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Go Down Moses

Traditional African American Spiritual

The spiritual describes events in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically Exodus 8:1: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me", in which God commands Moses to demand the release of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt.

The lyrics of the song represent liberation of the ancient Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. In one interpretation of the song, "Israel" represents enslaved African Americans, while "Egypt" and "Pharaoh" represent the slavemaster.[1] Going "down" to Egypt is derived from the Bible; the Old Testament recognizes the Nile Valley as lower than Jerusalem and the Promised Land; thus, going to Egypt means going "down"[2] while going away from Egypt is "up".[3] In the context of American slavery, this ancient sense of "down" converged with the concept of "down the river" (the Mississippi), where slaves' conditions were notoriously worse, a situation which lead to the idiom "sell [someone] down the river" in present-day English.

Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media

Displaying 1-17 of 17 items.

Alexander L'Estrange : The Gospel Train : SAB : Songbook : 9780571521913 : 12-0571521916

Alexander L'Estrange : The Gospel Train

Gospel music is a vibrant fusion of African folk music and European hymns. Rooted in the spiritual (the creation of African-Americans in the 19th century), the joy of gospel music has had a profound influence on 20th century 'pop' music. The Gospel Train is a medley of three best-loved gospel songs that would be perfect as a concert opener or encore. The laid-back swing of 'Go Down, Moses' is contrasted by 'Oh Happy Day!' (used in the Whoopi Goldberg film Sister Act) and concludes with the unstoppable finale 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough'. The spiritual 'Standing in the Need of Prayer' is a simple meditative melody with a pleasing, repetitive chord sequence.

Songlist: Ain't No Mountain High Enough, Go Down Moses, Oh Happy Day, Standing In The Need Of Prayer

More details
Voicing: SAB | 40730b | Songbook | $5.50

Alexander L'Estrange : The Gospel Train : SA : Songbook : 9780571523665 : 12-0571523668

Alexander L'Estrange : The Gospel Train

Gospel music is a vibrant fusion of African folk music and European hymns. Rooted in the spiritual (the creation of African-Americans in the 19th century), the joy of gospel music has had a profound influence on 20th century 'pop' music. The Gospel Train is a medley of three best-loved gospel songs that would be perfect as a concert opener or encore. The laid-back swing of 'Go Down, Moses' is contrasted by 'Oh Happy Day!' (used in the Whoopi Goldberg film Sister Act) and concludes with the unstoppable finale 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough'. The spiritual 'Standing in the Need of Prayer' is a simple meditative melody with a pleasing, repetitive chord sequence. If you are looking for straightforward and rewarding repertoire for your beginner choir, then you need look no further than Choral Basics the perfect series for singers of all ages. The simple 3-part choral arrangements for soprano, alto and a combined part for men's voices make the series perfect for choirs with a dearth of males or whose male singers have unstable or changing voices. The rich array of repertoire is bound to be a hit with younger singers and the technical abilities of choirs at this level have been taken into consideration. Straightforward and idiomatic piano accompaniments have been included and are designed to support the vocal lines, without putting pressure on staff with less developed keyboard skills.

Songlist: Ain't No Mountain High Enough, Go Down Moses, Oh Happy Day, Standing In The Need Of Prayer

More details
Voicing: SA | 40738b | Songbook | $5.50

Berrand Frank : Chor-Express : SATB : Songbook : 073999746570 : 49008399

Berrand Frank : Chor-Express

This volume aims to present a wide range of styles, from a simple Choral setting to swing and gospel-rock, call-and-response and shouting, a cappella and with piano accompaniment. Each title can be performed on its own but the whole also adds up to a very effective and exciting suite.

Songlist: Oh Freedom, Go Down Moses, Somebody's Knockin' At Your Door, Go Tell It On The Mountin

More details
Voicing: SATB | 9190b | Songbook | $17.95 ON SALE $12.95 | Primarily a cappella

Gwyn Arch : Go Down, Moses : SATB : Songbook : 9780571528509 : 12-0571528503

Gwyn Arch : Go Down, Moses

Go Down, Moses is a collection of three spirituals - the dramatic Go Down, Moses, a jauntry arrangement of Oh Mary, Don't You Weep, and the ever-popular He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. Liven up any concert programme with these classic songs, arranged by the talented Gwyn Arch.

Songlist: Go Down Moses, Oh Mary, Don't You Weep, He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

More details
Voicing: SATB | 40792b | Songbook | $7.50

Gwyn Arch : Go Down, Moses : SSA : Songbook : 9780571528516 : 12-0571528511

Gwyn Arch : Go Down, Moses

Go Down, Moses is a collection of three spirituals - the dramatic Go Down, Moses, a jauntry arrangement of Oh Mary, Don't You Weep, and the ever-popular He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. Liven up any concert programme with these classic songs, arranged by the talented Gwyn Arch.

Songlist: Go Down Moses, Oh Mary, Don't You Weep, He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

More details
Voicing: SSA | 40793b | Songbook | $7.50

Michael Tippett : 5 Negro Spirituals : SSAATTBB : Songbook : 073999654066 : 49002426

Michael Tippett : 5 Negro Spirituals

These arrangements of the Five Spirituals grew from the arranger's desire to see a larger and more interesting repertoire for mixed choruses, and were created with the approval of Tippett's biographer and execture, Merion Bowen. Whilst the spirituals suit mixed choruses of various sizes and remain as 'basically simple' as the originals, there are several musical challenges in the arrangements.

Songlist: Steal Away, Nobody Knows, Go Down Moses, By And By, Deep River

More details
Voicing: SSAATTBB | 8770b | Songbook | $12.95 | A Cappella

Michael Tippett : Five Spirituals from 'A Child of Our Time' : TTBB : Songbook : 884088026899 : 49012962

Michael Tippett : Five Spirituals from 'A Child of Our Time'

These arrangements of the Five Spirituals grew from the arranger's desire to see a larger and more interesting repertoire for male choruses, and were created with the approval of Tippett's biographer and execture, Merion Bowen. Whilst the spirituals suit male choruses of various sizes and remain as 'basically simple' as the originals, there are several musical challenges in the arrangements.

Songlist: Steal Away, Nobody Knows, Go Down Moses, By And By, Deep River

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 9137b | Songbook | $11.95 | A Cappella

Richard Allain : Spirituals - A Collection : SATB : Songbook : 884088440398 : 1846097258 : 14001665

Richard Allain : Spirituals - A Collection

Eleven superb arrangements of classic and lesser-known spirituals covering a wide range of styles and moods, from simple four-part settings to extended eight-part compositions. These stunning settings can be performed as a set or individually, and are ideal choices for concerts, festivals, or even as surprising encores! A cappella with rehearsal keyboard.

Songlist: Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Go Down in De Lonesome Valley, Walk Together, Children, Go Down Moses, Were You There?, Gonna Set Downan' Rest, Don't You Weep When I am Gone, Scandalize' My Name, Steal Away, 'Tis Me, O Lord, Give Me Jesus

More details
Voicing: SATB | 5035b | Songbook | $16.95 | A Cappella

Rick Hein : Novello Primary Chorals - Easy Gospels : 2-Part : Songbook & Online Audio : 9781844495962 : 14070988

Rick Hein : Novello Primary Chorals - Easy Gospels

This volume contains eight gospels and spirituals that children will love to sing, and includes both unison and part singing. It also comes with a very easy Piano accompaniment and guitar chord symbols. The Novello Primary Chorals make a great resource for teachers as well as a perfect addition to repertoire for school concerts... or singing just for fun!

Songlist: Amazing grace, Go Down Moses, Go, Tell It on the Mountain, Joshua (Fit The Battle Of Jericho), Joshua Fought The Battle of Jericho, Steal away, Steal Away (Steal Away To Jesus), Swing low, Sweet Chariot, The Gospel Train (Get On Board Little Children), When the Saints Go Marching In

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | 10698b | Songbook & Online Audio | $12.95

Various Arrangers : Barbershop Songs : TTBB : Songbook : 752187402701 : 0825620678 : 14003313

Various Arrangers : Barbershop Songs

The 83 songs in this collection can be sung by any quartet of four part chorus, male or mixed. The melody can be found in the upper part except where it is indicate.

Songlist: All Through the Night, Alouette, Always Take a Mother's Advice, America (My Country 'Tis), Annie Laurie, Ave Maria, The Band Played On, Barbara Allen, The Battle Cry of Freedom, Beautiful Dreamer, The Bell Doth Toll, Ben Bolt (Sweet Alice), Billy Boy, Blow the Man Down, The Bowery, Canadian Boatsong, Captain Jinks, Clementine, Come Home, Father, Comin' Thru the Rye, Cradle Song (Wiegenlied), Daisies Won't Tell, Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two), Death is a Long, Long Sleep, Deep River, Down Went McGinty, Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes, First Noel, For He's a Jolly Good Fellow, Go Down Moses, and more

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 9028b | Songbook | $14.95

Various Arrangers : Hymns and Anthems For Male Voices : TTBB : Songbook : V10

Various Arrangers : Hymns and Anthems For Male Voices

The hymns and anthems contained herein represent some of the most loved examples of sacred song literature. Most of the hymns are arrranged for simple four part singing with or without accompaniment. Only in a few cases, notably 'Holy, Holy, Holy' and 'O Come All Ye Faithful,' have the numbers been arranged into anthem style for special occasions! Such numbers will be more effective with accompaniment, although special treatment is included so that they may be sung .

Songlist: Abide With Me, All Glory Laud and Honor, All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name, America, America, The Beautiful, American Hymn, The, Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light, Break Thou the Bread of Life, Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today, Chruch's One Fountain, The, Come, Thou Almighty King, Day Is Dying in the West, Doxology, The, Eternal Father, Faith of Our Fathers, For the Beauty of Earth, Go Down Moses, God of Our Fathers, Holy, Holy, Holy, Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord, I Love to Tell the Story, Jesus Calls Us, Joy to the World, Lord Is a Mighty God, The, Love Divine All Love Excelling, Mighty Fortress Is Our God, A, Morning Light Is Breaking, The, My God, How Wonderful Thou Art, Now Thank We All Our God, and more

More details
Voicing: TTBB | 9055b | Songbook | $4.95 | A Cappella

Edited by Julius Willams : The Hall Johnson Collection : Solo : Songbook & CD : 825849640 : VF5

Edited by Julius Willams : The Hall Johnson Collection

This massive collection of vocal solos from the works of Hall Johnson displays his understanding of the spiritual genre, the human voice, and the tonal, harmonic colors that permeate the depth of the African-American musical experience. More than 50 songs and classic favorites are featured in this compilation, with two performance CDs for reference and stylistic modeling. A comprehensive and essential volume for every singer's library.

Songlist: Oh, Rise an' Shine, When de Saints Come Marchin' in, Cert'n'y, Lord, My God Is So High, Hallelujah!, In Bright Mansions Above, Doncher Let Nobody Turn You Roun', Run, Sinner, Run!, You Better Min'!, Dere's No Hidin' Place Down Dere, Some o' Dese Days, I Want to Be Ready, De Ol' Ark's a Moverin', Witness, My Lord's a-Writin' All de Time, Go Down Moses, Oh, Mary, Doncher Weep, Lord, I Don't Feel Noways Tired, Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho, I Can't Stay Away, Death's Go'n'ter Lay His Col', Icy Hands on Me, De Blin' Man Stood on de Road an' Cried, Hail! De King of Babylon!, March On!, Hallelujah! King Jesus, Give Me Jesus, Crucifixion, Fi-yer! (Fire!), His Name So Sweet, Honor! Honor!, and more

More details
Voicing: Solo | 3092b | Songbook & CD | $38.95 | Voice and Piano

Harry T. Burleigh : 25 Spirituals - High Voice : Solo : Songbook & 1 CD : 884088616724 : 1458418227 : 00230110

Harry T. Burleigh : 25 Spirituals - High Voice

25 spirituals arranged by American composer Harry T. Burleigh (1866-1949), including: Balm in Gilead, Deep River, Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child, Steal Away, Wade in the Water, and more.

Songlist: Steal Away, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Deep River, Balm in Gilead, I Want to Be Ready, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, The Gospel Train, My Lord, What a Mornin', Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child, By an'By, Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray, Don't You Weep When I'm Gone, Go Down Moses, Go, Tell It on the Mountain, I Stood on the River of Jordan, Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler, Little David, Play On Your Harp, Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen, O Rocks, Don't Fall on Me, Oh, Didn't It Rain, Sinners, Please Don't Let This Harvest Pass, 'Tis Me, O Lord, Wade in the Water, Weepin'Mary, You May Bury Me in the East

More details
Voicing: Solo | 3053b | Songbook & 1 CD | $19.95 | Voice and Piano

Harry T. Burleigh : 25 Spirituals - Low Voice : Solo : Songbook & 1 CD : 884088616731 : 1458418235 : 00230111

Harry T. Burleigh : 25 Spirituals - Low Voice

A collection of the best-loved spirituals arranged by Harry T. Burleigh. Includes: Balm in Gilead - Deep River - Go Down, Moses, Go - Tell It on the Mountain - Little David, Play on Your Harp - My Lord, What a Mornin' - Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen - Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child - Steal Away - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Wade in the Water - and more. The CD includes piano accompaniments of each piece.

Songlist: Steal Away, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Deep River, Balm in Gilead, I Want to Be Ready, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, The Gospel Train, My Lord, What a Mornin', Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child, By an'By, Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray, Don't You Weep When I'm Gone, Go Down Moses, Go, Tell It on the Mountain, I Stood on the River of Jordan, Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler, Little David, Play On Your Harp, Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen, O Rocks, Don't Fall on Me, Oh, Didn't It Rain, Sinners, Please Don't Let This Harvest Pass, 'Tis Me, O Lord, Wade in the Water, Weepin'Mary, You May Bury Me in the East

More details
Voicing: Solo | 3054b | Songbook & 1 CD | $19.95 | Voice and Piano

Joan Frey Boytim : Easy Songs For The Beginning Baritone / Bass : Solo : Songbook & Online Audio : 073999837599 : 0634019724 : 50483759

Joan Frey Boytim : Easy Songs For The Beginning Baritone / Bass

This series was designed to supplement traditional vocal instruction. Each piece is in English and has a limited vocal range as well as a piano accompaniment that is playable by a student pianist. The pieces include art songs, folksongs, humorous songs, and suitable vintage popular songs and are all appropriate for contest solos. The accompanying CD includes professionally-recorded accompaniments.

Songlist: Aura Lee, Beautiful Dreamer, The Erie Canal, Foolish Questions, Funiculi, Funicula, Go Down Moses, I Wish I Was Single Again, If You Were The Only Girl In The World, The Jolly Miller, Joshua Fit De Battle Of Jericho, The Lark In The Morn, The Lost Chord, The Minstrel Boy, Mrs. Murphy's Chowder, Out Of My Soul's Great Sadness, Request, Simple Gifts, Smick, Smack, Smuck, Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child, The Story Of A Tact, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Where Did You Get That Hat?, While Strolling Through The Park One Day, You'll Miss Lots Of Fun When You're Married

More details
Voicing: Solo | 9185b | Songbook & Online Audio | $17.95 ON SALE $16.95 | Voice and Piano

Richard Walters (editor) : The Sacred Collection - High Voice : Solo : Songbook : 073999119084 : 0634030728 : 00740155

Richard Walters (editor) : The Sacred Collection - High Voice

A huge collection of 70 sacred songs for classical singers, spanning an enormous range of literature, including art songs, traditional songs, 28 classic Burleigh spiritual arrangements (experts on African-American spirituals contend they are for singers of all ethnic heritages), and distinctive concert arrangements of hymns and folksongs by Richard Walters. There are four duets included. This collection will be as useful in the voice studio as in every working singer's repertoire and every church music library.

Songlist: Ah, Holy Jesus, Evening Prayer (E. Humperdinck), Agnus Dei (G. Bizet), Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J.S. Bach), All Creatures of Our God and King (duet) (arr. R. Walters), Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod), Ave Maria (C. Franck), SCHUBERT - Ave Maria, Balm in Gilead (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Be Near Me Still (F. Hiller), Be Thou My Vision (arr. R. Walters), Bist du bei mir (You Are with Me) (G.H. Stölzel, previously attributed to J.S. Bach), By an' By (arr. H.T. Burleigh), By the Waters of Babylon (A. Dvorák), Clouds and Darkness (A. Dvorák), Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing (arr. R. Walters), Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Crucifixus (J.B. Faure), Dank sei Dir, Herr (Thanks Be to God) (S. Ochs, previously attributed to G.F. Handel), Deep River (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Don't You Weep When I'm Gone (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee (C. Gounod), Evening Hymn (H. Purcell), God Is My Shepherd (A. Dvorák), Go Down Moses, Gospel Train, The (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Go, Tell It on the Mountain (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Hear My Prayer (A. Dvorák), Hear My Prayer, O Lord (A. Dvorák), and more

More details
Voicing: Solo | 2627b | Songbook | $19.95 | Voice and Piano

Richard Walters (editor) : The Sacred Collection - Low Voice : Solo : Songbook : 073999397383 : 0634030736 : 00740156

Richard Walters (editor) : The Sacred Collection - Low Voice

A huge collection of 70 sacred songs for classical singers, spanning an enormous range of literature, including art songs, traditional songs, classic Burleigh spiritual arrangements (experts on African-American spirituals contend they are for singers of all ethnic heritages), and distinctive concert arrangements of hymns and folksongs by Richard Walters. There are five duets included. This collection will be as useful in the voice studio as in every working singer's repertoire and every church music library.

Songlist: Ah, Holy Jesus, Evening Prayer (E. Humperdinck), Agnus Dei (G. Bizet), Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J.S. Bach), All Creatures of Our God and King (duet) (arr. R. Walters), Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod), Ave Maria (C. Franck), SCHUBERT - Ave Maria, Balm in Gilead (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Be Near Me Still (F. Hiller), Be Thou My Vision (arr. R. Walters), Bist du bei mir (You Are with Me) (G.H. Stölzel, previously attributed to J.S. Bach), By an' By (arr. H.T. Burleigh), By the Waters of Babylon (A. Dvorák), Clouds and Darkness (A. Dvorák), Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing (arr. R. Walters), Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Crucifixus (J.B. Faure), Dank sei Dir, Herr (Thanks Be to God) (S. Ochs, previously attributed to G.F. Handel), Deep River (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Don't You Weep When I'm Gone (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee (C. Gounod), Evening Hymn (H. Purcell), God Is My Shepherd (A. Dvorák), Go Down Moses, Gospel Train, The (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Go, Tell It on the Mountain (arr. H.T. Burleigh), Hear My Prayer (A. Dvorák), Hear My Prayer, O Lord (A. Dvorák), and more

More details
Voicing: Solo | 2628b | Songbook | $19.95 | Voice and Piano

Individual Folios

Displaying 1-6 of 6 items.

Go Down Moses : TTBB : Moses Hogan : Songbook : 08703231 : 073999032314

Moses Hogan : Go Down Moses

Moses Hogan's contemporary settings of spirituals, original compositions, and other works have been enthusiastically accepted by audiences around the globe and have become staples in the repertoires of high school, college, church, community and professional choirs everywhere. Available: TTBB. Performance Time: Approx. 4:00.

Arranger: Moses Hogan

More details
Voicing: TTBB | Sheet Music | $2.35 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08703231

Go Down Moses : SATB : Adolphus Hailstork, Anonymous : Adolphus Hailstork, Anonymous : Sheet Music : 312-41763

Adolphus Hailstork, Anonymous : Go Down Moses

Composer: Adolphus Hailstork, Anonymous

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $1.80 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 312-41763

Go Down Moses : 2-Part : William C. Powell : Sheet Music : 08749581 : 884088310578

William C. Powell : Go Down Moses

A strong and dramatic treatment of the traditional spiritual, this setting features straightforward vocal lines above the powerful piano accompaniment, which are characterized by rhythmic syncopation and recurring dissonances to add drive and intensity to the overall performance. Duration: ca. 3:00.

Arranger: William C. Powell

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | Sheet Music | $2.65 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08749581

Go Down Moses : SATB : Paul Carey : Paul Carey : Sheet Music : SBMP657 : 964807006576

Paul Carey : Go Down Moses

A unique arrangement of this well known spiritual. The piano and shakers play a big role in setting the stage; a clever choral piece, not overly difficult, and very effective.

Composer: Paul Carey

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.35 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| SBMP657

Go Down Moses : SSA : Kirby Shaw : Sheet Music : 1000384670

Kirby Shaw : Go Down Moses

Kirby Shaw puts his contemporary stamp on this traditional spiritual for SSA voices. The haunting and powerful story is sung above a driving accompaniment of piano, electric bass and djembe. Full three-part harmony fills the piece, moving back and forth from longer notes to more rhythmic phrases with an optional descant, too. All creating a dynamic sound that treble choirs will love to learn and perform.

Arranger: Kirby Shaw

More details
Voicing: SSA | Digital | $2.35 |
(Minimum order 10 copies)
| 1000384670
Other Voicings: SSA

Go Down Moses : SSA : Mark Hayes : Digital : 08763585 : 728215023149

Mark Hayes : Go Down Moses

This is an excellent arrangement of the traditional spiritual; very jazzy and upbeat!

Arranger: Mark Hayes

More details
Voicing: SSA | $4.35 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08763585
Other Voicings: SATB

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