In Celebration of the Human Voice - The Essential Musical Instrument
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The unmistakable flair of an urban gospel style is front and center in this arrangement of a classic spiritual. Carefully considered idiomatic part writing opens this engaging genre to choirs of every size and ability. The piano part is a delight, providing the proper balance of support and spice. A timeless message, profound in its simplicity, affirms the walk of faith and our eternal destiny!
Voicing: SATB
Profound simplicity is embodied in this poignant spiritual. The whole of the Christian experience is contained in this powerful statement of deep faith, giving us a song of commitment for a life surrendered wholly to Jesus. A very effective piano accompaniment decorates this heartfelt testimony, providing both vocal support and lovely harmonic colors. Inspired writing!
Voicing: SATB
Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media
Displaying 1-31 of 31 items.
Jester Hairston : Spirituals 1 A fine collection of spirituals. Songlist: Amen, Deep River, Dis Train, Don't Be Weary, Traveler, Give Me Jesus, I Want Jesus, It's All Over Me ![]() Jester Hairston : Spirituals and Folk Songs A great selection for male voices from this American treasure. Songlist: Angels Rolled De Stone Away, Aurore Pradere, Brother Rabbit, Free At Last, Give Me Jesus, I Heard From Heaven Today, My Lord's A-Writin' All De Time, Nobody Knows De Trouble I See, Lord, Oh My Lovin' Brother, Po' Ol' Lazrus, Sandy Anna (TTBB), Sanguree, Somebody's Knocking At Your Door, Sweet Potatoes, Wasn't That A Mighty Day?, You Better Mind ![]() Moses Hogan : Feel The Spirit Vol 2 With a foreward by Mormon Tabernacle Choir Director, Craig Jessop, this new collection of Moses Hogan originals and arrangements is a welcome addition to the first volume. Essential for every director's library it includes Certainly, Lord - Climbin' up the Mountain - Give Me That Old Time Religion - I'll Make the Difference (A Song of Hope for Singers Around the World) - Like a Mighty Stream - Music down in My Soul - Ride On, King Jesus and 28 more. Songlist: Cert'nly Lawd, Clibin' Up the Mountain, De Blin' Man Stood On De Road An' Cried, Deep River, Give Me Jesus, Glory, Glory, Glory to the Newborn King, Hold On!, I Am His Child, I Got A Home in-a Dat Rock, I'll Make the Difference, Let the Heaven Light Shine on Me, Lift Every Voice for Freedom, Like a Mighty Stream, Mister Banjo, Music Down In My Soul, My God Is So High, No Hidin' Place, O Magnify the Lord, Old Time Religion, Reide On, King Jesus, Spiritual Reflection, A, Stand By Me, Surely he Died On Calvary, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, There's a Man Goin' Round, We Shall Walk Through the Valley in Peace, Who Built the Ark?, You Better Min' How You Talk ![]() Moses Hogan : Traditional Spirituals 2 Moses Hogan's contemporary settings of spirituals, original compositions, and other works have been enthusiastically accepted by audiences around the globe and have become staples in the repertoires of high school, college, church, community and professional choirs everywhere. Here is a taste of some of his best work. Songlist: Abide With Me, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Down By The Riverside, Give Me Jesus, I Can Tell The World, I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray, I Got A Home In-a Dat Rock ![]() Richard Allain : Spirituals - A Collection Eleven superb arrangements of classic and lesser-known spirituals covering a wide range of styles and moods, from simple four-part settings to extended eight-part compositions. These stunning settings can be performed as a set or individually, and are ideal choices for concerts, festivals, or even as surprising encores! A cappella with rehearsal keyboard. Songlist: Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Go Down in De Lonesome Valley, Walk Together, Children, Go Down Moses, Were You There?, Gonna Set Downan' Rest, Don't You Weep When I am Gone, Scandalize' My Name, Steal Away, 'Tis Me, O Lord, Give Me Jesus ![]() Various : Simply Worship - Choral Book From Word Music's best-selling arrangers and finest orchestrators comes this must-have resource collection, Simply Worship. Designed for any choir -- especially smaller churches -- Simply Worship utilizes sensible SATB, unison and two-part arranging style to create easy-to-sing arrangements. Ranges are comfortable, with simplified rhythms when necessary. All songs are arranged without any solos, although several optional solo opportunities are highlighted. Songlist: You're Worthy of My Praise, Healer of my Heart, Redeemer, I'll Put a Crown, Give Me Jesus, I Stand in Awe, This Is America, Bow the Knee, I Give You My Heart, Agnus Dei, Somebody Prayed for Me, Firmly Committed ![]() Various Arrangers : The Instant Worship Choir Collection Vol 1 Every choir leader knows that Sunday comes once a week, and there's always a need for sing-able arrangements that can be ready in an instant. The Instant Worship Choir Collection is packed with 20 dynamic arrangements that meet the need right when you need it! Perfect for small and large choirs alike (depending upon the circumstance: "slim" Sundays, summer choir, special event choir, snow choir, during busy seasonal rehearsal times) or whenever you want an easily-prepared song your choir is guaranteed to enjoy presenting. Songlist: Because of Your Love, Healer of My Heart, How Firm a Foundation, Ten Thousand Years, Great is Your Glory, The Cross of Christ, How Can I Keep from Singing, Give Me Jesus, I'll Put on a Crown, Behold the Lamb, Arise, Grace Alone, Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him, Jesus Died My Soul to Save, Glorious City of God, He's Always Been Faithful, Festival of Carols, When Answers Aren't Enough, I Am Thine, O Lord, Hosanna ![]() Various Arrangers : The Augsburg Choirbook: Sacred Choral Music of the Twentieth Century Representing a long and glorious tradition of choral publishing, The Augsburg Choirbook brings together in a single volume some of the gems of twentieth-century music. The book is a collection of 67 well-crafted, singable anthems, newly and beautifully engraved. With music appropriate for the various seasons and festivals of the church year. The collection encompases a wide range of styles, voicings, and texts. Topical and scriputral indexes suggest liturgical, scriptural, and thematic uses. This invaluable performance collection also serves as a reference volume. Songlist: A Christ Mas Carol, A Lenten Walk, A New Magnificat, A Rose Touched By The Sun's Rays, A Song Of Thanksgiving, Ah Holy Jesus, Amazing Grace, Arise My Love My Fair One, Beautiful Saviour, Before The Marvel Of This Night, By The Babylonian Rivers, Children Of Heavenly Father, Christ Sends The Spirit, Come Away To The Skies, Come Risen Lord, Comfort Comfort, Deep Were His Wounds, Easter Morning Peace Be Unto You, For Glory Dawns Upon You, Give Me Jesus, God's Son Has Made Me Free, Hosanna! Blessed Is He, How Far Is It To Bethlehem, I Believe This Is Jesus, In Excelsis Gloria, Jesus Jesus Rest Your Head, Lamb Of God, Midnight Clear, O Blessed Spring, O Paschal Lamp Of Radiant Light, and more ![]() Edited by Julius Willams : The Hall Johnson Collection This massive collection of vocal solos from the works of Hall Johnson displays his understanding of the spiritual genre, the human voice, and the tonal, harmonic colors that permeate the depth of the African-American musical experience. More than 50 songs and classic favorites are featured in this compilation, with two performance CDs for reference and stylistic modeling. A comprehensive and essential volume for every singer's library. Songlist: Oh, Rise an' Shine, When de Saints Come Marchin' in, Cert'n'y, Lord, My God Is So High, Hallelujah!, In Bright Mansions Above, Doncher Let Nobody Turn You Roun', Run, Sinner, Run!, You Better Min'!, Dere's No Hidin' Place Down Dere, Some o' Dese Days, I Want to Be Ready, De Ol' Ark's a Moverin', Witness, My Lord's a-Writin' All de Time, Go Down Moses, Oh, Mary, Doncher Weep, Lord, I Don't Feel Noways Tired, Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho, I Can't Stay Away, Death's Go'n'ter Lay His Col', Icy Hands on Me, De Blin' Man Stood on de Road an' Cried, Hail! De King of Babylon!, March On!, Hallelujah! King Jesus, Give Me Jesus, Crucifixion, Fi-yer! (Fire!), His Name So Sweet, Honor! Honor!, and more ![]() Mark Hayes : 10 Spirituals for Solo Voice - Medium High Award-winning composer, arranger, pianist and recording artist Mark Hayes has crafted a superb anthology of ten traditional spirituals for vocal soloist with piano accompaniment in true art-song style, ideal for school or church singers. Songlist: Deep River, Go, Tell It on the Mountain, Steal Away To Heaven, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, There Is A Balm In Gilead, Behold The Star!, My Lord, What a Mornin', The Gospel Of Grace, Give Me Jesus, Joshua Fit De Battle Of Jericho ![]() Mark Hayes : 10 Spirituals for Solo Voice - Medium Low Award-winning composer, arranger, pianist and recording artist Mark Hayes has crafted a superb anthology of ten traditional spirituals for vocal soloist with piano accompaniment in true art-song style, ideal for school or church singers. Songlist: Deep River, Go, Tell It on the Mountain, Steal Away To Heaven, I Feel The Spirit Moving, There Is A Balm In Gilead, Behold The Star!, My Lord, What a Mornin', The Gospel Of Grace, Give Me Jesus, Joshua Fit De Battle Of Jericho ![]() Moses Hogan : Deep River Songbook (High Voice) Features 10 spirituals as interpreted by acclaimed conductor and arranger Moses Hogan. Songlist: He Never Said A Mumblin Word, My Good Lord's Been Done Here, Were You There?, He's Got the Whole World in his Hands, Give Me Jesus, Somebody's Knockin' At Yo' Door, Let Us Break Bread Together, Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child, Walk Together Children, Where You There?, Deep River ![]() Moses Hogan : Deep River Songbook (Low Voice) Features 10 spirituals as interpreted by acclaimed conductor and arranger Moses Hogan. Songlist: He Never Said A Mumblin Word, My Good Lord's Been Done Here, Were You There?, He's Got the Whole World in his Hands, Give Me Jesus, Somebody's Knockin' At Yo' Door, Let Us Break Bread Together, Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child, Walk Together Children, Where You There?, Deep River ![]() Various : The Sunday Soloist This great collection of hymns for medium voice is one you'll reach for often. Songlist: All the Way My Savior Leads Me, Blessed Assurance, Come Ye Disconsolate, For the Beauty of the Earth, Give Me Jesus, Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, I Sing the Mighty Power of God, I Want Jesus to Walk with Me, When Morning Gilds the Sky ![]() Various : Christian Memorial Songs 27 songs of comfort & hope, including: Dancing with the Angels - He Will Carry You - I Will Rise - No More Night - On the Other Side - Save a Place for Me - There Will Be a Day - Wish You Were Here - and more. Songlist: In Christ Alone, In His Presence, Wish You Were Here, Give Me Jesus, Safely Home, On The Other Side, If You Could See Me Now, No More Pain, With Hope, Homesick, Every Single Tear, Dancing With The Angels, Blessed Be Your Name, Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), It Is Well, When It's All Been Said And Done, I Will Rise, There Will Be A Day, Our God Is In Control, You Wouldn't Cry (Andrew's Song), Visitor From Heaven, Finally Home, Raging Sea, Save A Place For Me, He Will Carry You, No More Night, When Answers Aren't Enough ![]() Various Arrangers : Great Spirituals - High Voice The newest installment of the popular Portraits in Song series is an exceptional collection of some of the most popular spirituals set by many of finest arrangers of our generation. The solos can be performed in worship or recital. A brief explanation is offered for each of the selections and for the genre as a whole-creating an exceptional resource for worship or recital planning. Songlist: Carry Me Home, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Give Me Jesus, Go Tell It, Here's One, Joshua Fit De Battle Of Jericho, Were You There? ![]() Various Arrangers : Great Spirituals - Low Voice The newest installment of the popular Portraits in Song series is an exceptional collection of some of the most popular spirituals set by many of finest arrangers of our generation. The solos can be performed in worship or recital. A brief explanation is offered for each of the selections and for the genre as a whole-creating an exceptional resource for worship or recital planning. Songlist: Carry Me Home, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Give Me Jesus, Go Tell It, Here's One, Joshua Fit De Battle Of Jericho, Were You There? ![]() Various Arrangers : The Instant Worship Choir Collection Vol 1 CD Every choir leader knows that Sunday comes once a week, and there's always a need for singable arrangements that can be ready in an instant. The Instant Worship Choir Collection is packed with 20 dynamic arrangements that meet the need right when you need it! Perfect for small and large choirs alike (depending upon the circumstance: "slim" Sundays, summer choir, special event choir, snow choir, during busy seasonal rehearsal times) or whenever you want an easily prepared song your choir is guaranteed to enjoy presenting. Songlist: Because of Your Love, Healer of My Heart, How Firm a Foundation, Ten Thousand Years, Great is Your Glory, The Cross of Christ, How Can I Keep from Singing, Give Me Jesus, I'll Put on a Crown, Behold the Lamb, Arise, Grace Alone, Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him, Jesus Died My Soul to Save, Glorious City of God, He's Always Been Faithful, Festival of Carols, When Answers Aren't Enough, I Am Thine, O Lord, Hosanna ![]() A Cappella Singers : Be Still My Soul Celebrating their 15th year of performing in South Florida, and their "Be Still My Soul," their 8th album, The mixed-voice (20 women, 16 men) Acappella Singers are all Christians, and drawn from a hundred-mile radius, but are not affiliated with any particular denomination. Concerts are performed in churches, special and corporate events, and the group are the "resident singers" at Butterfly World, a local attraction. They sing both sacred and secular music, but always "To God's Glory." There are 14 spirited tunes here, a few with non-vocal percussion and piano. Favorites are "Uyai Mose," "Give Me Jesus," the rousing spiritual "Ain't Got Time to Die," the richly harmonic "Rise Up O Men of God," Felix Mendelssohn's "Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord," "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go," Andrew Lloyd Webber's soaring "Pie Jesu," the powerful hymn "Be Still My Soul" and the traditional "The Lord Bless You and Keep You." The Singers are wonderfully led by Conductor Boender, their arrangements are excellent, and their sound is effortlessly clean, fresh and beautifully blended. This is a veteran choir with tremendous talent and spirit, and every song is perfect! Songlist: Uyai Mose, Give Me Jesus, Jesus Loves Me, Ain't Got Time to Die, Lift Thine Eyes, Be Born in Me, Rise Up O Men of God, Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord, O Love That Will Not Let Me Go, I Am Thine O Lord, Pie Jesu, Praise His Holy Name, Be Still My Soul, The Lord Bless You and Keep You ![]() Acappella Company : Heaven and Earth The ministry of Paris, Tennessee's The Acappella Company and Keith Lancaster continues beautifully with the Lancaster-produced "Heaven and Earth" by the four young men who call themselves Acappella. Lancaster's writing talents are everywhere on this CD, "War With Myself," "Emergency," "You Are There," "Glory and Honor," "Gone Away" and "Take Me There" feature words and music by himself or with the group. The group's Gary Evans wrote "Y.R.A.G. Radio Segue," "Dime Rhyme Segue" was written by Matt Nunnally, and Nicolas Dunbar shared writing credits on "War With Myself" and "Take Me There." 12 strong cuts, notable for their contemporary sound and feel, with flavors of hip-hop, jazz, r&b and other genres, with steady, understated guest beatbox by Tony Brown. But the message of Christian faith and belief shines strongly throughout, riding the natural vocal talents and deep feeling of these extraordinary young men. One of the best Contemporary Christian CDs we've ever heard! Songlist: War with Myself, Dust in the Wind, Dime Rhyme Segue, One Ragged Angel, They are the Roses, Emergency, You are There, Glory and Honor, Y.R.A.G Radio Segue, Gone Away, Take Me There, Give Me Jesus ![]() American Boychoir and The St Olaf Choir : Harmony - American Songs of Faith The newest release from The American Boychoir, directed by Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, is a wonderfully eclectic collection that reflects the faith that has been expressed consistently across different backgrounds, religions and races since the founding of this country. This fine recording includes familiar camp songs, Sunday School melodies such as "This Little Light of Mine", praise songs and beloved hymns that sprang from American soil such as "Happy Land" and "Amazing Grace". Also featured are three tracks sung with the renowned St. Olaf Choir conducted by Anton Armstrong. The Alumni Chorus of the American Boychoir School, conducted by Music Director James Litton, makes a special guest appearance on the album as well. Songlist: Kubaya, This Little Light of Mine, Jesus Loves Me, Here I Am, Lord, Precious Lord, Take My Hand, Walk in the Light, Give Me Jesus, How Can I Keep from Singing?, Little Innocent Lamb, The Gift of Love, Softly and Tenderly, Earth and All Stars, Ose Shalom, Shall We Gather at the River, Happy Land, How Can I Keep From Singing, Abide With Me, America, The Beautiful, Amazing Grace, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross ![]() American Spiritual Ensemble : The Spirituals The American Spiritual Ensemble has grown to 42 members for this memorable recording "The Spirituals." Two powerful pictures in the liner notes, depicting a slave couple at a mean cabin, dreaming of escaping their bondage, and then on the cover, striking out across a fog-shrouded field in the early morning, tell us the story of these 15 authentic songs. "Crossin' Ovah," "Follow The Drinking Gourd," "There Is A Balm in Gilead," "It's Me Oh Lord," "Guide My Feet," "Here's One," "Give Me Jesus," "I Want Jesus to Walk With Me" and "We Shall Overcome" speak of the tremendous struggle of African-Americans to gain their freedom and equality. The soulful leads and harmonies of these powerful coded songs actually helped some of the singers find their way out of bondage. Powerful, wonderful stuff from the American Spiritual Ensemble! Some piano accompaniment. Songlist: Plenty Good Room, Crossin' Ovah, Follow The Drinking Gourd, Steal Away, There is a Balm in Gilead, Follow The Drinking Gourd, It's Me Oh Lord, Guide My Feet, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Follow The Drinking Gourd, Here's One, Give Me Jesus, Follow The Drinking Gourd, I Want Jesus to Walk with Me, We Shall Overcome ![]() BYU Singers : Songs Of The Soul Founder/arranger Ronald Staheli directs his 47-strong mixed choir in some lovely, rarely-performed Christian choral pieces by such master composers as Eric Whitacre (the 14 _-minute "When David Heard That Absalom Was Slain," and "Water Night"), Morten Lauridsen ("O nata lux,"), Edward Elgar ("Light Eternal (Lux aeterna)"), and John Tanner/Jean Sibelius' ("I Love The Lord"). 13 songs, with some light piano and organ accompaniment. A couple of other favorites: Reynolds/Greene/Belafonte's inspirational "Turn Around," Mary Ann Morton/Alfred Durham's "Sweet Is The Peace," and the final cut, "Give Me Jesus." Another winning recording from this veteran choir. Songlist: I Love The Lord, Behold the Wounds in Jesus' Hands, O Nata Lux, Light Eternal (Lux aeterna), When David Heard, I Know that My Redeemer Lives, Bring Forth my Zion, Turn Around, Hold On, A'Soalin', Water Night, Sweet Is the Peace, Give Me Jesus ![]() CenturyMen : Wondrous Love - Feel the Spirit African American Spirituals grew out of the trauma and hope that were mixed together in the terrible crucible of slavery. This unspeakable blemish on the pages of American history proved to be a refiner's fire. Today, we are the beneficiaries. We sing the gold. Songlist: Every Time I Feel The Spirit, Deep River, Who'll Be A Witness, Wondrous Love, His Eye is On The Sparrow, Talk About A Child, Every Time I Feel The Spirit, Radioland, Amazing Grace, My Lord What a Morning and Morning Trumpet, Rise Up Shepherd And Follow and Go Tell It On The Mountain, Give Me Jesus, Every Time I Feel The Spirit ![]() Chicago A Cappella : Bound For Glory New settings of African-American Spirituals! Songlist: I Want to be Ready, Hear de Lambs a-cryin, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, I Want Jesus to Walk with Me, Sistah Mary, Save Me, Lord!, Great Day, Poor Wayfaring Stranger, Go Down 'n the Valley and Pray!, Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen, Wade in the Water, This Train, Little David (Old Testament Spirituals), Daniel, Moses, Joshua (Old Testament Spirituals), Go Down Moses, Roll, Jordan, Roll!, Give me Jesus, Way over in Beulah-lan' ![]() Concordia Choir : Endless Your Grace Renowned conductor/arranger (since 1986) of the Concordia Choir Rene Clausen's firm touch is clear on every note of "Endless Your Grace." For more than 80 years The mixed voice Concordia Choir has affirmed its reputation as one of nation's finest a cappella choirs. 16 wonderfully arranged songs are included in this inspirational, feel-good recording. The Moses Hogan-arranged "Ezekiel Saw De Wheel," "What A Wonderful World," "Come and Taste," "Daniel, Daniel, Servant of the Lord," "Gracious Spirit," "This Little Light," the rousing spiritual "Ain't Got Time to Die," "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel," "Give Me Jesus" and "My God, How Wonderful Thou Art" are favorites, but "Endless" is an impressive, spirited treat throughout! Songlist: Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, What A Wonderful World, Come and Taste, His Voice, Black Is The Color of My True Love's Hair, Daniel, Daniel, Servant of the Lord, Gracious Spirit, This Little Light, There Is A Balm in Gilead, Ain't Got Time To Die, Pilgrim's Hymn, Wondrous Love, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Give Me Jesus, My God, How Wonderful Thou Art, Beautiful Savior ![]() Kansas City Chorale : Alleluia - An American Hymnal In this their fifth recording for Nimbus, the Kansas City Chorale are very much on their home turf, with a programme of American sacred music, which includes Randall Thompson's famous Alleluia. Songlist: Southern Harmony, Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal, Come Away to the Skies, Precious Lord, Take My Hand, Shaker Songs, I Want to Shake with Indignation, I've Set My Face for Zion's Kingdom, The Precious Way of Go, Encouragement, The Sacred Harp, Wondrous Love, Saints Bound for Heaven, Sunday Morning, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Alleluia, E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come, All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, Sing Me to Heaven, Spirituals, I Wanna Be Ready, We Will March Thro' the Valley, I Want Two Wings, Is There Anybody Here, My God is a Rock, Give Me Jesus ![]() King's Heralds : I Need Thee Every Hour Oldest continuous male Gospel quartet King's Heralds, here shortened to The Heralds, have been steadfastly spreading the good news of Jesus over the decades, and "I Need Thee" shows how much they have loved doing that. A rich variety of musical styles, from the traditional tones of "Holy, Holy, Holy," to the plaintive "All My Trails, Lord," to the lightly textured tapestry of "Quiet Place" and "Were You There," to the joyful harmonies of "Sweet, Sweet Spirit," everyone will find something to tickle their musical tastebuds here. 12 songs, a fun and inspirational musical sampler, filled with deep feeling from one of the best in the business! Songlist: I Need Thee Every Hour, Holy, Holy Is What the Angels Sing, Were You There?, Give Me Jesus, Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Sweet, Sweet Spirit, I'd Rather Have Jesus, The Ivory Palaces, Quiet Place, Open my Eyes That I May See, All my Trials Lord ![]() Moses Hogan Singers : Deep River From the library of Moses Hogan is Deep River, featuring 18 songs: 10 Songs are solo arrangements and 8 songs are never before recorded choral arrangements. The Solos are available in the corresponding Deep River Songbook for both High and Low voice, and charts are available for the choral pieces. Soloists are Henrietta Davis/Soprano, Robert Sims/Baritone, and Alfred Walker/Bass with Moses Hogan accompanying on piano. Deep River comes highly recommended! Songlist: Deep River, Hear My Prayer, He Never Said A Mumblin' Word, Ride The Chariot, My Good Lord's Done Been Here, Were You There?, I Want To Be Ready, He's Got the Whole World In His Hands, You Better Min' How You Talk, A Spiritual Reflection, Give Me Jesus, Good News, The Chariot's Coming, Somebody's Knockin' At Yo Door, We Shall Walk Through The Valley In Peace, Let Us Break Bread Together, Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child, Walk Together Children, Who Built The Ark? ![]() Oasis Chorale : In Endless Light Another fine collection from Kinzers, PA's 33-strong, mixed-voice Oasis Chorale, whose intent is "to provide an opportunity for young people to use their God given talents in promoting this 'Oasis' in the desert of ungodly music of the day-giving a cool drink to the thirsty soul and spirit." Some favorites among these 17 songs are: Paul Tchesnokoff's "Let Thy Holy Presence," "Make a Joyful Noise Unto God," with text from Psalm 66, William Byrd and William Leighton's "Look Down, O Lord, On Me," Edward Grieg and H.A. Brorson's "God's Son Has Made Me Free," Roy Hamilton's "Lord, I Need You," Lyle Stutzman and Samuel Johnson's "Prayer for Strength," the traditional Spiritual "I'm Goin' to Sing," J. Haydn's (with text by Jane McKnight) "Praise We Sing to Thee," Frederick Lehman's "The Love of God" and M. Lowrie Hoffard & H. Millard's lovely "Abide With Me, 'Tis Eventide." Let this beautiful music open your heart to praise and worship with Oasis Chorale! Songlist: Let Thy Holy Presence, Make a Joyful Noise, Look Down, O Lord, God's Son Has Made Me Free, Lord, I Need You, Give Me Jesus, For He Shall Give His Angels, Prayer for Strength, The King of Love, I'm Goin' To Sing, O Day Full of Grace, Praise We Sing to Thee, The Love of God, Down By the Riverside, Alleluia, Prayer, Abide With Me, 'Tis Eventide ![]() Voices Of Lee : In God's Hands The 18 mixed voices of Cleveland, TN-based Lee University's Voices of Lee, directed by Danny Murray, have a lush musical style noted for its excellence in harmony, spirit and performance. Since their debut in 1994, this Contemporary Christian a cappella group has delighted audiences worldwide with a repertoire of high-energy patriotic numbers, and heartfelt gospel favorites. "In God's Hands" is their fifth excellent CD. Nine songs: a beautifully arranged version of "How Great Thou Art," "More Than Wonderful," "Golden Stair," the dramatic "Jesus, The One and Only," the lovely title tune (light piano accompaniment), the inspirational "Dream On," the prophetic "Midnight Cry," and "He Giveth More Grace." Soaring solos, powerful harmonies and message - it adds up to another winner for Voices of Lee. Recommended. Songlist: How Great Thou Art, More Than Wonderful, Golden Stair, Give Me Jesus, Jesus, The One and Only, In God'S Hands, Dream On, Midnight Cry, He Giveth More Grace ![]() |
Displaying 1-6 of 6 items.
A sensitive, dramatic, innovative take on this favorite spiritual.
Composer: Marques L.A. Garrett
We welcome Lance Bastian to the Hal Leonard catalog with this outstanding setting of a beloved spiritual. The viola part adds a richness to the already moving text and setting. A clarinet part is included as a substitute for the viola. Available separately: SATB, BonusTrax CD. Duration: ca. 4:20.
Arranger: Lance Bastian
A well-known spiritual from the 1872 collection "Jubilee Songs as Sung by the Jubilee Singers."Ê Jonathan Rodgers' arrangement offers a touch of jazz-blues. Suitable for church and school choirs, this unusual and easily-rehearsed spiritual is sure to be a favorite in your repertoire.ÊJo-Michael Scheibe Choral Series.
Arranger: Jonathan Rodgers
The unmistakable flair of an urban gospel style is front and center in this arrangement of a classic spiritual. Carefully considered idiomatic part writing opens this engaging genre to choirs of every size and ability. The piano part is a delight, providing the proper balance of support and spice. A timeless message, profound in its simplicity, affirms the walk of faith and our eternal destiny!
Arranger: Rollo Dilworth
Moses Hogan's contemporary settings of spirituals, original compositions, and other works have been enthusiastically accepted by audiences around the globe and have become staples in the repertoires of high school, college, church, community and professional choirs everywhere.
Arranger: Moses Hogan
Profound simplicity is embodied in this poignant spiritual. The whole of the Christian experience is contained in this powerful statement of deep faith, giving us a song of commitment for a life surrendered wholly to Jesus. A very effective piano accompaniment decorates this heartfelt testimony, providing both vocal support and lovely harmonic colors. Inspired writing!
Arranger: Cindy Berry | Composer: Traditional Spiritual
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