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A curated selection of respected choral anthologies from all the top choral publishers. These books can be placed in your music library as they can referenced for years to come. |
Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media
Displaying 1-60 of 100 items.
Alan Bullard : Oxford Book of Flexible Choral Songs 'The Oxford Book of Flexible . . .' anthologies are the perfect resource for choirs of all types and sizes. Each piece is presented with flexible scoring options, clearly explained throughout, enabling perfomance by various combinations of singers - mixed choirs, upper-voice choirs, choirs with few men, unison choirs, small choirs. Flexible voices and piano, with options for unison and two-part singing (mixed or upper/lower) ![]() Various Arrangers : The Novello Book of Hymns The Novello Book Of Hymns is a collection of 50 favourite hymns, inspiringly and engagingly written for SATB Choirs. Edited by David Hill, all the arrangements in this book are designed to be singable by congregations without music, and can be used in any church or school service. ![]() David Hill : Novello Book of Short and Easy Anthems Featuring 28 anthems that can be learnt and sung quickly, The New Novello Book Of Short & Easy Anthems gives Upper Voice choirs a grand selection of songs that will prevent a reliance on the same ones. Whether your choir is large or small, the music contained within this collection is perfect for beautifully versatile melodies that can be learned very easily. ![]() Paul Ladd Jr. : A Choir Book for Easter Adapt the core repertoire of the season to match your resources and available rehearsal time. Contains unison, 2/3 equal, 2/3/4 mixed voice, accompanied and a cappella arrangements of the classics-pick the version that suits your needs or create varied arrangements by choosing stanzas from various settings. Includes chant, spirituals, chorales, Praetorius, Byrd, Lassus, Bach, Willan, and numerous others, including French, Italian, English, and Mexican carols. ![]() Julian Elloway (editor) : The Oxford Book of Descants The Oxford Book of Descants is a definitive collection of 102 descants to well-known hymns, carols, and worship songs. It features descants by a wide range of composers, including contemporary names such as David Willcocks, John Rutter, Malcolm Archer, and Paul Leddington Wright, as well as celebrated twentieth-century church composers such as Alan Gray, Edward Bairstow, Sydney Nicholson, and John Wilson. Published in both full music and melody editions, this is a fully practical collection, with selected descants presented in different keys and with alternative words to match most popular hymnals. The full music edition provides an organ part for each descant while the melody edition contains the descants alone, without their accompanying tunes. With a superb range of descants, ably written and sympathetic to the style and harmony of the original tune, this is an excellent resource that will be welcomed by all choirs and church musicians and will enhance hymn singing at church services. ![]() Brian Kay : Great Choruses from Great Oratorios Brought together for the first time, a comprehensive collection of choruses from the best loved sacred musical works newly engraved in recent editions from the historic Novello series of vocal scores. Includes Dona Nobis Pacem (Haydn), Lauda Jerusalem (Monterverdi) and In Paradisum (Faure). Selected with introductory notes by Brian Kay. ![]() Various : The Novello Short Anthems Collection 2 A two-volume collection of short anthems from the Novello Choral Programme, representing five hundred years of church music, all suitable for SATB chorus with Organ. Familiar and long-established works are represented alongside many lesser-known and more recent works by composers such as Douglas Guest, Philip Rose and Ralph Allwood. Many of the pieces are ideal as Introits and Anthems for general church use, whilst other have a more specific intended function within the liturgical calendar. However, all are well suited to both devotional and concert performance. The works here are short, ranging from straight-forward to technically challenging and more exciting. As a whole, the collection features an overwhelming number of choices for choirs of all different sizes and abilities. ![]() Various : The Novello Book of Music for Lent & Easter A book of anthems, hymn arrangements, and other pieces covering the period from Ash Wednesday to Easter, including music for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day. The book is in the same style as the successful Noel! series, with the same balance of new and familiar pieces to ensure it appeals to the greatest possible choral market. ![]() Paul Hillier : English Romantic Partsongs 30 nineteenth-century partsongs for unaccompanied SATB including classics of the genre and lesser-known gems. The book includes a full introduction and critical notes by the editor. ![]() Benjamin Harlan : Wondrous Love Using the well-known hymn What Wondrous Love is This? as a focal point, this new Benjamin Harlan cantata blends tasteful Lenten and Easter hymn settings with beautiful new songs resulting in a worshipful and dynamic work. Mary Kay Beall's narrative is thought-provoking and moving. Approx. 40 minutes. Songlist: 'Tis Midnight And On Olive's Brow, All The Earth Rejoices, Be Thou My Vision, Bread Of The World, A Dawning Alleluia, The Holy City, Hosanna, Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, I Love Thee, Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring, Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, Jesus Shall Reign, Mary Don't You Weep, My Faith Looks Up To Thee, Postlude, Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?, What Wondrous Love Is This ![]() Various : Novello Youth Chorals - Choral Anthology For SSA choir with piano accompaniments. The Novello Choral Programme is the creation of a panel of advisors pre-eminent in the British music scene. They have been chosen for their experience in choral conducting, concert wor and music education. T Songlist: (Something Inside) So Strong, ...Baby One More Time, Amazing Grace, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Fever, Imagine, Knowing Me, Knowing You, Lean On Me, Let it Be, Misty, Son of a Preacher Man, The Shoop Shoop Song ![]() Katherine Davis : The Green Hill - for three part choir SSA The anthems in this book have been chosen from the best religious music of many churches, countries, and centuries. Since the amount of good church music composed for women's voices is practically negligible, the book contains for the most part traditional airs and carols newly harmonized, arrangements of music composed originally for mixed voices, and a few judiciously selected songs originally composed for solo voice, to which choral parts have been added. There are included a number of anthems intended to be sung without accompaniment and simple enough for a young choir's first venture into a cappella singing. Accompaniments are provided, but are marked FOR REHEARSAL ONLY, and directors are urged to let their choirs experience the delight and growth that comes from this kind of singing, and never to doubt their ability to undertake it. Songlist: A Babe So Tender, But the Lord is Mindful of His Own, Deck Thyself, my Soul, With Gladness, Ding-Dong! Merrily on High, Father Eternal, From God Shall Naught Divide Me, Glory to God, God is a Spirit, God our Father, Lord of Heaven (Tantum Ergo), Good Christian Men, Rejoice, He Shall Feed His Flock, Holy, Holy, Holy!, How Beautiful are the Feet, Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Jesu, Holy Spirit, Let All Things Now Living, Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains, Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending, Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, Long Hast Thou Stood, O Church of God, O For a Heart to Praise my God, O Holy Jesu, O Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly, O Sacred Head now Wounded, Praise the Lord!, Rejoice in the Lord Alway, The King of Love my Sheperd is, The Spacious Firmament, Thou Knowest, Lord, Turn Thee, again, O Lord, and more ![]() Various Composers : Today's Choral Classics Today's Choral Classics is a special collection of pieces from the most exciting talents in choral composition today. From the church to the concert hall, it is the perfect volume for choruses seeking a contemporary choral repertoire, rich in accessible, modern arrangements in a variety of styles. Featuring Paul Mealor's Wherever You Are, a Christmas No. 1 for The Military Wives choir, and Ubi Caritas, his specially commissioned piece for the royal wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge; serene miniatures by John Tavener and Eric Whitacre; simple gems by Richard Rodney Bennett and Richard Blackford; and more substantial works by Judith Weir, James Whitbourn, Tarik O'Regan and Nico Muhly; choirs of all styles, sizes and abilities will discover a wealth of variety of inspiring pieces to delight singers and audiences alike. Today's Choral Classics is a fantastic addition to any music library or choral resource, and provides a solid and accessible basis for any contemporary choral concert program. Songlist: A Blue True Dream Of Sky, A Boy And A Girl, A Good-night, Alleluia Jubilate, Ave Verum, Crucem Tuam Adoramus, Domine, Kyrie, Mother Of God, Here I Stand, Nunc Autem Manet, O Vera Digna Hostia, Quanta Qualia, Set Me As A Seal, The Lord's Prayer, This Marriage, Ubi Caritas, Ubi Caritas, Wherever You Are ![]() Various Arrangers : The Augsburg Choirbook: Sacred Choral Music of the Twentieth Century Representing a long and glorious tradition of choral publishing, The Augsburg Choirbook brings together in a single volume some of the gems of twentieth-century music. The book is a collection of 67 well-crafted, singable anthems, newly and beautifully engraved. With music appropriate for the various seasons and festivals of the church year. The collection encompases a wide range of styles, voicings, and texts. Topical and scriputral indexes suggest liturgical, scriptural, and thematic uses. This invaluable performance collection also serves as a reference volume. Songlist: A Christ Mas Carol, A Lenten Walk, A New Magnificat, A Rose Touched By The Sun's Rays, A Song Of Thanksgiving, Ah Holy Jesus, Amazing Grace, Arise My Love My Fair One, Beautiful Saviour, Before The Marvel Of This Night, By The Babylonian Rivers, Children Of Heavenly Father, Christ Sends The Spirit, Come Away To The Skies, Come Risen Lord, Comfort Comfort, Deep Were His Wounds, Easter Morning Peace Be Unto You, For Glory Dawns Upon You, Give Me Jesus, God's Son Has Made Me Free, Hosanna! Blessed Is He, How Far Is It To Bethlehem, I Believe This Is Jesus, In Excelsis Gloria, Jesus Jesus Rest Your Head, Lamb Of God, Midnight Clear, O Blessed Spring, O Paschal Lamp Of Radiant Light, and more ![]() Lionel Dakers (Edited by) : The New Church Anthem Book A definitive collection of 100 anthems from Tudor times to the present, this book includes favorites as well as lesser-known pieces. The anthems were selected for their practical usefulness for church choirs today, bearing in mind the needs of smaller choirs: the anthems are mostly for SATB with or without keyboard accompaniments. Songlist: A Gaelic Blessing - Rutter, A Palm Sunday Antiphon - Morgan, Above All Praise - Mendelssohn, Adoramus Te Christe - Palestrina, Almighty And Everlasting God - Gibbons, Almighty God Which Hast Me Brought - Ford, Antiphon - Moore, Ave Verum Corpus - Byrd, Ave Verum Corpus - Elgar, Ave Verum Corpus - Mozart, Awake Thou Wintry Earth - Bach, Behold The Tabernacle - Harris, Blessed Be The God And Father - Wesley, Blessed Is He That Considereth - Wise, Cantate Domino - Pitoni, Come Down O Love Divine - Harris, Blest Are The Pure Heart - Davies, Blessed Be The God And Father - Wesley, Blessed Is That Considerth - Wise, Call To Remberence - Farrant, Come Holy Ghost - Attwood, Come Ye Faithful - Thatcher, Comfort O Lord The Soul Of My Servant - Crotch, Crux Fidelis - John IV, Drop Drop Slow Tears - Gibbons, Evening Hymns - Gardiner, Glorious And Powerful God - Stanford, God Be In My Head - Davies, God Be In My Head - Rutter, God Is A Spirit - Bennet, and more ![]() Noelle Mann : Russian Sacred Music for Choirs This collection of 27 Russian sacred choral works was compiled and edited by Russian music scholar and choral director Noelle Mann, who was curator of the Prokofiev Archive at the Centre for Russian Music, Goldsmiths College. Songlist: A Mercy of Peace, Bless the Lord, O My Soul, Blessed is the Man, Cherubic Hymn, Do Not Reject Me in My Old Age, Gentle Light, I Cry Aloud With My Voice Unto The Lord, It Is Truly Meet, Let My Prayer Arise, Lord, Save the Faithful, Many Year, Our Father, Praise the Name of the Lord, Rejoice, O Nicholas, Great Wonderworker, Rejoice, O Virgin Mother of God, Sacred Love, The ever-vigilant Mother of God, The Great Doxology ![]() Various Arrangers : Encores For Choirs 2 SATB choirs are always looking for top quality show stopping concert pieces guaranteed to bring the house down with shouts of 'Encore!' 'Encores for Choirs 2,' which follows in the wake of the hugely successfully 'Encores for Choirs 1," boasts a bumper selection of 30 fabulous pieces, ranging in style from the classic and sentimental to the humorous and madcap-something to suit every mood and occasion. Jostling with must-have standards of the repertoire are new pieces and fresh arrangements by some of the finest musicians in the business, including the editor Peter Gritton, John Rutter, Bob Chilcott to name but a few. Together, the volume provides an unrivalled kaleidoscope of concert choices for the accompanied or a cappella choir and 30 irresistible reasons to bring that audience to its feet. Songlist: A Modern Major-General, Auld Lang Syne, Bring us in good ale, Buffalo Gals, Calme des nuits, Chick, chick, chicken!, Counting Up My Toes, Country Gardens, Dashing Away With The Smoothing Iron, Deconstructing Johann, Dry Bones, El Hambo, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Good Hope, Ill WInd, It was a lover and his lass, Jargon, Mission: Impossible, Nachtlied, Orpheus in the Underground, Parting Friends, Shenandoah, Stranger in Paradise, Take it from Figure 'O', The Long Day Closes, The tide rises, the tide falls, Three-minute Messiah, 'Un'-Popular Song, Vocalise, Wiegenlied, and more ![]() Various Arrangers : Musica Sacra Hungarica The choir book Musica Sacra Hungarica provides a survey of the broad spectrum of sacred vocal music produced in Hungary during the 20th century. Following on from the romantic heritage an individual Hungarian vocal style was developed, which became known internationally through the sacred and secular vocal works of Bela Bartok, Zoltan Kodaly and Lajos Bardos. Songlist: Abendlied, Aeterne Rex, Adoramus te, Ad te Domine levavi, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave maris stella, Ave verum corpus, Cantate Domino, Crucifigatur, Da das Pascha Nahte, De profundis, Deus tu convertens, Dextera Domini, Dicunt omnes, Dunkelheit umfangt uns, Eli, Eli, Et circa horam nonam, Exsurge, Hodie Christus natus est, Jesu Dulcis memoira, Jesus und die Kramer, Jubilate Deo, Kyrie, Kyrie in D, Laudate Dominum, Libera me, Magnificat, O crux ave, O gloriosa virginum, and more ![]() Reger, Rheinberger, Schuburt, Wagner and Wolf : German Romantic Motets A superb collection of sixteen works by the greatest nineteenth-century German and Austrian composers for choir, compiled and edited by Ralph Allwood. This volume includes works by Reger, Wagner, Rheinberger, Wolf and Schubert. Songlist: Abendlied, op.39, no. 2, O Tod, wie bitter bist du, Op.110, no. 3, Abendlied, Op. 69, no.3, Anima nostra (Unsere Seele 0, Op. 113, no. 1, Eripe me (Rette mich, Herr), Op. 140, no. 3, Laudate Dominum (Lobpriest Gott den Herrn), Op. 133, no. 3, Meditabor (Denken will ich), Op.133, no. 2, Morgenlied, Op. 69, no. 1, Tribulationes (Lieden und Berdrangnis), Op. 140, no. 1, An die Musik, D. 547, Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen, D. 343, Zum Sanctus, D. 872, An Webers Grabe, WWV 72, Aufblick, Ergebung, Letzte Bitte ![]() Robert DeCormier : Choral Folk Songs From South Africa In the huge continent of Africa, the cradle of the human race, there are hundreds of different languages, hundreds of different instruments, many different types of melody, different types of antiphony (gospel churches call it "answer-back" or "call and response"). South Africa especially likes to sing in rich harmony. Three parts, four parts, five parts, six parts or more. The songs in this collection were selected, compiled and arranged by the great folk singer and musician Pete Seeger and edited by Robert DeCormier for use in schools, churches, community gatherings and homes. Through music and singing, we can experience a world of beauty, vigor, subtlety and rich variety. All a cappella with rehearsal piano. Songlist: Abiyoyo, Hey,T'hola, T'hola, Manamolela, Bayandoyika, Inkosi Yamampondo, Bayeza (Oonomot'hot'holo), Ingoma Ya Bakweta, Somagwaza, Oalla Mohololi, Hey, Tswana, Babevuya, Ut'he Wena, Isileyi Sam, Father, Father, Goodbye, Hey, Motswala, Here's to the Couple, Vul' Emnyango, Uqongqot'hwane, Icamagu, Senzennina ![]() Various Arrangers : Five Centuries of Choral Music for Mixed Voices This book has become a classic and can be found in the repertoire of many high school choirs across the land. Songlist: Adoramus Te, Alleluia (Mozart), Allon, Gay Bergeres, Apple, Apple (Hungarian), Ave Verum (Jesu, Word of God Incarnate), Bless The Lord, O My Soul-Ivanof, Break Forth, O Beauteous, Heavenly Light, Carol Of The Angels (Niles), Chester, Come Sweet (Soothing) death (Bach), Echo Song (Di Lasso), Handsome Butcher, He Watching Over Israel, Here Is Thy Footstool (Creston), Let Down The Bars, O Death-Barber, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Little White Hen (Scandello), Lullay My Liking (Holst), O Magnum Mysterium, Old Woman, The (Hungarian), Planets, Stars And Airs Of Space, Sam Was A Man, Sanctus (Haydn), Shenandoah, Sing We And Chant It, Sure On This Shining Night, The Turtle Dove, Thee with tender care, Tune Thy Music To Thy Heart, What If I Never Speed, and more ![]() Judith Blezzard (Editor) : 30 Sacred Masterworks for Upper Voices 30 Sacred Masterworks presents a wealth of invaluable, original repertoire for upper voice choirs. Many of the pieces collected in this volume are published here for the first time or have not enjoyed the same exposure as much of the mixed voice repertoire. IT builds on the success of Faber music's Choral Programme Series, from which some of the pieces have been drawn. The collection encompasses many eras and offers both accompanied and unaccompanied pieces and is suitable for a variety of services and concerts through the year. This volume is an invaluable resource, both for upper voice choirs seeking new and inspiring repertoire as well as for mixed voice choirs who want to showcase the talent of their female singers. Songlist: Adoramus te Christe, Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur, Adoramus te Christe, The Oxen, Sing ye to our Lord a new song, O Salutaris Hostia, O vos omnes, Tantum ergo, O Salutaris Hostia, Love divine, O lovely peace, Ex ore innocentium, In pace idipsum, Tantum ergo, Ave maris stella, Lift thine eyes, O Domine Jesu Christe, Alleluia, Be still, and know I am with you, Hodie Christus natus est, Quando corpus morietur, Danksaget dem Vater, A Celtic Prayer, Ave Maria, Der 23. Psalm, Ave Maria, Have mercy upon me, O God, Laudi alla Vergine Maria, O vos omnes, The First Mercy ![]() Francis Jackson (Edited) : Anthems For Choirs 1 These fifty anthems have been chosen with average parish church choirs in mind, but it is hoped that the collection will prove useful to cathedrals, collegiate churchs and those churchs supporting cathedral-like choirs. Anthems suitable for unaccompanied singing and those needing organ accompaniement are about equal in number: most are for four voices without divisi parts. This collection covers all the main seasons and festivals of the Church's Year, and also includes 21 anthems for general use. Songlist: Advent, Christmas, Innocents, Epiphany, Septuagesima, Lent, Passiontide, Easter, Whitsun, Ascension, Trinity, Weddings, Mornin, Evening, Communion, Unity, Dedication ![]() John Rutter (editor) : Folk Songs For Choirs Vol 2 Edited by John Rutter all these songs come from the British Isles. Songlist: Afton Water, Brigg Fair, Ca' the Yowes, Faithful Johnny, I love my Love, Strawberry Fair, Swansea Town, The Keel Row, The Oak and the Ash, The Sailor and Young Nancy, The Three Ravens, The Turtle Dove, Yarmouth Fair ![]() Benjamin Harlen : Behold the Darkness Heighten your observance of Lent and Holy Week with this Tenebrae service. Combining classic passion texts with new words and music, this service of worship is an appropriate centerpiece to any Holy Week service or can be used as separate anthems during Lent. Mary Kay Beall's narrative adds a moving touch to create an unforgettable service. Available: SATB, Instrumental Pak (Chamber), ChoirTrax CD, Preview CD, Preview Pak, CD 10-Pak. Songlist: Ah, Holy Jesus, Behold The Savior Of Mankind, Go To Dark Gethsemane, It Is Finished, O Love Divine, O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, Were You There?, What Wondrous Love Is This ![]() David Blackwell / Andrew Carter (Edited by) : In the Mood ![]() In the mood is an anthology of choral arrangements of seventeen classic popular songs by great names such as Fats Waller, George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, and Richard Rogers. All the pieces are expertly arranged to suit the needs of amateur SATB groups looking for lighter popular repertoire -- school choirs, youth schoirs, or chamber choirs of any description. There's a mixture of accompanied and unaccompanied numbers, and a variety of styles: smoky blues, up-tempo sat, sentimental swing, exuberant Dixieland, sophisticated close-harmony, plu an opulent show-stopper or two like 'Somewhere over the rainbow'. Songlist: Ain't Misbehavin', Autumn Leaves, Begin the Beguine, Blue Moon, The Continental, Deep Purple, I Got Rhythm, Laura, Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love), Over the Rainbow, She Was Beautiful, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Summertime, 'S Wonderful, Tea For Two, Night and Day, In the Mood ![]() Bob Chilcott (Edited by) : Spirituals For Choirs An exciting collection of 20 specially commissioned SATB arrangements almost all of which are a cappella. The contents reflect the richness and diversity of the spiritual tradition, including many much-loved favourites like "All My Trials". "Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho" and "Steal Away" alongside exquisite discoveries that are less well known. All burst with freshness and invention to provide singers with inspirational, moving and above all enjoyable repertoire. As well as contributing five new pieces, the compiler Bob Chilcott has assembled a top selection of arrangers including Joseph Jennings, JohnWashburn and Steve Barnett. The result is a dazzling array of styles, from the introspective to the estatic (including a stylish gospel-influenced song or two along the way). With a mixture of large and small-scale pieces, there's something here for every choir whatever its forces or level of expertise. Songlist: All My Trials, Balm in Gilead, By an By, Deep River, Didn't It Rain, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Goin' Home to God, Go, Tell it on the Mountain, I Got A Robe, I Want Jesus To Walk With Me, Joshua Fit De Battle Of Jericho, Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen, Peter, Go Ring Them Bells, Steal Away, Surely He Died On Calvary, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Wade In The Water, Way Over In Beulah-lan', Were You There? ![]() Carol Carver : St. Olaf Choirbook for Women Carol Carver, choral acquisitions editor for Augsburg Fortress, is compiler and editor of this new collection of anthems for women's voices in the rich tradition of St. Olaf choral music. This collection is suitable for all levels of ability and for use throughout the year. Included are eleven well-crafted and accessible anthems that will be useful to church, college, and community choirs. Composers represented in this collection include St. Olaf faculty and graduates as well as noted composers from around the globe. The collection includes new works based on familiar hymns and others that are freely composed, in addition to much-loved choral standards for women's voices. Songlist: All Things Bright and Beautiful, Be Thou My Vision, Christmas Night, I Am the Light, In the Bleak Midwinter, Now Thank We All Our God, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Prayer Litany, The Lone, Wild Bird, Thy Holy Wings, Wind Song ![]() Mack Wilburg : My Song in the Night The five arrangements are in various scorings. One is accompanied by piano three hands, another by organ, and the rest are for piano. Each hymn is beautifully arranged and is a wonderful addition to any service or concert programme. Songlist: Amazing Grace, Down to the River to Pray, His Voice as the Sound, My God, My Portion, and My Love, My Song in the Night ![]() John Rutter (editor) : Folk Songs For Choirs Vol 1 Editied by John Rutter these songs come from the British Isles and North America, ranging widely in regional origin and character. Songlist: Among the Leaves so Green, O, Bushes and Briars, Black Sheep, Bobby Shafto, Dashing Away With The Smoothing Iron, Early One Morning, Greensleeves, Londonderry Air, My Sweetheart's like Venus, O Waly, Waly, She's Like the Swallow, Sourwood Mountain ![]() Philip Ledger (editor) : Anthems for Choirs 3 (Sopranos & Altos) Anthems For Choirs Volume 3 is comprised of anthems in three or more parts and a set of five introits. Four new anthems have been specially commisioned from David Lord, John Rutter, Robert Sherlaw Johnson, and Phyllis Tate. With the exception of Christmas all seasons of the church's year are represented in the collection. There are 24 anthems included in this volume. Songlist: Anthems, Introit for Ascension, Introit for Easter, Veni Creator, Introit for Whitsun, O Bone Jesu, Psalm 13, In Praise of God, Ave Regina Caelorum, Quam Pulcra es, Introit for Lent or Passiontide, Anthem for the Trinity, Psalm 150, O Crux Benedicta, O Domine Jesu Christe, Surgens Jesus, Two Canons (Alleluja and Ave Maria), Song of the Sun, Im Himmelreich ein Haus Steht, Christ the Lord is Risen Again, Good Nature to Animals, Hymn to the Virgin, O Vos Omnes ![]() Judy Martin / Peter Parshal (Editors) : Weddings For Choir A comprehensive and versatile collection of 40 appropriate and inspiring pieces for SATB choir, accompanied and unaccompanied. Weddings for Choirs contains a careful selection of pieces chosen to complement every part of a wedding service, whether sacred or secular, grand or intimate. Many of the traditional pieces are presented here in new practical arrangements or editions to help choirs whose rehearsal time is limited. Songlist: Arise My Love, Ave Maria, Brother James' Air, Come My Way My Truth My Life, Deep Peace, Geistliches Lied, Go Before Us O Lord, God Be In Head, Hail O Mary, Hallelujah, Here Comes The Bride, How Do I Love Thee, I Beheld Her Beautiful As A Dove, I Gaze Upon You, I Will Lift Up Mine eyes, Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring, Laudate Dominum, Love, My Lovely One, My True Love Hath My Heart, Now Lies The Earth, O Praise The Lord, O Sing Joyfully, Panis Angelicus, Praise God In his Holy Place, Psalm 150, Rejoice, Set Me As A Seal Upon Thy Heart, The Invitation, The Lord Is My Shepard, and more ![]() Various Arrangers : Augsburg Easy Choirbook - Music For The Church Year A new must-have collection of sacred choral music that is easy and accessible to the smaller, less accomplished choir-yet substantial and interesting enough to challenge any choir. Included are well-known and newly-composed selections for all seasons by composers like Carl Schalk, K. Lee Scott, Bradley Ellingboe, and Linda Cable Shute. Full choirs will find this volume perfect for simple services, low Sundays, or off-seasons. Small choirs can feast on this repertoire throughout the year. Songlist: As This Broken Bread, Be Thou My Vision, Before The Marvel of This Night, Gracious Spirit, Dwell With Me, I'm Going on a Journey, Jubilate deo (psalm 100), Once He Came in Blessing, Out of the Depths I Cry To Thee, Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us, Stir Up Your Power, That Priceless Grace, The Chief Cornerstone, The Silent Stars Shine Down on Us, When Twilight Comes ![]() Thomas Tallis : A Tallis Anthology This anthology comprises 17 of Tallis's shorter choral pieces, and is designed to provide choirs and students with a pratical and interesting cross-section of the composer's smaller-scale ourput. These are pratical perfoming editions, transposed where necessary, supplemented by a full critical apparatus for each peice and a general introduction to the anthology. Songlist: Audivi vocem de caelo, Derelinquit impius, Hear the voice and prayer, If Ye Love Me, In ieiunio et fletu, In manus tuas, Laudate Dominum, Mihi autem nimis, O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit, O Lord, in thee is all my trust, O nata lux, O Sacrum Convivium, O salutaris hostia, Purge me, O Lord, Salvator mundi, Te lucis ante terminum, Verily, verily, I say unto you ![]() Barry Rose : High Praise II For Upper-Voice Choirs A useful resource for Upper Voice choirs. It includes thirty-one pieces, several compositions and new arrangements published for the first time, a set of Preces and Responses and a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. The music is drawn from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries and has been carefully selected to embrace a wide range of musical and vocal abilities from unison to four-part writing. Songlist: Ave Maria, Ave Verum, The Bringer Of Life, A Christmas Carol, Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life, God Be In My Head, God Be With You Till We Meet Again, A Grateful Heart, Here I Am, Lord, Here, O My Lord, Hills of the North, How Like An Angel I Came Down, How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair, A Hymn To The Virgin, I Sing Of Maiden, Lift Thine Eyes, The Lord Is My Shepherd, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, A New Year Carol, Notre Pere, Nunc Dimittis, Pie Jesu, Praise, A Prayer, Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, The Preces and Responses, Psalm 150, Through The Day, The Virgin's Slumber Song, Who Can Express the Noble Acts of the Lord? ![]() Various Composers : Five Centuries of Choral Music Vol 2 An overview of choral music past and present which has stood the test of time, taste and taskmasters, these are 25 short works and excepts from larger works. This collection contains enough inspired music to comprise varied programs for choruses of average to excellent abilities. Songlist: Ave Maria, Ave Verum Corpus, If ye love Me, keep My commandments, II est be et bon, Riu, Riu, Chiu, The Silver Swan, Coronation Anthem No.1, Crucifixus, Domine fili unigenite, May the God of Wit Inspire, Dies Irae, Lacrymosa, The Heavens Are Telling, Kittery, Golden Meadows, He that shall endure, In stiller Nacht, Locus iste, The Shepherds Farewell to the Holy Family from The Childhood of Christ, The Coolin, For all the Saints, O Magnum Mysterium, Agincourt Carol, Amazing Grace, Fum, Fum, Fum ![]() Julian Elloway (editor) : The Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems A definitive collection of 100 anthems from Tudor times to the present, this book includes favorites as well as lesser-known pieces. The anthems were selected for their practical usefulness for church choirs today, bearing in mind the needs of smaller choirs: the anthems are mostly for SATB with or without keyboard accompaniments. Songlist: Ave verum Corpus, Haec dies, Justorum animae, Laetentur coeli, Miserere mei, O quam gloriosum, Sing joyfully, Teach me O Lord, This day Christ was born, Factum est silentium, Call to remembrance, Hide not thou thy face, Lord for they tender mercy's sake, Almighty and everlasting God, Hosanna to the Son of David, O clap your hands, O Lord in thy wrath, This is the record of John, Let thy merciful ears, O Lord the maker, Ave Maria, Ascendit Deus, If Ye Love Me, O nata lux, Salvator mundi, With all our hearts, I heard a voice, When David heard, Give almes of thy goods, Alleluia. I heard a voice, and more ![]() John Winzenburg : Half Moon Rising Half Moon Rising, compiled and edited by John Winzenburg, offers a broad range of choirs an informed introduction to performing Chinese choral music. The collection includes a representative and contrasting selection of works from the past century - folksong arrangements; pieces mixing traditional Chinese and Western Romantic styles; and contemporary settings of ancient poetry. Includes a broad range of styles and dialects, illustrating the region's rich diversity, all presented with the transliterated original text with poetic English translations below the staves and introductions containing information on the composers/arrangers; performance notes; and literal English translations. Songlist: Ba Jun Zan | Magnificent Horses, Diu Diu Dang Ah | Old Train Song, Dui Hua | Antiphonal Flower Song, Gai Tau Hong Mei | Street Calls, Ge Lao Huan Ge | Happy Song of the Gelao, Hong Dou Ci | Red Bean Poem, Ken Chun Ni | Cultivating Spring Soil, Kuai Le De Ju Hui | Happy ReunionLok Sui Tien | Rainy Days, Mo Li Hua | Jasmine Flower, Mu Ge | Shepherd's Song, Pao Ma Liu Liu Di Shan Shang | Horses Run on the Mountain, Qing Chun Wu Qu | Dance of Youth, Ru Meng Ling | Like a Dream, Seui Diu Go Tau | Under the Mid-Autumn Moon, Shui Guang Lian Yan | Ripples Glisten Away, Shui Xian Hua | Narcissus Flower, Tin O O | Dark Clouds, Xiao He Tang Shui | Flowing Creek, Xiao Huang Li Niao | Little Oriole, Yang Guan San Die | Parting at Yangguan Pass, Yi Wang | To Forget ![]() Various Composers : French Songs & Choruses This collection of French Songs & Choruses includes a wealth of original choral music by French composers, as well as many wonderful arrangements of some of the greatest French songs ever composed. Suitable for Mixed-Voice Choirs of all sizes and abilities, this is the perfect collection for finding new performance pieces, but would work equally well as a complete concert program. The selections in this songbook are second-to-none, with some of the most beautiful and affecting French choral music compiled into one volume. Many original works are included here, with these choral compositions by giants of French classical music often being regarded as some of their finest work. Pieces like Madrigal by Gabriel Faure, a new edition of Maurice Ravel's incredible Trois Chansons, Camille Saint-Saens's Calme Des Nuits and Trinquons as well as Reynaldo Hahn's three Rondels, originally written for SATB choir. The harmonies of songs like Chanson D'Amour by Gabriel Faure convey just how stunning a song this is to hear as well as to sing, while others like Debussy's Beau Soir offer a similarly beautiful take on a different theme. With all of these songs, the joy will be in careful selection, fantastic practice and the thrill of performance for you and your audience. Please note that most of the lyrics are in French, but English translations are included. Songlist: Bailero, Le Ballet Des Ombres, Beau Soir, Nuit D'ƒtoiles, Chanson D'amour, Madrigal, A Chloris, Trois Rondels, Gardez Le Trait De La Fenestre, La Nuit, Deux Prieres: Beata Viscera Mariae, O Magnum Mysterium, Nos Souvenirs Qui Chantent, Chanson Francaise, Trois Chansons: Nicolette, Trois Beaux Oiseaux, Ronde, Calme Des Nuits, Trinquons, Choral Inappetissant ![]() Various Arrangers : Encores For Choirs SATB choirs are always on the look-out for approachable show-stopping concert pieces guaranteeed to bring the house down. This is such a collection, containing 24 varied numbers carefully collected by editor Peter Gritton, and ranging in character from classic, sentimental leave-taking items, through humorous or quirky pieces, to exciting fast-moving numbers. As well as containing well known standards of the repertoire there are many new compositions by such acknowledged choral experts as John Rutter, Andrew Carter and Bob Chilcott. Songlist: Banquet Fugue, Christopher Robin is saying his Prayers, Drunken Sailor, Geographical Fugue, The Goslings, Home is a Special Kind of Feeling, Home, Sweet Home, I do Like to be Beside the Seaside, Irish Blessing, Italian Salad, Let's Begin Again, Londonderry Air, The Lost Chord, The Mermaid, Name that Tune, Old McDonald had a farm, Quick! We have but a Second, Rejection, Sourwood Mountain, Steal Away, The Teddy Bears' Picnic, Tequila Samba, Two for the Price of One, Viva la Musica ![]() Barry Rose : More Than Hymns 2 More Than Hymns is a two-volume collection of anthems for mixed voice choirs featuring extended arrangements of existing hymn tunes, together with original anthem-style settings of the texts of several well known hymns. Of the seventeen works in this second volume, seven are published here for the first time, including new pieces by composers of today: John Barnard, Indra Hughes, Stephen Jackson, Bryan Kelly, Barry Rose and Gavin Williams. The texts cover many seasons of the church's year - Advent, Lent, Passiontide, Easter, Communion, Evensong and more. Songlist: Be Still, For The Presence Of The Lord, Come Down, O Love Divine, Crossing The Bar, Forty Days And Forty Nights, Hail, Gladdening Light, Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face To Face, King Of Glory, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Lord Of All Hopefulness, Lord Of The Dance, Love's Redeeming Work Is Done, Morning Glory, Starlit Sky, My Dancing Day, Now Is The Bitter Time, O Sons And Daughters Let Us Sing!, Thou Art The Way, Christ Be With You ![]() Christopher Aspaas : St. Olaf Choirbook for Men Christopher Aspaas, conductor of the St. Olaf Viking Chorus and Chapel Choir, is compiler and editor of this new collection of anthems for male voices in the rich tradition of St. Olaf choral music. This collection is suitable for all levels of ability for use throughout the year. Here are fourteen well-crafted and accessible anthems that will be useful to church, college, and community choirs. In addition to several classic settings by St. Olaf composers, the collection includes new male chorus arrangements of popular anthems, as well as new works based on familiar hymns or freely composed. Songlist: Beautiful Savior, Come, Ye Disconsolate, Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, I Wonder As I Wander, In a Lowly Manger Born, In the Bleak Midwinter, Jesus Loves Me, Lamb of God, Let the Whole Creation Cry, Rise Up, O Men of God, The King of Love and Grace, This Joyful Eastertide, Were You There? ![]() Patrick M. Liebergen : Light in the Darkness Light in the Darkness is a unique Tenebrae service, offering a unique blend of classical music, passion hymns and new songs. The result is a moving service of worship and remembrance for Lent, which will provide your church and community with a perfect manner in which to usher in the season of resurrection and renewal. The work captures the poignancy and drama of Holy Week through compelling music and narrative, with artful, yet singable arrangements. 30 minutes. Available: SATB, Instrumental Pak (Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra), ChoirTrax CD. Songlist: Beautiful Savior, Lord Of Salvation, Crucify Him!, Final Prayers At The Cross, Lord Of Sorrow, Lord, We Adore And Bless You, O Lamb Of God, Most Holy, O Sacred Head Surrounded, Prelude, What Love!, When I Survey The Wondrous Cross ![]() Various : Music for Royal Occasions Contains 13 pieces of celebratory music from more than 500 years of royal ceremonies including works by Howells, Bliss, Parry, Dyson, Attwood, Purcell, Elgar, Handel, and more. Many of the pieces are among the most popular of Anglican warhorses, although a few resurrect forgotten gems. Notable among the latter category is a ravishing piece by Arthur Bliss with words by C. Day Lewis. Useful either as a playlist for a themed concert or as a source from which to draw individual pieces, this volume presents some of England's finest occasional and widely popular choral music. Songlist: Behold, O God Our Defender, Ubi Caritas, Let My Prayer, Birthday Song For A Royal Child, Rejoice In The Lord Alway, O Lord, Grant The King, I Was Glad, I Was Glad, I Was Glad, Blest Pair Of Sirens, Confortare, O Hearken Thou, Zadok The Priest ![]() Barry Rose : More Than Psalms An excellent compilation of twenty-four anthems for Mixed Voice Choirs featuring texts taken from the Psalms, featuring new works and performing editions published for the first time. The anthology spans four centuries and includes material by many of the greatest composers of English choral music, including William Harris, Herbert Howells, Samuel Sebastian Wesley and Bernard Rose. Songlist: Behold, O God Our Defender, Turn Thee Again, O Lord, Enter Not Into Judgement, God Is Gone Up With A Merry Noise, I Am Thine, O Save Me, I Love The Lord, I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, Jubilate (O Be Joyful In The Lord), Let My Prayer, Lord, I Call Upon Thee, Lord, I Have Loved The Habitation Of Thy House, Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Refuge, O Be Joyful In The Lord, O Hearken Thou, O Lord Our Governor, O Praise God In His Holiness, O Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem, O Sing Unto The Lord, Praise The Lord, My Soul, Sing We Merrily Unto God Our Strength, The Eyes Of All Wait Upon Thee, O Lord, The Lord Is My Shepeherd, The Lord Is My Shepeherd, Cast Me Not Away From Thy Presence ![]() David Wordsworth (editor) : The Novello Shakespeare Choral Collection Music played an enormous role in the works of William Shakespeare, while his own sonnets, poems and soliloquies have provided continuing inspiration for many composers through the years. The Novello Shakespeare Choral Collection, inspired by the 400th anniversary of the Bard's death in 2016, is an exciting anthology of choral works that are settings of Shakespeare's words. For choirs of all types and abilities, this collection has been edited by David Wordsworth so that all the pieces are fantastic both to sing and hear. The collection features some beautiful settings that have well and truly stood the test of time. These songs truly are a joy to perform, with some relatively simple arrangements that are purely fun to sing, while some more complex settings that will be thoroughly rewarding for choirs and audiences alike. The Novello Shakespeare Choral Collection is an essential anthology of stunning settings of beautiful words which will be performed and enjoyed for many years to come. Songlist: Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind, Hymn For Shakespeare's Birthday, Lo, Here, The Gentle Lark, O, How Much More, Four Rounds To Shakespeare Texts, It Was A Lover And His Lass, Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bred, Who Is Silvia?, Rosemary, If We Shadows Have Offended, Be Not Afeard, Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day?, How Sweet The Moonlight Sleeps, Weary With Toil, I Haste Me To My Bed, Ophelia's Lament, Sigh No More, Ladies, A Summer Sonnet, Orpheus With His Lute, Light Thickens, Fear No More, Fear No More, Look In Thy Glass, Orpheus, Daffodils, O Mistress Mine, Full Fathom Five ![]() Emily Crocker : Four and Twenty Here is a collection of 2-Part a cappella arrangements that really work for the young choir. These 24 delightful songs can help build the young singer's sight-reading skills, improve intonation and choral tone, and develop expressive singing. The songs range in difficulty from easy to challenging, and are composed in several different styles, including folk songs, spirituals, rounds and canons, holiday songs, and original pieces. The Teacher's Edition offers comprehensive suggestions, including tips for adapting the songs to a Kodály curriculum or adding Orff instruments. Ideal for classroom or concert! Songlist: Bought Me A Cat, Brother Noah, Bye 'n' Bye, Christus Natus Hodie, Down In The Valley Two By Two, Eensy Weensy Spider, Frere Jacques (Are You Sleeping?), Grasshoppers Three, Hush, Little Baby, I Have Lost My Closet Key, Kum Ba Yah, Little Bird, Merrily, Merrily Greet The Morn, Music Alone Shall Live, Old Mister Rabbit, Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me, Sing A Song Of Sixpence, Skin And Bones, Skip To My Lou, Sneeze On Monday, Sourwood Mountain, Star Light, Star Bright, Who's That Tapping At, Who's That Tapping At The Window?, The Windmill ![]() Various Arrangers : Augsburg Choirbook for Men Following the success of the Augsburg Choirbook and the Augsburg Easy Choirbook, the Augsburg Choirbook for Men will satisfy the needs of choirs and small ensembles alike. This collection features old and new anthems that should be staples in any choral library. Songlist: Brighter Than The Sun, Come Ye Sinners, Day By Day, Don't Be Weary, Traveler, God Is The Lord Of All, I Want Jesus To Walk With Me, It Is Well With My Soul, Lo How A Rose Er Blooming, Midnight Clear, So Much To Sing About, Standin' In The Need Of Prayer, The Heavens Resounding, The King Of Love My Shepard Is, When Christmas Morn Is Dawning ![]() Gregg Smith : Christmas Time Gregg Smith, a choral conductor and composer whose ensemble, the Gregg Smith Singers, established new standards for professional choral singing and championed the work of contemporary American composers in performance and on recordings. Here is a collection of his arrangements for Christmas. Songlist: Christmas Time Book 1, Christmas Time Book 2 ![]() Barrie Carson Turner : Best of Canons & Rounds Contains over a hundred charming melodies, including old favorites, new arrangements and original works by Barrie Carson Turner. The collection encompasses a range of musical styles and genres. Designed for 2 to 6 parts, with ostinato accompaniments, the canons and rounds are suitable for all voices and all ages. Songlist: Come, Let Us All, Sing Together, Oh, How Beautiful, Were I A Little Bird, The Flowers on the Hillside, Sanctus, Jubilate Deo, Come, Honest Friends, Let Us Hurry On, Oliver Cromwell, By The Waters of Babylon, Three Merry Boys, The Bells of Oseney, Dip, Dip and Swing, Sing Out, Sing Loud, Hey Down Derry, Row The Boat Whittington, Tallis's Canon, Time to Wake, Oh, How Lovely is the Evening, Ars Longa, Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund, Heaven and Earth, Great Tom is Cast, If You Trust Before You Try, I Am A Poor Man, Christmastime Is Here, Birthday Round, The Higher the Plum Tree, Come, Follow Me, and more ![]() Bob Chilcott : Jazz Folk Songs For Choirs This exciting collection by Bob Chilcott gives a jazzy twist to nine favourite folk songs from around the world. The spiral-bound edition is accompanied by a fantastic backing CD, allowing choirs to perform with jazz-trio accompaniment. Bob Chilcott currently conducts the chorus at the Royal College of Music in London and is in great demand as a guest conductor and leader of choral workshops worldwide. Songlist: Composer's Note, A La Claire Fontaine (There by the Crystal Fountain), En La Macarenita (Down in Macarena), Hush, Little Baby, Sakura (Cherry Tree), Scarborough Fair, Tell My Ma, The House of the Rising Sun, Tuoll' On Mun Kultani (There is my Loved one), Waltzing Matilda, CD Tracklist and Credits ![]() Various Composers : German Romantic Partsongs As the nineteenth century progressed, there was an unprecedented flowering of the partsong in Germany, inspired by the development of the rich repertory of German Romantic poetry in the hands of Goethe, Ruckert, Heine and others. Here are forty of the best 19th-century examples of the genre, from the country where partsongs caught the imagination of most major composers and delighted their audiences. The collection starts with Schubert and ends with early Schoenberg, including pieces by Brahms, Mendelsohn, Bruckner, Schumann, Wolf and Cornelius along the way. Songlist: Da Unten Im Tale, Dein Herzlein Mild, Dem Dunkeld Schoss Der Heilgen Erde, Erlaube Mir, Im Herbst, In Stiller Nacht, Das Edle Herz, Du Bist Wie Eine Blume, Walspruch, Aetherische Geisterstimmen, Der Fichtenbaum, Der Traum, Die Sternlein, Fruhlingsglaube, Nichts Ohne Liebe, So Weich Und Warm, Ave Maria, Er ist's!, Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen, Die Wasserrose, Ritter Fruhling, Im Vorubergehn, In Der Marienkirche, Abschied vom Wald, Fruhzeitiger Fruhling, Herbstlied, Morgengebet, Ruhetal, Ei, du Lutte, Chor der Engel, and more ![]() Egon Kraus (Editor) : More European Madrigals For Mixed Voices A second collection of madrigals from the greatest European composers. Songlist: Dear love, you may believe me, Ah, the sighs that come from my heart, Come, ye shepherds, Fair maiden, you have captured, Come, pretty maiden, Oh, my heart is sad and sore, The cricket, Better do not get married, Gabriel, the other day, grace, my love one, fair beauties, Hard by a fountain, I know a young lady, In bitter woe and anguish, Beneath a laurel's branches, Go forth, my sighs, Oh, I have been forsaken, Far better to feel, Oh, nightingale, Spring has arrived, Sing we and chant it, To the hills and the vales, When I'm drinking good red wine, A sweet new song, My love, I'm filled with sorrow ![]() Clifford Bartlett : Madrigals and Partsongs This collection gathers together nearly sixty of the finest examples of the secular choral repertoire into one volume. Due space is given to the magnificent sixteenth century madrigals of England and Italy, with favorite works by Gibbons and Morley placed alongside less familiar selections by Lassus, Marenzio, and Weelkes. German and French pieces are also represented, for example, with Passereau's ever-popular Il est bel est bon. Works by Haydn and Schubert lead to the nineteenth century repertoire, which includes Brahms's lovely Nachtwache, from Five Songs, Op. 104, and Pearsall's exquisite Lay a Garland. The survey is completed by Debussy's Trois Chansons de Charles D'Orleans and examples of the glorious outpouring of English Romantic partsongs, with works by Elgar, Parry, Stanford, Britten, Finzi, and Vaughan Williams. Ranging from the late fifteenth to the twentieth century, and spanning all major European countries, this is a masterly survey suitable for all choirs. Clifford Bartlett has prepared completely new editions of all pre-twentieth century pieces, going back to the earliest and most reliable manuscript or printed sources. English translations are provided to aid understanding, with playable keyboard reductions in every case. Songlist: Dindirin, dindirin, Il bianco e dolce cigno, Of all the birds that I do know, All creatures now, Nachtwache No. 1, The Evening Primrose, Never weather-beaten sail, So weich und warm, Trois chansons de Charles d'Orleans, To be sung of a summer night on the water, Come, heavy sleep, Can she excuse my wrongs, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains, As torrents in summer, My love dwelt in a Northern land, There is sweet music, Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone, My spirit sang all day, Since first I saw your face, Lieto godea, Amor vittorioso, Ah, dear heart, The silver swan, What is our life?, Tanzen und springen, Ach, Weh des Leiden, Die Harmonie in der Ehe, Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen, Farewell, dear love, Mille regrets, and more ![]() Various Composers : Oxford Book of Italian Madrigals During the eighty years from approx. 1535 many thousands of Italian madrigals were composed. Here are 55 for mixed voices covering the whole range of types,and the whole period. All have been chosen for their musical value - they are small masterpieces. Songlist: Dormend' un Giorno, Amor Mi Fa Morire, Italia Mia, Quanto Piu M'arde, Cosi Soav' e'l Foco, Il Bianco e Dolce Cigno, Chi la Gagliarda, Donna, Vo Imparare, Dormendo un Giorno, Lo Mi Son Giovinetta, Strane Rupi, Tutte le Vecchie Son Maleciose, Quest' io Tesseva e Quelle, Ancor Che Col Partire, Ingiustissimo Amor, Mia Benigna Fortuna, Cantai, or Piango, O Morte, Eterno Fin, O Sonno, L'alto Signor, Mia Benigna Fortuna, Chi Salira Per Me, Cantai, or Piango, Lo Son Ferito, Ahi Lasso, Quest' Affannato Mio Doglioso Core, Vestiva i Colli, Due Rose Fresche, Ne L'aria In Questi Di, La Ver L'Aurora, Leggiadre Ninfe, Ahi, Chi Mi Rompe il Sonno, and more ![]() Thomas Hoekstra (Editor) : Masterworks for the SAB Choir Representing musical styles from the 17th century through the 20th century, these sixteen masterworks have been skillfully edited and adapted for the SAB choir, accompanied by organ or piano. Evenly divided between seasonal and general worship services, these choral classics comprise a repertoire base that should be an integral part of every choral library. Now they are within the grasp of smaller choirs and available at an incredible economical cost of about 55 cents per anthem! Economic considerations aside, this treasure-trove of carefully edited and timeless anthems is a remarkable investment for choral performances in concert or worship services alike. Songlist: Easter Alleluia, Praise to God, Rejoice in the Lord Always, Psalm 98, The Angel Gabriel, From Heaven Above, Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Now Thank We All, The Heavens Are Telling, Angel Voices Ever Singing, Jesu, Word of God Incarnate, Psalm 117, Psalm 150, We Adore You, O Christ, Jerusalem ![]() Barry Rose : Sing, Precious Music Selected and edited by Barry Rose, Sing, Precious Music is a superb collection of nine anthems written between the 1960s and today, one newly published in this volume: all by noteworthy composers if choral works, all memorable, suitable for concert as well as liturgical use, and all within the capabilities of the modern mixed choir, large or small. A Choral Advisor to Novello since 1999, Barry Rose has been associated with many forms of choral music for over sixty years. The Novello Choral Programme is the creation of a panel of advisers preeminent in the British music scene. The aim is to publish essential editions from the best of the wealth of existing choral music, ancient and modern, while widening the repertoire with exciting new composers and new trends in music making. Songlist: Feast song for Saint Cecilia, Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, Harvest Anthem, I love all beauteous things, I saw three ships, Let all the world, The praises of the Trinity, Rejoice and be merry, There is no rose ![]() Various Composers : The New Novello Anthem Book Forty-one classic and modern anthems for the church year. This anthology draws on over 180 years of publishing to provide an invaluable resource for parish and cathedral choirs. The selection features many of the leading sacred composers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. All the anthems are for SATB, the majority with keyboard and some unaccompanied. There is a diversity of style and difficulty. Pieces for every season of the church year and every church occasion are included. Songlist: For I Went With The Multitude, Abide With Me, Come, Holy Ghost, Sing Ye To The Lord, Chirst Is The Morning Star, O Give Thanks Unto The Lord, Prevent Us O Lord, O Most Merciful, By The Waters of Babylon, Et Resurrexit, When Christ Was Born, They Are At Rest, Gracious Spirit, My Beloved Spake, Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life, Christ's Bell, Behold, O God Our Defender, Praise Ye The Lord, They Are Happy, Rejoice, The Lord Is King, Adventate Deo, Jesu, Give Thy Servants, View Me O Lord, Mary Laid Her Child, Sing To the Lord Of Harvest, Blessed Are The Men That Fear Him, O Lord Our God How Great Is Thy Name?, Blessed Are Those Servants, O Quam Gloriosum, Like As The Hart, and more ![]() |
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