

Jan Sweelinck : Gaudete omnes

This brilliant motet by Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck is a substantial work for better high schools and up; opening with a virtuosic unfolding of imitative vocal phrases followed by a quiet middle section and building to a glorious alleluia. Duration: ca. 3:00.

Composer: Jan Sweelinck

More details
Voicing: SSATB | Sheet Music | $1.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596793

Hallelujah, Amen : SATB : Donald Moore : Georg Gottfried Wagner : Sheet Music : 00-31308 : 038081340760

Donald Moore : Hallelujah, Amen

This contrapuntal chorus comes from a 19th century motet composed by a performer in J. S. Bach's choir and orchestra. The piece, first published in 1819, was mistakenly attributed to Bach himself.

Arranger: Donald Moore | Composer: Georg Gottfried Wagner

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music

He Carried Me Away in the Spirit : SSAATTBB : James Whitbourn : James Whitbourn : Sheet Music : 14037424 : 884088814908

James Whitbourn : He Carried Me Away in the Spirit

He Carried Me Away In The Spirit for mixed SATB chorus a cappella was written for the choir, Commotio, and their conductor, Matthew Berry. This motet is a companion to the short unaccompanied motet Pure River Of Water Of Life both with texts from the final chapters of Revelation. If performed together, He Carried Me Away In The Spirit should be sung first and can segue into Pure River Of Water Of Life A Piano accompaniment is included for rehearsal purposes.

Composer: James Whitbourn

More details
Voicing: SSAATTBB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 14037424 | Digital Version Available

Help Us, O Lord : SATB : 0 : Sheet Music : 48003874 : 073999770025

Help Us, O Lord

These four motets were composed in the fall of 1921 while Copland was studying with Nadia Boulanger in Paris. The four motets have remained unpublished until now. Writing to Copland about them in 1924, Boulanger tells the composer that "those motets sound in the voices in a stunning manner."

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48003874

Hodie Christus Natus Est : SATB : Richard Weymuth : Sheet Music : 35026746 : 884088454487 : 1423487923

Richard Weymuth : Hodie Christus Natus Est

This Gabrieli antiphonal motet is arranged in eight parts for two choirs by Richard Weymuth for the 2011 Oklahoma All-State Festival. It is an outstanding and complex work that is full of tonal color and rhythmic counterpoint. A wonderful selection for concert, contest or festival use for general and Christmas. Available separately: Double SATB Choir, a cappella. Duration ca. 3:00.

Arranger: Richard Weymuth

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35026746

Hodie Christus natus est : SATB : Francis Poulenc : Francis Poulenc : Sheet Music : 50498645 : 884088877477 : 1480312827

Francis Poulenc : Hodie Christus natus est

Composed in 1951-52, this unaccompanied motet is an Antiphon to the Magnificat, which is sung during the vespers on Christmas Day. Here, the text speaks of the world rejoicing together over the birth of Christ.

Composer: Francis Poulenc

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $3.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50498645

Hodie Christus natus est : SSATB : Jan Pieter Sweelinck : Jan Pieter Sweelinck : Sheet Music : 08596784 : 884088281625

Jan Pieter Sweelinck : Hodie Christus natus est

Here is Jan Pieter Sweelinck's famous Christmas motet in a clean and well-edited edition. A substantial work for better high school choirs and up, it will display brilliance and virtuosity for a festive season. Available for SSATB a cappella. Duration: ca. 3:00.

Composer: Jan Pieter Sweelinck

More details
Voicing: SSATB | Sheet Music | $1.70 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596784

Hodie Christus natus est : SSATB : Jan Sweelinck : Jan Sweelinck : Sheet Music : 08596784 : 884088281625

Jan Sweelinck : Hodie Christus natus est

Here is Jan Pieter Sweelinck's famous Christmas motet in a clean and well-edited edition. A substantial work for better high school choirs and up, it will display brilliance and virtuosity for a festive season. Available for SSATB a cappella. Duration: ca. 3:00.

Composer: Jan Sweelinck

More details
Voicing: SSATB | Sheet Music | $1.70 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08596784
Other Voicings: SSATB, SSAA

Libertatum : TBB : Jim Papoulis : Jim Papoulis : Sheet Music : 48005168 : 073999051681

Jim Papoulis : Libertatum

The Latin and English texts stress the worldwide desire for freedom, combining a traditional Latin motet style with contemporary musical elements.

Composer: Jim Papoulis

More details
Voicing: TBB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48005168

Locus Iste : 3-Part : Russell Robinson : Anton Bruckner : Sheet Music : 08552042 : 884088213824

Russell Robinson : Locus Iste

This beautiful motet by Anton Bruckner is now available separately: three-part mixed voices and piano, thus making this timeless choral work accessible to more choirs. The added piano part supports the independent voice parts, but the piece may be performed a cappella. Duration: 2:25. Available separately: 3-Part Mixed, VoiceTrax CD.

Arranger: Russell Robinson | Composer: Anton Bruckner

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $1.70 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08552042 | Voicetrax CD Available
Other Voicings: TTB

Locus Iste : SATB : Anton Bruckner : Anton Bruckner : Sheet Music : 50319130 : 073999191301 : 1423471466

Anton Bruckner : Locus Iste

Bruckner's simple but profound motet is reminiscent of the Renaissance masters, but with a harmonic palette firmly placed in the Romantic era. The Latin text comes from the Mass celebrated at the dedication of a church: This place was made by God, a priceless mystery, it is beyond reproach. Available separately: SATB, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:15.

Composer: Anton Bruckner

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50319130 | Voicetrax CD Available

Locus Iste : SSAATTBB : Kevin Memley : Kevin Memley : Sheet Music : 00158718 : 888680614164

Kevin Memley : Locus Iste

Kevin Memley's exquisite a cappella writing has captured our hearts many times. He does not disappoint with this classic Latin text. The place of sacred mystery is honored richly with the harmonic colors he paints each cadence. This is a motet that will be added to the canon of classic settings to be sung by choirs for years to come in both concert and church settings. Advanced high school, college and community choirs. Medium difficulty.

Composer: Kevin Memley

More details
Voicing: SSAATTBB | Sheet Music | $2.15 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00158718 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: TTBB divisi, TTBB divisi

Lux Aeterna : SATB : Kevin Memley : Kevin Memley : Sheet Music : 00159352 : 888680617561

Kevin Memley : Lux Aeterna

The initial musical theme that begins this piece becomes almost a passacaglia, repeating throughout the piece. But with Kevin's artistic touches it becomes the eternal light that the text expresses, emerging again and again regardless of key change or climax. A gorgeous a cappella motet, it is perfect for advanced high school, college and community choirs, as well as fine church choirs. Medium to difficult.

Composer: Kevin Memley

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.15 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00159352 | Digital Version Available

Make Not a Bond of Love : SSATB : Will Todd : Will Todd : Sheet Music : 48023304 : 888680032968 : 1784540048

Will Todd : Make Not a Bond of Love

An attractive addition to the wedding/civil ceremony choral repertoire, Make not a bond of love is an approachable motet of around 3 minutes duration featuring Todd's characteristic lush harmonies and expert vocal writing. The text by Kahlil Gibran tells of the joys of love, but also of the need for individuality in a relationship.

Composer: Will Todd

More details
Voicing: SSATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 |

Malmesbury Motets : SATB : Nico Muhly : Nico Muhly : Sheet Music : 00244247 : 888680729110

Nico Muhly : Malmesbury Motets

Nico Muhly's Malmesbury Motets arranged for SATB chorus and Viola da Gamba. Commissioned for the choir of Malmesbury Abbey, Wiltshire by Revd Canon Neill Archer (vicar) and Dr Annie Davis (Lay Precentor). First performed on 26 & 27 November 2016 at the Advent Carol Services at Malmesbury Abbey, by the Abbey Choir, directed by John Hughes and Rebecca Saunders. Duration approximately: 8 minutes.

Composer: Nico Muhly

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $3.50 |
00244247 | Digital Version Available

Mirabile Mysterium : SATB : Taylor Davis : Taylor Davis : Sheet Music : 50490002 : 884088449803 : 1423486579

Taylor Davis : Mirabile Mysterium

This short unaccompanied motet celebrates the wondrous mystery of God made man with this rich setting of a traditional Latin text. Full contemporary harmonies will resound throughout your performance space supporting the serene melody. Duration: ca. 3:40.

Composer: Taylor Davis

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50490002

Miserere Mei : SAB : Russell Robinson : Sheet Music : 35026709 : 884088451196 : 142348696X

Russell Robinson : Miserere Mei

Written by Lotti around 1730, this motet was originally written for four voices. Russell Robinson's thoughtful 3-part arrangement attempts to maintain the harmonic textures, melodic lines, and text of the original work while making it more accessible for young voices. Available separately: 3-part mixed, opt. accompaniment; PianoTrax CD. Duration: da. 1:36.

Arranger: Russell Robinson

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35026709

Nemo te condemnavit : SATB : James MacMillan : Sheet Music : 48019172 : 884088074340

James MacMillan : Nemo te condemnavit

This motet was commissioned by the Yale Glee Club with a text from the Gospel according to St John, chapter 8:10-11 where Jesus tells the woman taken in adultery to go and sin no more. This 6-minute a cappella motet is distinguished by its full vocal textures and deep emotion-filled expression.

Arranger: James MacMillan

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48019172

Non Turbetur Cor Vestrum : TBB : Lodovico Viadana : Lodovico Viadana : Sheet Music : 48019143 : 884088057794

Lodovico Viadana : Non Turbetur Cor Vestrum

This joyous, festive motet was published in 1612 by Lodovico Viadana, a Venetian friar and maestro di cappella. Its imitative polyphony and celebratory final Alleluia will be captivating in either a church or concert setting.

Composer: Lodovico Viadana | Country: Italy

More details
Voicing: TBB | Sheet Music | $1.70 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48019143

O Magnum Mysterium : SATB : Morten Lauridsen : Morten Lauridsen : Sheet Music : 00228817 : 680160430642

Morten Lauridsen : O Magnum Mysterium

The original choral setting of O Magnum Mysterium, premiered by the Los Angeles Master Chorale conducted by Paul Salamunovich in December, 1994, has since been performed thousands of times throughout the world and was also designated as an American Choral Masterpiece by the National Endowment for the Arts. The genesis of this motet is discussed in my Wall Street Journal article. Zurbaran's 'Still-life with Lemons, Oranges and a Rose.' --Morten Lauridsen

Composer: Morten Lauridsen

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.75 | A Cappella | video
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00228817

O magnum mysterium : SATB : David N Childs : David N Childs : Sheet Music : SBMP211 : 964807002110

David N Childs : O magnum mysterium

A contemporary motet using the Latin text and including the chant. Suitable for a good high school choir or beyond.

Composer: David N Childs

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.85 | A Cappella | video
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| SBMP211

O nata lux : SATB divisi : David N Childs : David N Childs : Sheet Music : SBMP562 : 964807005623

David N Childs : O nata lux

Another fabulous motet by David Childs, this one includes a dramatic fugue and soaring melodies. For the advanced choir.

Composer: David N Childs

More details
Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | $2.05 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| SBMP562

O Vos Omnes : SATB : Chester L. Alwes/Robert Shaw : Sheet Music : 35015782 : 747510046288

Chester L. Alwes/Robert Shaw : O Vos Omnes

A cappella; late 16th century; Latin text; smooth, non-accented vocal lines - In 1989, Robert Shaw commissioned Chester Alwes to make an edition of Tomas Luis de Victoria's motet, O Vos Omnes, which was to be sung as part of the Robert Shaw Summer Festival in France. Robert Shaw has added tempo indication and expressive and dynamic marks, which indicates his feelings about how the piece should be realized in contemporary performance giving modern conductors the guidance of one of America's foremost choral musicians. The English translation is one of the most beautiful and moving Latin sacred texts-"All ye who pass by, see if there is any sorrow like unto my sorrow." Give your choir and congregation the opportunity to experience the music de Victoria wrote for his Master.

Arranger: Chester L. Alwes/Robert Shaw

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35015782

O Vos Omnes : SSAA : Raymond Sprague : Tomas Luis DeVictoria : Sheet Music : 15-1400R : 000308039016

Raymond Sprague : O Vos Omnes

Originally published in 1585, this motet for women's voices is in the typical polyphonic style of Victoria -- and it is a must for serious treble choirs.

Arranger: Raymond Sprague | Composer: Tomas Luis DeVictoria

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $1.95 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 15-1400R

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