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Christmas, as a holiday, goes back nearly two millennium. Music has changed over the time, but the idea of celebrating with music hasn’t. Much of our favorite Christmas music date back to the Middle Ages or even earlier, and the best way to experience them is in the work of those groups dedicated to preserving centuries-old music – Tudor polyphony, medieval chant, medieval carols, renaissance motets, plainchant or more. This was music when music told a story, and the story it tells is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, one of the most important times of the year for millions of people throughout the last 2,000 years.
Displaying 1-25 of 25 items. Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos : Christmas ChantsReview: The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo De Silos became famous outside of religious circles in the mid-'90s when a recording of their liturgical Gregorian chants unexpectedly climbed to the top of U.S. pop charts. The Benedictine Monks have released several successful albums of their monophonic chants and have helped bring joy of mediaeval plainsong to a new and larger audience. This is a very well recorded CD of top notch quality. Songlist: Prayers. Rorate Celi desuper. Mode I, Antiphon. O Sapientia. Mode II, Introit. Gaudete in Domino semper and Psalm 84, 1. Mode I, Hymn. Christe, redemptor omnium. Mode I, Invitational Antiphon. Christus natus est nobis and Psalm 94, 1-2. Mode IV, First Lesson of Maitins, acc. to Isaiah 9, 1-6. Primo tempore., Hymn. A solis ortus cardine. Mode III, Antiphon. Quem vidistis, pastores? Mode II, Antiphon. Facta est cumm Angelo. Mode VII, Communion. Liturgia mozarabe. Gustate et videte. Mode II, Antiphon. Rubum quem viderat and Magnificat. Mode IV, Alleluia. Dies sanctificatus. Mode II, Communion. Viderunt omnes. Mode I, Canticle. Puer natus in Bethlehem. Mode I, Canticle. Adeste fideles. Mode VI, Introit. Dominus dixit and Psalm 2, 1. Mode II, Introit. Puer natus est nobis and Psalm 97, 1. Mod VII, Gradual. Omnes de Saba. Mode V, Antiphon. Alma Redemptoris Mater. Mode V, Hymn. Panis angelicus. Mode IV, Invitational Antiphon. Christum Regem. Mode IV, Hymn. Adoro te devote. Mode V, Hymn. Te decet laus. Mode II, Antiphon. Laudemus Dominum and Psalm 116. Mode II, Canticle. Ave verum. Mode VI ![]() Listen to Boston Camerata : Mediaevel ChristmasReview: This recortding is one of several in the highly successfule series of Christmas recordings from this fine ensemble. The music on this collection spans seven centuries (12th to 19th) and offers a wide and diverse range of compositions. Director Joel Cohen opens with a Hebrew cantillation of "Isaiah's Prophecy" of the comming of the Messiah, moves on to a 10th-century Spanish setting of a sibylline prophecy, and then takes us to 12th-century Provence with "Adest Pronsus". The performances are always stylish and captivating.... a treasure and essential to your collection. Songlist: Isiah's Prophecy, The Sybil's Prohecy - Iudicii Signum, Conductis - Adest Sponsus, Clausula - Oiet, Virgines, Hymn - Domino, Lauda - Conditor Alme Siderum, Reading - Verbum Caro Factum, Organum - On Frymae Was Word, Reading - Ludea Et Iberusalem, Hymn - Gedonis Area, Sacred Song - O Maria, Feu MAire, Prosa - Ave Maria, Responsory - Gaude MAria, Hymn - Joseph, Liber Nefe Min, Conductus With Refrain - Congaudes Hodie, in Dulci Jubilo, Hymn - In Dulci Jubilo, Reading - Hand By We Shule Us Take, Conductus - Lux Hodie.. Orientis Partibus ![]() Capella Gregoriana : Gregorian ChristmasReview: Not technically Gregorian, because of some polyphony this recording is predominantly chant, but there are times when the selections move to motets, the natural outgrowth of chant, being simultaneous independent plain songs as it were, combined to form a melodious and rhythmic whole much as partner songs do. As for the Christmas feel, it is certainly reverent and soothing. Highly recommended, this is an excellent budget album. Songlist: Introitus: Puer natus est nobis, Kyrie: Kyrie eleison, Gloria: Gloria in excelsis Deo, Psalmus 112: Laudate pueri, Offertorium: Tui sunt caeli, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Communio: Viderunt omnes, Magnificat anuma mea Dominum, Hymnus: A solis ortus cardine, Introitus: Salve sancta Parens, Halleluja: Multifarie, Communio: Exulta filia Sion / Psalm 45, Magnificat anima mea Dominum ![]() Gloriae Dei Cantores : Chants of ChristmasReview: Depicting the sacred mystery of Christmas in the ancient melodies of Gregorian chant, this recording will enrich anyone's experience of this holy season. The first Mass, the quietly joyful "Ad Missam in Vigilia," builds on the anticipation of the coming event, proclaiming the Good News of the salvation prepared for us by a loving God through the birth of His Son. The second Mass, the tender "Ad Missam in Nocte," is sung at the hour traditionally oberved as the time of Christ's birth. With exquisite beauty and strength, the Mass celebrated at dawn on Christmas Day, "Ad Missam in Aurora," expresses the coming of the Light into the world. The fourth Mass, "Ad Missam in Die," is a jubilant expression of the salvation and righteousness of God. This recording also includes special antiphons honoring the Virgin Mary. Songlist: Introit: Hodie scietis, Gradual: Hodie scietis, Alleluia: Crastina die, Offertory: Tollite portas, Communion: Revelabitur, Introit: Dominus dixit, Gradual: Tecum principium, Alleluia: Dominus dixit, Offertory: Laetentur caeli, Communion: In splendoribus, Introit: Lux fulgebit, Gradual: Benedictus qui venit, Alleluia: Dominus regnavit, Offertory: Deus enim firmavit, Communion: Exsulta filia sion, Introit: Puer natus est nobis, Gradual: Viderunt omnes, Alleluia: Dies sanctificatus, Offertory: Tui sunt caeli, Communion: Viderunt omnes, Alma redemptoris mater, Ave regina caelorum, Regina Caeli, Salve Regina, Alma redemptoris mater, Ave regina caelorum, Regina Caeli, Salve Regina ![]() Mediaeval Baebes : Mistletoe and WineReview: Our definition of a Christmas gift would certainly include 8 beautiful women, dressed in mediaeval costume, singing songs adapted from the 11th through the 16th centuries, lightly accompanied such period instruments as Zither, Hurdygurdy, Harmonium, Citern, Glockenspiel and Astrowheel. We don't even know what a number of these instruments look like, but they sound wonderful! "Mistletoe" is classical and even sacred, but the Baebes' vital sound is anything but dry or academic. 15 tunes, some favorites: "The Holly & The Ivy," the traditional French "L'Amour de Moi," the dramatic "Salva Nos," "There Is No Rose of Swych Vertu," "Kimberly," the lovely "In Dulci Jubilo," "I Am Eve," "The Coventry Carol," the spirited "Undrentide" and the plaintive, haunting "Blow, Northern Wind." The beauty of the words and music are rivaled only by the sweet voices and harmonies! Songlist: The Holly and the Ivy, Gaudete, Amour de Moi, Salva Nos, Glass Window, There Is No Rose of Swych Vertu, Kinderly, In Dulce Jubilo, Love Me Broughte, I Am Eve, Quan Vey La Layeta, Coventry Carol, Underntide, Ecce Mundi Gaudium, Blow Northern Wind ![]() Netherlands Chamber Choir : Mirabile MysteriumReview: Specialist in medieval and Renaissance polyphony Paul Von Nevel guest conducts the Nederlands Kamerkoor in 14 classical sacred works of Christmas music, ranging from Jacobus Gallus' 16th century title tune and Geronimo Luca's 17th century "Este Nino que es sol del aurora" to Bertram Luard-Selby's 19th century "A Voice from Ramah" and Harold Darke's 20th Century "In The Bleak Mid-Winter." Some accompaniment from period recorder, renaissance violin, viola da gamba, shawm and dulciam. Just beautiful! Songlist: Mirabile mysterium, Unidos tres reyes, Vincti presepio / Stelle presagio, Este Nino que es sol del aurora, Drei Kon'ge wandern aus Morgenland, Senores el qu'es nascido, Vox in Rama, Hodie puer nascitur, Ab Oriente, In the bleak mid-winter, A Penas nace este Nino, A Voice from Ramah, Balaam de quo vaticinans, Quae stella sole pulchrior ![]() New York Polyphony : I Sing the BirthReview: New York Polyphony is rapidly gaining a reputation as one of the finest new classical vocal ensembles. Fusing elegant vocalism with expert ensemble singing, its four male voices consistently deliver dynamic performances of music spanning nearly a millennium in a range of styles, combining historically-informed interpretive style with their own unique artistry. From the simplicity of plainchant to the dense chromaticism of contemporary works, the New York Polyphony sound is unified, energized and distinctive. The musical landscape traversed on this disc of music for the Advent and Christmas season is broad, from 12th century conductus to a 21st century carol, though the musical center is firmly polyphonic and rooted in the late Medieval world. The group is joined by a women's trio in several works written for more than four parts. The sound is clean and present, with appropriate resonance for this material. For the listener looking for a collection of contemplative Christmas music that steers clear of the most obvious selections and introduces intriguing new repertoire, as well as for the fan of early music vocal ensembles, this album has much to offer. Songlist: Veni Redemptor gentium, Hodie Christus natus est, Hodie Christus natus est, Puer natus est nobis, Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child, Beata viscera, Ave Maria Mater Dei, Alma Redemptoris mater, The darkest midnight in December, The Fader of Heven, Vox in Rama, Vox in Rama, Vox in Rama, Away in a manger, Ave Maria, Coventry Carol, Ave Maria, Lullay, lullow, I saw a swete semly syght, Mervele noght, Josep, Nowell: Dieus wous garde, byewsser, Veni Redemptor gentium, O magnum mysterium, Ecce advenit dominator Dominus, Magi veniunt ab oriente, Nunc dimittis, Vox in Rama ![]() Orlando Consort : Alleluia NativitasReview: Music & Carols for a Medieval Christmas. The music on this recording goes back to the very origins of musical composition. The centerpiece, Perotin's Viderunt omnes, can also be said to mark the beginning of the concept of musical history, since it is one of the first pieces whose precise details of performance (place, date and context) are known, carefully recorded and preserved for the information of future generations. Songlist: Novus Annus Hodie, Ut Iam Cessit, Fulget Dies Celebris, Vetus Abit Littera, Procedenti Puero, Mater Dei Salus Rei, In Sompnis Mira, Huic Et Placuit, Viderunt Omnes, Angelus ad Virginem, Flos Regalis, Beata Viscera, Orientis Partibus, Salve Sancta Parens, Virgo Maria, Edi Beo Thu, Super Te Jerusalem, O Nobilis Nativitas, There Is No Rose, St Thomas Honour We, Nowell, Nowell: The Boare's Head ![]() Orlando Consort : Medieval ChristmasReview: Although Medieval Christmas celebrations primarily consisted of over-eating, flirtation, hunting and drinking, each day began with a mass. Sacred and secular traditions and customs were often intertwined as part of a season of celebration which culminated with the feast of the Epiphany. On this new CD, the Orlando Consort offers an unusual & wide-ranging collection of secular and liturgical music from England, France and the Low Countries. To read the texts of these pieces is to un-knot the various traditions that are otherwise confused by today's pick-and-mix carol concerts. While not strictly chronological, the disc is divided into five sections - Prophecy, New Year's Day, The Carol, Narrative Motets and Noel - which illustrate key themes of the music of this period. Songlist: Christe redemptor, Alleluia V. Dies sanctificatus, Lux refulget, Annus renascitur, De quan qu'on peut, Tout mon desir, Ce jour de l'an, Ave rex angelorum, Eya, martyr Stephane, Vox in Rama, Lullay, lullow: I saw a swete semely sight, O admirabile commercium, Pastores loquebantur, Noel, noel, noel, Noe, noe, noe, Nato canunt omnia, Quem lohannes, O primus homo corruit, Clangat tuba ![]() Listen to Oxford Camerata : Medieval CarolsReview: In 15th-century England a tradition grew up for the composition of polyphonic carols. None of them is ascribed to a specific composer or poet, neither is their function completely understood. The form is that of alternating verses and burdens (refrains), the language generally being a mixture of Latin and English. The majority of the carols have sacred texts and it is possible that these were designed for liturgical use. Others are moralistic or celebratory and were possibly used to enliven feasts and banquets in aristocratic households or for recreational purposes at educational establishments. This CD is (along with the selection of songs from the Piae Cantiones) the Camerata's smallest-scale recording project. Only four voices are used throughout (Rebecca Outram, Deborah Mackay, Philip Cave, and Jeremy Summerly) although one of the tracks does also involve Jeremy Summerly playing the tambourine! The Christmas spirit was well captured by arranging to record this CD in December in sub-zero temperatures. The project attracted much attention and ulitmately resulted in the milennial publication of a volume of medieval songs and carols by Faber Music entitled Passetime with good company! Songlist: Ave Maria, What Tiding's Bringest Thou, O Virdissima Virga, Alma Redemptoris Mater, Deo Gracias Anglia, Be Merry Be Merry, Riu, Riu, Chiu, There Is No Rose, Planctus Guillelmus, Eya Mater Stephane, Gaudate Christus Est Natus, Hail Mary Full Of Grace, Now We May Singen, Nowell Sing We, Planctus David ![]() Rose Ensemble : Slavic HolidayReview: The Rose Ensemble's third recording features music from medieval and Renaissance Poland and Czechoslovakia, including motets from the Prague manuscript Codex Specialnik and several lovely spiritual songs extolling the virtues of various Slavic saints and heroes. The Rose Ensemble, based in Minneapolis/St. Paul, handles this material with great skill and grace. Their vocal tone is bright yet warm, and their articulation is clear and crisp. This is interesting music from a part of the world we've just begun to explore. This music is at once familiar and exotic. Songlist: O Beate Stanislae, Beata es virgo, Nobis est natus hodie, In natali Domini, Beatus Adalbertus, Per merita sancti Adalberti, Alme presul et beate, Poslan jest od Boha andel, Magnificat, Dies est Laetitiae, Stala se jest vec divna, De Nativitate Domino, Hospodine, Pomiluj Ny, Pisen o Koncilu Kostnickem, Primo Tempore, Svaty Vaclave, Dulce Melos, Salve pater optime, Decet huius cuntis horis ![]() Sixteen : Christmas Music from Medieval & RenaissanceReview: A fine collection of Christmas music from medieval and renaissance Europe by this highly accomplished choir under the direction of Harry Christophers. Many works from England including the stunning Tallis composition "Videte Miraculuum' and several carols from Europe including those by Jacob Handl, Jean Mouton and Orlandus Lassus. Songlist: Puer Natus Est Nobis, Nowell Nowell In Bethlehem, Gaudete, Nesciens Mater, The Song Of The Nuns Of Chester, Coventry Carol, The Boar's Head Carol, Videte Miraculum, Quem Pastores Laudavere, Pueri Concinite, O Magnum Mysterium, Resonet In Laudibus, In Dulci Jubilo, Riu, Riu, Chiu, Nesciens Mater, Omnes De Saba ![]() Sixteen : Christus Natus Est - An Early English ChristmasReview: Amongst the exhaustive catalogue of recordings devoted to Christmas music, this particular example - focusing on works written in England during the Middle Ages and Renaissance - can be warmly recommended indeed. The performances, as ever by this superb choir, are polished and beautifully executed, and the program is varied both in terms of the selection of pieces (carols, motets, ballads, chant...) and also in the interpretations (usually choir or consort but sometimes 1 singer, occasionally accompanied by instruments - harp, lute, rebec/fiddle, drums). Furthermore, a number of the tracks constitute probably the best available performances of certain works. Songlist: Verbum caro, Salutation Carol, Nowell, sing we, both all and some, Gaudete, Hail Mary full of Grace, Gloria in excelsis, There is no rose, Nowell, nowell: Out of your sleep, Remember O thou man, Quid petis, O Fili?, Sweet was the song, Lullaby my sweet little baby, Are rex angelorum, Drive the cold winter away, Nowell, nowell: The boares head, The old year now has passed away, Angelus ad Virginem, Nowell, nowell: Dieu vous garde, Make we joy, Verbum caro ![]() Sixteen : Hodie - An English Christmas CollectionReview: The recordings of The Sixteen have been treasured by collectors of superb choral music Hodie is a beautifully programmed disc of seasonal music from England's greatest composers Featured are perennial favorites by William Walton, Edmund Rubbra, John Tavener, Herbert Howells, and Peter Warlock and as a very special centerpiece, one of the all time critically acclaimed performances of Benjamin Britten's ever-popular A Ceremony of Carols. Songlist: Make we joy now in this fest, Coventry Carol, A babe is born, The Virgin's Cradle Song, A Hymn to the Virgin, The Lamb, A Ceremony of Carols , Sing Lullaby, Lute book lullaby, A Spotless Rose, Corpus Christi, Balulalow, Benedicamus Domino, Tomorrow shall be my dancing day ![]() Tallis Scholars : Christmas Carols & MotetsReview: Recorded at the Church of St Peter and St Paul in Norfolk, England, this collection of medieval carols, renaissance motets and German chorales by this English mixed ensemble is devout, harkening back to to a time centuries past. Performed with as much allegiance to the original forms as possible, these are simple arrangements, many of which would have been sung by the populus at large, in commemoration of religious occasions. Four settings of "Ave Maria," two attributed to Victoria and one to Des Pres among them, are represented; musically, this ubiquituous homage to the blessed Virgin was distinguished by variations in rhythm, texture and so forth. A peaceful and serene recording. Songlist: Medieval Carols, Angelus ad Virginem, Nowell Sing We, There Is No Rose, Nowell: Dieu Vous Garde, Coventry Carol, Lullay: I saw, Lully, Lulla Thou Little Tiny Child, Lullaby by William Byrd, Settings Of Ave Maria, Ave Maria for four voices by Josquin Des Pres, Beata Es Virgo / Ave Maria for seven voices by Philippe Verdelot, For four voices attributed to Victoria, For double choir by Victoria, German Chorales, Es Ist Ein' Ros', Joseph Lieber, In Dulci Jubilo, Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme ![]() Tallis Scholars : Sarum ChantReview: The Sarum Use was a medieval variant of the Roman Catholic liturgy originating at Salisbury and used throughout pre-Reformation England. The plainchant on this recording is from the First Mass of Christmas, known as the Mass at Cock-crow. Songlist: Missa In Gallicantu, Christe Redemptor Omnium, Veni, Redemptor Gentium, Salvator Mundi, Domine, A Solis Ortis Cardine ![]() Tudor Choir : Fair With Her First BornReview: The music on this recording spans many centuries, including 20th-century carols, Tudor polyphony, and chant from medieval England's Sarum rite. Producing a choral sound that is distinctly English in heritage, the Tudor Choir sings this music with intelligence and heart. Shape note music, Shaker songs, Sheppard, Tallis, and Victoria. Songlist: Out fo your sleep, Verbum caro, The truth from above, Ave maris Stella, Gabriel's Message, Ecce Virgo Concipiet, There is no rose of such virtue, A solis ortus cardine, Eterne Laudis Lilium, Christe, Redemptor omnium, Make we jow now in this fest, Nesciens mater, In The Bleak Mid-Winter, Reges Tharsis, Bethlehem Down, Salvator mundi, Domine, The blessed Song of God ![]() Various Artists : Gregorian Christmas ChantsReview: A truly Gregorian Christmas album, this prayerful recording of seven different chant choirs includes the Benedictine Abbeys of Montserrat, Maumont, Einsiedeln, the Dominican Schola of France, the Paris Gregorian Choir and more. Outstanding performances of 23 chants for Masses and other liturgical events on Christmas Eve, Christmas Night and Christmas Day. Songlist: Christmas Eve, Antiphone: Judaea Et Jerusalem, Reponsory: Salve VIrginale, Antiphon Completi Sunt Dies Mariae, Christmas Night, Responsory Hodie Nobis De Caelo, Reading: Genealogy According to Saint Matthew, Responsory: Verbum Caro, Introit: Dominus Dixit Ad Me, Kyrie IV, Offertory: Laetentur Caeli, Agnus Dei IV, Offertory: Laetentur Caeli, Agnus Dei IV, Communion: In Splendoribus, Christmas Day, Hymn: A Solis Ortus Cardine, Mass of the Day, Introit: Puer Natus Est Nobis, Kyrie XI, Gloria XI, Gradual: Viderunt Omnes Fines Terrae, Alleluia: Dies Sanctificatus, Offertory Tui Sunt Caeli, Sanctus XI, Agnus Dei XI, Communion: Viderunt Omnes Fines Terrae, Antiphon: Natus Est Nobis Hodie, Alma Redemptoris Mater ![]() Stile Antico : Puer Natus Est - Tudor Music for Advent and ChristmasReview: Stile Antico's program centers on Thomas Tallis's magnificent seven-part Christmas Mass, based on the festive plainchant Puer natus est ('A boy is born'). The mass is interspersed with seasonal Tudor music, including William Byrd's exquisite Propers for the fourth Sunday of Advent, responsories by Taverner and Sheppard, Robert White's exuberant setting of the Magnificat, and Tallis's own sublime Videte miraculum. Songlist: Videte miraculum, Audivi vocem de caelo, Rorate caeli desuper (Gradualia I, 1605), Gloria (Missa Puer natus est), Tollite portas (Gradualia I), Sanctus & Benedictus (Missa puer natus est), Ave Maria (Gradualia I), Agnus Dei (Missa Puer natus est), Ecce virgo concipiet (Gradualia I), Magnificat, Puer natus est, Verbum caro ![]() Anthony G. Petti (Editor) : Christmas and Advent Motets for 4 VoicesReview: The volumes of this expanding series are devoted to a wide range of sacred renaissance motets with Latin texts, and contain a mixture of well known and unfamiliar pieces, some of which are published for the first time. Songlist: O Magnum Mysterium, Magi Veniut Ab Oriente, Verbum Caro Factum Est, Rorate Caelli, Dixit Maria, Ecce Virgo Concipies, Hodie Christus Natus Est, Dies Sanctificatus, Omnis Mundus Jocundetur, Prope Est Dominus, Ave Gratia Plena, Ne Timeas Maria ![]() Christopher Morris : A Sixteenth-Century Anthem BookReview: A collection of anthems for unaccompanied SATB chorus. Songlist: Lift up your heads, O ye gates, O Lord, the maker of all things, Rejoice in the Lord alway, This is the day, Deliver us, O Lord our God, Let my complaint come before thee, Lord, we beseech thee, O sing joyfully, When the Lord turned again, Sacerdotes Domini, Nolo mortem peccatoris, Benedictus qui venit, Holy, Holy, Holy, Audivi vocem de coelo, O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit, O pray for the peace of Jerusalem, O God be merciful, Sing unto the Lord, Exsultate justi, Of the glorious Body telling ![]() Kirby Shaw : A Renaissance ChristmasReview: Traditional carols arranged by the highly-regarded Kirby Shaw as for a Renaissance choral performance. Fun and assessable for all choirs. Songlist: Here We Come a-Caroling, Good Christian Men Rejoice, Ding Dong, Merrily On High, What Child Is This?, God Rest Ye Gentlemen, Deck The Hall, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Bring a Torch, Rejoice ![]() Mary Berry and John Rowlands-Pritchard : The RSCM Guide to PlainchantReview: The RSCM Guide to Plainchant is a revision of the seminal and best-selling Plainchant for Everyone by Dr. Mary Berry, the leading plainchant expert who died in 2008. This new edition, revised by one of Dr. Berry's pupils, John Rowlands-Pritchard, is reset with an improved and cleaner layout. It also includes a new anthology of plainchant that singers and choir directors will find invaluable. Cantors, in particular, will find 5this book essential reading.See a video introducing this great new chant resource from RSCM.In the video, John explains the origins of plainchant, and how it can be relevant in the twenty-first century. He works with a group of singers from the RSCM to demonstrate how easy it can be to pick up the basic techniques of singing plainchant using the new volume. Songlist: Part One: Plainchant for Everyone, Part Two: An Anthology of Plainchant ![]() Noah Greenberg : Three Spanish Christmas Carols of the Sixteenth CenturyReview: Now available for the first time in a single publication, these are the popular editions of three Renaissance works Noah Greenberg prepared for New York Pro Musica. Perform them as a set or individually. Songlist: E la don don, Vegas Maria, Dadme albricias, hijos d'Eva, Riu Riu Chiu ![]() Various Arrangers : Carols of the Middle AgesReview: The New Oxford Book of Carols (1992) was born of the need for a practical collection presenting carols either in their original versions (where such a concept was relevant) or in versions that respected the essential character of the melodies and their texts. The original 700-page book, which contains alternative versions of many carols, also offers an extensive historical introduction and notes to individual carols, from which the information below is summarized. The word "carol" has had a variety of meanings, starting as a dance-song in the Middle Ages. Carols are now almost exclusively associated with Christmas, and their subject-matter is either midwinter cheer, or the conception and birth of Christ. While modern secular practice is to sing them before Christmas, they formerly belonged to the period between Christmas eve and Epiphany. Our own criteria for selecting carols re that the content must be narrative, contemplative or celebratory, the spirit simple, the form normally strophic. Songlist: Veni, Redemptor Gencium, Angelus ad Virginem, Verbum Caro Factu Est: In Hoc Anni Circulo, Verbum Patris Umanatur, Qui Creavit Celum, Corde Natus Ex Parentis ![]() |
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