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Music of Audrey Snyder

Audrey has published numerous original choral compositions and arrangements spanning the entire spectrum of choral music from Top 40 pop to the classics and from elementary through high school levels. Her creative work along with her arrangements and editions place her in the forefront of writers for the school market.

Widely recognized as one of the top educational choral writers today, Audrey composes music with rare beauty, simplicity and charm. She is a highly regarded educator, clinician, editor and producer.

All | 2-Part | 3-Part | 3-Part Mixed | SAB | SATB | SSA | SSAA | SSAB | TB

Trax CDs | A Cappella Folios

Individual Folios

Displaying 1-50 of 68 items.

Mull of Kintyre : 3-Part Mixed : Audrey Snyder : Paul McCartney : Wings : Sheet Music : 01482850 : 196288215899 : 8350128968

Audrey Snyder : Mull of Kintyrenew

Like a new traditional folk song, this lovely ballad by Paul McCartney was inspired by his love for Kintyre Peninsula, his home in southwestern Scotland. This arrangement wraps the song's memorable melody in grace, heart and simplicity.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder | Composer: Paul McCartney | Performed By: Wings

More details
Voicing: 3-Part Mixed | Sheet Music | $2.50 | |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

A La Mode : SAB : Steve Larson : Sheet Music : 08751569 : 884088484019

Steve Larson : A La Mode

Music theory was never so much fun! Comparing the modes to ice cream flavors and demonstrating each mode one by one, your students will learn and have fun in the process! Clever lyrics and cool harmonies serve up each special aural treat a la mode. Available separately: SATB, SAB, 2-Part. Duration: ca. 3:15.

Arranger: Steve Larson

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

A New Day : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00212750 : 888680663063

Audrey Snyder : A New Day

Perfect for beginning and developing women's ensembles, this collection will be used over and over for festivals, concerts and developing choral performance skills. Purchase the Performance Kit and receive a code to access audio tracks and instructional materials online through My Library. Includes: Welcome the New Day, Dark Brown Is the River, Exsultate Deo, In Time of Silver Rain, To Love Again.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $3.95 | |

Agnus Dei : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08703391 : 884088535865

Audrey Snyder : Agnus Dei

Set in a gentle 3/4 meter, this beautiful setting of the familiar Latin text offers younger and developing choirs an opportunity to build important performance skills through legato phrasing and expressive contemporary harmonies. Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, SSA. Duration: ca. 1:45.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

An Irish Blessing : SSAA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08703300 : 073999939866

Audrey Snyder : An Irish Blessing

As plentiful as the grass that grows, the sands on the shore, the dew in the meadow, or the wind across the shall grace and blessings be. This beautiful Irish blessing text is creatively set in an expressive a cappella original work by Audrey Snyder. Excellent programming for treble choirs of all ages!

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08750098 : 884088365691

Audrey Snyder : And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears

Words of comfort and healing from Revelation 21:4 form the textual framework for this richly expressive a cappella setting. Ideal for a benediction, Remembrance or Memorial Day performance, this work offers many rewards. Diuration: ca. 2:30.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.80 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

And In The Evening : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08745155 : 884088015169

Audrey Snyder : And In The Evening

A unique concert selection based upon the poetry of William Blake. Juxtaposing the mystical nature of dreams with the vastness of the star filled nighttime sky Audrey Snyder creates a shimmering ethereal effect through the use of water glass accompaniment that can be performed by the singers.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

At This Table : 3-Part Mixed : Jonas Myrin : Jonas Myrin : Sheet Music : 00371611 : 196288000044 : 1705148336

Jonas Myrin : At This Table

This lovely ballad, originally sung at holiday time, may be sung at any time of year. It communicates a heartfelt message of kindness, inclusion, and acceptance toward reaching the goal of making the world a better place for everyone.

Composer: Jonas Myrin

More details
Voicing: 3-Part Mixed | Sheet Music | $2.30 | |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Awake the Voice, Awake the String! : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08742541 : 073999481402

Audrey Snyder : Awake the Voice, Awake the String!

The familiar What Sweeter Music text by Robert Herrick forms the framework of this lively original Christmas piece. With an optional instrumental obbligato and a buoyant 6/8 meter, this is an excellent opening number or processional for holiday programs.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.40 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Been Gone Away : 3-Part : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08745539 : 884088070939

Audrey Snyder : Been Gone Away

An easy-going, rhythmic and very accessible original in a Caribbean style. Lots of opportunity for optional percussion.Available separately: 3-Part Mixed and ShowTrax CD. Performance Time: Approx. 2:30

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $1.60 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Benedictus : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00117715 : 884088890070

Audrey Snyder : Benedictus

Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord. Set in an expressive 3/4 meter, the Latin text and carefully crafted vocal textures create a wonderful harmonic work. Ideal concert/festival use, it may be performed with keyboard only or with the optional strings and brass of the chamber orchestration. Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, SSA. Instrument parts available as a digital download (tpt 1, tpt 2, euph, tbn 1, tbn 2, vln 1, vln 2, vla, vc, db). Duration: ca. 2:15.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Bright Morning Stars Are Rising : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00154429 : 888680100391

Audrey Snyder : Bright Morning Stars Are Rising

Honest, authentic, heartfelt - these are the words that come to mind with this plaintive folk setting for SSA voices. Perform it a cappella, or accompanied by guitar or piano, this selection will inspire your audience!

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.10 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Brighter Day : 3-Part Mixed : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00266672 : 888680733322

Audrey Snyder : Brighter Day

Master composer and educator Audrey Snyder knows the importance of hope in the lives of young people. In this original song she lifts up the need for hope of a brighter day.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 3-Part Mixed | Sheet Music | $2.10 | |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Candlelight, Silent Night : SAB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08744804 : 073999554779

Audrey Snyder : Candlelight, Silent Night

The warmth of candlelight imagery combined with the simplicity of a treasured carol melody will create a special moment in any program. Optional audience sing-along. Performance Time: Approx. 3:00

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $2.35 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Cantate Domino : SSAB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08744421 : 073999456387

Audrey Snyder : Cantate Domino

This a cappella original work is both accessible and appealing for developing choirs and ideal for contest and festival repertoire.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSAB | Sheet Music | $2.35 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Cantate Jubilate : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00143613 : 888680059224

Audrey Snyder : Cantate Jubilate

Here is a joyful and celebratory work that is well-crafted for younger performers. Ideal for contest and festival, your choirs will shine!

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Changes : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00156814 : 888680608156

Audrey Snyder : Changes

Changing the world starts with just one person! Using a powerful vocal call and response with body percussion, this original work builds confidence and self-awareness through the affirming lyrics and vocal inflections. Opt. a cappella.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.35 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Christmas Welcome : SAB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00125334 : 884088989606

Audrey Snyder : Christmas Welcome

We Wish You a Merry Christmas combines with a bright original holiday song to create a seasonal showcase that's full of fa-la-la-la cheer! Easily learned and effective in performance, you'll turn to this selection year after year with your younger choirs. Available separately: 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:30.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Creole Dances : 3-Part : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08744403 : 073999346879

Audrey Snyder : Creole Dances

Join in the fun with Colinda, Mister Banjo and I Rode Around the Woodland all woven into this delightful arrangement. Optional French lyrics and Cajun fiddle add to the authenticity.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $1.70 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Dark Brown Is the River : 2-Part : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08745120 : 884088048310 : 1423406079

Audrey Snyder : Dark Brown Is the River

Based on the moving poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson, this captivating setting by Audrey Snyder is perfect for festival or contest use. Parts for Oboe, Violin, Viola and Cello are included.Available separately: SSA and 2-Part. VoiceTrax CD also available. Performance Time: Approx. 2:15

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | Sheet Music | $2.20 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Ding Dong! Merrily on High : SAB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08552159 : 884088350994

Audrey Snyder : Ding Dong! Merrily on High

Fill your holiday concert with joyful sounds! Listen to the ringing bells, as they weave their magic spells. Includes optional bell or glockenspiel part. Available separately: 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: 2:00.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Down in Bethlehem : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00125164 : 884088988630

Audrey Snyder : Down in Bethlehem

Listen to the story about a newborn babe! This uptempo Christmas original is infused with all the energy and contemporary freshness you could ever want! Ideal for concert and worship!

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Down to the River to Pray : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00302554 : 888680967291

Audrey Snyder : Down to the River to Pray

This time-honored spiritual is said to have contained coded messages for slaves wishing to escape through the Underground Railroad. Complementing the divine and collective nature of the piece are fully realized hand and body percussion parts; the song ending with a hushed whisper.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.10 | |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit : 3-Part : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00123687 : 884088961459

Audrey Snyder : Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit

There's plenty to like about this straight forward energetic spiritual setting for younger choirs! Well crafted parts, crisp rhythms, call and response, and a fun vocal stack make this an excellent showcase for elementary and middle school. Available separately: 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:10.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Ever in My Heart : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08552272 : 884088496357

Audrey Snyder : Ever in My Heart

With a text adapted from Charlotte Bronte, this gentle work for treble voices expresses the joy and pain of friendship, especially when friends must part. An excellent selection for younger or developing choirs. Available separately: SSA, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 3:00.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Exsultate Deo : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08744679 : 073999270457

Audrey Snyder : Exsultate Deo

A perfect introduction to singing in three-part harmony, this excellent teaching piece works well for contests or festivals. An optional piano part is provided for those groups needing additional support.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.25 | |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Festival Gloria : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08749658 : 884088312787

Audrey Snyder : Festival Gloria

Rhythmic energy and bright mixed meters give this Latin setting a colorful quality that will keep your choir and audience fully engaged. After a contrasting middle legato section, the main theme comes back and builds to a fantastic conclusion. Easily learned and impressive in performance! Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part. Duration: ca. 2:00.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.70 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Festive Processional : 2-Part : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08703283 : 073999898774

Audrey Snyder : Festive Processional

This joyful original piece has a medieval flavor and is perfect for a wide variety of performances: madrigal dinners, holiday concerts and many other festive occasions. Available: 2-Part any combination. Performance Time: Approx. 1:15.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | Sheet Music | $2.15 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Firefly : 2-Part : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08551572 : 073999767124

Audrey Snyder : Firefly

This very accessible work captures the imagery of fireflies blinking on summer evenings. Excellent for building part-singing and expressiveness in phrasing!

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Frosty Winter Snow : 3-Part : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08552243 : 884088396275

Audrey Snyder : Frosty Winter Snow

You'll thrill to the wintry sights and sounds that this sparkling Russian folksong evokes as it celebrates the first snowfall of winter! Perform it in English or with the very short and easily-learned Russian text, this will be a delightful choice for holiday and winter programs. Available separately: 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part, VoiceTrax CD.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $1.95 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Gaudium! : 2-Part : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00121824 : 884088943523

Audrey Snyder : Gaudium!

Ideal for Christmas or contest programming, this accessible, well-crafted work is infused with a joyful spirit! With an easily-learned Latin refrain and contrasting English phrases, your singers will develop important performance skills. Available separately: 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 1:40.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Get on Board in the Mornin' : 3-Part : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00116965 : 884088884345

Audrey Snyder : Get on Board in the Mornin'

A lively accompaniment, good part-writing and lots of expressive elements make this pairing of two traditional spirituals an excellent showcase for young singers. Available separately, 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part and VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:15.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas : 3-Part Mixed : Audrey Snyder : Ralph Blane : Sheet Music : 00-SV9342 : 029156032352

Audrey Snyder : Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Arranger: Audrey Snyder | Composer: Ralph Blane

More details
Voicing: 3-Part Mixed | Sheet Music | $1.65 | |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

I Saw the Light : 3-Part Mixed : Hank Williams : Hank Williams : Hank Williams : Sheet Music : 00283586 : 888680793050

Hank Williams : I Saw the Light

Written in the 1940s, I Saw the Light became one of Hank Williams' most well-known songs. Inspired by the words of his mother, Williams wrote the song that has become a standard for both country music and gospel music genres. A spirit of joy and celebration permeate the song from start to finish.

Arranger: Hank Williams | Composer: Hank Williams | Performed By: Hank Williams

More details
Voicing: 3-Part Mixed | Sheet Music | $2.15 | |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

In the Stillness : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00116759 : 884088882358

Audrey Snyder : In the Stillness

A Japanese haiku from the 19th century shapes the atmosphere of this graceful setting with gentle call and response vocal lines and an expressive accompaniment for piano or optional bass, percussion and violin (or other melody instrument). In English translation: In the stillness, fireflies are glowing over deep water. Available separately SATB, 3-Part Mixed and 2-Part. Duration: ca. 3:15.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

In Time of Silver Rain : SATB : John Purifoy : Sheet Music : 00142357 : 888680048426

John Purifoy : In Time of Silver Rain

Now available in an SATB voicing! The subtle imagery of an awakening spring is perfectly displayed in this exquisite work set to a Langston Hughes text. Not to be missed!

Arranger: John Purifoy

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Kyrie Eleison : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08750859 : 884088468897

Audrey Snyder : Kyrie Eleison

With her sensitive approach to voice leading and passion for tension/resolution, Audrey Snyder has created a choral masterpiece with her setting of the Latin text Kyrie Eleison. Program with her Festival Gloria for an awe-inspiring set. Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed. SSA. Duration: 2:00.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Look in the Mirror : 3-Part Mixed : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00392221 : 196288030102 : 1705157084

Audrey Snyder : Look in the Mirror

When I look in the mirror what do I see? Just what kind of person is looking back at me? In the style of a contemporary ballad, this powerful social, emotional learning song is all about taking a look at ourselves and how we treat others. An ideal message for any choir to share throughout the year.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 3-Part Mixed | Sheet Music | $2.35 | |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

My Song : 2-Part : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00126224 : 884088995355

Audrey Snyder : My Song

Your young singers will celebrate the music within them as they sing their own song of confidence and joy! An uptempo pop/gospel groove and easy back and forth melody will make this a snap to learn and a super concert showcase!

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | Sheet Music | $1.90 | |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Oceanus : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00116755 : 884088882310

Audrey Snyder : Oceanus

Here is an expressive and lyrical tribute to the beauty and wonder of our world's oceans - the dance of light in the waters, the dolphins that frolic and play, the coral reef below, and so much more! The graceful 3/4 meter and fluid vocal lines help to create an excellent accessible choral showcase for school and community. Piano, with optional violin and string bass. Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part. Instrumental Accompaniment available as a digital download (Full Score (SATB), Violin, String Bass). Duration: ca. 3:20.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.90 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

On Silent Wings : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08748848 : 884088241742

Audrey Snyder : On Silent Wings

This expressive work is marked by shimmering word painting and lightly dissonant choral textures. My spirit spreads gossamer wings and takes to flight; lifted by the invisible, my dreams to heaven unfold. Sail and soar on silent wings. A stunning selection for women's choirs! Available: SSA. Duration: ca. 2:30.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.70 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

People of the Rocks and Seagulls : SATB : Kathleen Black : Kathleen Black : Sheet Music : 08703344 : 073999797435

Kathleen Black : People of the Rocks and Seagulls

The native people of the Pacific Northwest are the inspiration for this evocative original work. Sounds of nature are woven into the imagery of this compelling piece. Available separately: SATB. Performance Time: Approx. 3:45.

Composer: Kathleen Black

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Ring Silver Bells : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00143515 : 888680056421

Audrey Snyder : Ring Silver Bells

Ring bells! This traditional Ukrainian song is transformed with new music and text for a spectacular showcase for SSA choirs. With piano, bells and percussion.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.15 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Sail Away, Ladies : 3-Part : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 00150952 : 888680084929

Audrey Snyder : Sail Away, Ladies

This traditional fiddle tune is a rollicking celebration of Americana in this well-crafted arrangement for younger mixed choirs. Perform with a live fiddler or the recorded bluegrass track for a spectacular concert showcase!

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $2.25 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Sanctus : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08703413 : 884088607234

Audrey Snyder : Sanctus

This bold and jubilant setting of the Sanctus text will be an energetic contribution to your concert program. Rhythmic drive, accessible, contemporary harmonies and full vocal textures create a winning combination! Available separately: SATB, 3-Part Mixed, SSA. Duration: ca. 1:30.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Silent Moon : 2-Part : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08552409 : 884088639457

Audrey Snyder : Silent Moon

Silver magic, shining bright, radiant in the dark of night - the serene beauty of the moon is the subject of this lilting and lyrical original. Well-crafted for success, this piece will help your singers develop important part-singing and choral skills and makes an excellent choice for contest and festival. Available separately: 2-Part, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 3:00.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | Sheet Music | $2.10 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Snow : SATB : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08743474 : 073999434743

Audrey Snyder : Snow

Snow is falling silent and soft and slow. The words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow are expertly set by Audrey Snyder in this new concert piece. The slowly descending melody paints a picture of peacefulness as the landscape is covered in white.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.65 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

Stars I Shall Find : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08745673 : 884088102876

Audrey Snyder : Stars I Shall Find

The serenity and expressiveness of this Sara Teasdale text is artfully presented in this beautiful setting that is ideal for treble choirs. A gem! Performance Time: Approx. 2:45.

Composer: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

That Sunset! : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08552152 : 884088326760

Audrey Snyder : That Sunset!

Cascading vocal lines capture the awe and wonder we feel when glimpsing a majestic sunset in this sonorous concert work for SSA. Well-crafted for younger ensembles, it offers opportunities to develop tone quality, phrase shaping and intonation. Available separately: SSA, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:10.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $1.70 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

The Ballad of the Garden : SSA : Audrey Snyder : Sheet Music : 08741899 : 073999418996

Audrey Snyder : The Ballad of the Garden

Based on a Norwegian folk tune, with English text by Kathleen Black, this song tells a charming and romantic love story. An ideal selection for groups of all ages. Optional string trio accompaniment. Available: SSA, Instrumental Pak. Performance Time: Approx. 2:25.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.65 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)

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