They are a vocal orchestra! That's the overwhelming impression we get when listening to the Accidentals. Where other groups may be vocal bands, the voices in the Accidentals act more as if they were sections of an orchestra, each weaving a thread into the larger tapestry of song. What is even more amazing is that each of the voices can be heard clearly and individually, even on those rare moments when more than two members are creating a chorus! All in all they sing some of the most complex arrangements in all of acappelladom. Now how about the tunes? We are treated to a sense of the complexities of life itself in a new composition by Dennis Deal, "The Horizon." There are a couple musical doffs of the cap to their hometown, New York City. But wait, turn up the volume and be prepared to be blown away by a marvelous arrangement of "Eli's Comin'" which infuses a brand new spirit into a tune which was becoming a cliche. Humor...did we mention the great sense of humor. It's pretty sophisticated stuff for although there are verbal jibes at reality which are a crack-up, the music itself is a co-conspirator to making one slide from chuckles to guffaws. Try "Beatnik" for a musical joke extroadinaire in which the singer's biography goes from too cool no no we won't give it away. On another tune you will discover for yourself the context of the phrase, "...pucker up sucker and kiss the world goodbye!" You'll laugh, you'll cry, it's beautiful, it's funny, you'll be beguiled by one of the best a cappella albums of the new millennium! |