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Balthazar Lutgen : Vocalises: 20 Daily Exercises, Volume I The aim of these Vocalises is to render the voice sufficiently flexible and mellow to execute easily and elegantly the coloratura and embellishments found in the works of our great composers. Proceeding from the principle, that it is unpractical to practice a variety of difficult passages at the same time, I begin with two, three, and four tones, then advancing progressively to more difficult exercises; leaving it to the teacher to transpose them a semitone higher or lower. However, in order to avoid the monotony and lassitude which are almost inseparable from a strictly methodic in a musical and agreeable form; and have made them very short, to prevent overexertion of the voice. Following its avowed purpose, this work contains no exercises for sustained tones; and it will suffice to sing daily a few long-sustained tones, before taking up these exercises. The results obtained with this method, and its approbation by several of the highest musical authorities, justify my hope, that it will find a favorable reception. ![]() Balthazar Lutgen : Vocalises Vol. 1 for High Voices The aim of these Vocalises is to render the voice sufficiently flexible and mellow to execute easily and elegantly the coloratura and embellishments found in the works of our great composers. Proceeding from the principle, that it is unpractical to practice a variety of difficult passages at the same time, I begin with two, three, and four tones, then advancing progressively to more difficult exercises; leaving it to the teacher to transpose them a semitone higher or lower. However, in order to avoid the monotony and lassitude which are almost inseparable from a strictly methodic in a musical and agreeable form; and have made them very short, to prevent overexertion of the voice. Following its avowed purpose, this work contains no exercises for sustained tones; and it will suffice to sing daily a few long-sustained tones, before taking up these exercises. The results obtained with this method, and its approbation by several of the highest musical authorities, justify my hope, that it will find a favorable reception. ![]() Claudio Bonoldi : Exercises in Vocalization - Soprano Multiple excellent classical exercises, in six different chapters, to help flexibility in the Soprano voice. Songlist: Exercises in two, three and four notes, Exercises in four, fix, six and seven notes, Scales of Octaves and Ninths ascending and descending, Figured Scales ascending and descending, Exercises in Studies of Embellishments, Progressive Exercises on the ascending chromatic Scale ![]() Estelle Liebling : Vocal Course - Tenor A method that has long been highly regarded among teachers and students alike. Each of these books consists of 3 parts: Part I describes the vocal mechanism and its function briefly and in simple, non-technical language. Part II consists of basic, fundamental vocalises carefully selected to develop the specific voices for which the book is written. Part III presents the important elements of diction in the 5 languages most commonly used in singing: English, Italian, French, German and Spanish. Songlist: PART I, The Breath System, The Phonating System, The Resonating System, The Articulating System, General Remarks, PART II, Fundamental Exercises, The Turn, The Soprano Registers, Pianissimo Studies, Staccato Studies, Trill Studies, Messa Di Voce, Style, Special Problems, PART III, English, Foreign Language Diction, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Glossary of Musical Terms, Songs for Tenors, Recordings of Great Singers ![]() Estelle Liebling : Vocal Course - Soprano This book consists of three parts: PART I describes the vocal mechanism and its functions briefly and in simple non-technical language. A general knowledge of the instrument often helps the student to clarify a question of tone production. PART II, forming the major portion of the book, consists of basic, fundamental vocalises carefully selected to develop the specific voices for which the book is written. PART III presents the important elements of diction in the five languages most commonly used in singing: English, Italian, French, German and Spanish. Songlist: PART I, The Breath System, The Phonating System, The Resonating System, The Articulating System, General Remarks, PART II, Fundamental Exercises, The Turn, The Soprano Registers, Pianissimo Studies, Staccato Studies, Trill Studies, Messa Di Voce, Style, Special Problems, PART III, English, Foreign Language Diction, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Glossary of Musical Terms, Songs for Sopranos, Recordings of Great Singers ![]() Ferdinand Sieber : 36 Eight-Measure Vocalises for Elementary Teaching The Sieber Vocalises: It is important to know why Sieber is so good for the voice. He was a Viennese, Italian-trained voice teacher who knew the importance of vowel alteration and its role in keeping the balance of the registers. The Sieber Vocalises are designed to balance the registers using 8 measure melodies based on the Italian syllables da, me, ni, po, to, la, be. The register balance is achieved in the ingenious way Sieber arranges the syllables. Again, his goal it to allow the space of the open vowels in the closed vowels, and the ring of the closed vowels in the open vowels. Lindquest called these vocalises the 'bridge between vocalizing and singing music'. In my 25 years of teaching, I have never found a singer that the Sieber Vocalises did not help tremendously. 36 Eight-Measure Vocalises for Elementary Teaching for soprano voices ![]() Ferdinand Sieber : 36 Eight-Measure Vocalises for Elementary Teaching The Sieber Vocalises: It is important to know why Sieber is so good for the voice. He was a Viennese, Italian-trained voice teacher who knew the importance of vowel alteration and its role in keeping the balance of the registers. The Sieber Vocalises are designed to balance the registers using 8 measure melodies based on the Italian syllables da, me, ni, po, to, la, be. The register balance is achieved in the ingenious way Sieber arranges the syllables. Again, his goal it to allow the space of the open vowels in the closed vowels, and the ring of the closed vowels in the open vowels. Lindquest called these vocalises the 'bridge between vocalizing and singing music'. In my 25 years of teaching, I have never found a singer that the Sieber Vocalises did not help tremendously. 36 Eight-Measure Vocalises for Elementary Teaching for tenor voices ![]() Ferdinand Sieber : Vocalises - Tenor The Sieber Vocalises: It is important to know why Sieber is so good for the voice. He was a Viennese, Italian-trained voice teacher who knew the importance of vowel alteration and its role in keeping the balance of the registers. The Sieber Vocalises are designed to balance the registers using 8 measure melodies based on the Italian syllables da, me, ni, po, to, la, be. The register balance is achieved in the ingenious way Sieber arranges the syllables. Again, his goal it to allow the space of the open vowels in the closed vowels, and the ring of the closed vowels in the open vowels. Lindquest called these vocalises the 'bridge between vocalizing and singing music'. In my 25 years of teaching, I have never found a singer that the Sieber Vocalises did not help tremendously. Thirty-Six Eight-Measure vocalises for Tenors, complete with solfege. ![]() Ferdinand Sieber : Vocalises - Soprano The Sieber Vocalises: It is important to know why Sieber is so good for the voice. He was a Viennese, Italian-trained voice teacher who knew the importance of vowel alteration and its role in keeping the balance of the registers. The Sieber Vocalises are designed to balance the registers using 8 measure melodies based on the Italian syllables da, me, ni, po, to, la, be. The register balance is achieved in the ingenious way Sieber arranges the syllables. Again, his goal it to allow the space of the open vowels in the closed vowels, and the ring of the closed vowels in the open vowels. Lindquest called these vocalises the 'bridge between vocalizing and singing music'. In my 25 years of teaching, I have never found a singer that the Sieber Vocalises did not help tremendously. Thirty-Six Eight-Measure vocalises for Sopranos, complete with solfege. ![]() George Dodds : Voice Placing & Training Exercises - Soprano and Tenor A series of carefully graded progressive exercises to improve singing technique, for both solo singers and choirs. Includes exercises focussing on breathing and breath control, the production of vowel-sounds and consonants, good singing technique, and ear-training. Songlist: Voice Placing Exercises for Loose Throat, Forward Tone and Resonance, Tongue Loosening Exercises, Sustained Notes, Attack, Flexibility and Rhythm, Voice Placing Exercises, Sustained Notes, Breath Pressure Variation, Attack and Staccato, Flexibility and Rhythm, Voice Placing Exercises, Flexibility, Major Scales and Arpeggi, Attack, Staccato, and Legato, Minor Scales, Breath Pressure Variations, Range Extension and Ear Training, Single Vowel-Sounds, Compound Vowel-Sounds, Consonants, Breath Pressure Variations ![]() Giovanni Lamperti : 30 Preparatory Vocalises Giovanni Battista Lamperti was a highly-regarded Italian singing teacher who was considered to one of the best of his era. Many of Giovanni's students became international opera stars. These vocalises are designed to prepare the soprano voice for performance. "I recommend the daily use of these Exercises, particularly to Soprano and Mezzo-soprano singing a melodramatic repertory; because exercises of this kind promote length of respiration, and delay the deterioration and undue vibration (tremolo) of the voice. Beginners should confine themselves to a regularly limited range, so as not to weaken the medium of the voice and should extend their compass according to individual progress and development." - G.B. Lamperti ![]() Giuseppe Concone : Fifteen Vocalises, Op. 12 (Finishing Studies) The sterling value and great usefulness of Concone's lessons have been so long recognized, that their extensive adoption caused the issue of numerous editions in almost every country where the study of the Art of Singing is cultivated. No edition, however, is as thorough and complete as his 'Fifty Lessons' series. The purpose of these lessons, in the author's own words, are 'to place and fix the voice accurately,' and 'to develop taste while singing broad, elegant and rhythmical melodies.' This is a vocal training series not to be missed! ![]() Giuseppe Concone : Fifty Lessons - High Voice The sterling value and great usefulness of Concone's lessons have been so long recognized, that their extensive adoption caused the issue of numerous editions in almost every country where the study of the Art of Singing is cultivated. No edition, however, is as thorough and complete as his 'Fifty Lessons' series. The purpose of these lessons, in the author's own words, are 'to place and fix the voice accurately,' and 'to develop taste while singing broad, elegant and rhythmical melodies.' This is a vocal training series not to be missed! ![]() Giuseppe Concone : Thirty Daily Exercises for High Voice These Exercises For a Transition from the Grand Style to the Extreme Difficulties of Vocalisation. This collection comes complete with 30 daily exercises as well as instruction and tips on how to execute them properly. ![]() Heinrich Panofka : The Art of Singing; 24 Vocalises, Op. 81 Panofka was one of the great 19th century voice teachers. His background as a violinist and composer greatly informed these athletic bel canto vocalise compositions. Op. 81 is for soprano, mezzo-soprano or tenor. ![]() Heinrich Panofka : Twenty-four Progressive Vocalises, Op. 85, Volume I Panofka was one of the great 19th century voice teachers. His background as a violinist and composer greatly informed these athletic bel canto vocalise compositions. Op. 81 is for alto or tenor. ![]() Heinrich Panofka : The Art of Singing - Twenty-Four Vocalises for Soprano Panofka (1807-1887) was one of the great 19th century voice teachers. His background as a choral composer greatly influenced these athletic bel canto vocalise compositions. This work presents 24 studies in The Art Of Singing and is suitable for Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, or Tenor. Songlist: Major Scales, Minor Scales, Agility, Triplets, Groups of 2 Slurred Notes, Portamento, Dotted Notes, Syncopation, Legato, Appoggitura, Gruppetto, Turn and Mordent, Preparatory Study for the Trill, Agility, Trills, Arpeggios, Chromatic Scales, Study on Chromatics, Intervals ![]() Judy Clark : Lutgen Vocal Exercise Vol 2 - High Voice A continuation of Volume 1, this set includes exercises 11-20 with trills, andante, allegretto and more. Ten exercises in four vocal key ranges specifically for high voice (total 40 exercises). The CD and Booklet set have been revised from the original Lutgen exercises for this specific training program. Ten exercises in four vocal key ranges for high voice (total 40 exercises). Strengthen the voice and develop the lower ranges at the same time. All exercises used in Maestro David Kyle's vocal training program. Songlist: About The Author, Exercise Listening And Practice Tips, Lutgen Excercises 11, Practice Log, Theory 1, Theory 2, Contact Info And Products Page ![]() Judy Clark : Lutgen Vocal Exercise Vol 1 - High Voice A must for every vocalist who longs to study like the masters...Celine Dion, Barbara Streisand, Justin Timberlake. Every singer begins with these basic fundamental vocal exercises which will test your strength, as well as commitment. Included in this CD are 10 daily exercises including cadenzas, crescendos, legato and more. CD is recorded in four vocal key ranges so is adaptable for medium and low voices. Booklet includes printed sheet music, instruction, and a training practice log to help stay focused! These time-honored exercises have been modified from the original Lutgen version for this unique program. The CD consists of ten exercises that are excellent for training the voice and developing vocal range (total of 40 exercises). Singers of all levels may improve their vocal skills by using this easy-to-follow program. Songlist: About The Author, Ackjknowledgements, Exercise Listing And Practice Tips, Lutgen Exercises 1-10 Vol 1 For High Voice, Practice Log, Theory 1, Theory 2, Contact Info And Products Page ![]() Marco Bordogni : Thirty-six Vocalises in Modern Style Bordogni made his operatic debut at La Scala, Milan in 1813 in Rossini's Tancredi, and became very active in promoting that composer's music. He appeared in many of Rossini's operas and later became one of the leading teacher of singing and became a teacher at the Paris Conservatoire. ![]() Mathilde Marchesi : Twenty-four Vocalises for Soprano, Op. 3 Mathilde Marchesi was a mezzo-soprano, teacher of singing, and exponent of the bel canto technique. She was an advocate of a naturalistic style of singing: she called for a fairly instinctive method of breathing and was particularly concerned with vocal registration, calling it "the Alpha and Omega of the formation and development of the female voice, the touchstone of all singing methods". ![]() Mathilde Marchesi : Thirty Vocalises for High or Medium Voice 30 excellent vocal exercises that will help develop, strengthen and warm up your voice. Specifically men or women with high or medium vocal ranges. Songlist: Portamento, Sustained Legato, Diatonic Scale, Dotted Notes, Major and Minor Scales, Minor Scale, Chromatic Scale, Figures in Four Notes, Repeated Notes, Triplets, Arpeggios, Appoggiatura and Acciaccutura, Gruppetti, Syncopation, Wide Intervals, Staccato, Flautato and Sforzato, Trill ![]() Mathilde Marchesi : Elementary Progressive Exercises for the Voice - Soprano This book is a collection of elementary exercises of progressive difficulty. 102 exervises for the mechanism of the Soprano and Mezzo Soprano voice and 12 for the execution. It comes complete with instruction and tips on how to execute them properly. ![]() Nicola Vaccai : Practical Vocal Method - High Voice Vaccai's masterly Method won increasing popularity with time, and was eventually used in conservatories all over the world. Even today it is often used by singing teachers, who consider it a collection of attractive Ariettas, each serving a particular function. And it is quite easy material, perfect for the beginning student. Songlist: The Scale, Intervals of a Third, Intervals of a Fourth, Intervals of a Fifth, Intervals of a Sixth, Intervals of a Seventh, Intervals of an Octave, Semitones, Syncopated Mode, Introduction to Roulades, Ascending and Descending Appoggiaturas, The Acciaccatura, Intro to the Mordent, Different Types of Mordent, Intro to the Turn, The Turn, Intro to the Trill, Roulades, The Vocal Portamento, The Second Type of Poratamento, The Recitative, Epilogue ![]() Sergei Rachmaninoff : Vocalise Op. 34, No. 14 Part of the 3-keys-in-1 Series, featuring three keys in one edition: High voice (c-sharp minor); Medium voice (b minor); Low voice (g minor). Includes a preface by Gordon Stewart (vocal coach at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London) and provides historical context and a guide to performance ![]() Sergei Rachmaninoff : Vocalise Op. 34 No. 14 Rachmaninoff composed his collection of 13 songs Op. 34 in 1912, but it was only three years later that he added a little closing piece without any text: the Vocalise, which soon outshone the other songs in terms of popularity and renown. Since its first performance in 1916 this expressive, melancholy piece has circulated in countless arrangements by others. Rachmaninoff himself made an arrangement for orchestra and voice, as well as one for orchestra alone. Henle's Urtext edition contains the original version for high voice and piano, and is based on the autograph sources in the Glinka Museum in Moscow. A particular highlight is the separate vocal part that not only serves singers well but also all those instrumentalists who wish to play this wonderful piece using the original solo part. ![]() Various : Vocalises in the Modern Style - High Voice A collection of 16 vocalises by various composers including Alfano, Casella, Malipiero, Pizzeti, Respighi and more. ![]() Other Voicings: Solo Various : Collected Vocalises: High Voice - Concone, Lutgen, Sieber, Vaccai With over 150 vocalises, this collection will be very useful for many teachers and students of singing. Includes CONCONE: Fifty Lessons for Voice, Op. 9 - LÜTGEN: The Art of Vocal Velocity - SIEBER: 36 Eight-Measure Vocalises for Soprano, Op. 92 - SIEBER: 36 Eight-Measure Vocalises for Tenor, Op. 95 - VACCAI: Practical Method of Italian Singing ![]() |
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