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Most every singer at some point dreams of performing on Broadway and although it may not be possible to perform on one of those stages there are plenty of other venues for a talented singer. It is most important for performers to have a wide selection of show tunes in their repertoire, as they are perennial favorites with audiences of all types. These songbooks of Broadway songs for solo voice are available for baritone voices.
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Displaying 1-40 of 40 items.
Review: This excellent series is perfect for the voice student of any age. Songs have been carefully selected to include the easiest beginning material, advancing to some vocal challenges for the progressing singer. Keys have been carefully chosen to meet the needs of most students. This collection of largely American songs may be used to teach the same basic classical tecniques of lyric singing as the traditional European art music repertoire, with rerrific opportunities for interpretive development.
Songlist: Comedy Tonight, Edelweiss, Get Me To The Church On Time, The Girl That I Marry, Gonna Be Another Hot Day, How To Handle A Woman, I Talk To The Trees, I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face, If I Ever Would Leave You, The Impossible Dream, Oklahoma, Some Enchanted Evening, Soon It's Gonna Rain, The Surrey With The Fringe On Top, There Is Nothin' Like A Dame, They Call The Wind Maria, This Nearly Was Mine, Try To Remember, Wunderbar
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: This is the perfect first collection for many voice students, whether they are teens or college singers or adults. Joan Boytim has selected songs appropriate for each voice type, and has chosen keys that suit the vocal needs of novice singers studying in traditional, generally classical lyric singing. The editions of the songs in these collections are short and straight-forward. Teachers have found these books invaluable. To make the collections even more useful, each volume is offered in a book/companion CD edition with piano accompaniments recorded by pianist Laura Ward.
Songlist: Some Enchanted Evening, Comedy Tonight, Edelweiss, Get Me To The Church On Time, The Girl That I Marry, Gonna Be Another Hot Day, How To Handle A Woman, I Talk To The Trees, I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face, If Ever I Would Leave You, The Impossible Dream (The Quest), Just In Time, Leaning On A Lamp Post, My Cup Runneth Over, My Defenses Are Down, Oklahoma, Soon It's Gonna Rain, The Surrey With The Fringe On Top, There Is Nothin' Like A Dame, They Call The Wind Maria, This Nearly Was Mine, Try To Remember, Wunderbar, Get Me To The Church On Time
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Joan Boytim is the leading American expert in teaching young voices. In 1997 Hal Leonard released this four-volume series of Joan's excellent selections of Broadway material for singers. Lyrical music was chosen to be used in traditional classical voice teaching. Now a CD of professionally recorded accompaniments is available for each volume. The Baritone Edition includes: Comedy Tonight - Edelweiss - I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face - The Impossible Dream (The Quest) - Oklahoma - Some Enchanted Evening - The Surrey with the Fringe on Top - They Call the Wind Maria - and more.
Songlist: Some Enchanted Evening, Comedy Tonight, Edelweiss, Get Me To The Church On Time, The Girl That I Marry, Gonna Be Another Hot Day, How To Handle A Woman, I Talk To The Trees, I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face, If Ever I Would Leave You, The Impossible Dream (The Quest), Just In Time, Leaning On A Lamp Post, My Cup Runneth Over, My Defenses Are Down, Oklahoma, Soon It's Gonna Rain, The Surrey With The Fringe On Top, There Is Nothin' Like A Dame, They Call The Wind Maria, This Nearly Was Mine, Try To Remember, Wunderbar
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: More great theatre literature especially useful with young singers, compiled by vetern voice teacher Joan Frey Boytim. These collections are at the same level as the original volumes, with no song duplications, and again stress traditional lyric singing. There are 20-23 songs per volume, with a different song list for each voice type.
Songlist: Never Say No, Brother, My Brother, I Do, I Do, Anyone Would Love You, London Bridge, C'est Moi, Camelot, The Crossing, The Desert Song, Dulcinea, A Fellow Needs A Girl, Guys And Dolls, If I Were A Rich Man, Luck Be A Lady, Man Of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote), More I Cannot Wish You, My Time Of Day, Other Pleasures, Put On A Happy Face, The Sun Has Got His Hat On (He's Coming Out Today), This Can't Be Love, Waitin' For The Light To Shine, Wand'rin' Star, Were Thine That Special Face
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Ten songs from Bernstein's stage works. Includes access to online piano accompaniments for streaming or download. Each voice type has a unique song list. This baritone/bass edition includes: From West Side Story: Cool - Jet Song - Maria; From On the Town: I Feel Like I'm Not Out of Bed Yet - Lonely Town - Lucky to Be Me - Some Other Time; From Wonderful Town: It's Love - A Quiet Girl; From Mass: A Simple Song.
Songlist: Maria, Lucky To Be Me, Jet Song, Some Other Time, A Simple Song, I Feel Like I'm Not Out Of Bed Yet, Cool, It's Love, Lonely Town, A Quiet Girl
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Most large audition calls for musical theatre, both professionally and in larger school situations, specify that those auditioning bring in a "16 bar" excerpt. The professionals in musical theatre often complain that singers don't know how to construct an appropriate 16 bar audition, either in choosing a song or in editing an excerpt. With this new series, that problem is solved forever! Editor Michael Dansicker, a composer/producer/music director, is a seasoned musical theatre veteran, with 100 Broadway credits. He brings his expertise and broad knowledge of the literature to this series. Each excerpt has been given a thoughtful, graceful and effective form. No more illegible scribblings for the poor audition accompanist! An enormous variety of literature is represented, from old standards to movie songs to the latest Broadway and Off-Broadway material. With 100 songs per volume, any singing actor, whatever his or her talents and strong suits, will have many choices. In the preface, the editor gives valuable pointers on the nature of a good audition and some factors in choosing songs.
Songlist: All I Care About, All I Need Is The Girl, All Of You, Alone At The Drive-In Movie, Anywhere I Wander, Being Alive, Blow High, Blow Low, Bring Me My Bride, Buddy's Blues (The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues), C'est Moi, Can't Help Falling In Love, Celebration, Colorado, My Home, Come Back To Me, Dear Old Syracuse, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Don't Get Around Much Anymore, Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, A Fellow Needs A Girl, Get Me To The Church On Time, Haben Sie Gehort Das Deutsche Band? (Have You Ever Heard The German Band?), Heaven's Light, I Can See It, I Could Write A Book, I Don't Remember You, I Have Dreamed, I Know About Love, I Met A Girl, I Want To Be With You, I Wish I Were In Love Again, I Won't Send Roses, I'll Build A Stairway To Paradise, I'll Never Say No, I've Just Seen Her (As Nobody Else Has Seen Her), If Ever I Would Leave You, If I Can't Love Her, If I Loved You, The Impossible Dream (The Quest), It Only Happens When I Dance With You, It Only Takes A Moment, Jackie (La Chanson De Jacky), Jailhouse Rock, Joey, Joey, Joey, Kansas City, The Kite (Charlie Brown's Kite), Let Me Sing And I'm Happy, Lizzie's Comin' Home, Lonely Room, A Lot Of Livin' To Do, Love, I Hear, Loving You, Luck Be A Lady, Make Someone Happy, Man Of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote), Me, My Defenses Are Down, My Name, My Romance, Nothing Can Stop Me Now!, Old Devil Moon, On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever), On Broadway, On The Street Where You Live, Once In A Lifetime, Once In Love With Amy, Once Upon a Time, Out Of This World, Out There, People Will Say We're In Love, Put On A Happy Face, The Sadder But Wiser Girl, Santa Fe, And Much More!!,
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Songs have been chosen which are especially for the classical voice. The editions treat the music as substantial vocal literature in these large, generous collections. Each voice type has a unique variety of literature. The series presents primarily original keys, but there are also appropriate and practical transpositions (particularly for lyric mezzo-soprano).
Songlist: Me, This Is The Life, You Must Meet My Wife, Soliloquy, Epiphany, Ol' Man River, Some Enchanted Evening, C'est Moi, I Rise Again, September Song, Is This What You Call Love?, No One Has Ever Loved Me, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Fear No More, Dulcinea, Everybody Says Don't, Gonna Be Another Hot Day, The Highest Judge Of All, I'll Never Say No, I've Come To Wive It Wealthily In Padua, I've Heard It All Before, If Ever I Would Leave You, If I Loved You, The Impossible Dream (The Quest), In Praise Of Women, Joey, Joey, Joey, Lonely Room, Lost In The Stars, Man Of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote), Meditation I, Meditation II, The Music Of The Night, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Pretty Women, A Quiet Girl, The Road You Didn't Take, Sorry - Grateful, The Surrey With The Fringe On Top, They Call The Wind Maria, This Nearly Was Mine, Thousands Of Miles, Try To Remember, Were Thine That Special Face, Where Is The Life That Late I Led?, With So Little To Be Sure Of, Bring Me My Bride, Colorado, My Home
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Songs have been chosen which are especially for the classical voice. The editions treat the music as substantial vocal literature in these large, generous collections. Each voice type has a unique variety of literature. The series presents primarily original keys, but there are also appropriate and practical transpositions (particularly for lyric mezzo-soprano).
Songlist: Me, This Is The Life, You Must Meet My Wife, Soliloquy, Epiphany, Ol' Man River, Some Enchanted Evening, C'est Moi, I Rise Again, September Song, Is This What You Call Love?, No One Has Ever Loved Me, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Fear No More, Dulcinea, Everybody Says Don't, Gonna Be Another Hot Day, The Highest Judge Of All, I'll Never Say No, I've Come To Wive It Wealthily In Padua, I've Heard It All Before, If Ever I Would Leave You, If I Loved You, The Impossible Dream (The Quest), In Praise Of Women, Joey, Joey, Joey, Lonely Room, Lost In The Stars, Man Of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote), Meditation I, Meditation II, The Music Of The Night, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Pretty Women, A Quiet Girl, The Road You Didn't Take, Sorry - Grateful, The Surrey With The Fringe On Top, They Call The Wind Maria, This Nearly Was Mine, Thousands Of Miles, Try To Remember, Were Thine That Special Face, Where Is The Life That Late I Led?, With So Little To Be Sure Of, Bring Me My Bride, Colorado, My Home
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Songs have been chosen which are especially for the classical voice. The editions treat the music as substantial vocal literature in these large, generous collections. Each voice type has a unique variety of literature. The series presents primarily original keys, but there are also appropriate and practical transpositions (particularly for lyric mezzo-soprano).
Songlist: Me, This Is The Life, You Must Meet My Wife, Soliloquy, Epiphany, Ol' Man River, Some Enchanted Evening, C'est Moi, I Rise Again, September Song, Is This What You Call Love?, No One Has Ever Loved Me, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Fear No More, Dulcinea, Everybody Says Don't, Gonna Be Another Hot Day, The Highest Judge Of All, I'll Never Say No, I've Come To Wive It Wealthily In Padua, I've Heard It All Before, If Ever I Would Leave You, If I Loved You, The Impossible Dream (The Quest), In Praise Of Women, Joey, Joey, Joey, Lonely Room, Lost In The Stars, Man Of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote), Meditation I, Meditation II, The Music Of The Night, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Pretty Women, A Quiet Girl, The Road You Didn't Take, Sorry - Grateful, The Surrey With The Fringe On Top, They Call The Wind Maria, This Nearly Was Mine, Thousands Of Miles, Try To Remember, Were Thine That Special Face, Where Is The Life That Late I Led?, With So Little To Be Sure Of, Bring Me My Bride, Colorado, My Home
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for authentic editions of theatre music for singers has expanded with yet another volume. Many of the songs are found in no other collections. The 40 songs in each volume are in the original keys, excerpted from vocal scores and piano/conductor rehearsal scores. Includes both recent shows and a deeper look into classic musicals.
Songlist: All That's Known, Coffee Shop Nights, Colorado, My Home, The Colors Of My Life, Cool, Drink With Me (To Days Gone By), Funny, Gonna Be Another Hot Day, Grand Knowing You, I Miss The Music, I Rise Again, I Wanna Be A Producer, I Wish I Could Go Back To College, If I Were A Rich Man, It's Not Where You Start, Javert's Suicide, Jet Song, The King Of Broadway, Look At That Face, Love Sneaks In, Lullaby Of Broadway, Marry Well, No Other Way, Once Upon a Time, Purpose, Razzle Dazzle, Real Life, Real Live Girl, Robin's Song, Santa Fe, A Secretary Is Not A Toy, Something Was Missing, There's A Sucker Born Ev'ry Minute, Try Me, When I First Saw You (You Are My Dream), With So Little To Be Sure Of, You Won't Succeed On Broadway, Your Eyes Are Blue
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for great theatre literature for singing actors! Each song is in its original key and has been chosen particular for each voice tpe. The selection of songs comes from classic through contemporary shows and the book includes notes about each show and song.
Songlist: Alive!, If You Can Find Me, I'm Here, You Must Meet My Wife, It Took Me A While, How I Am, The Brain, Man About Town, Fathoms Below, Inutil, Multitudes Of Amys, Is This What You Call Love?, No One Has Ever Loved Me, When Words Fail, Fear No More, Talent, Happy/Sad, Why Does She Love Me?, I Thought That I Could Live, Roberto's Eyes, Yesterday, Tomorrow And Today, The Life That You Wished For, Where Are All The People?, Everybody Ought To Have A Maid, At Night She Comes Home To Me, Fight The Dragons, I'd Order Love, How Lucky Are You, Fifty Checks, Marriage Proposal, Out Of The Sun, Come To An Agreement, Gonna Build A Mountain, Live Alone And Like It, Pretty Women
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Songlist: Bye Bye Baby, If I Can't Love Her, Me, Try Me, Once Upon A Time, Wonderful, The Kite (Charlie Brown's Kite), All I Care About, Come Back To Me, Santa Fe, Stars, You Should Be Loved, Last One Picked, Smile, I'll Be Here, I Wanna Be A Producer, Haben Sie Gehort Das Deutsche Band? (Have You Ever Heard The German Band?), Jet Song, Real Life, When I First Saw You (You Are My Dream), Javert's Suicide, Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life, You Won't Succeed On Broadway, Sir Robin's Song, Heroes All Around, Ol' Man River, Some Enchanted Evening, C'est Moi, Camelot, The Colors Of My Life, It's Not Where You Start, Coffee Shop Nights, I Miss The Music, All That's Known, Marry Well, I Rise Again, Fathoms Below, Multitudes Of Amys, September Song, Is This What You Call Love?, When Words Fail, Cool, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Drink With Me (To Days Gone By), Dulcinea, Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, Everybody Ought To Have A Maid, Everybody Says Don't, At Night She Comes Home To Me, Fight The Dragons, Out Of The Sun, Gaston, Get Me To The Church On Time, The Girl That I Marry, Pretty Women, Gonna Be Another Hot Day, Gonna Build A Mountain, Good Thing Going, Guido's Song, How To Handle A Woman, I Don't Remember You, I Won't Send Roses, I Wonder What The King Is Doing Tonight, I'll Never Say No, I've Come To Wive It Wealthily In Padua, I've Heard It All Before, If Ever I Would Leave You, If I Loved You, Ilona, The Impossible Dream (The Quest), In Praise Of Women, It's All Right With Me, It's Love, Just In Time, The Kid Inside, Leaning On A Lamp Post, Les Poissons, Lonely Room, Lost In The Stars, Luck Be A Lady, Man Of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote), Marry Me A Little, Meditation II, My Name, My Time Of Day, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Pilate's Dream, Put On A Happy Face, A Quiet Girl, Real Live Girl, Reviewing The Situation, The Road You Didn't Take, A Secretary Is Not A Toy, Sorry - Grateful, Ten Minutes Ago, There's No Reason In The World, They Call The Wind Maria, This Can't Be Love, This Nearly Was Mine, Those Canaan Days, Try To Remember, Waitin' For The Light To Shine, Wand'rin' Star, Were Thine That Special Face, What Chance Have I With Love?, What Kind Of Fool Am I?, Where Is The Life That Late I Led?, Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me), With So Little To Be Sure Of, A Wonderful Day Like Today, Look At That Face, Greased Lightnin', I'm A Bad, Bad Man, Bring Me My Bride, Grand Knowing You, Colorado, My Home
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Songs in authentic versions, chosen especially for teens, with introductory notes about shows and plots; recorded accompaniment CDs are available. The Baritone/Bass edition features 37 songs.
Songlist: All That's Known, C'est Moi, Camelot, Comedy Tonight, Cool, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Edelweiss, Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, Gaston, The Girl That I Marry, Gonna Build A Mountain, Good Thing Going, Greased Lightnin', I Wanna Be A Producer, I'm Not Wearing Underwear Today, If Ever I Would Leave You, It Only Takes A Moment, Jet Song, Leaning On A Lamp Post, Les Poissons, Luck Be A Lady, Me, My Defenses Are Down, My Time Of Day, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Put On A Happy Face, Puttin' On The Ritz, Real Live Girl, Santa Fe, Stars, Ten Minutes Ago, They Call The Wind Maria, Try To Remember, Waitin' For The Light To Shine, When She Loved Me, Where Was I When They Passed Out The Luck?, A Wonderful Day Like Today
Voicing: Teen Baritone Bass
Review: Songs in authentic versions, chosen especially for teens, with introductory notes about shows and plots; recorded accompaniment CDs are available. The Baritone/Bass edition features 37 songs.
Songlist: All That's Known, C'est Moi, Camelot, Comedy Tonight, Cool, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Edelweiss, Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, Gaston, The Girl That I Marry, Gonna Build A Mountain, Good Thing Going, Greased Lightnin', I Wanna Be A Producer, I'm Not Wearing Underwear Today, If Ever I Would Leave You, It Only Takes A Moment, Jet Song, Leaning On A Lamp Post, Les Poissons, Luck Be A Lady, Me, My Defenses Are Down, My Time Of Day, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Put On A Happy Face, Puttin' On The Ritz, Real Live Girl, Santa Fe, Stars, Ten Minutes Ago, They Call The Wind Maria, Try To Remember, Waitin' For The Light To Shine, When She Loved Me, Where Was I When They Passed Out The Luck?, A Wonderful Day Like Today
Voicing: Teen Baritone Bass
Review: 40 songs, including: This Can't Be Love - Bye, Bye Baby - I Won't Send Roses - The Surrey With The Fringe On Top - Once In Love With Amy.
Songlist: All At Once You Love Her, All Of My Life, All Of You, All Through The Night, Bye Bye Baby, Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, Fate, The Girl That I Marry, Good Thing Going, Guido's Song, The Highest Judge Of All, I Want What I Want When I Want It, I Won't Send Roses, I'll Never Say No, I've Come To Wive It Wealthily In Padua, I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face, Ilona, In Praise Of Women, It's All Right With Me, Joey, Joey, Joey, Just In Time, Leaning On A Lamp Post, Lonely Town, Long Before I Knew You, Luck Be A Lady, The Man I Used To Be, More I Cannot Wish You, My Defenses Are Down, My Name, My Time Of Day, Once In Love With Amy, Only With You, Pilate's Dream, Promises, Promises, Stars, The Surrey With The Fringe On Top, There's Nowhere To Go But Up, This Can't Be Love, Wouldn't You Like To Be On Broadway, You're The Fairest Flower
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for great theatre literature for singing actors! Each song is in its original key and has been chosen particular for each voice tpe. The selection of songs comes from classic through contemporary shows and the book includes notes about each show and song.
Songlist: Alive!, If You Can Find Me, I'm Here, You Must Meet My Wife, It Took Me A While, How I Am, The Brain, Man About Town, Fathoms Below, Inutil, Multitudes Of Amys, Is This What You Call Love?, No One Has Ever Loved Me, When Words Fail, Fear No More, Talent, Happy/Sad, Why Does She Love Me?, I Thought That I Could Live, Roberto's Eyes, Yesterday, Tomorrow And Today, The Life That You Wished For, Where Are All The People?, Everybody Ought To Have A Maid, At Night She Comes Home To Me, Fight The Dragons, I'd Order Love, How Lucky You Are, Fifty Checks, Marriage Proposal, Out Of The Sun, Come To An Agreement, Gonna Build A Mountain, Live Alone And Like It, Pretty Women
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for great theatre literature for singing actors! Each song is in its original key and has been chosen particular for each voice tpe. The selection of songs comes from classic through contemporary shows and the book includes notes about each show and song.
Songlist: Alive!, If You Can Find Me, I'm Here, You Must Meet My Wife, It Took Me A While, How I Am, The Brain, Man About Town, Fathoms Below, Inutil, Multitudes Of Amys, Is This What You Call Love?, No One Has Ever Loved Me, When Words Fail, Fear No More, Talent, Happy/Sad, Why Does She Love Me?, I Thought That I Could Live, Roberto's Eyes, Yesterday, Tomorrow And Today, The Life That You Wished For, Where Are All The People?, Everybody Ought To Have A Maid, At Night She Comes Home To Me, Fight The Dragons, I'd Order Love, How Lucky You Are, Fifty Checks, Marriage Proposal, Out Of The Sun, Come To An Agreement, Gonna Build A Mountain, Live Alone And Like It, Pretty Women
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for authentic editions of theatre music for singers has expanded with yet another volume. Many of the songs are found in no other collections. The 40 songs in each volume are in the original keys, excerpted from vocal scores and piano/conductor rehearsal scores. Includes both recent shows and a deeper look into classic musicals. Includes: ALL AMERICAN: Once Upon a Time - ANNIE: Something Was Missing - ANYONE CAN WHISTLE: With So Little to Be Sure Of - AVENUE Q: Purpose - I Wish I Could Go Back to College - BARNUM: There's a Sucker Born Ev'ry Minute - The Colors of My Life - CHICAGO: Razzle Dazzle - CITY OF ANGELS: Funny - CURTAINS: Coffee Shop Nights - I Miss the Music - DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS: Love Sneaks In - DREAMGIRLS: When I First Saw You - FIDDLER ON THE ROOF: If I Were a Rich Man - 42ND STREET: Lullaby of Broadway - A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM: Your Eyes Are Blue - GREY GARDENS: Marry Well - HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING: A Secretary Is Not a Toy - LITTLE ME: Real Live Girl - LES MIS...RABLES: Drink with Me (To Days Gone By) - Javert's Suicide - ON THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: I Rise Again - 110 IN THE SHADE: Gonna Be Another Hot Day - THE PRODUCERS: The King of Broadway - I Wanna Be a Producer - RENT: Santa Fe - THE ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT - THE SMELL OF THE CROWD: Look at That Face - SEESAW: It's Not Where You Start - SHE LOVES ME: Try Me - Grand Knowing You - MONTY PYTHON'S SPAMALOT: Robin's Song - You Won't Succeed on Broadway - SPRING AWAKENING: All That's Known - TARZAN: No Other Way - TICK, TICK ... BOOM!: Real Life - THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN: Colorado, My Home - WEST SIDE STORY: Jet Song - Cool.
Songlist: Try Me, Razzle Dazzle, Once Upon a Time, Santa Fe, The King Of Broadway, I Wanna Be A Producer, Jet Song, Real Life, When I First Saw You (You Are My Dream), Funny, I Wish I Could Go Back To College, Purpose, Javert's Suicide, No Other Way, You Won't Succeed On Broadway, Robin's Song, Love Sneaks In, The Colors Of My Life, There's A Sucker Born Ev'ry Minute, It's Not Where You Start, Coffee Shop Nights, I Miss The Music, All That's Known, Marry Well, I Rise Again, Cool, Drink With Me (To Days Gone By), Gonna Be Another Hot Day, If I Were A Rich Man, Lullaby Of Broadway, Real Live Girl, A Secretary Is Not A Toy, Something Was Missing, With So Little To Be Sure Of, Look At That Face, Your Eyes Are Blue, Grand Knowing You, Colorado, My Home
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for great theatre literature for singing actors. The CDs include piano accompaniments. The book features authentic editions of each song in the original keys. The songs have been carefully chosen for each voice type and are culled from a wide selection of classic and contemporary shows.
Songlist: C'est Moi, Camelot, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Dulcinea, Everybody Says Don't, How To Handle A Woman, I Am The Very Model, I Got Plenty O' Nuttin', I've Heard It All Before, If Ever I Would Leave You, If I Loved You, The Impossible Dream (The Quest), Lonely Room, Lost In The Stars, Mack The Knife, Man Of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote), Marian The Librarian, Marry Me A Little, Meditation I, Meditation II, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Ol' Man River, Reviewing The Situation, River In The Rain, The Road You Didn't Take, September Song, Soliloquy, Some Enchanted Evening, Sorry - Grateful, Ten Minutes Ago, They Call The Wind Maria, This Is The Life, This Nearly Was Mine, Thousands Of Miles, Try To Remember, Were Thine That Special Face, When I Was A Lad, When You're Lying Awake, Where Is The Life That Late I Led?
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for great theatre literature for singing actors. The CDs include piano accompaniments. The book features authentic editions of each song in the original keys. The songs have been carefully chosen for each voice type and are culled from a wide selection of classic and contemporary shows.
Songlist: All At Once You Love Her, All Of My Life, All Of You, All Through The Night, Bye Bye Baby, Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, Fate, The Girl That I Marry, Good Thing Going, Guido's Song, The Highest Judge Of All, I Want What I Want When I Want It, I Won't Send Roses, I'll Never Say No, I've Come To Wive It Wealthily In Padua, I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face, Ilona, In Praise Of Women, It's All Right With Me, Joey, Joey, Joey, Just In Time, Leaning On A Lamp Post, Lonely Town, Long Before I Knew You, Luck Be A Lady, The Man I Used To Be, More I Cannot Wish You, My Defenses Are Down, My Name, My Time Of Day, Once In Love With Amy, Only With You, Pilate's Dream, Promises, Promises, Stars, The Surrey With The Fringe On Top, There's Nowhere To Go But Up, This Can't Be Love, Wouldn't You Like To Be On Broadway, You're The Fairest Flower
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for great theatre literature for singing actors. The CDs include piano accompaniments. The book features authentic editions of each song in the original keys. The songs have been carefully chosen for each voice type and are culled from a wide selection of classic and contemporary shows.
Songlist: Along Came Bialy, Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life, Bring Me My Bride, Edelweiss, Fantasies Come True, A Fellow Needs A Girl, Get Me To The Church On Time, Greased Lightnin', Haben Sie Gehort Das Deutsche Band? (Have You Ever Heard The German Band?), Heroes All Around, I Wonder What The King Is Doing Tonight, I'll Be Here, I'm A Bad, Bad Man, I'm Not Wearing Underwear Today, In Old Bavaria, It's Love, The Kite (Charlie Brown's Kite), A Lot Of Livin' To Do, Make Them Hear You, Marry Me, Masculinity, Molasses To Rum, Other Pleasures, Put On A Happy Face, A Quiet Girl, Relax, The Right Girl, Shouldn't I Be Less In Love With You?, Sometimes A Day Goes By, There's No Reason In The World, Those Canaan Days, Waitin' For The Light To Shine, Wand'rin' Star, What Chance Have I With Love?, What Do You Do With A B.A. In English, Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me), With A Little Bit Of Luck, Wonderful, A Wonderful Day Like Today, Ya Got Trouble
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for authentic editions of theatre music for singers has expanded with yet another volume. Many of the songs are found in no other collections. The 40 songs in each volume are in the original keys, excerpted from vocal scores and piano/conductor rehearsal scores. Includes both recent shows and a deeper look into classic musicals.
Songlist: All That's Known, Coffee Shop Nights, Colorado, My Home, The Colors Of My Life, Cool, Drink With Me (To Days Gone By), Funny, Gonna Be Another Hot Day, Grand Knowing You, I Miss The Music, I Rise Again, I Wanna Be A Producer, I Wish I Could Go Back To College, If I Were A Rich Man, It's Not Where You Start, Javert's Suicide, Jet Song, The King Of Broadway, Look At That Face, Love Sneaks In, Lullaby Of Broadway, Marry Well, No Other Way, Once Upon a Time, Purpose, Razzle Dazzle, Real Life, Real Live Girl, Robin's Song, Santa Fe, A Secretary Is Not A Toy, Something Was Missing, TYouhere's A Sucker Born Ev'ry Minute, Try Me, When I First Saw You, With So Little To Be Sure Of, You Won't Succeed On Broadway, Your Eyes Are Blue
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The world's most trusted source for great theatre literature for singing actors. The CDs include piano accompaniments. The book features authentic editions of each song in the original keys. The songs have been carefully chosen for each voice type and are culled from a wide selection of classic and contemporary shows.
Songlist: All I Care About, As Some Day It May Happen, The Baby Song, The Bulls (Les Toros), Come Back To Me, The Devil You Know, Don't Go, Funeral Tango (Le Tango Funebre), Gaston, Gigi, The Greatest Star Of All, Happily Ever After, I Confess, I Don't Remember You, I Hate Musicals, If I Can't Love Her, If I Sing, In Every Age, Isn't It?, It's Hard To Speak My Heart, Justice Will Be Done, The Kid Inside, King's Dilemma, Last One Picked, Laughing Matters, Les Poissons, Lost In The Darkness, Lucky To Be Me, Mama, A Rainbow, Me, On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever), Paris By Night, Private Conversation, A Rhyme For Angela, The Sadder But Wiser Girl, Sam And Me, Santa Fe, Smile, There She Is, What Kind Of Fool Am I?, Where Was I When They Passed Out The Luck?, You Should Be Loved
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: 37 songs, including: Along Came Bialy - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Edelweiss - A Fellow Needs a Girl - Get Me to the Church on Time - Greased Lightnin' - I'm Not Wearing Underwear Today - In Old Bavaria - A Lot of Livin' to Do - Masculinity - Put on a Happy Face - Sometimes a Day Goes By - Those Canaan Days - What Do You Do with a B.A. in English - Wonderful - Ya Got Trouble - and more.
Songlist: Relax, Wonderful, The Kite (Charlie Brown's Kite), Marry Me, Shouldn't I Be Less In Love With You?, I'll Be Here, Along Came Bialy, In Old Bavaria, Haben Sie Gehort Das Deutsche Band? (Have You Ever Heard The German Band?), Fantasies Come True, I'm Not Wearing Underwear Today, What Do You Do With A B.A. In English, Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life, Make Them Hear You, Heroes All Around, Edelweiss, A Fellow Needs A Girl, Get Me To The Church On Time, I Wonder What The King Is Doing Tonight, It's Love, A Lot Of Livin' To Do, Other Pleasures, Put On A Happy Face, A Quiet Girl, The Right Girl, Sometimes A Day Goes By, There's No Reason In The World, Those Canaan Days, Waitin' For The Light To Shine, Wand'rin' Star, What Chance Have I With Love?, Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me), With A Little Bit Of Luck, A Wonderful Day Like Today, Ya Got Trouble, Masculinity, Greased Lightnin', Molasses To Rum, I'm A Bad, Bad Man, Bring Me My Bride
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: The most comprehensive, multi-volume collection of Sondheim songs ever published. Each volume has a different contents list. The volumes include songs in original keys, and appropriate transpositions. Each volume includes an extensive introductory section, with plot synopses and comments from Sondheim about songs and shows.
Songlist: Old Friends, Loving You, If You Can Find Me, I'm Here, That Old Piano Roll, Anyone Can Whistle, Not A Day Goes By, You Must Meet My Wife, Now, Being Alive, Buddy's Blues (The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues), Epiphany, Children Will Listen, Multitudes Of Amys, Is This What You Call Love?, No One Has Ever Loved Me, Fear No More, No, Mary Ann, Silly People, Talent, Ariadne, It's In Your Hands Now, Everybody Ought To Have A Maid, Everybody Says Don't, Johanna (Judge's Version), Good Thing Going, In Praise Of Women, Johanna, Live Alone And Like It, Losing My Mind, Marry Me A Little, No One Is Alone - Part I, Pretty Women, The Right Girl, The Road You Didn't Take, Send In The Clowns, Someone Is Waiting, Sorry - Grateful, What Can You Lose, With So Little To Be Sure Of, Bring Me My Bride
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Songs in authentic versions, chosen especially for teens, with introductory notes about shows and plots; recorded accompaniment CDs are available. The Baritone/Bass edition features 37 songs, including: Camelot - Comedy Tonight - Cool - Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful? - Edelweiss - Empty Chairs at Empty Tables - Greased Lightnin' - I Wanna Be a Producer - It Only Takes a Moment - Leaning on a Lamp Post - Luck Be a Lady - Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin' - Puttin' on the Ritz - Stars - They Call the Wind Maria - A Wonderful Day like Today - and more.
Songlist: Me, Santa Fe, Stars, When She Loved Me, I Wanna Be A Producer, Jet Song, I'm Not Wearing Underwear Today, C'est Moi, Camelot, All That's Known, Comedy Tonight, Cool, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Edelweiss, Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, Gaston, The Girl That I Marry, Gonna Build A Mountain, Good Thing Going, If Ever I Would Leave You, It Only Takes A Moment, Leaning On A Lamp Post, Les Poissons, Luck Be A Lady, My Defenses Are Down, My Time Of Day, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Put On A Happy Face, Puttin' On The Ritz, Real Live Girl, Ten Minutes Ago, They Call The Wind Maria, Try To Remember, Waitin' For The Light To Shine, Where Was I When They Passed Out The Luck?, A Wonderful Day Like Today, Greased Lightnin'
Voicing: Teen Baritone Bass
Review: 39 songs, including: Camelot - September Song - The Impossible Dream - Ol' Man River - Some Enchanted Evening - and more.
Songlist: I Am The Very Model, This Is The Life, Marian The Librarian, Soliloquy, Ol' Man River, Some Enchanted Evening, C'est Moi, Camelot, September Song, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?, Dulcinea, Everybody Says Don't, How To Handle A Woman, I Got Plenty O' Nuttin', I've Heard It All Before, If Ever I Would Leave You, If I Loved You, The Impossible Dream (The Quest), Lonely Room, Lost In The Stars, Mack The Knife, Man Of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote), Marry Me A Little, Meditation I, Meditation II, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', Reviewing The Situation, River In The Rain, The Road You Didn't Take, Sorry - Grateful, Ten Minutes Ago, They Call The Wind Maria, This Nearly Was Mine, Thousands Of Miles, Try To Remember, Were Thine That Special Face, When You're Lying Awake, Where Is The Life That Late I Led?, When I Was A Lad
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: 40 songs, including: This Can't Be Love - Bye, Bye Baby - I Won't Send Roses - The Surrey With The Fringe On Top - Once In Love With Amy.
Songlist: Bye Bye Baby, All At Once You Love Her, All Of My Life, All Of You, All Through The Night, Stars, Empty Chairs At Empty Tables, Fate, The Girl That I Marry, Good Thing Going, Guido's Song, The Highest Judge Of All, I Want What I Want When I Want It, I Won't Send Roses, I'll Never Say No, I've Come To Wive It Wealthily In Padua, I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face, Ilona, In Praise Of Women, It's All Right With Me, Joey, Joey, Joey, Just In Time, Leaning On A Lamp Post, Lonely Town, Long Before I Knew You, Luck Be A Lady, The Man I Used To Be, More I Cannot Wish You, My Defenses Are Down, My Name, My Time Of Day, Once In Love With Amy, Only With You, Pilate's Dream, Promises, Promises, The Surrey With The Fringe On Top, There's Nowhere To Go But Up, This Can't Be Love, You're The Fairest Flower, Wouldn't You Like To Be On Broadway
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: This package include two companion CDs, one featuring full performances and the other, piano accompaniments. The CDs work in all CD players but are also enhanced CD-ROMs with tempo adjustment software that will work in all PCs and Macintosh computers. The book includes information on each show as well as a plot note for each song and biographical information on Rodgers and Hammerstein.
Songlist: A Fellow Needs A Girl, You Are Never Away, If I Loved You, Soliloquy, The Highest Judge of All, Ten Minutes Ago, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful, I Have Dreamed, Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', The Surrey With the Fringe on Top, Lonely Room, Some Enchanted Evening, This Nearly Was Mine, Edelweiss
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: 12 songs from Disney films and shows from 2010-2019. Includes online piano accompaniment tracks for download or streaming. CONTENTS: ALADDIN (musical): Proud of Your Boy - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (2017): Evermore - COCO: Proud Corazón - Remember Me (Ernesto de la Cruz) - FROZEN: In Summer - FROZEN 2: Lost in the Woods - When I Am Older - THE LION KING (2019): Never Too Late - MARY POPPINS RETURNS: A Conversation - (Underneath the) Lovely London Sky - MOANA: You're Welcome - NEWSIES THE MUSICAL: I Never Planned on You Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.
Songlist: Never Too Late, Proud Of Your Boy, I Never Planned On You/Don't Come A-Knocking, In Summer, You're Welcome, Evermore, Proud Corazon, Remember Me (Ernesto de la Cruz), A Conversation, (Underneath The) Lovely London Sky, Lost In The Woods, When I Am Older
Voicing: Tenor Baritone
Review: For aspiring and professional singers who love Broadway, Alfred's Singer's Library of Musical Theatre presents an elegant collection of the best-loved musical theatre songs in their original keys, authentically transcribed from their original vocal scores. Perfect for study, and equally suitable for the most important auditions and performances, each volume is dedicated to a specific vocal range, and contains dozens of songs from a variety of shows that span decades of theatre history. Multiple volumes are available for each of four vocal ranges: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano/Alto, Tenor, and Baritone/Bass. Authoritative historical and contextual commentary, audition tips, and 16-bar cut suggestions for each song make it the most useful and relevant song library of its kind.
Songlist: If I Can't Love Her, Razzle Dazzle, Make Them Hear You, Come Along With Me, Camelot, Clap Yo' Hands, Comedy Tonight, If I Had My Druthers, Closer Than Ever, At Night She Comes Home To Me, Easier To Love, Eating Myself Up Alive, Where's The Girl, How Lucky You Are, Get Me To The Church On Time, How To Handle A Woman, I Could Write A Book, I Got Plenty O' Nuttin', I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face, If Ever I Would Leave You, In Praise Of Women, It's All Right With Me, Just One Of Those Things, Lullaby Of Broadway, On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever), Talk To The Animals, Thank Heaven For Little Girls, They Call The Wind Maria, This Can't Be Love, Too Darn Hot, Try To Remember, Where Is The Life That Late I Led?, A Woman Is A Sometime Thing, You Mustn't Kick It Around, You Have Cast Your Shadow On The Sea
Voicing: Baritone
Review: For aspiring and professional singers who love Broadway, Alfred's Singer's Library of Musical Theatre presents an elegant collection of the best-loved musical theatre songs in their original keys, authentically transcribed from their original vocal scores. Perfect for study, and equally suitable for the most important auditions and performances, each volume is dedicated to a specific vocal range, and contains dozens of songs from a variety of shows that span decades of theatre history. Multiple volumes are available for each of four vocal ranges: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano/Alto, Tenor, and Baritone/Bass. Authoritative historical and contextual commentary, audition tips, and 16-bar cut suggestions for each song make it the most useful and relevant song library of its kind.
Songlist: If I Can't Love Her, Razzle Dazzle, Make Them Hear You, Come Along With Me, Camelot, Clap Yo' Hands, Comedy Tonight, If I Had My Druthers, Closer Than Ever, At Night She Comes Home To Me, Easier To Love, Eating Myself Up Alive, Where's The Girl, Get Me To The Church On Time, How To Handle A Woman, I Could Write A Book, I Got Plenty O' Nuttin', I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face, If Ever I Would Leave You, In Praise Of Women, It's All Right With Me, Just One Of Those Things, Lullaby Of Broadway, On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever), Talk To The Animals, Thank Heaven For Little Girls, They Call The Wind Maria, This Can't Be Love, Too Darn Hot, Try To Remember, Where Is The Life That Late I Led?, A Woman Is A Sometime Thing, How Lucky You Are, You Mustn't Kick It Around, You Have Cast Your Shadow On The Sea
Voicing: Baritone
Review: For aspiring and professional singers who love Broadway, Alfred's Singer's Library of Musical Theatre presents an elegant collection of the best-loved musical theatre songs in their original keys, authentically transcribed from their original vocal scores. Perfect for study, and equally suitable for the most important auditions and performances, each volume is dedicated to a specific vocal range, and contains dozens of songs from a variety of shows that span decades of theatre history. Multiple volumes are available for each of four vocal ranges: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano/Alto, Tenor, and Baritone/Bass. Authoritative historical and contextual commentary, audition tips, and 16-bar cut suggestions for each song make it the most useful and relevant song library of its kind.
Songlist: BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE, THE (from 'Good News'), ISN'T IT A PITY? (from 'Pardon My English'), LOVE WHO YOU LOVE (from 'A Man of No Importance'), EVERYTHING OLD IS NEW AGAIN (from 'The Boy from Oz'), MARRIAGE PROPOSAL (from 'Falsettos'), I TALK TO THE TREES (from 'Paint Your Wagon'), BLESS YORE BEAUTIFUL HIDE (from 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'), A JUG OF WINE (from 'The Day Before Spring'), A QUIET GIRL (from 'A Wonderful Town'), A WELL KNOWN FACT (from 'I Do, I Do'), AFTER TODAY (from 'Dr. Doolittle'), ALL OF MY LIFE (from 'Do, Re, Mi'), ANYONE WOULD LOVE YOU (from 'Destry Rides Again'), GIGI (from 'Gigi'), I DON'T REMEMBER CHRISTMAS (from 'Starting Here, Starting Now'), I LOVE MY WIFE (from 'I Do, I Do'), I'M BACK IN CIRCULATION (from 'Redhead'), IF I WERE KING OF THE FOREST (from 'The Wizard of Oz'), LOVE'S A BOND (from 'Saturday Night'), MANSION (from 'Two Gentlemen of Verona'), ME AND MY GIRL (from 'Me and My Girl'), NO MORE (from 'Into the Woods'), NO ONE HAS EVER LOVED ME (from 'Passion'), ONCE IN A LIFETIME (from 'Stop the World - I Want to Get Off'), PROGRESS IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL (from 'Li'l Abner'), REVIEWING THE SITUATION (from 'Oliver!'), SHE'S MY LOVE (from 'Carnival'), STORE-BOUGHT SUIT (from 'The Golden Apple'), THE BARBER AND HIS WIFE (from 'Sweeney Todd'), THEY GO WILD SIMPLY WILD OVER ME (from 'Irene'), THOSE WERE THE GOOD OLD DAYS (from 'Damn Yankees'), WHERE DO I GO (from 'Hair')
Voicing: Baritone
Review: For aspiring and professional singers who love Broadway, Alfred's Singer's Library of Musical Theatre presents an elegant collection of the best-loved musical theatre songs in their original keys, authentically transcribed from their original vocal scores. Perfect for study, and equally suitable for the most important auditions and performances, each volume is dedicated to a specific vocal range, and contains dozens of songs from a variety of shows that span decades of theatre history. Multiple volumes are available for each of four vocal ranges: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano/Alto, Tenor, and Baritone/Bass. Authoritative historical and contextual commentary, audition tips, and 16-bar cut suggestions for each song make it the most useful and relevant song library of its kind.
Songlist: BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE, THE (from 'Good News'), ISN'T IT A PITY? (from 'Pardon My English'), LOVE WHO YOU LOVE (from 'A Man of No Importance'), EVERYTHING OLD IS NEW AGAIN (from 'The Boy from Oz'), MARRIAGE PROPOSAL (from 'Falsettos'), I TALK TO THE TREES (from 'Paint Your Wagon'), BLESS YORE BEAUTIFUL HIDE (from 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'), A JUG OF WINE (from 'The Day Before Spring'), A QUIET GIRL (from 'A Wonderful Town'), A WELL KNOWN FACT (from 'I Do, I Do'), AFTER TODAY (from 'Dr. Doolittle'), ALL OF MY LIFE (from 'Do, Re, Mi'), ANYONE WOULD LOVE YOU (from 'Destry Rides Again'), GIGI (from 'Gigi'), I DON'T REMEMBER CHRISTMAS (from 'Starting Here, Starting Now'), I LOVE MY WIFE (from 'I Do, I Do'), I'M BACK IN CIRCULATION (from 'Redhead'), IF I WERE KING OF THE FOREST (from 'The Wizard of Oz'), LOVE'S A BOND (from 'Saturday Night'), MANSION (from 'Two Gentlemen of Verona'), ME AND MY GIRL (from 'Me and My Girl'), NO MORE (from 'Into the Woods'), NO ONE HAS EVER LOVED ME (from 'Passion'), ONCE IN A LIFETIME (from 'Stop the World - I Want to Get Off'), PROGRESS IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL (from 'Li'l Abner'), REVIEWING THE SITUATION (from 'Oliver!'), SHE'S MY LOVE (from 'Carnival'), STORE-BOUGHT SUIT (from 'The Golden Apple'), THE BARBER AND HIS WIFE (from 'Sweeney Todd'), THEY GO WILD SIMPLY WILD OVER ME (from 'Irene'), THOSE WERE THE GOOD OLD DAYS (from 'Damn Yankees'), WHERE DO I GO (from 'Hair')
Voicing: Baritone
Review: A collection of songs from the musical stage presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores. There is no duplication from prior volumes! Contents: THE BAND'S VISIT: The Beat of Your Heart - Haled's Song About Love - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (2017 FILM): Evermore - BIG FISH: How It Ends (cut) - THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY: When I'm Gone - A BRONX TALE: Look to Your Heart - CABARET: Why Should I Wake Up? - CAMELOT: The Seven Deadly Virtues - CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: The Man Inside the Clues - CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY: The Candy Man - Pure Imagination - DOCTOR ZHIVAGO: Yurii's Decision - THE FROGS: Ariadne - A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE & MURDER: I Don't Understand the Poor - THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME: Hellfire - A MAN OF NO IMPORTANCE: Love Who You Love - NATASHA, PIERRE & THE GREAT COMET OF 1812: Dust and Ashes - ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN SEE FOREVER: Melinda - PRETTY WOMAN: THE MUSICAL: Something About Her - Freedom - THE PROM: We Look to You - ROAD SHOW: It's in Your Hands Now - ROCKY THE MUSICAL: Fight from the Heart - SHREK THE MUSICAL: The Ballad of Farquaad - SOMETHING ROTTEN!: To Thine Own Self Be True (Reprise) - STARTING HERE, STARTING NOW: I Don't Remember Christmas - STOP THE WORLD - I WANT TO GET OFF: Once in a Lifetime - SWEENEY TODD: Johanna (Mea culpa) - Epiphany - TOOTSIE: Jeff Sums It Up - This Thing - TUCK EVERLASTING: Everything's Golden - VIOLET: That's What I Could Do
Songlist: Freedom, Hellfire, Once In A Lifetime, Look To Your Heart, When I'm Gone, Epiphany, I Don't Remember Christmas, The Candy Man, The Ballad of Farquaad, Love Who You Love, Ariadne, It's In Your Hands Now, Johanna (Judge's Version), How It Ends, Fight From The Heart, I Don't Understand The Poor, That's What I Could Do, To Thine Own Self (Reprise), The Man Inside The Clues, Everything's Golden, The Beat Of Your Heart, Dust And Ashes, Evermore, Haled's Song About Love, Yurii's Decision, Something About Her, We Look To You, Jeff Sums It Up, This Thing, Melinda, Pure Imagination, Why Should I Wake Up?, The Seven Deadly Virtues
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Compiled and edited by Ricahrd Walters A collection of songs from the musical stage, from contemporary and classic shows, categorized by voice type. The selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores. This edition includes access to recordings of piano accompaniments for practice or performance. There is no duplication of songs from previous volumes! 33 songs, including: The Ballad of Farquaad (Shrek the Musical) - The Beat of Your Heart (The Band's Visit)- The Candy Man (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) - Evermore (Beauty and the Beast/2017 film) - Everything's Golden (Tuck Everlasting) - Freedom (Pretty Woman: The Musical) - Haled's Song About Love (The Band's Visit)- I Don't Understand the Poor (A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder) - Jeff Sums It Up (Tootsie) - Johanna (Mea culpa) (Sweeney Todd)- Melinda (On a Clear Day You Can See Forever) - Pure Imagination (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)- The Seven Deadly Virtues (Camelot) - Something About Her (Pretty Woman: The Musical) - To Thine Own Self (Reprise) (Something Rotten!) - We Look to You (The Prom) - and more.
Songlist: Freedom, Hellfire, Once In A Lifetime, Look To Your Heart, When I'm Gone, Epiphany, I Don't Remember Christmas, The Candy Man, The Ballad of Farquaad, Love Who You Love, Ariadne, It's In Your Hands Now, Johanna (Judge's Version), How It Ends, Fight From The Heart, I Don't Understand The Poor, That's What I Could Do, To Thine Own Self (Reprise), The Man Inside The Clues, Everything's Golden, The Beat Of Your Heart, Dust And Ashes, Evermore, Haled's Song About Love, Yurii's Decision, Something About Her, We Look To You, Jeff Sums It Up, This Thing, Melinda, Pure Imagination, Why Should I Wake Up?, The Seven Deadly Virtues
Voicing: Baritone
Review: These CDs feature recordings of piano accompaniments to all the songs in The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology Volume 7 Baritone/Bass collection.
Songlist: Freedom, Hellfire, Once In A Lifetime, Look To Your Heart, When I'm Gone, Epiphany, I Don't Remember Christmas, The Candy Man, The Ballad of Farquaad, Love Who You Love, Ariadne, It's In Your Hands Now, Johanna (Judge's Version), How It Ends, Fight From The Heart, I Don't Understand The Poor, That's What I Could Do, To Thine Own Self (Reprise), The Man Inside The Clues, Everything's Golden, The Beat Of Your Heart, Dust And Ashes, Evermore, Haled's Song About Love, Yurii's Decision, Something About Her, We Look To You, Jeff Sums It Up, This Thing, Melinda, Pure Imagination, Why Should I Wake Up?, The Seven Deadly Virtues
Voicing: Baritone
Review: Contents include: Adrian from Rocky - All That's Known from Spring Awakening - A Chance for Me from Amazing Grace - Come to an Agreement from Honeymoon in Vegas - Everything's Golden from Bright Star - Expectations from Amazing Grace - Fight from the Heart from Rocky - Fight the Dragons from Big Fish - Gold from Once - The Hammer from Matilda the Musical - How I Am from Little Women - How It Ends from Big Fish - I Don't Understand the Poor from A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder - I Wish I Could Go Back to College from Avenue Q - I'd Order Love from First Date - I'm Allergic to Cats from Theory of Relativity - If the World Turned Upside Down from Finding Neverland - Inutil from In the Heights - Keep on Standing from Rocky - Man About Town from Young Frankenstein - Neverland from Finding Neverland - Not a Common Man from American Psycho - Nowhere Left to Run from Amazing Grace - Out of the Sun from Honeymoon in Vegas - Purpose from Avenue Q - A Story of My Own from Big Fish - Temporarily Lost from The Bridges of Madison County - Time from Tuck Everlasting - To Thine Own Self Be True (Reprise) from Something Rotten - What Is It About Her? from The Wild Party - What Would You Do? from If/Then - When Words Fail from Shrek the Musical - When Your Mind's Made Up from Once - Where Are All the People? from Chaplin - Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today from Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Songlist: Time, Gold, The Hammer, I Wish I Could Go Back To College, Purpose, What Would You Do?, How I Am, All That's Known, Man About Town, Expectations, Inutil, When Your Mind's Made Up, When Words Fail, Yesterday, Tomorrow And Today, Where Are All The People?, Fight The Dragons, How It Ends, Adrian, Fight From The Heart, Keep On Standing, I'd Order Love, A Story Of My Own, I Don't Understand The Poor, Temporarily Lost, Out Of The Sun, Come To An Agreement, To Thine Own Self (Reprise), If The World Turned Upside Down, Neverland, A Chance For Me, Nowhere Left To Run, Not A Common Man, Everything's Golden, I'm Allergic To Cats
Voicing: Baritone
Review: A fantastic series featuring the best songs from Broadway classics. Collections are organized by voice type and each book includes recorded piano accompaniment on CD.
Songlist: Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin', The Impossible Dream, Some Enchanted Evening, Sorry-Grateful, Try To Remember, My Defenses Are Down, This Nearly Was Mine, C'est Moi, If Ever I Would Leave You, If I Loved You, Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful
Voicing: Baritone Bass
Review: Alfred's Singer's Library of Musical Theatre features a treasury of the finest musical theatre songs. Presented in their original keys and authentically transcribed from the original vocal scores, the songs were selected for each voice type with careful attention to the vocal range of the song, as well as the voice of the character from the original Broadway cast. Each volume includes a variety of shows, spanning every important decade of musical theatre. This authoritative series features historical and contextual commentary, audition tips, and 16-bar cut suggestions for each song, making it the most useful and relevant collection of its kind. This is the Baritone / Bass Edition.
Songlist: Lullaby of Broadway, At Night She Comes Home To Me, Easier To Love, This Can't Be Love, You Have Cast Your Shadow on the Sea, Camelot, How To Handle a Woman, If Ever I Would Leave You, Come Along With Me, It's All Right With Me, Razzle Dazzle, Closer Than Ever, If I Can't Love Her, Talk To The Animals, Try To Remember, Comedy Tonight, Thank Heaven for Little Girls, Just One Of Those Things, Too Darn Hot, Where Is The Life That Late I Led?, In Praise of Women, If I Had My Drothers, Get me To The Church On Time, I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face, Eating Myself Up Alive, On A Clear Day, Clap Yo' Hands, They Call The Wind Maria, You Mustn't Kick It Around, I Could Write a Book, A Woman Is A Sometime Thing, I Got Plenty O' Nuttin', Make Them Hear You, Where's The Girl, How Lucky You Are
Voicing: Baritone Bass
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