In Celebration of the Human Voice - The Essential Musical Instrument
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If you're a fan or performer of choral music, you know that many of the amateur ensembles tend to lean towards the same repertoire. We all know that it's not their fault - it's just hard to find a broad range of pieces of sheet music to perform. Whether four-century-old folk music, liturgical pieces, or even a choral take on 1980's pop, we've got everything a choral director and performer needs to expand their repertoire and make their singing the freshest experience it's ever been, including choral songbooks and sheet music from some of the top choral arrangers and ensembles of the last half-century. |
Choral Anthology SongbooksA curated selection of respected choral anthologies from all the top choral publishers. These books can be placed in your music library as they can referenced for years to come. | Choral Sheet Music SeriesWhile we offer a wide selection of songbooks and collections of vocal harmony arrangements we also carry thousands of individual folios. Here we have arrangements of every style and genre sorted by the various publisher's sheet music series featuring both a sacred and secular titles. |
Choral Arrangements for Female VoicesA selection of both modern and classic choral music arranged for female harmony voices. | Choral Arrangements for Male VoicesA selection of both modern and classic choral music arranged for male harmony voices. |
Choral Arrangements for 3 Part MixedA large selection of SAB choral music songbooks and sheet music arrangements suitable for choirs both large and small and of all abilities. | Choral Arrangements for 2 PartsA large selection of two part choral music songbooks and sheet music arrangements suitable for beginning choirs. |
Secular Choral Music ArrangementsSecular choral music from some of the most imporatant choral composers and the wealth of songs and arrangements is impressive. Always a time for joy and celebration the music reflects the peace and happiness the season can bring.
| Sacred Music Choral ArrangementsMuch of the earliest sacred music was composed for the unaccompanied voice reaching a peak during the Renaissance when there was flowering of talented European composers. Many of these composers were true musical geniuses and whose work is still vibrant and relevant today. We offer here a far ranging collection of arrangements for choirs of all abilities |
Choral Music from Around the WorldThe diversity of styles and genres of choral singing can be seen very well when the music is sorted by cultures and languages which is what we have done here. | Madrigals ArrangementsIf you're a fan or performer of choral music, you know that many of the amateur ensembles tend to lean towards the same repertoire. We all know that it's not their fault - it's just hard to find a broad range of pieces of sheet music to perform, right? - well, actually, no. Look no further! Whether four-century-old folk music, liturgical pieces, or even a choral take on 1980's pop, we've got everything a choral fan and performer needs to expand their repertoire and make their singing the freshest experience it's ever been, including songbooks and sheet music from some of the top choral arrangers and ensembles of the last half-century. |
Spirituals Arrangements All VoicesSpirituals are the Southern sacred "folk" songs created and first sung by African Americans during slavery. Their original composers are unknown, and they have assumed a position of collective ownership by the whole community. They lend themselves easily to communal singing. Many are in a call-and-response structure, with back-and-forth exchanges between the leader and the group. A formal concert tradition has evolved from the original spirituals, with solo and choral arrangements based on original slave melodies, employed for performance by amateur and professional artists. | Motet ArrangementsA polyphonic vocal style of composition. The motet was popular in the middle ages, when it consisted of a tenor foundation upon which other tunes were added. The texts of these voices could be sacred or secular, Latin or French, and usually had little to do with each other, with the result that the composition lacked unity and direction. During the 14th century, isorhythm came into use and other rhythmic refinements, somewhat unifying the sound and texture of the motet. |
Choral Christmas ArrangementsChristmas has been an important part of both sacred and secular choral music from the very earliest of times and the wealth of songs and arrangements is impressive. Always a time for joy and celebration the music reflects the peace and happiness the season can bring. Most all choirs perform a Christmas concert and we offer arrangements that will make your season fun.
| Choral Arrangements for EasterAs one of the most important times in the Christian calander there is a rich tradition of music for Easter including for Ash Wednesday and Lent, Passiontide, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. We offer here a selection of arrangements which celebrate this special period. |
Early Music ArrangementsHumans love of singing has been demonstrated from the very beginning of our history and was one of the first musical styles to be formalized with songs and written music. From Gregorian chant and mediaeval music thru the Renaissance there was great emphasis on the human voice and the songs were often sung a cappella. Although challenging this style of singing can be a lot of fun and every choir and ensemble should have some of these time-tested songs in their repertoire. | Classical Composers Choral ArrangementsAlthough often known for their orchestral and instrumental compositions many of the great classical composers also created chorals both as accompaniment for their works but also as separate, often a cappella, compositions. |
20th Century Choral Composers ArrangementsDuring the first two decades of the twentieth century, composers were presented with more stylistic options than at any previous time. The two world wars had profound impact on choral music. Composers were influenced, in some way, by these events and, as the century progressed, they incorporated into their own music the various techniques pioneered during the first two decades of the century. | Songbooks for Senior ChoirsYou are never to old to sing but a little help with the arrangements can be handy. These books are designed with a senior chorus in mind. |
Choral Music in SpanishAqui ofrecemos una selección canciones y arreglos corales en Español para los coros y conjuntos pequeños | Choral Part Predominant CD RecordingsVoiceTrax CDs includes a full performance of the primary voicing, accompaniment only track and part-predominant tracks for each voice part of each voicing listed. A voice part of the group, for example the Tenor track, the Tenor part is 'predominant', with the rest of the group in the background. This helps the vocalist easily identify their part, allowing them to better follow their music, and to hear how their part fits into the composition. You can also turn a voice part off and sing along with the remaining parts. |
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