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One of the most inspirational blessings in all of scripture is presented in this new anthem from one of our most popular writing teams. The music presents long flowing lines that are perfectly suited to the calming thoughts of the text. This anthem is good as an anthem or as a choral benediction. Directors will clearly see several options for shorter versions of this anthem to accommodate worship service time constraints. Inspired!
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin
Uses: Benediction Scripture: Philippians 4:4, 6-7 A charming conclusion to any worship gathering, this brief but effective Scripture setting reminds us of the joy and the peace that is ours in Christ. These two emotions inform the musical treatment of the anthem moving it from celebration to a reflective contrapuntal Amen. Perform it with the organ for a lovely impact. Duration: ca. 1:50.
Composer: Mark Hayes
Uses: General, call to worship, festival Scripture: Psalm 104:33, Psalm 19:14; Psalm 98 This new general anthem is a skillful mixing of traditional and contemporary elements. With the first sounds of piano, this lively praise offering brings a distinctive timbre to the special music of the day. Crafted with careful attention to part writing and voice leading, this is a one-rehearsal wonder with a sophisticated sound. Duration: ca. 2:55.
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin
Lloyd Larson explores this thanksgiving theme within a very traditional musical syntax and yet there is a freshness to the writing that will appeal across stylistic boundaries. This anthem calls us to live our lives in an attitude of gratitude and to give God the glory in everything. Dynamic!
Composer: Lloyd Larson
From majesty to manger the savior came down to bring heaven to earth. The mystery of the incarnation and the wonder of grace are presented in the madrigal-like opening until surrendering to the exhuberant proclamations of gloria! The authentic light orchstration adds to the ancient qualities of the anthem's timbre. Truly memorable!
Composer: Terry W. York
Uses: General, Youth Choir, Concert Scripture: Psalm 96:1-5; Isaiah 42:10 Unbridled praise breaks forth in this festive contemporary choral based on the Psalms. Syncopations and mixed meter animate the primary theme with an enthusiastic spirit admonishing the faithful to Sing to the Lord a new song! A lovely contrasting middle section provides musical and lyrical variety before launching into an exciting recapitulation. The final drive to the end is a perfect punctuation mark to this call to joyful praise. Duration: ca. 2:57.
Composer: Hojun Lee
Uses: Advent, Christmas, concert Scripture: Romans 13: 11-14, Isaiah 7:14 The cry of a people waiting for redemption and deliverance is the heart of this poignant new offering for the season of lights. The melody sighs like a whispered prayer as the call goes forth Veni, veni Emmanuel. With a quote from O Come, O Come Emmanuel and the lonely sound of the cello, this piece ends still waiting but with a sense of hope. Moving!
Composer: Douglas Nolan
Uses: General, call to worship, festival Scripture: Psalm 100 With an exciting pyrotechnical organ accompaniment featuring the solo trumpet, this anthem is a festive way to begin worship. The mixed meter creates a unique and electrifying effect that catapults this paean of praise into the concert hall as well. Well crafted for the church organist, this anthem is a tour de force! Duration: ca. 3:25.
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin
O Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. One of the most quoted texts in Christendom is lovingly presented by Lee Dengler. The clarinet part adds a haunting quality to this poignant anthem giving the choir an opportunity for highly expressive singing. The Latin words allow a director to concentrate on vowel sounds and tone production. The words of this passage are a constant reminder of God's love for us and his unbounded grace. Breathtaking!
Composer: Lee Dengler
Uses: Holy Week Scripture: I Timothy 2:5-6; Romans 7:18; Luke 23:42 A beloved text receives a tender touch in this bittersweet choral for Holy Week. Calling the believer to a deeper understanding of grace, this expressive mixture of melody and message is a song for the heart. Long beautiful phrases help carry the words while rich harmonies add warmth and color.
Composer: John Purifoy
Here is a marvelous arrangement of a classic hymn. Written for organ and piano with an option for congregational participation, this noble statement of the majesty of Christ is useful any time. This impressive work is well crafted, which enables any choir to succeed in its presentation. Regal!
Arranger: Patti Drennan
This much beloved text celebrating the scope of Creation has endeared itself to generations of composers and singers alike. Benji Harlan delivers a delightful new interpretation of these classic sentiments with a tune and arrangement that dances off the page and straight into the heart. Refreshing and splendid music from one of your favorite writers.
Composer: Cecil Alexander
Uses: Lent, Easter Scripture: Philippians 2:7-8; Romans 5:8; Hebrews 4:16 The words of Charles Wesley resound through the sanctuary again in this fresh lyric re-setting. Expressive lines characterize the melodic patterns and the moving piano accompaniment sweep the listener up in the arms of this promising text. Some surprising harmonic moments color this arrangement with pleasing hues that will renew your appreciation for this beloved sacred poem.
Composer: John Purifoy
Uses: General, Christ the King, Easter Scripture: Psalm 57:8-10; John 19:38-42 Gracefully arching, this tuneful expression of praise is appropriate for Eastertide, Christ the King, or general use. A classic text artfully set to new music, this setting is appropriate for choirs of any size and offers directors a tasteful addition to their anthem libraries.
Composer: John Purifoy
True impact is felt in this lushly written choral prayer. The hope for intimacy with God is expressed in moving tones and the piano part offers a supportive, yet rhapsodic, decoration for this message of love and grace. A quote of the hymn Near to the Heart of God acts as a delicate punctuation mark to the central theme and embraces the congregation with arms of assurance and comfort. Supports: Isaiah 40:11, Psalm 46:10
Composer: Douglas Wagner
Uses: General, Lent, Memorial Scripture: John 14:1-3; Isaiah 41:13; Mark 5:36 The words of Jesus are the springboard for this moving anthem of assurance. Long melodic lines carry the message of hope as deep harmonies enrich the emotion of these treasured words. The optional violin obbligato adds to the calming spirit of the piece. This anthem is appropriate anytime but especially useful for Lent or Memorial observances. Violin part included. Duration: ca. 4:33.
Composer: Lee Dengler
Uses: General, Community Choir, Social Justice, Unity Scripture: I Peter 4:10; Mark 10:42-45; Proverbs 11:25; Galatians 6:9 This sacred offering challenges the church to take its ministry beyond the walls and to truly serve the others as a community of faith. With tuneful purpose, the music frames the words and presents the concepts of unity, humanity, and charity with confidence and beauty. The optional C instrument speaks in gentle dialogue with the vocal lines providing a pleasant option for directors wanting to include an instrumental component to their performances.
Composer: Lee Dengler
Uses: General, Thanksgiving, Stewardship Scripture: Psalm 95:2; Hebrews 6:7 Joyfully proclaiming the richness of God's abundant life, this lilting piece in 6/8 creates a truly special moment for any service of gratitude. The incorporation of Come Ye Thankful People Come provides a winsome surprise and invites the congregation to gather for praise and thanksgiving. Duration: ca. 2:40.
Composer: Brad Nix
Uses: General, Pentecost Scripture: Romans 5:5; John 14:26 This spirit-filled original is tastefully decorated with a neo-Appalachian style that is immediately engaging to the listener. With a general worship text or using the optional Pentecost text, this song provides a fresh approach to your summer worship programming! Innovative! With bodhran and Appalachian string instruments. Available Separately: SATB, iPrint Orch (CD-ROM), LiteTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:38
Arranger: David Lantz III | Composer: David Lantz III
Uses: General, Pentecost Scripture: Romans 5:5; John 14:26 This spirit-filled original is tastefully decorated with a neo-Appalachian style that is immediately engaging to the listener. With a general worship text or using the optional Pentecost text, this song provides a fresh approach to your summer worship programming! Innovative! With bodhran and Appalachian string instruments. Available Separately: SATB, iPrint Orch (CD-ROM), LiteTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:38
Arranger: David Lantz III | Composer: David Lantz III
Uses: General, Pentecost Scripture: Romans 5:5; John 14:26 This spirit-filled original is tastefully decorated with a neo-Appalachian style that is immediately engaging to the listener. With a general worship text or using the optional Pentecost text, this song provides a fresh approach to your summer worship programming! Innovative! With bodhran and Appalachian string instruments. Available Separately: SATB, iPrint Orch (CD-ROM), LiteTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:38
Composer: David Lantz III
Uses: General, Communion Scripture: John 15:1-8; Psalm 34:8 This unique anthem for communion is full of images of how God nourishes our souls with goodness: Christ is the vine, the Lamb, the Living Bread, the Living Wine. These images are ideal as an invitation to the table of grace, and the music with its sensitive contours is the perfect cradle for such beautiful thoughts.
Composer: David Lantz III
Uses: General, Christ the King, call to worship Scripture: Revelation 19:6 This powerful arrangement of a traditional worship masterpiece is made even more spectacular by the inclusion of organ and piano as accompaniment. This mighty hymn invites the gathered to joyous worship and the congregation is encouraged to lift their voices with the choir as the anthem reaches a triumphant finale. Available: SATB piano and organ. Duration: ca. 2:50.
Arranger: Patti Drennan
Uses: General, Service Music Scripture: Psalm 95:1; Philippians 4:4; Psalm 104:1-2 Moving your congregation from spectators to active participants is the focus of this new worship resource. Intended to be a special moment for choir and congregation, this octavo presents three hymns decorated with choral flourishes and piano and organ accompaniment. The congregation sings from the hymnal or reproducible song sheets as the choir and instrumentalists support and elaborate. An important new encouragement for corporate worship! Hymns featured include: Come, Christians, Join to Sing, Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart, and O Worship the King.
Arranger: Patti Drennan
Paul Williams' awesome text painting is perfectly captured by the sensitive pen of Lee Dengler. This final moment in the life of Christ is a moving testimony to grace and is the ideal focus for your Good Friday contemplations. The evocative oboe obbligato is an inspired touch. Unforgettable!
Composer: Lee Dengler
Uses: General, Pentecost, Reformation Scripture: I Peter 2:5; John 14:1-4; I Samuel 17:40 Powerful challenges leap from the pages of this festival type piece featuring a significant organ accompaniment and a memorable melodic main theme. The poetic connection between the stones of our physical church buildings, the living stones or people of the church, the stones David used to slay Goliath and even the resurrection stone of Christ is a singular yet effective sermon in song. A significant ending crowns the work with confidence and conviction. Available separately: SATB, Orchestration CD-rom (Score & parts for Trumpet 1&2, Trombone 1&2). Duration: ca. 3:26.
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin
Uses: General, Lent, Pentecost Scripture: I Kings 19:11; Psalm 46:10 The still small voice that is the ministry of God's Spirit in our hearts is compassionately presented in this Dengler masterpiece. Folk-like piano arranging and highly emotive part writing frame this tender message with utmost sensitivity. Violin part included. Available separately: SATB, SAB, SSA, LiteTrax CD. Duration: ca. 3:15.
Composer: Susan Naus Dengler
Expressive melodic writing and meaningful text fill this worship piece with deep spiritual beauty. The moving text centers upon the timeless subject of God's grace with expansive phrases and rich harmonies. For Lenten services, incorporate the optional obbligato lines for optimal effect. Remarkable! Supports: Ephesians 2:4-10; Romans 15:12-21
Composer: Lee Dengler
Uses: Pentecost, Revival Scripture: Luke 3:22; Romans 5:5 Animated by a distinguishing piano pattern, this quickly learned paean for Pentecost is a celebrative invitation to worship in spirit and in truth. This time-honored text invokes a response that calls us to a closer fellowship with God. The flexible 2-part or SATB voicing makes this an accessible yet effective choice for churches of any size. Duration: ca. 2:21.
Composer: John Purifoy
Uses: Good Friday Scripture: Titus 2:13-14; Matthew 20:28; Mark 9:12 From the opening sounds of a lonely cello to the final hushed whispers of the choir, this Holy Week anthem is an expressive portrait of grace. The text reminds us of the boundless love of Christ as He chooses Calvary to become the Redeemer of the World. The melody caresses this sensitive text with a delicate touch and the deep sonorous qualities of the part-writing create an atmosphere of profound contemplation.
Composer: Patti Drennan
David Angerman's expertise as an organist is evident in this new choral, Heritage of Faith. The power and sound of that instrument is expertly showcased in this exultant anthem of praise, though the piece works equally well with piano or keyboard if organ is unavailable. Heritage of Faith is an anthem of thanksgiving and gratitude for all that God has done and for the people who have gone before us, laying the foundations of our faith and guiding our lives on the path to grace. Resounding alleluias peal forth in this majestic song of pride and praise. It is ideal for All Saints' Day, Reformation Sunday, or any festive worship event.
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Jon Paige
Uses: General, Thanksgiving Scripture: Psalm 31:24; Romans 5:5; John 1:5 Lyric loveliness is represented in this peaceful prayer of gratitude. The gifts of grace, mercy and peace are blessings from the hand of God and this anthem helps bring into focus a spirit of thanksgiving. The lush harmonic writing has great expressive potential for your ensemble. Available: SATB. Duration: ca. 3:21.
Composer: David Lantz III
Uses: General, Lent, healing, memorial services Scripture: Psalm 17:8; Psalm 36:7; II Corinthians 1:3-5 This new anthem of comfort is destined to be a classic. Based on scripture and taking the lead from a classic Charles Wesley text, this piece is ideal for memorial services, candlelight wellness gatherings or Lenten use. Memorable! Duration: ca. 4:41.
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin
Uses: General, Lent, Communion Scripture: Psalm 46:10; Joshua 1:8 This contemplative call to worship surrounds the sanctuary with a sense of quiet reflection. The message affirms the ideals of being still and discovering the wonder of God's presence in our hearts. The tender melody arches like a prayer and covers the piece with a spirit of expectancy. The piano part is a pleasing support for the carefully crafted vocals.
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin
Uses: General, communion Scripture: Romans 12:5; Galatians 6:15; Galations 3:28 This is a nurturing communion anthem featuring beautiful melodic contours and moving words. Love, grace and Christian unity are the main themes presented. The authors provide both communion and general texts for maximum usefulness in the choir folder. Available: SATB,flute. Duration: ca. 3:22.
Composer: Susan Naus Dengler
Uses: General Scripture: John 15:1-5 Ancient words joined with a beloved folk song bring us a highly poetic vision of the nurturing ministry of Jesus. Using the image of an apple tree, the lesson of this song is to discover in Christ our soul source for spiritual health. Richly harmonized, this popular tune is right at home with this artful text. The internal vocal lines receive special consideration in the arrangement creating a satisfying richness to the overall tone. Duration: ca. 2:32.
Arranger: Douglas Wagner
Uses: General, Lent, Easter Scripture: John 1:29; I Corinthians 5:7 With its inspiration based on Beethoven's Pathetique sonata, this worshipful declaration is perfect for the traditional/transitional church. The noble declaration can also be used as a worship chorus with your congregation or praise team.
Arranger: David Angerman
Uses: Palm Sunday Scripture: Luke 19:37-40; Mark 11:8-10; Psalm 98:4 A vocal tour de force, this sizzling anthem of praise will challenge and delight your choir with its rhythmic vitality and energy. Offering a fresh alternative for Palm Sunday, the mixed meter sections are easily learned and the repetition throughout the anthem assists the learning process. Celebrate the ancient prophecy fulfilled in this triumphal choral shout of praise!
Arranger: Robert Sterling | Composer: Robert Sterling
Uses: General, Call To Worship, Music Appreciation, Concert Scripture: II Chronicles 5:13-14 This admonition from Scripture is an exciting opener for any worship service or sacred concert. Bold leaps and dotted rhythms create a regal call to worship and praise. Brass, organ and percussion complete the package.
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin
Uses: General, Christ the Good Shepherd, Memorial Scripture: Psalm 23 An old Appalachian tune is the melodic foundation for this winsome adaptation of Psalm 23. The pastoral qualities of the poetry are captured in the delicate writing and aside from a few divisi notes at the final cadence, this anthem provides richness without difficulty. An engaging version of the Shepherd's Psalm! Handbell part (2 octaves) included. Duration: ca. 3:40.
Composer: Douglas Wagner
Uses: Christmas, Christmas Eve Scripture: Luke 2:7 This lovely musical Christmas card is abounding with warmth and meaning. A tender original melody mixes with the Polish carol Infant Holy, Infant Lowly to create a very special moment for your Christmas programming.
Composer: Vicki Tucker Courtney
Uses: Holy Week, Good Friday Scripture: Luke 2:34-35; John 19:26-27 The sorrow of the cross pours from the page in this deeply captivating piece that pays homage to a mother's love. Based on an ancient sacred text (Stabat Mater Dolorosa), we experience the loss and deep sadness of the crucifixion and confront the awful price of redemption. The music is a tone painting filled with passion and expressive harmonies. The conversational qualities of the opening theme clarify the text and allow the director to really work on phrasing and enunciation. Duration: ca. 3:43.
Arranger: John Purifoy | Composer: John Purifoy
Uses: Holy Week, Good Friday Scripture: Luke 2:34-35; John 19:26-27 The sorrow of the cross pours from the page in this deeply captivating piece that pays homage to a mother's love. Based on an ancient sacred text (Stabat Mater Dolorosa), we experience the loss and deep sadness of the crucifixion and confront the awful price of redemption. The music is a tone painting filled with passion and expressive harmonies. The conversational qualities of the opening theme clarify the text and allow the director to really work on phrasing and enunciation. Duration: ca. 3:43.
Composer: John Purifoy
Uses: Advent, Christmas, Feast of the Annunciation Scripture: Luke 1:16-26 The words of the Magnificat are joined with the English carol Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day to capture the joy of Mary as she worships God at the angelic announcement. A graceful treatment of a beloved tune, this anthem is essential repertoire for Advent, Christmas or any Marian emphasis. Delightful!
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin
Uses: Holy Week, Good Friday, Communion Scripture: Matthew 26:62-63; Acts 8:32; Isaiah 53:7 One of our most cherished sacred texts is treated to a sensitive musical rendering that calls us to consider the cross. Abundant unison singing assists in a quick learning process and the drama of the celebrated third verse is truly memorable in the hands of the writer. A quiescent ending is a perfect conclusion to a very intimate and delicate worship offering.
Composer: Charles McCartha
Uses: Holy Week, Good Friday Scripture: Matthew 27:28-29 In this unique arrangement, the celebrated PASSION CHORALE is arranged for choir, congregation, piano and organ. With its essentially traditional approach, the piece gives churches a fresh option for use during Lent or Holy Week gatherings. The hymn ends with confidence maintaining the spiritual focus of its final words, Lord, let me never outlive my love for Thee.
Arranger: Patti Drennan
Uses: General, church heritage, Reformation Sunday Scripture: Jeremiah 10:10; James 2:20 A confident challenge to service, this song is a powerful reminder that faith and service are partners in a life committed fully to Christ. Growing organically from the melodic motive of the classic, Lead On, O King Eternal, this anthem looks at all the ways we reach out. Available: SATB, piano, organ., LiteTrax CD; Brass Orchestration. Duration: ca. 4:18.
Arranger: David Angerman | Composer: Joseph M. Martin
Uses: General Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13 The celebrated passage where Jesus teaches His followers to pray is often set to music. This melodic original brings new understanding to the words of this foundational Scripture. Following the natural arch of the text, the music rises and falls effortlessly with caressing tenderness. As the anthem develops, the music grows in intensity to this regal, final affirmation: For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever! The final sounds of the anthem are a series of meditative, hushed Amens that bring the prayer to a gentle and reverent conclusion.
Arranger: Robert Sterling | Composer: Robert Sterling
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