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Rene Clausen's has served as conductor of The Concordia Choir of Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota since 1986. Additionally, he is the artistic director of the award-winning Concordia Christmas Concerts, which are frequently featured by PBS stations throughout the nation. Rene Clausen is a well-known composer. His compositional style is varied and eclectic, ranging from works appropriate for high school and church choirs to more technically-demanding compositions for college and professional choirs. Interested in composing for various media, Clausen's compositional interests include works for the stage, solo voice, film and video composition, choral/orchestral compositions and arrangements, as well as works for orchestra and wind ensemble. He regularly composes on a commission basis, and is a frequent guest conductor and composer-in-residence on a national basis. Groups directed - Concordia Choir |
Recordings and DVDs
Displaying 1-22 of 22 items.
Concordia Choir : Savior of the Nations Dr. Rene Clausen conducts The Concordia Choir; Bruce Houglum directs The Concordia Orchestra, Michael Smith The Concordia Chapel Choir, Mannerchor and Cantabile, and Dr. Charlette Moe, Bel Canto in this wonderful Christmas Concert from 2008 at Moorhead, Minnesota's Concordia College. At the nationally renowned Concordia School of Music, students can participate in 17 music organizations. There are 25 cuts here, some all instrumental, like Rene Clausen's Fantasia on "The King Shall Come," some accompanied, like "Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers;" and some a cappella, like "Celebration Collage, Heleluyan, Glory to God, Glory in the Highest, Alleluia." There are some traditional carols such as "Silent Night" and Ding Dong! Merrily on High," and some lovely, less-familiar tunes like Carolyn Jennings' "Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain," Daniel Nelson's "That Yonge Child," Eleanor Daly's "What Sweeter Music," Eric Whitacre's "Lux Arumque," "Noel" (sung in traditional Kituban dialect), and the German carol, "Kling, Glockchen, Kling!" "Savior of the Nations-Come" is a magnificent collection of well-chosen, beautifully-performed Christmas music that will surprise and delight you! Songlist: Opening, Sua Gan, Fantasia on "The King Shall Come", Celebration Collage, Let All the Nations Be Gathered Together, Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers, Circle Dance, Our Father, People, Look East, Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain, That Yonge Child, What Sweeter Music, A La Nanita Nana, Lux Arumque, Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah, Silent Night, Noel, Hodie, Chirstus Natus Est, Kling, Glockchen, Kling!, The Carol of the Dance, Ding, Dong! Merrily on High, And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears, Pie Jesu, Psalm 150, Compline ![]() Concordia Choir : Faire is the Heaven F. Melius Christiansen founded the 65-strong mixed voice Concordia Choir at Moorhead, MN's Concordia College in 1911, then led the choir until handing it over to his son Paul in 1937. Rene Clausen has been conductor of the Choir for more than 20 years, and is also a well-known composer and arranger, having written over 100 commissioned compositions. This veteran, prolific choir boasts over 22 finely-crafted CDs and DVDs in the catalog and has long been one of our favorites and best-sellers. The rich, angelic, soaring sound of the Concordia choir is beautifully evident on each of these 10 cuts. Some of our favorites are the title tune, by William H. Harris, Frank Martin's lovely "Agnus Dei," four songs by Eric Whitacre, "When David Heard," "Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine," "I Thank You God for most this amazing day," "This Marriage" and "With a Lilly in Your Hand;"and two versions of "Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming," Hugo Distler's soaring take on it and Jan Sanderson's haunting, surprising carol. Several of these (all a cappella) pieces are difficult and eclectic, but the Choir handles them all easily. Enjoy this remarkable collection by one of America's greatest choirs! Songlist: Faire Is The Heaven, Agnus Dei, Psalm 43, When David Heard, Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming, Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming, Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine, I Thank You God For Most This Amazing Day, This Marriage, With A Lily In Your Hand ![]() Concordia Choir : Journey to Bethlehem The re-imagined Christmas story takes viewers and audience members on a musical "Journey to Bethlehem," combining the pageantry of opera and the grandeur of choral orchestral masterworks. Composer Dr. Rene Clausen weaves sonorous and celebratory Christmas music throughout the concert. Songlist: Fantasia O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, O Holy Night, There Is No Rose of Such Virtue, E'n So Lord Jesus, Quickly Come, What Child, Do You Hear What I Hear?, Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine, Silent Night, Sanctus, Betelehemu, Estampie Natalis, Dansaron: E La Don Don, Gloria, O Little Town of Bethlehem, We Three Kings of Orient Are, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Praise To the Lord, Stay With Us, Compline ![]() Concordia Choir : Beauty in the World ![]() Conductor Rene Clausen is very well known to us for the work he has done with Moorhead MN's Concordia Choir, as Artistic Director of the Emmy-winning Concordia Christmas Concerts, and for over 100 of his own compositions for choirs at all levels. "Beauty in the World" features 13 songs, from the powerful Swahili folk tune "Wana Baraka," Ysaye M. Barnwell's lovely, haunting "Wanting Memories" the powerful Folk song "Dulaman" and the accompanied Irish Folk song "The Little Beggarman" to the accompanied, Clausen-arranged Civil War camp song "Tenting on the Old Campground," the powerful percussion-accompanied Kitana Folk song "Noel," Herbert Mahelona's lovely "No Ka Beauty O Hohokohau," Juris Karlsons' "Rotala" and the F. Melius Christiansen-arranged "Praise to the Lord," each of these songs is a choral masterwork, a vocal symphony if you will. The Choir has deep, powerful harmonies, soaring leads and tremendous feeling and spirit. Don't miss this collection! Songlist: Wana Baraka, Wanting Memories, Dulaman, The Little Beggarman, John Saw Duh Numbuh, When Jesus Wept, Tenting On The Old Campground, Noel, No Ka Beauty O Honokohau, The King of Love, Danny Boy, Rotala, Praise to the Lord ![]() Concordia Choir : Today Heaven Sings Directed by the contemporary composer Rene Clausen, the Concordia Choir performs frequently, but not exclusively, modern works. This 1999 seasonal recording features several familiar holiday carols, such as Praetorius' "Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming," but its appeal is also in the opportunity to enjoy newer, refreshing pieces, such as "How Still He Rests," with it's solemn oboe accompaniment. The eerie, yet beautiful tonalities of "Go Pretty Child," with its sibilant countermelody, are an example of how the Choir's approach is both delicate and unsettling at once. "Noel Aylsyen (A Haitian Noel)" bounces between the root and fifth, urged along in a springing rhythm, punctuated by handclaps. This refined and energetic modernism is exciting and supremely musical. Songlist: Today, Heaven Sings, The Godly Stranger, O Magnum Mysterium, Noel Ayisyen (A Haitian Noel), Shout The Glad Tidings, Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, Infant Holy, Infant Lowly, Carol Of The Drum, A Spotless Rose, Go, Pretty Child, How Still He Rests, The Three Kings, Sweet Was The Song, The Exaltation of Christ, Advent Motet, Lost in the Night ![]() Concordia Choir : Folk Songs, Spirituals & Hymns This top-selling recording contains all of the favorites! It includes a refreshing combination of accessible choral music for the enthusiast and the church choir member. Songlist: Las Agachadas, This Little Light of Mine, Shenandoah, Hark, I Hear The Harps Eternal, I Got Shoes, All My Trials, John Saw Duh Numbah, Set Down Servant, Abide With Me, Lamb of God, Lost in the Night, Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying, O Day Full of Grace, Beautiful Savior ![]() Concordia Choir : The Choral Music of Rene Clausen ![]() Rene Clausen is one of America's leading choral composers. Discover the variety of his compositions as performed by these quality ensembles. This recording features his latest extended work "Crying For A Dream" which is based on Native American texts. Songlist: *The Concordia Choir*, Crying For A Dream, I. Hear Me, I Will Live!, II. War Song, III. How Can You Buy The Sky?, Three Whitman Settings, I. A Noiseless Patient Spider, II. Quicksand Years, III. The Last Invocation, Tonight, Eternity Alone, Magnificat, Deep River, O Vos Omnes, Seek The Lord, *The Dale Warland Singers*, Set Me As A Seal, *Manitou Singers of St. Olaf College*, Psalm 100 ![]() Concordia Choir : In The New Moon This recording features John Taverner's "Song for Athene," as performed at the funeral of Princess Diana of Wales. Also, Rene Clausen's "In Pace," written in memory of the Holocaust victims. This is the ultimate collection of etheral and daunting 20th Century masterpieces. Songlist: Exultate Deo, Agnus Dei, Sanctus, O Tod, Wie Bitter Bist Du, Singet Dem Herrn, Totus Tuus, Song For Athene, In Pace ![]() Concordia Choir : My Soul's Delight Spanning a diverse range of choral literature, this acclaimed Minnesota choir has once again produced a pristine recording. Directed by Rene Clausen, the mixed group performs spirituals ("Ain't Got Time To Die"), and folk songs ("Little Potato"), in addition to the expected arrangements of composers such as F. Melius Christiansen ("Praise To The Lord"), whose Scandinavian heritage is part of an acknowledged hegemony in the choral world. Other highlights include the "Noel Ayisyen (A Haitian Noel)" with it's perfect fifth harmonic background, and the droning "Past Life Melodies," which uses a judicious dissonance to craft an otherworldly deja vu. Blissful. Songlist: my song in the night, create in me a clean heart, oh, yes!, Joshua Fit De Battle Of Jericho, ain't got time to die, little potato, two american folk songs, sourwood mountain, black sheep, the best of rooms, past life melodies, noel avisyen, Witness, pilgrim's chorus, praise to the lord, softly and tenderly ![]() Concordia Choir : Your Heart Shall Rejoice The colorfully beautiful liner notes give us a wealth of information about the Evangelical Lutheran Church's Concordia College of Moorhead, Minnesota, their acclaimed Choir, and director/composer/arranger Rene Clausen. "Your Heart" brings us 9 songs of praise, written by Giovanni Gabrieli, William Byrd, Heinrich Schutz and J.S. Bach: "Jubilate Deo," "I Will Not Leave You Comfortless," "Sing Joyfully," Singet dem Herrn ein neves Lied," "Selig sing die Toten," "Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben," "Komm, Jesu, Komm," "Der Geist hilt unsrer Schwachheit auf" and "Lobet den Herrn." The classic, soaring, harmonic music takes us to a simpler place and time, a place of contemplation and worship, a place where the heart may truly rejoice! Songlist: Jubliate Deo, I Will Not Leave You Comfortless, Sing Joyfully, Singet Deui Herriti Ein Nuese Lied, Selig Sind Die Toten, Ich Bin Die Auferstehung, Komm, Die Geist Hifit Unser Schwachheit, lobet Deti Herrti ![]() Concordia Choir : Star Of Wonder Since 1927, the Concordia College Christmas Concert has grown from an activity of the college's music club into the famed concerts that have become a tradition in the Upper Midwest. Since 1937 the spectacle has featured a giant mural, the huge Concordia Choir and three other choirs, and the Concordia orchestra. There are beautiful photographs of the event in the extensive liner notes. 23 songs, "Venus, the Bringer of Peace," "Watchman, Tell Us Of The Night," "O How Shall I Receive Thee," "Behold A Star From Jacob Shining," "Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Has Come," "Our Father"... the list goes on and on of beautiful, soaring music, praising Christ and filling the huge hall with love and light. "Star Of Wonder" is a very special CD of a huge, amazing Christmas event. Songlist: Venus, the Bringer of Peace, Watchman, Tell Us of the Night, O How Shall I Receive Thee?, Behold A Star from Jacob Shining, Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Has Come, Our Father, The Word Became Flesh, Mary's Song of Praise, People, Look East, We Three Kings, Rise Up, Sheperd, and Follow, I Wonder as I Wander, I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light, Silent Night, I Saw Three Ships, The Godly Stranger, Laudamus Te, Wolcum Yole, The Three Kings, Ye Were Sometimes in Darkness / Walk as Children of Light, Psalm 103, Lord of All Being, Compline ![]() Concordia Choir : O Holy Night On the cover of "O Holy Night" we see an awesome giant Christmas mural, with the huge Concordia Choir in front of it, and The Concordia Orchestra in the foreground. This massive Christmas celebration has been an annual event for many years, and it just keeps getting bigger and better. 24 songs, with spoken parts, all accompanied, some familiar ("Angels We Have Heard On High," "O Holy Night," "Joy to the World"), some unfamiliar ( "Of the Father's Love Begotten," "Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah," "Calm on the Listening Ear of Night"), but together in sequence they magnificently tell the Christmas story. "O Holy Night" is a triumph, one of the best of the year! Songlist: Prelude On How Brightly Shines the Morning Star, Of the Father's Love Begotten, Angels We Have Heard On High, O Holy Night, There Is No Rose of Such Virtue, Light Everlasting, Lost In the Night, Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah, Vene Sanctus Spiritus, All My Heart This Night Rejoices, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, He Is Born, Before the Marvel of this Night, Good Christian Friends, Rejoice!, Calm On the Listening Ear of Night, Twelfth Night, How Great Our Joy, Nowell Sing We, Both All and Some, Infant Holy, Infant Lowly, Sussex Carol, Jeg er saa glad, Go, Tell It On the Mountain, Psalm 150, Joy To the World, Compline ![]() Concordia Choir : Prince of Peace, Hope To The World Since 1920 The Concordia Choir of Moorhead, Minnesota, has continued to affirm its reputation as one of the nation's finest a cappella choirs. Touring nationally and internationally the choir has performed in nearly every major hall in the United States including Carnegie Hall and Kennedy Center. "Prince of Peace" is their seventh CD release, and it features the 2002 Concordia College Christmas Concert, conducted by the renowned Rene Clausen. Begun on a small scale in 1927, the event as we know it today began in 1937 under Paul Christiansen, son of St. Olaf College choir director F. Melius Christiansen, when the first giant Christmas mural was added. The recording has 25 parts, some simply orchestra, some a cappella singing, some singing with orchestra, some narrative. For a hint of how wonderful this concert is, listen to "For Unto Us A Child Is Born," from Handel's "Messiah," featuring the orchestra and Choir-outstanding. John Gardner's "Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day," Stroope's "There Is No Rose of Such Virtue," Pierce's "How Still He Rests," or sinple carols like "Silent Night," a lilting "Pat-A-Pan," "O Hearken Ye," "Jesus, Jesus Rest Your Head," or the powerful Haitian carol "Noel Ayisen"-it's all amazing. Songlist: Church Windows, Domine Deus from "Gloria", He, Watching Over Israel, O Lovely Christmas Rose, O Magnum Mysterium, There Is No Rose, Silent Night, How Still He Rests, O Chritmas Babe, the Best of All I Know (Leland B. Sateren), For Unto Us A Child Is Born from "Messiah", Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, Pat-A-Pan, Noel Ayisyen (A Haitian Noel), O Hearken Ye, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Go, Tell It On the Mountain, My Lord, What a Mornin', Jesus, Jesus Rest Your Head (, People, Look East, Alleluia from "Brazillian Psalm", Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness, Dona Nobis Pacem, Psalm 50, Praise To the Lord, Copline ![]() Concordia Choir : Echoes For more than 80 years, The CC of Concordia (Lutheran) College, Moorhead, MN has continued to affirm its reputation as one of the nation's finest a cappella choirs. The choir has performed in nearly every major music hall, including Carnegie Hall. Conducted since 1986 by Rene Clausen , who also wrote the lovely "Ubi Caritas," the group perfectly performs 12 songs on the aptly-titled "Echoes," mostly sacred songs like "La Lumiere," Tavener's "Song for Athene" and "Village Wedding." This CD also features "Water Night," "Cloudburst" and "Little Birds" by popular composer Eric Whitacre as well as the gorgeous "O Magnum Mysterium" by Morten Lauridsen. Just beautiful! Songlist: MLK, La Lumiere, Song for Athene, Village Wedding, Ubi Caritas, O Sacrum Convivium, Water Night, Cloudburst, Little Birds, O Magnum Mysterium, Noel Ayisyen (A Haitian Noel), The Mission: Our Father ) ![]() Concordia Choir : Memorial Memorial is a composition for mixed chorus, orchestra and baritone solo, based on subject material which reflets the horrific events of September 11th, 2001, in New York City. Though presented as one continuous movement, the composition follows a program that comprises of four sub-sections - Semptember Morning, The Attack, Prayers and Petitions. Conducted by its composer and director of the Concordia Choir, Rene Clausen, this beautiful piece of music will touch your heart in a way that only music can. The musical texture presents a poignant cascade of emotion that is amplified by the awesome peformance by the Concordia Choir and their Baritone soloist, Peter Halverson (A Concordia College Music Faculty member). On this CD, there is also an exceptional performance of Samuel Barber's instrumental piece, "Adagio for Strings," performed by the Concordia College Orchestra. Songlist: Adagio for Strings, Memorial ![]() Concordia Choir : Endless Your Grace Renowned conductor/arranger (since 1986) of the Concordia Choir Rene Clausen's firm touch is clear on every note of "Endless Your Grace." For more than 80 years The mixed voice Concordia Choir has affirmed its reputation as one of nation's finest a cappella choirs. 16 wonderfully arranged songs are included in this inspirational, feel-good recording. The Moses Hogan-arranged "Ezekiel Saw De Wheel," "What A Wonderful World," "Come and Taste," "Daniel, Daniel, Servant of the Lord," "Gracious Spirit," "This Little Light," the rousing spiritual "Ain't Got Time to Die," "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel," "Give Me Jesus" and "My God, How Wonderful Thou Art" are favorites, but "Endless" is an impressive, spirited treat throughout! Songlist: Ezekiel Saw De Wheel, What A Wonderful World, Come and Taste, His Voice, Black Is The Color of My True Love's Hair, Daniel, Daniel, Servant of the Lord, Gracious Spirit, This Little Light, There Is A Balm in Gilead, Ain't Got Time To Die, Pilgrim's Hymn, Wondrous Love, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Give Me Jesus, My God, How Wonderful Thou Art, Beautiful Savior ![]() Concordia Choir : The Lord Is My Shepherd ![]() Included in this live recording from the 78th annual Concordia College (Moorhead, MN) Christmas Concert, "The Lord is My Shepherd," inspired by Psalm 23. Over 500 musicians, including the Concordia Choir, directed by Rene Clausen, Concordia College Orchestra, Bel Canto, Chapel Choir, Kantorei, Tintinnabula and Cantabile, tell the story of Christmas in song, segued by a spoken narrative. 22 songs, from Bach's "Sheep May Safely Graze,' and Paul Manz' "E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come" to Mary Caldwell's "A Lute Caroll" and Rene Clausen's beautiful "Psalm 23." Mostly orchestrally-accompanied. Wonderful, inspirational music from a fantastic annual event! Songlist: Sheep May Safely Graze, Shepherd Me, O God, From Shepherding of Stars, The Lord's My Shepherd, Chichester Psalms, movement II, E'en so, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come, Our Father, A Lute Caroll, Go, Pretty Child, Hacia Belen Va Un Borrrico, The Godly Stranger, Sir Chistemas, Noel, African Noel, Angels' Carol, Ukranian Bell Carol, The First Noel, Ding Dong Merrily On High, The King of Love My Shepherd Is, Psalm 23, Stay With Us, Compline ![]() Concordia Choir : O Come All Ye Faithful With almost 20,000 attendees at their annual Christmas series of concerts and the airing on PBS television and radio stations across the nation has certainly made the Concordia Choir a great Christmas tradition for many. The 400 voices celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ with some spectacular arrangements including "Gesu Bambino" and the title track "O Come All Ye Faithful". Two new compositions by director Rene Clausen, who has over the 26 years he has been directing the choir become world-renown, are superb. Always top-notch this choir continues to build upon it's already excellent reputation. Songlist: Fantasia On O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Watchman, Tell Us Of The Night, O Come All Ye Faithful, Gesu Bambino, Advent Motet, People Look East, There Is No Rose, Lo, How A Rose E'Er Blooming, Mary's Wonder, Lux Aurumque, He IS Born, Jesus Jesus Rest Your Head, Sanctus (From Mass), Hodie Christus Natus Est, Mary Had A Baby, O Day Full Of Grace, Carol Of The Drum, We Three Kings Of Orient Are, Mothering God, You Gave Me Birth, Ring Out Ye Crystal Spheres From Hodie, Compline ![]() Concordia Choir : F. Melius Christiansen 135th Anniversary Concert Four cameras were used capture this concert of five Minnesota choirs celebrating the legacy of F. Melius Christiansen. Stunning audio and video make this concert DVD a must-have item for your library. One camera was mounted in the shell allowing you to view the conductors from the singer's point of view. Norway-born Frederick Melius Christiansen arrived in the Midwest in 1888 and immediately began establishing his career as a master musician. Accepting an appointment as music director of the fledgling music program at St. Olaf College in Minneapolis, as founder and leader of the St. Olaf Choir from 1911-41, he established a legacy of excellence, which still influences a cappella performances of choirs throughout the country. The Augsburg Choir, Concordia Choir, Concordia U. Christus Chorus, Gustavus Choir, St. Olaf Choir and The Anniversary Festival Choir celebrate the anniversary of F. Melius' birth in 1871 on two beautifully-recorded, powerful choral CDs, 16 pieces on the first and 10 on the second. Our favorites, of course, are "Lost in the Night," "In Dulci Jubilo," "Wake, Awake" and "Praise to the Lord," all arranged by the "Music Master of the Midwest," in addition to "Psalm 50" and "Beautiful Savior," composed by F. Melius. Wonderful! Songlist: Fest Und Gedenspruche, Lost In The Night, Congori Shango, Stay With US, Canticle Of Praise, Psalm 43, Vidi Aquam, Oculi Ominum In Te Sperant Domine Scutz, Com Away To The Skies, Nun Danket Alle Gott, Make We Joy, In Ducli Jubilo, Living Peace / Heiwa No Kiseki, E'en So, Lord Jesus, LAudate Dominum, Hope In god, The Lightener Of The Stars, I Will Be With You, Wake Awake, Venite Populi, Alleluia, This Little Light Of Mine, Praise To The Lord, Beautiful Saviour ![]() Concordia Choir : On Our Way Rejoicing Director Rene Clausen continues to raise the bar of excellence of this world-class choir and the 2006 Christmas Concert was a special series of concerts indeed. This year's honored concert honored longtime mural designer and liturgical artist David Hetland '69 who designed the hand-painted Christmas Concert murals for the past 28 years. David passed away April 16, 2006. Morten Lauridsen's "O Magnum Mysterium" has become a standard for many choirs and the choir here gives this magnificent piece true justice. A true delight this recording will brighten everyone's holiday spirits. Songlist: The Adoration of the Magi, Agnus Dei, O How Shall I Receive You, Christmas Cantata, E'en So Lord Jesus, Quickly Come, Lost In the Night, There Is No Rose of Such Virtue, Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, O Magnum Mysterium, Fum, Fum, Fum, Silent Night, 'Twas in the Moon of Winter Time, Cold December Flies Away, The Angel Gabriel From heaven Came, O little Town of Bethlehem, Twelfth Night, Sanctus, Past Three O'Clock, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, The Three Kings, Psalm 150, Lux Aeterna, Compline ![]() Concordia Choir : Evocations Pride of Moorhead MN's Concordia College for more than 80 years, the renowned, prolific Concordia Choir has been consistently adding beautiful CDs to the best choral recordings in the PAC catalog, 21 titles to date. Well-known composer/arranger Rene Clausen has been conducting the group for over 20 years. "Evocations" features 20 sacred selections, favorites are Eric Whitacre's "Lux Aurumque," David Childs' unpublished "Purge Me From My Sin," Paul Christiansen's "Vidi Aquam," Knut Nystedt's "Be Not Afraid," Sergei Rachmaninoff's "Come, Let Us Worship" and "Bless the Lord, O My Soul," Felix Mendelssohn's "Psalm 2," and "Psalm 50, Movement 2 and 3," by former Choir director F. Melius Christiansen. Beautiful, soaring music from one of the great choirs of all time! Songlist: Lux Aurumque, Purge Me From My Sin, Bow Down Thine Ear, Vidi Auqam, Be Not Afraid, Our Father, Come, Let Us Worship, Bless The Lord, O My Soul, Abendlied, Psalm 2, Psalm 50, Movement 2, Psalm 50, Movement 3 ![]() Kansas City Chorale : Life and Breath Although he writes in all genres, Rene Clausen is today one of America's most popular choral composers, and for more than twenty years he has been the conductor of the internationally acclaimed Concordia Choir of Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. On this release, choral works by Clausen are performed by the Kansas City Chorale, another choir of great international renown, whose recording, with the Phoenix Chorale, of Grechaninov's Passion Week won a Grammy award in 2008, in the category Best Classical Recording, Engineering. 'Set me as a Seal' is arguably the composer's best-known work, and has long been popular at weddings, funerals, and in the concert repertoire. Clausen has described the work as 'various kinds of discussions between God and humans, both from the human aspect and from the God aspect, so a lot of variations... of love, of disappointment, of anxiety, of doubt'. All that hath life and breath is one of Clausen's earliest works, and a favourite of choirs across the world. The Mass for Double Choir was commissioned by the Kansas City Chorale. The composer, who had never written a mass before, looked on it as an 'interesting challenge'. In the work emotions ebb and flow kaleidoscopically, taking the listener from the strength of the unison writing at the opening, to the sorrowful falling lines of the Crucifixion of Christ and the bubbling, dancing figures for the Resurrection. Expressions of praise spill forward atop one another in the Sanctus, a choir of angels too exuberant to be contained. Songlist: All that Hath Life and Breath Praise the Lord, O magnum mysterium, The Tyger, The Lamb, Mass: Kyrie, Mass: Gloria, Mass: Credo, Mass: Sanctus, Mass: Agnus Dei, Magnificat, Prayer, O vos omnes, A New Creation: Set me as a seal ![]() |
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