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Kevin A. Memley is a choral composer and pianist with over 70 published works to his credit. His music has been performed around the world. He has conducted his works in Carnegie Hall, has been featured prominently in ACDA conventions, and is commissioned frequently for new works. Kevin's music is published through Pavane, G. Schirmer, GIA/Walton, Gentry, John Rich Music Press and Epiphany House. He has also composed, orchestrated and conducted for three feature films. |
Kevin Memley : Gloria in Excelsis Deo Brilliant! Exciting! Fresh! are words that describe Memley's GLORIA - a 10 minute work in 3 continuous sections for voices with brass quintet, piano, timpani and percussion. This work makes a fabulous pairing with his MAGNIFICAT, released in 2012. Memley's rhythmic vitality and captivating melodies have been described as when Rutter meets Bernstein. ![]() |
Displaying 1-50 of 52 items.
Kevin Memley's music is known for its beautiful melodies, captivating harmonies and originality. This a cappella piece for men's voices is a prayer of gratitude and praise. The alleluias that soar between the verses are gentle yet stunning. The general nature of the text will enable this piece to work in both church and school, high school and older.
A wonderful new arrangement for men's chorus of this classic patriotic song. The melody is accompanied by a rich piano part that changes throughout to reflect the spirit of the text - from flowing to marching to dramatic. The vocal writing is accessible yet thoughtful as the composer weaves the melody throughout to feature each voice part. Duration: ca. 4:45
Composer: Samuel A. Ward
Impressions is a set of three outstanding pieces by Kevin Memley for treble voices. The texts are favorites of many and Kevin's treatments are exquisite masterpieces. Although the three selections are released separately, they are best presented as a trilogy. Ideal for high school and college.
This beautiful anthem combines the themes of music appreciation with servitude in a truly artistic way, both musically and textually. Above those themes is also a song of praise and thanks. The optional string quartet adds more color to the piece which mirrors the prayer in the words.
Kevin Memley's artistry paints pictures with music in this setting of 19th century poet Thomas Hood's words. High school and college choirs will be enraptured by the beauty of this selection. One can hear the rain begin to fall at the opening and the longing for summer's song by the end.
This is a beautiful piece in melody and form, but what stands out even more is how composer Kevin Memley has used the voice to orchestrate the piece. Programmatic effects are tastefully incorporated into the musical structure of the composition.
Kevin Memley has risen to be recognized as one of the finest craftsmen in the choral arts. His reputation is strengthened with this gorgeous setting of the Ave Maris Stella (Hail Mary, Star of the Sea) text. A superb concert selection for 8-part a cappella choir, containing Kevin's subtle bitonal crossings, passionate suspensions and melodic lines.
Taken from Psalm 40, Kevin Memley has given us a new expression of this worshipful text. The gentle flute lines ornament the flowing melody that calmly set our hearts at peace. An excellent piece for many seasons of devotion.
It is the artistry that separates a Memley arrangement from all others. As always, his piano writing is superb, and using the familiar melody we want to hear, he adds finesse and craftsmanship that lifts this church anthem to a new level. Easy to medium.
Kevin Memley's music fits the Italian text so well that it sounds like a folk song we should know. The steady river is a metaphor for comfort. The sacred overtones from the text enable this piece to work in worship as well as concert. Easy to Medium difficulty.
Commissioned for the University of South Carolina Men's Chorus, Kevin Memley has beautifully revoiced the SATB setting released in 2014 (JG2445). Kevin's original music is consumed with the sounds of the Native American spirit - it is a reverent tribute to a beautiful culture. For high school or college choirs. Medium difficulty.
Memley celebrates the Native American culture with an exquisite triptych of poems and song called Three Native American Settings. The original music is consumed with the sounds of the Native American spirit in all three selections. Although they can be performed separately, the set provides a reverent tribute to a beautiful culture. High school or college or community choirs. Titles include:: Cherokee Traveller's Greeting, Shoshone Love Song, and Come on the Trail of Song.
Country: Native American
A beckoning melody carries the words from Matthew 11, Come to Me and I will give you rest. Memley is a craftsman of notes, both for the singer and the accompanist. In many ways this is a simple song, but the message needs to be, inviting us to a place of serenity. Easy to Medium difficulty for Communion or Lent.
This could be the most awesome piece of the 21st century. Why? Here's a tune that is energizing and exciting - concert programmable - that teaches singers how to read rhythms. Every high school and college choir will want to have this piece to start their year.
Selected for the Randy Stenson Male Chorus Series, this setting begins and ends with the voices emulating the bagpipe sounds of Scotland. Everything about this song pulls at the heartstrings and the composer's skillful touch pulls it even deeper.
Country: Ireland
The beautiful words of Jeremiah promising us that God has plans for us has been treated graciously by Kevin Memley. Famous for his lovely melodies and satisfying developments, Kevin provides an anthem that is easily learned and long remembered. Easy to Medium.
Brilliant! Exciting! Fresh! Words that describe Memley's new Gloria - a 10-minute work in three continuous sections for mixed choir with brass quintet, piano, timpani and percussion. Excellent for church or school concert from good high school to college choirs to community groups, this work makes a fabulous pairing with his Magnificat released in 2012. Memley's rhythmic vitality and captivating melodies have been described as when Rutter meets Bernstein.
From the Book of Common Prayer comes a supplication of gratefulness for all that God has provided. Memley's setting is immediately captivating. A strong melody and fulfilling accompaniment make this a worthy offering for Thanksgiving or any service of gratitude.
Kevin Memley's celebratory setting of the familiar Latin text ("Hodie Christus natus est") has a sprightly, memorable tune and vivacious rhythms punctuated with crisp tambourine, triangle, and drum accompaniment. The percussion will help the choir negotiate the frequent meter changes in the score. Also available in a setting for SSAA, G-9686. The percussion part is for tambourine, triangle, and drum.Listen to a performance of "Hodie" by Kevin A. Memley
You can feel the enthusiastic crowd, the festive procession, the joyful energy, right from the very start. Accompanied by piano, hand drum and finger cymbals, the vocal parts rise in triumph and anticipation. Perfect for Palm Sunday and the Advent season, this selection by Kevin Memley is easy to medium.
Kevin Memley always writes beautiful piano accompaniments and he also smuggles in some sophisticated harmonies in the most clever and unassuming ways. The Isaiah text is one of assurance and the music provides that and much more. Beginning and ending calmly, the space in-between builds in intensity and then pulls back. Appropriate during Lent and communion, its general theme can be sung at almost any service of worship.
Impressions is a set of three outstanding pieces by Kevin Memley for treble voices. The texts are favorites of many and Kevin's treatments are exquisite masterpieces. Although the 3 selections are released separately, they are best presented as a trilogy. High school and college.
The text is one of the most powerful poems ever written commemorating the Armenian genocide of 1915, yet it speaks to the human soul about the depth of loss we feel when anyone leaves their earthly life. Memley's musical setting is deeply expressive and personal. In a beautiful and tender way his music makes you identify with the humanity of those who have lived and died. It is a wonderful selection for advanced high school, college and community choirs.
Kevin Memley used the words of Soren Engström for this tender piece commissioned in memory of a college student. The text carries questions that remind us of the fraility of life and encourage us to enjoy our time alive. The music holds all the characteristics that have made Memley one of the most sought-after composers of our day - an inspiring melody, rich harmonies, a captivating piano part, and a touching ending. Medium in difficulty for high school, community and college choirs.
Kevin Memley's exquisite a cappella writing has captured our hearts many times. He does not disappoint with this classic Latin text. The place of sacred mystery is honored richly with the harmonic colors he paints each cadence. This is a motet that will be added to the canon of classic settings to be sung by choirs for years to come in both concert and church settings. Advanced high school, college and community choirs. Medium difficulty.
The initial musical theme that begins this piece becomes almost a passacaglia, repeating throughout the piece. But with Kevin's artistic touches it becomes the eternal light that the text expresses, emerging again and again regardless of key change or climax. A gorgeous a cappella motet, it is perfect for advanced high school, college and community choirs, as well as fine church choirs. Medium to difficult.
Kevin Memley composed both words and music of this work written for his 11th wedding anniversary. Truly in a romantic style, the appealing melody is caressed with wooing harmonies and the obbligato violin adds more enticement to the piece. For high school, college and community choirs.
Selected for the Jonathan Talberg choral Series, Kevin Memley has produced a gorgeous new setting of this time-honored text. His Ave Maria was released last year and has quickly established Kevin as a new composer to watch. Premiered at the 2010 ACDA Western convention, rich, lush chords and delicate motifs will make this a favorite for singers and listeners for years to come.
This well-known Robert Burns poem has been brought to new life by the composer. The flowing tune builds to a dramatic and uplifting climax - proclaiming the depth of love - before settling to a quiet and intimate close. A nicely-crafted melody, solid part writing, and a beautifully accessible piano accompaniment make this a great choice for choirs of various levels. Length: 3:50.ÊJo-Michael Scheibe Choral Series.
Poetry By: Robert Burns
The inaugural release from the John Byun Choral Series is a beautiful work containing both Latin and English texts. For mixed voices, piano and oboe.
A great composer knows when less is more. Kevin Memley's setting of this Latin text displays this characteristic well. Reminiscent of a Romantic era piece the piano accompaniment rolls in a steady 12/8 pattern. The primary melody is plaintive and beckoning and the piece builds steadily in intensity and strength. Great for high school, college and community groups for festival and concert. Easy to Medium.
The text celebrates the essence of music itself. This piece has a sound that would make you think it has been a favorite for generations. Memley is known for his fine craftsmanship and captivating melodies and this piece falls right into line. Profound and magnificent best describe its character.
The perfect selection for high school choirs and beyond, this sensitive setting of Lord Byron's timeless, dramatic poem brings out the best in each choir! A true performance gem for both choirs and audiences. Duration: ca. 3:00.
Lyricist: Lord Byron | Poetry By: Lord Byron
Kevin Memley's TTBB voicing of this popular American folk song was a huge hit. The SATB setting is sure to do as well. The piano part displays Kevin's craftsmanship that further propels the lovely choral lines. An excellent high school, college or community choir selection, it is medium in difficulty.
Country: America
Kevin Memley has become a respected name in choral excellence, and, once again, this setting proves why. The accompaniment is absolutely beguiling and the vocal writing equally elegant. First released for male voices this treble choir setting is perfect for high school and college choirs. Easy to medium in difficulty
Memley celebrates the Native American culture with an exquisite triptych of poems and song called Three Native American Settings. The original music is consumed with the sounds of the Native American spirit in all three selections. Although they can be performed separately, the set provides a reverent tribute to a beautiful culture. High school or college or community choirs. Titles include:: Cherokee Traveller's Greeting, Shoshone Love Song, and Come on the Trail of Song.
Country: Native American
Here is a work for women's choirs that was premiered at the ACDA Western convention in 2012. A lovely melding of words and music is a highlight of the setting. Recommended for high school and up.
The first that captures your attention is the vibrant keyboard part. Kevin Memley is obviously a pianist and sets the energy flowing from the start. Then comes this melody that feels like long, rolling ocean wave. But don't try to surf the wave because the tune suddenly leaps into a theater song. Now Kevin has some material to work with and he develops it masterfully. The Latin text is the celebration of new songs. Wonderful for high school, college and community choirs. Medium difficulty.
Memley has set this thoughtful 19th century Barnes' poem in a contemporary madrigal style. Pensive moments cadence on stunning chords, gentle dissonances provoke the listener's ears, woven together in the beauty that always accompanies Kevin's creations. Excellent for high school, college or community choirs.
The title leaves little room for guessing the purpose of this enticing number - a simple song of thanks. Appropriate in any service of gratitude, Kevin's gift for melody is undeniable. The part writing is modest yet gratifying and easily learned.
Four-part, a cappella voices sing in counterpoint and in chorus with tender and compelling harmonies in this stirring Stabat Mater setting. The dramatic and emotional imagery is richly portrayed through word-painting and dynamic contrast.
A new melody uses the text of the well-loved hymn Take My Life and Let it Be, and it is an excellent tune. When the hymntune HENDON does appear it is in a welcomed salute.
Psalm 27 is a favorite; from the light to the wait, the positive promises, the assurance of God's pressence, are all written in the beauty of the psalmist's poetry. Memley's setting supports the words with ease and confidence, like a good storyteller. The tune carries each word lovingly, thoughtfully.
Not often does a song so completely capture the spirit of a new world, but this one does with an exclamation point. Proud, expectant, hopeful, assuring, as full as the Statue of Liberty, this dynamic piece celebrates all these things with dignity and grace.ÿDestined to be an American classic for high school and college treble choirs. Medium to Difficult.
Selected for the Jo-Michael Scheibe Sacred Choral Series, Kevin Memley brings new life to a classic Christmas text. The textures, the harmony, the word coloration, these are the elements that lift this setting to compete with the established settings in the choral canon. College choirs and high school choirs will love it, and many church choirs will as well.
Several superb settings of this moving poem by Sara Teasdale precede this one, but Kevin Memley has earned the reputation to take us somewhere new, even with classic texts. Premiered at the ACDA Western Convention, this SSAA setting with piano is entirely new and gratifying. Always melodic and harmonically fulfilling, this new setting works best for advanced high school, college and community treble choirs. Medium.
Poetry By: Sara Teasdale
Impressions is a set of three outstanding pieces by Kevin Memley for treble voices. The texts are favorites of many and Kevin's treatments are exquisite masterpieces. Although the 3 selections are released separately, they are best presented as a trilogy. High school and college.
Poetry By: Sara Teasdale
Uses: Reflection, Concert Scripture: Isaiah 40:31 Once you begin hearing this piece you are drawn want to sing it. The eagle's wings text is one of the most frequently set to music, and yet this one sounds like it has always been there, but not revealed until now. The essence of wait is captured in the opening section, which gives way to a new tempo, building with the mounting on wings. The true soaring takes place with a 12/8 meter, the voices building in triumph. A final return to the waiting theme provides an assurance that has permeated the entire composition. Excellent for church and school.
One of the earliest praise choruses that became a standard in almost every denomination is Thou Art Worthy by Pauline Michael Mills. In the hands of Kevin Memley, a profound dignity embraces the song. The piano accompaniment displays his mastery of the keyboard and the choir setting is superb. The Revelations text is a powerful statement of praise for almost any service. Easy to medium in difficulty.
Composer: Pauline Michael Mills
This work bridges Italy and Broadway, with lovely melody and dramatic instrumental backing! Versatile soli sections make this an audience pleaser. Features French Horn, with Timpani, Cymbals and Bass Drum (parts included). Duration: ca. 4:45.
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