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Pie Jesu

Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber

This hauntingly beautiful work from Andrew Lloyd Webber's acclaimed Requiem is now available in a simply stunning a cappella edition. Available separately: SATB divisi, SSAA divisi, TTBB divisi. Duration: ca. 2:35.

Pie Jesu

Pie Jesu

Sarah Brightman

Featuring soprano and boy soprano solos with choral ensemble, this hauntingly beautiful work has been the most popularized section of Lloyd Webber's Requiem. Available: SATB. Performance Time: Approx. 4:00.

Voicing: SATB

Pie Jesu

Pie Jesu

This is a meditative composition which uses ascending scale patterns to support an arching melodic line. This gives way to homophonic clouds of soft dissonances which build to a climax before receding back to the original material. This is a prayer for peace in the wake of tragedy.

Voicing: SATB

Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media

Displaying 1-39 of 39 items.

Barry Rose : High Praise II For Upper-Voice Choirs : Treble : Songbook : 884088424909 : 1844493709 : 14014997

Barry Rose : High Praise II For Upper-Voice Choirs

A useful resource for Upper Voice choirs. It includes thirty-one pieces, several compositions and new arrangements published for the first time, a set of Preces and Responses and a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. The music is drawn from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries and has been carefully selected to embrace a wide range of musical and vocal abilities from unison to four-part writing.

Songlist: Ave Maria, Ave Verum, The Bringer Of Life, A Christmas Carol, Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life, God Be In My Head, God Be With You Till We Meet Again, A Grateful Heart, Here I Am, Lord, Here, O My Lord, Hills of the North, How Like An Angel I Came Down, How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair, A Hymn To The Virgin, I Sing Of Maiden, Lift Thine Eyes, The Lord Is My Shepherd, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, A New Year Carol, Notre Pere, Nunc Dimittis, Pie Jesu, Praise, A Prayer, Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, The Preces and Responses, Psalm 150, Through The Day, The Virgin's Slumber Song, Who Can Express the Noble Acts of the Lord?

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Voicing: Treble | 5116b | Songbook | $19.95

Desmond Ratcliffe : Requiem : SSA : Songbook : 884088427849 : 0853603006 : 14027134

Desmond Ratcliffe : Requiem

The vocal score for this classic work, with Latin and English text, edited and arranged for SSA and piano by Desmond Ratcliffe.


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Voicing: SSA | 40491b | Songbook | $11.95

Gabriel Faure : Requiem (1893 version) : SATB : Songbook : 9780193361034 : 9780193361034

Gabriel Faure : Requiem (1893 version)

This edition presents Fauré's masterpiece in a form which accords with his original intention that it should be a liturgical Requiem with accompaniment of organ and chamber ensemble. The 1893 version is an expansion of Fauré's original, prepared by the composer for a performance at the Church of the Madeleine in Paris and containing two additional movements, the Offertoire and the Libera me. In contrast to the fully orchestrated version that was published in 1900, this edition preserves the original chamber instrumentation, and it also contains a full English translation by John Rutter.

Songlist: Introit et Kyrie, Offertoire, Sanctus, Pie Jesu, Agnus Dei, Libera me, In paradisum

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Voicing: SATB | 40550b | Songbook | $10.25

Karl Jenkins : Motets for Mixed Voice A Cappella : SATB : Songbook : 888680046699 : 48023245 : 48023245

Karl Jenkins : Motets for Mixed Voice A Cappella

A set of intimate and spiritually uplifting choral work, featuring new pieces and arrangements of a selection of movements from his popular works.

Songlist: I'll Make Music, Cantate Domino, Laudamus te, Benedictus, The Shepherd, Ave Maria, Ave verum corpus, Agnus dei, Healing Light, Locus iste, Pie Jesu, Exsultate, jubilate, God shall wipe away all tears, And the Mother did weep, Lullay, Peace, peace!, In paradisum, Dona nobis pacem, Nunc dimittis

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Voicing: SATB | 4199b | Songbook | $19.95 | A Cappella | Companion CD Available

Mary Lynn Lighfoot : Multiple Voicing for Middle School Choirs : Songbook : 9781429137621 : 30/3139H

Mary Lynn Lighfoot : Multiple Voicing for Middle School Choirs

This reproducible book is both a unique value and a great resource for quality repertoire for developing voices! Everything that you need is included in this collection featuring multiple voicings for the ever-changing choral needs of the middle school choir. Reproducible PDFs are included on the supporting CD, along with the accompaniment tracks for each title.

Songlist: And This Shall Be for Music, Zum Gali Gali, Bring Us Peace (Da Pacem Domine), Cindy, Sing for Joy!, Come in from the Firefly Darkness, The Sky is Crying on the Sea, Keep Your Lamps!, Wayfarin' Stranger, Pie Jesu, Alleluia, Alleluia!, Ahrirang

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6925b | Songbook | $44.95

Voces8 : A Cappella Songbook 2 : SATB : Songbook : 98-EP72527

Voces8 : A Cappella Songbook 2

"The singing of VOCES8 is impeccable in its quality of tone and balance. They bring a new dimension to the word 'ensemble' with meticulous timing and tuning" - Gramophone Magazine

The internationally-renowned British vocal ensemble VOCES8 is proud to inspire people through music and share the joy of singing. The celebration of diverse musical expression is central to the ensemble's ethos, and this is shown in their versatile concert programmes and innovative educational work. This collection features eight of the ensemble's favourite and most requested arrangements for SATB choir, written by members of the group and its resident arranger, Jim Clements.

Songlist: Danny Boy, Edo Lullaby, Gladiator, O My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose, Pie Jesu, Price Tag, Strong, Twist and Shout

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Voicing: SATB | Performed by Voces8 | 7735b | Songbook | $17.95 | A Cappella

Andrew Lloyd Webber : Sing with the Choir : Solo : Songbook & CD : 884088205317 : 1423453417 : 00333001

Andrew Lloyd Webber : Sing with the Choir

This great new collection lets singers become part of a full choir and sing along with some of the most-loved songs of all time. Each book includes SATB parts and the accompanying CD features full, professionally recorded performances. Now you just need to turn on the CD, open the book, pick your part, and SING ALONG WITH THE CHOIR! This collection features eight songs by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Songlist: Any Dream Will Do, As if We Never Said Goodbye, Don't Cry for Me Argentina, Love Changes Everything, Memory, The Music of the Night, Pie Jesu, Whistle Down the Wind

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Voicing: Solo | 8603b | Songbook & CD | $14.95 | Accompanied

Neil Jenkins : Sing Solo Sacred - Low Voice : Solo : Songbook : 0193457857

Neil Jenkins : Sing Solo Sacred - Low Voice

All the most popular sacred solos together in one volume. If you need to sing a solo at church this collection is all you need. Many of the pieces have been specially arranged for this book, and well-loved items traditionally viewed as only for higher voices are now available in the low voice volume in suitable keys.

Songlist: Abide With Me, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Alleluia, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Verum Corpus, Ave Verum Corpus, Blessed are All They That Fear The Lord, Brother James' Air, Christians, On This Day Gladness, Come Unto Him, Crimond, God Be In My Head, God Shall Wipe Away All Tears, Hark! The Echoing Air!, He That Is Down, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth, I'll Walk With God, If Thou Art Near, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Laudate Dominum, Let The Bright Seraphim, Litany, Lowly They Kneel, May The Father's Boundless Love, Merciful God, O For The Wings of a Dove, Panis Angelicus, and more

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Voicing: Solo | 5303b | Songbook | $23.95 | Voice and Piano

Neil Jenkins : Sing Solo Sacred - High Voice : Solo : Songbook : 0193457843

Neil Jenkins : Sing Solo Sacred - High Voice

All the most popular sacred solos together in one volume. If you need to sing a solo at church this collection is all you need. Many of the pieces have been specially arranged for this book, and well-loved items traditionally viewed as only for higher voices are now available in the low voice volume in suitable keys.

Songlist: Abide With Me, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Alleluia, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Verum Corpus, Ave Verum Corpus, Blessed are All They That Fear The Lord, Brother James' Air, Christians, On This Day Gladness, Come Unto Him, Crimond, God Be In My Head, God Shall Wipe Away All Tears, Hark! The Echoing Air!, He That Is Down, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth, I'll Walk With God, If Thou Art Near, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Laudate Dominum, Let The Bright Seraphim, Litany, Lowly They Kneel, May The Father's Boundless Love, Merciful God, O For The Wings of a Dove, Panis Angelicus, and more

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Voicing: Solo | 5304b | Songbook | $23.95 | Voice and Piano

Richard Walters : Standard Vocal Literature - Soprano : Solo : Songbook & CD : 073999208122 : 0634078739 : 00740272

Richard Walters : Standard Vocal Literature - Soprano

This series is an introduction to art song in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Each volume has a different song list, and includes 30 selections in appropriate keys. Beyond art song, each collection includes two carefully chosen opera arias, an oratorio aria, and an operetta aria by Gilbert & Sullivan. Also included are two enhanced CDs, giving you the ability to not only play the accompaniments on both your CD player and computer, but they are also CD-ROMs that are capable of playing the tracks at different tempos and in different keys when played on the computer. This edition is for Sopranos.

Songlist: Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind, Where The Bee Sucks, Come Again Sweet Love, Flow My Tears, The Silver Swan, I Attempt From Love's Sickness, If Music Be The Food Of Love, It Was A Lover And His Lass, Love's Philosophy, Weep You No More, Apres Un Reve, Chanson d'amour, Si Mes Vers Avaient Des Ailes, Plaiser D'amour, Vergebliches Standchen, Wie Melodien Zieht Es Mir, Das Veichen, Du Bist Die Ruh, Gretchen am Spinnrade, Breit' Ober Mein Haupt, L'abbandono, Intorno All'idol mio, Come L'allodoletta, Ridente La Calma, El Majo Discreto, Del Cabello Mas Sutil, Deh Vieni, Non Tardar, Le Nozze Di Fiagaro, O Mio Babbino Caro, Gianni Scicchi, and more

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Voicing: Solo | 8531b | Songbook & CD | $19.95 | Voice and Piano

Various Arrangers : Classical Crossover for Singers : Solo : Songbook : 884088898540 : 1480338362 : 00118365

Various Arrangers : Classical Crossover for Singers

36 songs recorded by well-known artists, including: Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban, Jackie Evancho, Sarah Brightman, Il Divo, Charlotte Church, Il Volo, and others.

Songlist: Cinema Paradiso, All I Ask Of You, No One Like You, Caruso, Amigos Para Siempre (Friends For Life), O Sole Mio, Mai, Time To Say Goodbye, La Luna Che Non C'e, Romanza, II Mare Calmo Della Sera, You Raise Me Up, Il Mistero Dell'Amore, Melodramma, Per Te, The Blessing, Mai Piu' Cosi' Lontano, Dell'Amore Non Si Sa, Think Of Me, Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again, Straight To You, Un Giorno Per Noi, Solo Por Ti, L'Ultima Notte, Un Dia Llegara, Dream With Me, Pie Jesu, Galileo (Someone Like You), Love Never Dies, To Believe, and more

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Voicing: Solo | 3030b | Songbook | $19.95 | Voice and Piano

A Cappella Singers : Be Still My Soul : 1 CD

A Cappella Singers : Be Still My Soul

Celebrating their 15th year of performing in South Florida, and their "Be Still My Soul," their 8th album, The mixed-voice (20 women, 16 men) Acappella Singers are all Christians, and drawn from a hundred-mile radius, but are not affiliated with any particular denomination. Concerts are performed in churches, special and corporate events, and the group are the "resident singers" at Butterfly World, a local attraction. They sing both sacred and secular music, but always "To God's Glory." There are 14 spirited tunes here, a few with non-vocal percussion and piano. Favorites are "Uyai Mose," "Give Me Jesus," the rousing spiritual "Ain't Got Time to Die," the richly harmonic "Rise Up O Men of God," Felix Mendelssohn's "Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord," "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go," Andrew Lloyd Webber's soaring "Pie Jesu," the powerful hymn "Be Still My Soul" and the traditional "The Lord Bless You and Keep You." The Singers are wonderfully led by Conductor Boender, their arrangements are excellent, and their sound is effortlessly clean, fresh and beautifully blended. This is a veteran choir with tremendous talent and spirit, and every song is perfect!

Songlist: Uyai Mose, Give Me Jesus, Jesus Loves Me, Ain't Got Time to Die, Lift Thine Eyes, Be Born in Me, Rise Up O Men of God, Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord, O Love That Will Not Let Me Go, I Am Thine O Lord, Pie Jesu, Praise His Holy Name, Be Still My Soul, The Lord Bless You and Keep You

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6707c | 1 CD | $14.95 | A Cappella

Angelis : Angelis : 1 CD : 886970198028 : SBIN701980.2

Angelis : Angelis

Hand-selected from around the UK by choral experts, their album lends inspiration from past and present, with interpretations of songs across a range of genres. Together, they have created their recording with one of the world's most successful producers, Steve Mac, whose acclaimed work includes 30 UK Number 1's from artists including Il Divo, Westlife, Mariah Carey and Kelly Clarkson, plus album sales of over 60 million. Boasting 12-tracks - 11 by Steve Mac - Angelis' debut album offers dynamic harmonies with relentless energy and is delivered with aplomb. Highlights include the beautiful Sarah McClachlan song `Angel' - which is the album's lead track - plus contemporary versions of classical hymns including `O Holy Night' and `Pie Jesu', plus interpretations of Enya's `May It Be' and Eva Cassidy's `Over The Rainbow'

Songlist: Angel, Pie Jesu, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, Pokarekare Ana, Even Though You've Gone, Walking in the Air, Morning Has Broken, May It Be, Cantero, O Holy Night

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22168c | 1 CD | $14.95

Anuna : Best of : 1 CD : Michael McGlynn : 5391518340401 : DANU27.2

Anuna : Best of

Founded in 1987, Ireland's acclaimed 13-strong mixed-voice choral sensation Anuna, under the Musical Direction of Dublin composer Michael McGlynn and Directed by John McGlynn, recorded a series of excellent albums and a DVD after their leap into the spotlight touring and recording with Riverdance. The recordings from which "The Best of's" 22 tunes were selected are "Anuna," Invocation," "Omnis," "Deep Dead Blue," "Behind the Closed Eye," "Cynara," "Winter Songs," "Sanctus" and "Invocations of Ireland (DVD). Our (hard to pick) favorites are "August," from a poem by Francis Ledwidge, the chant "Christus Resurgens," a rare early Irish song written in 1150, the 16th century "Gaudette" from the Piae Cantiones, Michael McGlynn's adaption of a poem by St. Columcille, "The Wild Song," commissioned by Rajaton, the traditional "Dulaman," "Nobilis Humilis," an ode to 13th century St. Magnus of the Orkney Islands and to St. Patrick, the Irish romantic ballads "Ceann Dubh Dilis" and "The Lass of Glenshee" and "Wind on Sea," with lovely solos by John and Michael McGlynn. There is considerable accompaniment here, including guitar, low whistle, viola/violin, percussion, vibraphone, flute, Concert and Irish Harp, uileann pipes and tin whistle. Every song on this generous, well-chosen collection is powerful, haunting and beautiful. Don't miss "The Best of " Anuna!

Songlist: August, Siuil la Ruin, Christus Resurgens, Gaudete, Shining Water, Island, Salve Rex Gloriae, Crist And St. Marie, The Wild Song, Dulaman, Nobilis Humilis, Whispers of Paradise, Ceann Dubh Dilis, Jerusalem, Pie Jesu, The Lass Of Glenshee, Media Vita, The Rising Of The Sun, Wind On Sea, Geantrai, The Sea, O Maria

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6169c | 1 CD | $17.95

Anuna : Cynara : 1 CD : Michael McGlynn : DANU12.2

Anuna : Cynara

Talented mixed-voice Irish vocal group Anuna focuses on a haunting blend of ancient Celtic music and contemporary Irish songs. Heavily featured is the original music of founder Michael McGlynn. 15 songs (the complete lyrics are in the lovely liner notes), "Igitur Servus," "Alleluia," "When the War Is Over," "I Dreamt that I Dwelt in Marble Halls, " the title tune, "Victimae," "Pie Jesu" and "Ocean" are particularly wonderful. "Cynara" is another winning collection from Ireland's finest.

Songlist: Igitur Sevus, An Olche, Riu Riu, Alleluia, When the War is Over, I Dreamt that I Dwelt in Marble Halls, Armarque cum Sculo, Miserere, Cynara, Buachaill on Elme, Fuigfidh Mise'n Baile Seo, Victimae, Christus 2000, Pie Jesu, Ocean

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7309c | 1 CD | $15.95 | A Cappella

Cambridge Singers : Faure - Sacred Music : 1 CD : John Rutter : 520

Cambridge Singers : Faure - Sacred Music

Tis is a re-release at mid-price of John Rutter's Gramophone Award-winning 1984 recording of Faure's Requiem. The first-ever performance on disc of the work in its intimate original version - famously re-discovered by Rutter in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris after a century of neglect - it remains one of the timeless jewels in the crown of the Collegium catologue. Hailed on release as 'the Faure Requiem of the future' (Music Week), Rutter's performance with the Cambridge Singers and members of the City of London Sinfonia has transformed the way in which we view one of the great works of European sacred music, and remains definitive.

Songlist: Requiem: Introit et Kyrie, Offertoire, Sanctus, Pie Jesu, Agnus Dei, Libera me, In paradisum, Ave verum Corpus, Tantum ergo, Ave Maria, Maria, Mater gratiae, Cantique de Jean Racine, Messe Basse: Kyrie eleison, Messe Basse: Sanctus, Messe Basse: Benedictus, Messe Basse: Agnus Dei

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2369c | 1 CD | $11.95 | A Cappella

Cambridge Singers : Stillness and Sweet Harmony : 1 CD : John Rutter : 502

Cambridge Singers : Stillness and Sweet Harmony

This tranquil program is a selection of pieces from classic Cambridge Singers recordings. From Gregorian chant through the twentieth century this CD includes Allegri's "Miserere," "Draw on Sweet Night" by John Wilbye, "Tantum Ergo" by Gabriel Faure and "What Sweeter Music" by John Rutter. Most of these pieces are a cappella, with the others being accompanied by the City of London Sinfonia. This recording is a great addition to a peaceful moment.

Songlist: Adoro Te Devote, Pie Jesu, Visita, Quaesumus Domine, Draw On, Sweet Night, O Can Ye Sew Cushions, The Silver Swan, Down By The Sally Gardens, In Manus Tuas, Miserere, Tantum Ergo, Justorum Animae, O Quam Suavis, Laudi Alla Vergine Maria, Alma Redemptoris Mater, What Sweeter Music

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7124c | 1 CD | $12.95

Cambridge Singers : The John Rutter Collection : 1 CD : John Rutter : DCA472622.2

Cambridge Singers : The John Rutter Collection

The music on "Collection" embraces both Rutter's sacred and a little of his secular work, most of it commissioned by choirs for specific occasions. "Shepherd's Pipe Carol" (1966) is the earliest piece; "Angels' carol" (1988) and "What Sweeter Music," (written in 1988 for the King's College Choir), are lovely carols. "For the Beauty of the Earth" (1980), "All things bright and beautiful" (1983), "Open Thou Mine Eyes" (1980), A choral fanfare," (1989), "A Prayer of St. Patrick," (1983), "O be joyful in the Lord," (1984), and "A Gaelic Blessing" were all commissioned by American Choirs. Two longer and more ambitious festival anthems, "Behold, the tabernacle of God" and the lovely "O praise the Lord of heaven," are favorites. Secular songs "My true love hath my heart" and "Sing a song of sixpence" exist harmoniously with excepts from Rutter's larger works, "Out of the deep," "Pie Jesu" and "The Lord is my shepherd." Rutter's work never fails to touch us, no matter if sung by any number of childrens' choirs, or by a powerful, veteran ensemble like the Cambridge Singers, whose a cappella cuts, "Open Thou Mine Eyes," "My true love hath my heart," "A choral fanfare," "A prayer for St. Patrick," "Mathew, Mark, Luke and John" and "Sing a Song of Sixpence" are standouts. Accompaniment, understated to heavy and dramatic, is provided by the City of London Sinfonia. A remarkable collection of 22 songs by one of the great composers, conducted by the master himself!

Songlist: For The Beauty Of The Earth, The Lord Is My Shepard, All Things Bright And Beautiful, Shepherd's Pipe Carol, The Lord Bless You And Keep You, Open Thou Mine Eyes, My True Love Hath My Heart, Esurients, Gloria Patri, Out Of The Deep, Pie Jesu, What Sweeter Music, A Choral Fanfare, A Prayer Of St. Patrick, O Be Joyful In The Lord, Behold, The Tabernacle Of God, O Praise The Lord Of Heaven, A Gaelic Blessing, Angel's Carol, Matthew, Mark, Luke, And John, Sing A Song Of Sixpence, Go Forth Into The World Of Peace

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7993c | 1 CD | $15.98 | Some a cappella

Children's Choir of Saint Marc : Recital : 1 CD : Nicolas Porte : 36097

Children's Choir of Saint Marc : Recital

Founded in 1986, the Children's Choir of Saint-Marc, who have brought their music to many countries, such as the US, Canada, Russia, Lebanon, Greece, Ivory Coast and Japan. They have regularly taken part in the the masses of la Basilique Notre Dame de Fourviere in Lyon. Revealed to a much larger audience by the film "The Chorus," the Choir usually involves 55 children, but can grow to as large as 130 children with the addition of the preparation choir and a choir of teenagers. The song selection by director Nicolas Porte ranges from sacred music like Caccini's lovely "Ave Maria," Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's "Richt mich Gott" (Psaume 43) and John Rutter's "Open thou mine eyes" and "The Lord bless you and keep you," to secular songs like Giaoacchino Rossini's spirited "La Fede" and "La speranza," Gilles Vigneault's "Berceuse pour Julie," Jacques Prevert's "La Seine," and Charles Trenet's "Mes jeunes annees." Some piano accompaniment. The full-color liner notes show the Choir in period schoolboy uniforms, in concert. A remarkable movie has brought to our attention a very special and talented group of boys and their director.

Songlist: Ave maria, Richte mich Gott, Maria Mater gratiae, Tantum ergo, Pie Jesu, Pueri Concinite, Beati quorum via, Open thou mine eyes, The Lord bless you and keep you, La fede, La speranza, Berceuse pour Julie, La Seine, Mes jeunes annees

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7519c | 1 CD | $15.98 | Primarily a cappella

Choir of Clare College : John Rutter - Requiem : 1 CD : Timothy Brown : 8557130

Choir of Clare College : John Rutter - Requiem

Rutter's Requiem, from 1985, is wildly popular among modern choirs, audiences, and record shoppers. It is offered here in the world premiere recording of its chamber version, making what is considered a concert piece more suitable for liturgical purposes or intimate venues. This, along with many of his other works, has a direct, uncluttered, almost folksy air to it, while hardly ever lapsing into banality. Just when you begin to think, "Ah, I've heard this kind of stuff before", up Rutter comes with some ingenious device or harmonic twist that grabs even the most jaded ear. And he knows how to hold such a comparatively larger-scale composition together, too. This is one of Rutter's finest and most convincing works. It consoles, implores, worships, affirms, reassures, and mystifies-everything that a good requiem is supposed to do. Instrumental accompaniment (single flute, oboe, cello, harp, and timpani, plus percussion) is spare, but expert and tasteful. Rutter has a long and fruitful history with the Clare College Choir, having led them himself in quite a few outstanding recordings. They perform here with their usual depth, sensitivity, technical finesse, and bright, clear sound.

Songlist: Requiem Aeternam Out Of The Deep, Pie Jesu, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, The Lord Is My Shepard, Lux aeterna, Advent Anthem, Anthem, Musicca Dei Donum, Two Blessings

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8461c | 1 CD | $14.98 | A Cappella

Chorus Angelicus : Untraveled Worlds : 1 CD : Paul Halley : PEL1004

Chorus Angelicus : Untraveled Worlds

The well-known children's choir Chorus Angelicus (the Angelic Choir), founded in 1991 by three-time Grammy Award-winning composer, Paul Halley, is administered by the unique and inspiring choral organization, Torrington, CT's Joyful Noise. They transform the lives of 90 children from more than 15 towns in Northwest Connecticut and the Berkshires. The 45 mixed-voice Chorus members, ages 8-15, travel twice weekly to receive training in the art of singing, reading and understanding music and music theory, and adhere to a rigorous schedule of rehearsals and concerts. "Untraveled Worlds" is a musical world tour, beginning with the US and a Halley original, the title tune, and later we hear another Halley original, "God Be Merciful Unto Us." England's "Drop, Drop Slow Tears," Finland's "Who Can Sail," Russia's "Gladsome Light," South Africa's "Mbiri Kuna Mwari" and Scotland's "The Grey Selchie" are particularly nice, as is Serbia's lilting "Niska Banja." Ireland's "The Song of Wandering Aengus," Lithuania's "Nepusk, vejeli" and Canada's heart-tugging folk tune "Away From the Roll of the Sea" round out the collection of 20 songs. Through hard work and dedication these young singers learn to blend their voices to create the unique sound that is Chorus Angelicus, one of the best children's choruses in the world! Some light accompaniment.

Songlist: Untraveled Worlds, Drop, Drop Slow Tears, Who Can Sail?, Gladsome Light, Mbiri Kuna Mwari, Ave Maria, The Grey Selchie, Pie Jesu, The Cherubic Hymn, Improperium, The Song of Wandering Aengus, Niska Banja, Nepusk, vejeli, God Be Merciful Unto Us, Misa Pequena Suite, Away from the Roll of the Sea

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6759c | 1 CD | $15.98

Concordia Choir : Savior of the Nations : 1 CD : Rene Clausen

Concordia Choir : Savior of the Nations

Dr. Rene Clausen conducts The Concordia Choir; Bruce Houglum directs The Concordia Orchestra, Michael Smith The Concordia Chapel Choir, Mannerchor and Cantabile, and Dr. Charlette Moe, Bel Canto in this wonderful Christmas Concert from 2008 at Moorhead, Minnesota's Concordia College. At the nationally renowned Concordia School of Music, students can participate in 17 music organizations. There are 25 cuts here, some all instrumental, like Rene Clausen's Fantasia on "The King Shall Come," some accompanied, like "Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers;" and some a cappella, like "Celebration Collage, Heleluyan, Glory to God, Glory in the Highest, Alleluia." There are some traditional carols such as "Silent Night" and Ding Dong! Merrily on High," and some lovely, less-familiar tunes like Carolyn Jennings' "Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain," Daniel Nelson's "That Yonge Child," Eleanor Daly's "What Sweeter Music," Eric Whitacre's "Lux Arumque," "Noel" (sung in traditional Kituban dialect), and the German carol, "Kling, Glockchen, Kling!" "Savior of the Nations-Come" is a magnificent collection of well-chosen, beautifully-performed Christmas music that will surprise and delight you!

Songlist: Opening, Sua Gan, Fantasia on "The King Shall Come", Celebration Collage, Let All the Nations Be Gathered Together, Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers, Circle Dance, Our Father, People, Look East, Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain, That Yonge Child, What Sweeter Music, A La Nanita Nana, Lux Arumque, Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah, Silent Night, Noel, Hodie, Chirstus Natus Est, Kling, Glockchen, Kling!, The Carol of the Dance, Ding, Dong! Merrily on High, And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears, Pie Jesu, Psalm 150, Compline

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2764c | 1 CD | $15.95 | Some a cappella

King's Singers : From The Heart : 1 CD : 177

King's Singers : From The Heart

An eclectic mix of five modern songs on an EP. "My heart is a holy place" - Patricia Van Ness has rearranged and extended the beautiful 'Cor meum est templum sacrum' for The King's Singers to become 'My heart is a holy place'. "Conceit" - A haunting piece written for The King's Singers in 2009 by Graham Lack with text by writer/poet Mervyn Peake, in which things may not always be as they first appear. "Pie Jesu" - British classical radio presenter and former rock guitarist, John Brunning, wrote a simple setting of 'Pie Jesu' three years ago, and it became an instant hit in the UK. "Out of the Woods" - Bluegrass band Nickel Creek's song. 'Out of the Woods' has great harmonies, a wonderful folksy melody and a mesmeric improvisation section. Arranged by Philip Lawson. "Hallelujah" - One of a huge number of hit songs from the Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen, arranged here by Philip Lawson.

Songlist: My Heart Is A Holy Place, Conceit, Pie Jesu, Out of the Woods, Hallelujah

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Performed by King's Singers | 4233c | 1 CD | $9.95 | A Cappella

Los Angeles Children's Chorus : 20 Years of Artistry : 1 CD : Anne Tomlinson

Los Angeles Children's Chorus : 20 Years of Artistry

This recording celebrates two decades of educating, developing and inspiring musically talented children and helping them attain the highest level of choral artistry. Building upon a tradition of excellence this top-notch choir provides a comprehensive music education and performance program for children from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. This CD represents repertoire that choristers have learned and performed throughout the 20 years and clearly demonstrate that their reputation for excellence is well deserved.

Songlist: Jubilant The Music, Pie Jesu, Jazz-Man, Path To The Moon, Laudemus, Non Nobis Domine, Mayim, Mayim, Schmuckt Das Frohe Fest Mit Maien, Yo Le Canto Todo El Dia, This Christmas Tide, Carol Of The Bels, The Psalm From El Nino, Cantique De Jean Racine, Noel Des Enfants Qui N'ont Plus De MAison, Dana Nobis Pacem / GIve Us Peace, Song For Mira, It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing), Sound Of The Trumpet, La Fiera De Mast' Andereat

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8550c | 1 CD | $15.95 | Some a cappella

Minnesota Boychoir : Forty and Fine : 1 CD : Mark S. Johnson

Minnesota Boychoir : Forty and Fine

Composed of four ensembles and including members of diverse faiths, races, social and economic backgrounds, the Minnesota Boychoir boasts over 100 members, representing the Twin Cities and over 25 suburbs. "Forty & Fine" refers to the year of the group's founding, 1962, to the date of this recording, 2002. Included are 19 of the MB's favorite and most-requested songs. Plenty of (piano-accompanied) religious and spiritual songs are here, "Festival Sanctus," "The Storm is Passing Over," the lovely "Quando Corpus Morietur & Amen," "Rise Up, O Men of God," "Steal Away," "Zion's Walls," "Freedom Come," "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" and many others. Secular tunes like "Loch Lomond," Michael McGlynn's "Dulaman," John David's wonderful a cappella "You are the New Day" and Ysaye M. Barnwell's haunting "Wanting Memories" are other favorites. In fact, every one of these songs touches and moves us-a truly beautiful collection!

Songlist: Festival Sanctus, Pie Jesu, The Strom Is Passing Over, The Gift To Be Simple, Rise Up, O Men Of God, Steal Away, Yo Le Canto Todo El Dia, Quando Corpus Morietur & Amen, Wind, You Are The New Day, Wanting Memories, Zion's Walls, Freedom Come, Lux Aeterna, The Lord Bless You And Keep You, Loch Lomond, Dulaman, Worthy To Be Praised, If Music Be The Food Of Love

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8580c | 1 CD | $15.95 | Some a cappella

Pacific Mozart Ensemble : Classics Live : 1 CD

Pacific Mozart Ensemble : Classics Live    onsale

Since its founding twenty years ago, Berkeley-based PME has grown to fill an important role in the cultural life of the Bay Area, presenting courageous and innovative programs of many works that have never been performed in concert settings. PME provides the opportunity for composers to collaborate with a professional chorus in performances of new or experimental work. In addition, PME stages live performances of works previously heard only on recordings. Founding director Richard Grant has directed the Ensemble in more than 200 concerts, and led the Ensemble on three European concert tours, presenting innovative programs from all periods and styles of music. Grant has has established a reputation for programming the current work of the most important contemporary composers, such as John Adams, Meredith Monk, David Lang and Philip Glass. But their repertoire also includes, of course, Christian sacred works by Mozart, Poulenc and Stravinsky. "Classics Live" focuses on this music. The first nine songs are a cappella, and this is a live recording. Barber's "Agnus Dei," "Ave Marias" by Biebl, Bruckner and Stravinski, Stravinski's "Pater Noster" and "Credo," Lotti's "Crucifixus," Durufle's "Tota Pulchra Es" and Poulenc's "Quatre Petites Prieres De Francois D'Assisse, No. 3." The last eight movements are parts of Durufle's moving "Requiem," accompanied by organ and cello. The soaring voices of this 64-strong mixed chorus take us to another time and space, a place of worship and angels. Truly beautiful.

Songlist: Agnus Dei, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Pater Noster, Credo, Ave Maria, Crucifixus, Tota Pulchra Es, Quatre Petites De St. Francois d'Assise, Requiem, Introit & Kyrie, Domine Jesu, Sanctus, Pie Jesu, Agnus Dei, Lux aeterna, Linera me, In Paradisum

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6938c | 1 CD | $14.95 ON SALE $7.95 | A Cappella

Peninsula Women's Chorus : Treasures : 1 CD : Patricia Hennings

Peninsula Women's Chorus : Treasures

Established in 1966, the 73-strong PWC has been ably led since 1975 by renowned Director Patricia Hennings, Director of Choral Activities at Skyline College. The group has performed at numerous ACDA conventions, toured internationally and appeared on NPR and television both here and abroad. Josephine Gandolfi supplies gentle accompaniment, placing the focus on the angelic voices of the group. The group's repertoire includes contemporary sacred music like Agneta Skold's "Gloria," Hakan Olsson's "Da Pacem," David Conte's "Hosanna," Libby Larsen's "Who Cannot Weep, Come Learn of Me," Michael Cleveland's "Pie Jesu," Brian Holmes' Christmas carol "Good Cheer, and Nancy Telfer's lovely "The Blue Eye of God." Also included are de Victoria's 16th century sacred song, "Domaine, Non Sum Dignus," Gustav Holst's 19th century masterpiece, "Hymn to the Waters," Knut Nystedt's "Shells" and "Suoni," and finally, "In Praise of Music," written by David Conte to celebrate the PWC's 25th anniversary. "Treasures" is exactly that, soaring, beautiful and uplifting!

Songlist: Gloria, Domine, Non Sum Dignus, Da Pacem, Hosanna, Who Cannot Weep, Come Learn By Me, Pie Jesu, Hymn to the Waters, Good Cheer, Shells, The Blue Eye of God, Suoni, In Praise of Music

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Performed by Peninsula Women's Chorus | 6841c | 1 CD | $15.98 | Some a cappella

Polyphony : Karl Jenkins - Motets : 1 CD : 028947932321 : DEGRB002064802

Polyphony : Karl Jenkins - Motets

For those who don't know this composer, and love choral music, it's high time you make his acquaintance. The music is accessible, but even saying that short-changes his art, as in my mind Jenkins transcends such thinking. If you think of a more complex and even more melodic version of someone like John Rutter you may have an inkling of the purely melodic nature of his work, but Jenkins is far more than that; while his work doesn't always reach the level of the "profound" it certainly rakes the heart over a wide gamut of emotions that will leave you sitting in your listening room with chills racing down your spine. It is highly devotional but never cloying; mystical but never obscure; and so downright sincere that even those with the most hardened of hearts will come away finding common ground that they might never have though existed. This is a great place to start for a phased-in approach to Jenkins's art.

Songlist: I'll make music, Cantate domino, Laudamus te, Benedictus, The Shepherd, Ave Maria, Ave verum corpus, Agnus Dei, Healing light, Locus iste, Pie Jesu, Exsultate, jubilate, God shall wipe away all tears, And the Mother did weep, Lullay, Peace, peace!, In paradisum, Dona nobis pacem, Nunc dimittis

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22196c | 1 CD | $17.95 | A Cappella | Companion Songbook Available

San Francisco Boys Chorus : Sings Faure Requiem and Messager : 1 CD : Ian Robertson

San Francisco Boys Chorus : Sings Faure Requiem and Messager

The San Francisco Boys Chorus under the leadership of Artistic Director, Ian Robertson, is pleased to announce the release of its latest CD, The San Francisco Boys Chorus sings Faure and Messager, featuring Gabriel Faure's moving Requiem Op. 48 and the Messe des Pecheurs de Villerville, a charming work jointly composed by Faure and this fellow Frenchman, Andre Messager.

Songlist: Introit and Kyrie, Offertory, Sanctus, Pie Jesu, Agnus Dei, Libera Me, In Paradisum, Kyrie (Messager), Gloria, Sanctus, O Salutaris, Agnus Dei, Ave Maria Op. post, Benedictus, Maria Mater Gratiae Op. 47, Pie Jesu from Requiem

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6106c | 1 CD | $15.95

St John's College Choir, Cambridge : Album of 19 Favourites : 1 CD : Christopher Robinson : RRC 1010

St John's College Choir, Cambridge : Album of 19 Favourites

As one of England's oldest and most respected male choirs one expects great recordings and this collection of the favourites of director Christopher Robinson is a real treat. Recorded in the Chapel this recording demonstrates the Choir's remarkable repertoire stretching from the 15th century until the present day.

Songlist: Insanae et vanae curae, Cantique de Jean Racine, Thou wilt keep Him, How lovely are Thy dwellings, Ave Verum, Thou, O God, art praised, Ave Verum, Locus iste, Bring us, O Lord, Hymn of the Cherubim, Ave Verum, O salutaris, Ave Maria stella Hostia, Crucifixus, Denn er hat seinem Engeln, Ave Maria, Panis Angelicus, Hymn, Pie Jesu

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8433c | 1 CD | $15.95

St John's College Choir, Cambridge : Ave Verum - Popular Choral Music : 1 CD : Christopher Robinson : 99081

St John's College Choir, Cambridge : Ave Verum - Popular Choral Music

Conductor Christopher Robinson directs this historic and highly regarded choir as they perform a thoughtful collection of popular choral music of many of the great composers including Haydn, Faure, Wesley, Brahms, Mozart, Elgar, Bruckner, Rachmaninov, Byrd, Rossini, Grieg, Mendelssohn, Franck, Stanford and Durufle.

Songlist: Insane et vanae curae, Cantique de Jean Racine, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, How lovely are thy dwellings, Ave Verum, Thou O God art praised, Ave Verum, Locus iste, Bring us O Lard, Hymn of Cherubim, O Salutaris Hostia, Ave Maris Stella, Crucifixus, Denn er hat seinen Englen befohlen, Ave Verum, Panis Angelicus, Hymn, Pie Jesu

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8693c | 1 CD | $7.95 | Some a cappella

T Minus 5 : ... And Counting : 1 CD

T Minus 5 : ... And Counting

We had the pleasure of hearing the 6 male voices of T Minus 5 at the 2001 Harmony Sweeps Finals, where they performed as Rocky Mountain Regional Champs. The tight harmonies, country flavor and humor that wowed the crowd that night are present in spades on ...And Counting. In fact, "You Can Depend On Me," "Grow Old With You," the hilarious "Redneck Avenger," "Welcome To The Jungle" (which sounds suspiciously like "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"), and "Pie Jesu" were all part of their electric 12-minute performance. "Best Years of our Lives," from "Shrek," "I Love You," "Precious Lord," Paul Simon's "You Can Call Me Al," U2's "All I Want," John Fogerty's classic "Down On The Corner" and "Pie Jesu"-it's all good stuff. The guys are having fun up there, letting it all hang out with the confident spirit of born performers. One of the most impressive first CDs we've heard!

Songlist: Best Years Of Our Life, You Can Depend On Me, Radio Talk, Grow Old With You, I Love You, Welcome To The Jungle, Redneck Avenger, Precious Lord, You Can Call Me Al, All I Want, Down on the Corner, Pie Jesu

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2956c | 1 CD | $14.98 | A Cappella

Toronto Children's Chorus : My Heart Soars : 1 CD : Jean Ashworth Bartle : MAR 255

Toronto Children's Chorus : My Heart Soars

"My Heart Soars," the title coming from a poem by Chief Dan George, is a celebration of Canada, from coast to coast. All 19 songs are from Canadian pens, and each speaks of a different time, of laughter, love, triumph and tragedy in Canadian history. The 58-voice Toronto Children's Chorus , directed by Jean Ashworth Bartle, has won awards and established a first-class reputation in its 18-year history. Accompanied by Ruth Henderson on piano, Richard Dorsey on oboe, Virginia Markson on flute, as well as selected members from the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Extensive liner notes in English and French, with the words and history of the songs. Fascinating!

Songlist: I'se the B'y, The Blooming Bright Star of Belle Isle, Song for the Mira, Cape Breton Lullaby, Away From The Roll of the Sea, Four Songs of Early Canada, Moments in Time, Keewaydin, The Blue Eye of God, Pie Jesu, My Heart Soars, Cantante Comino

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6621c | 1 CD | $15.98

Toronto Children's Chorus : How Sweet The Sound : 1 CD : Jean Ashworth Bartle

Toronto Children's Chorus : How Sweet The Sound

Jean Ashworth Bartle founded the TCC in 1978, and has been happily developing it into one of the world's great choral ensembles for children. This accompanied (sometimes by piano, massive church organ and other instruments) collection of 19 songs of Christian faith and joy includes such gems as Johann Haydn's "St. Leopold Mass," Debussy's "Noel des enfants," Johannes Brahms' "Ave Maria," Srul Irving Glicks' 3-part "Psalm Trilogy," Kodaly's "Evening Song" and the final cut, Paul Halley's soaring "Freedom Trilogy." This spirited children's chorus reminds us of angels singing these beautiful, inspirational songs - truly lovely!

Songlist: Dixit Dominus, St. Leopold Mass, Cantique De Jean Racine, Noel Des Enfants, Ave Maria, Pie Jesu, Psalm Trilogy, Psalm Of Praise, Evening Song, Freedom Trilogy

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8605c | 1 CD | $15.95 | Some a cappella

Various Artists : Angelic Voices: Sound of the Boy Treble : 1 CD : 5055031313792 : RGI1379.2

Various Artists : Angelic Voices: Sound of the Boy Treble

Nine British trebles feature in this Regis release showcasing the tradition of the boy treble. The collection is taken over a 25 year period from the Alpha and Abbey labels and covers many different musical genres - an essential purchase for lovers of vocal/choral music and for those interested in the English Cathedral Tradition.

Songlist: Morning Has Broken, Ave Maria, Pie Jesu, Love Bade Me Welcome, Flocks In Pastures Green, Can She Excuse My Wrongs, Flowers In The Valley, Strawberry Fair, Come Again, The Lark In The Clear Air, Faery Song, The Birds, Trottin' To The Fair, Zwiegesang, The Tailor And The Mouse, Voi Che Sapete, Heidenroslein, Die Forelle, O For The Wings Of A Dove, Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation, How Beautiful Are The Feet, Gather Ye Rosebuds, It Was A Lover And His Lass, Laudamus Te, Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring

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2042c | 1 CD | $9.95

Voces8 : Equinox : 1 CD : 5060140210160 : IMT4021016.2

Voces8 : Equinox

The British vocal ensemble Voces8 is proud to inspire people through music and share the joy of singing. Touring extensively throughout Europe, North America and Asia, the group performs repertoire from Renaissance polyphony to contemporary commissions and arrangements; versatility and a celebration of diverse musical expression is central to the ensemble's performance ethos. Voces8 has performed at venues such as the Wigmore Hall, Royal Festival Hall, Royal Albert Hall, Bridgewater Hall - Manchester, Elbphilharmonie - Hamburg, Cite de la Musique - Paris, Vienna Konzerthaus, Tokyo Opera City, National Centre for the Performing Arts - Beijing, Shanghai Concert Hall and Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall. Artistic collaborators have included the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, period ensembles Florilegium, L'Arpeggiata and La Folia Barockorchester, and violinist/artistic director Hugo Ticciati.

Songlist: In Paradisum (Processional), Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen, A Hymn to the Virgin, Maria Durch Ein Dornwald Ging, Joseph, Lieber Joseph Mein, Angelus ad Virginem, This Ember Night, The Passing of the Year, Magnificat, Ave Maris Stella, God Grant with Grace, In Beauty May I Walk, Requiem Aeternam, Pie Jesu, They Are at Rest, In Paradisum (Recessional)

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Performed by Voces8 | 63164c | 1 CD | $18.95

Various Arrangers : Andrew Lloyd Webber Vocal Duets : Duet : Songbook : 884088152864 : 1423427459 : 00001120

Various Arrangers : Andrew Lloyd Webber Vocal Duets

Features 17 duets in all, for women and men, two women, and also two men, from The Phantom of the Opera, The Beautiful Game, Cats, Requiem, Aspects of Love, Sunset Boulevard and more. Includes: All I Ask of You - Amigos Para Siempre - Memory - The Point of No Return - Too Much in Love to Care - and more.

Songlist: All I Ask Of You, Amigos Para Siempre (Friends For Life), All The Love I Have, Don't Like You, The First Time, To Have And To Hold, I Believe My Heart, Pie Jesu, The First Man You Remember, Gus: The Theatre Cat, The Phantom Of The Opera, The Point Of No Return, Seeing Is Believing, She'd Be Far Better Off With You, Too Much In Love To Care

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Voicing: Duet | 8435b | Songbook | $16.95 | Piano

Various Arrangers : Masterworks for Two : Duet : Songbook & CD : 038081513645  : 00-45625

Various Arrangers : Masterworks for Two

This outstanding collection features 10 classic songs for any combination of two voices and piano. Alfred Music's top masterwork arrangers provide supportive accompaniments, well-crafted vocal lines, historically informed editorial markings, plus IPA pronunciation guides and complete translations for every piece in a foreign language. Superb recital, concert, and contest repertoire for developing singers. Titles: Abendlied (Mendelssohn) * Alleluia (Mozart) * Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod) * Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart) * Bon Dě (Lully) * Caro Mio Ben (Giordani) * Kyrie (Dvorák) * The Maiden (Dvorák) * Pie Jesu (Fauré) * Where'er You Walk (Handel).

Songlist: Abendlied, Alleluia, Ave Maria, Ave Verum Corpus, Bon Dě, Caro Mio Ben, Kyrie Eleison, C-Instrument Part, The Maiden, Pie Jesu, C-Instrument Part, Where'er You Walk, Translation and Pronunciation Guide

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Voicing: Duet | 10234b | Songbook & CD | $26.95 | Voice and Piano

Various Arrangers : Masterworks for Two : Duet : Songbook : 038081513652  : 00-45626

Various Arrangers : Masterworks for Two

This outstanding collection features 10 classic songs for any combination of two voices and piano. Alfred Music's top masterwork arrangers provide supportive accompaniments, well-crafted vocal lines, historically informed editorial markings, plus IPA pronunciation guides and complete translations for every piece in a foreign language. Superb recital, concert, and contest repertoire for developing singers. Titles: Abendlied (Mendelssohn) * Alleluia (Mozart) * Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod) * Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart) * Bon Dě (Lully) * Caro Mio Ben (Giordani) * Kyrie (Dvorák) * The Maiden (Dvorák) * Pie Jesu (Fauré) * Where'er You Walk (Handel).

Songlist: Abendlied, Alleluia, Ave Maria, Ave Verum Corpus, Bon Dě, Caro Mio Ben, Kyrie Eleison, C-Instrument Part, The Maiden, Pie Jesu, C-Instrument Part, Where'er You Walk, Translation and Pronunciation Guide

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Voicing: Duet | 10235b | Songbook | $15.95 | Voice and Piano

Individual Folios

Displaying 1-11 of 11 items.

Pie Jesu : SATB : Shawn Crouch : Shawn Crouch : Songbook : 00285456 : 888680889746

Shawn Crouch : Pie Jesu

This is a meditative composition which uses ascending scale patterns to support an arching melodic line. This gives way to homophonic clouds of soft dissonances which build to a climax before receding back to the original material. This is a prayer for peace in the wake of tragedy.

Composer: Shawn Crouch

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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00285456

Pie Jesu : SATB : John Conahan : John Conahan : Sheet Music : 00123643 : 884088961008

John Conahan : Pie Jesu

Incorporating the Pie Jesu and Agnus Dei texts, this setting is a heartfelt expression of gentle devotion and lyric beauty. From simple unison lines, to striking melodic contours and full choral textures above rich instrumental sonorities this is a work of depth and emotion.

Composer: John Conahan

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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00123643

Pie Jesu : SSAA : Charles Collins : Charles Collins : Sheet Music : 48004876 : 073999557855

Charles Collins : Pie Jesu

This setting of a prayer from the traditional Requiem mass uses added-tone harmonies and repetition to create a serene, prayerful mood.

Composer: Charles Collins

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Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $1.70 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48004876

Pie Jesu : SSA : Russell Robinson :  : Sheet Music : 00-43332 : 038081488745

Russell Robinson : Pie Jesu

This esteemed classic has been recorded by world-famous soloists such has Kiri Te Kanawa and Renée Fleming. Now, choral groups can perform Fauré's beautiful music with Dr. Robinson's well-crafted, smartly-edited arrangement. Features a piano and flute accompaniment, well within the reach of student players.

Arranger: Russell Robinson | Composer: abriel Fauré

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Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.90 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-43332

Pie Jesu : SATB : Andrew Lloyd Webber : Andrew Lloyd Webber : Sarah Brightman : Sheet Music : 08603519 : 073999035193

Andrew Lloyd Webber : Pie Jesu

Featuring soprano and boy soprano solos with choral ensemble, this hauntingly beautiful work has been the most popularized section of Lloyd Webber's Requiem. Available: SATB. Performance Time: Approx. 4:00.

Composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber Performed By: Sarah Brightman

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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.35 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08603519

Pie Jesu : TTBB : Philip Serino : Philip Serino : Sheet Music : 00117159 : 884088886646

Philip Serino : Pie Jesu

Selected for the Randy Stenson Male Chorus Series, Serino's setting of the Pie Jesu text for male voices is simply beautiful. Luscious harmonies and lilting melody lines cradle this time-honored text. An excellent choice for good high school and college male voice choirs.

Composer: Philip Serino

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Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.75 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00117159

Pie Jesu : SSA : Jill Gallina : Gabriel Faure : Sheet Music : 35026624 : 884088465223 : 1423486102

Jill Gallina : Pie Jesu

This famous movement is the soprano aria from Fauré's Requiem in D minor, Op. 48. Beautifully arranged for SSA voices, Jill Gallina retained the serene melodic sound while adding full, three-part harmonies, keeping the harmonic intent of the original. A lovely addition to your women's choral library. Available Separately: SSA, PianoTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:49.

Arranger: Jill Gallina | Composer: Gabriel Faure

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Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35026624

Pie Jesu : SSA : Greg Gilpin : Sheet Music : 00-23455 : 038081237794

Greg Gilpin : Pie Jesu

After hearing the opening piano introduction, you know something special is about to happen . . . and it does! A haunting, unforgettable Greg Gilpin melody unfolds skillfully with fluid voice leading. Perfect for developing your choir's tone and sensitive phrasing. Easy piano and vocal lines. An Alfred best-seller, now available for SSA and 2-part choirs.

Arranger: Greg Gilpin

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.65 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-23455

Pie Jesu : SATB : John Leavitt : Andrew Lloyd Webber : Sheet Music : 08740192 : 073999401929

John Leavitt : Pie Jesu

John Leavitt's arrangement of this movement from Andrew Lloyd Webber's acclaimed Requiem preserves all of the simplicity and reverence of the original work while making it accessible to a variety of choirs. Available: SATB, SAB, SSA, TTB, 2-Part. Performance Time: Approx. 2:30.

Arranger: John Leavitt | Composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber

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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.15 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08740192
Other Voicings: SAB, SSA, 2-Part, TTB, Unison

Pie Jesu : SATTBB : Philip Lawson : Sheet Music : 08750526 : 884088450038

Philip Lawson : Pie Jesu

Composer John Brunning's setting of the beloved text from the Requiem mass is a heartfelt expression of gentle devotion and lyric beauty. The simple lines and rich harmonic underlay will linger long after the final dona eis requiem. Duration: ca. 3:10.

Arranger: Philip Lawson

More details
Voicing: SATTBB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08750526 | Digital Version Available

Pie Jesu : SATB divisi : Mark Brymer : Andrew Lloyd Webber : Sheet Music : 08751259 : 884088480431

Mark Brymer : Pie Jesu

This hauntingly beautiful work from Andrew Lloyd Webber's acclaimed Requiem is now available in a simply stunning a cappella edition. Available separately: SATB divisi, SSAA divisi, TTBB divisi. Duration: ca. 2:35.

Arranger: Mark Brymer | Composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber

More details
Voicing: SATB divisi | Sheet Music | $1.90 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08751259 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: TTBB divisi, SSAA divisi, TTBB divisi, SSAA divisi

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