In Celebration of the Human Voice - The Essential Musical Instrument
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We offer tens of thousands of arrangements and so to make it easier for you to find the right song we have had great fun selecting arrangements that fit into certain specialty categories. We have Disney songs, TV theme songs, movie songs along with great artists such as The Beatles and the Motown groups. You will find some great stuff here! |
Arrangements from the Pitch Perfect moviesThe first film was a sleeper hit. It received positive reviews and is financially successful, grossing over $115 million against a $17 million budget. A sequel was made and released in 2015, to much greater success, grossing over $287 million. The series has since gained a cult following and the second film is the current highest grossing musical comedy film of all time, beating School of Rock's record. The third film is set to be released on 2017. | Choral Arrangements of Beatles MusicQuite possibly the world's best songwriters, and certainly one of the most popular, The Beatles music is sure to become timeless and enjoyed for generations to come. Here we offer a collection of their songs arranged for harmony voices of all levels of ability. Everybody's repertoire should include some John Lennon and Paul McCartney songs! | |
Choral Arrangements of Novelty SongsA novelty song is a comical or nonsensical song, performed principally for its comical effect. We all enjoy a good laugh and a novelty song is always a great way to lighten the mood. They are fun for the singers and audiences alike and are a great addition to your repertoire. | Arrangements of the Motown SoundMotown became the heartbeat of American pop music. With multi-platinum artists ranging from the Miracles, Temptations, Four Tops and Supremes to Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, and Jackson 5, the House That Gordy Built had and has no rival. These songs are ingrained into the American musical culture and will become timeless standards for generations to come. | |
Choral Arrangements and Songbooks from GleeSince its debut, GLEE has become a bona fide cultural phenomenon, received prestigious honors, including a Golden Globe Award and a Peabody Award, and singlehandedly made glee clubs cool again. The series boasts critical acclaim, a die-hard fan base, two Grammy Award nominations, two Platinum and five Gold albums, more than 53 million songs and more than 13 million albums sold worldwide, two sold-out concert tours, a 3-D movie, four Emmy Awards and three Golden Globes, including the award for Best Television Series - Comedy or Musical. The series reached its milestone 100th episode this past season with a memorable rendition of the hit that put the show on the map, "Don't Stop Believin’." | Personality Songbooks and OctavosMany successful performing artists have published arrangements of their music. We have a wide selection of personality songbooks and sheet music both for solo voices and harmony arrangements. | |
Arrangements with Vocal PercussionOne of the great things about the vocal band and contemporary a cappella movement is the advent of vocal percussion. Around for many years, vocal percussion is now an integral part of so many of the best groups out there. Even if you've never tried VP, you can imagine by watching your favorite percussionist that, wow, this stuff is hard - and amazing to listen to. | Samba and Bossa Nova ArrangementsBossa nova is a genre of Brazilian music, which was developed and popularized in the 1950s and 1960s and is today one of the best-known Brazilian music genres abroad. The phrase bossa nova means literally "new trend" or "new wave". | |
Songs for the EarthIt is a beautiful world in which we live so celebrate the joy of nature in song. A wide selection of arrangements with the theme of mother earth - to marvel, nourish and protect! | Harmony Arrangements of Disney SongsWalt Disney Studios have included great songs in their animated movies from the very beginning and continue to produce wonderful musicals on a regular basis. Everybody knows the classic Disney songs and audiences and singers alike will enjoy performing and hearing these favorite songs. | |
Harmony Arrangements of the BluesRooted in African-American spirituals the blues are a uniquely American musical genre. Here we offer a selection of blues songs arranged for mixed, male and female voices. | Arrangements Featuring Animals, Birds and FishIt's always fun to have theme for your concert and there are lots of fun arrangements here featuring some of the many creatures of the animal kingdom. | |
Songs About FoodSinging is one of our greatest joys. But so is eating. With these arrangements you can combine two of your favorite thing | Choral Arrangements of Halloween SongsHalloween is fun but try not to scare the audiences too much with these Seasons and Celebrationsenjoyable arrangements of songs that will add some Spookapella to your repertoire. | |
Patriotic Arrangements AllIf there's one type of song every group should have in their repertoire is a patriotic one. Not only for love of country but more practically for performing at sporting events, special occasions, county fairs and such. | Songs of FriendshipSing and celebrate the bonds of friendship including those many friends in your chorus. Together as friends in song. | |
Arrangements of Cowboy SongsGet some giddy up to your repertoire by adding classic cowboy folk songs to your concert material. Evoke the trails, campfires, horses and the wide open prairie of the American West with these classic songs. | Arrangements of Native American MusicNative American songs arranged for harmony voices. Before the introduction of western choral music the original inhabitants were already singing in harmony with native American chants and songs. | |
Freedom Songs for Civil RightsChoral arrangements of Negro Songs and The Civil Rights Movement. It has, and continues to be, a struggle for equal rights in this country but we know that freedom will always prevail. Sing these songs proudly! | Songs About The WeatherHow about singing some songs about the one thing we experience every single day. The weather - sometime nice, sometimes not but always a fun thing to sing about. | |
Wordless ArrangementsThe human voice is able to create all kinds of wonderful sounds so why be limited by the human vocabulary. This collection of arrangements contains hardly a word that can be found in a dictionary but rather offer a wide variety of sounds and wonderful noises that your choir is sure to enjoy performing. | Singing RoundsA round (also called a perpetual canon or infinite canon) is a musical composition, a limited type of canon, in which a minimum of three voices sing exactly the same melody at the unison (and may continue repeating it indefinitely), but with each voice beginning at different times so that different parts of the melody coincide in the different voices, but nevertheless fit harmoniously together. It is one of the easiest forms of part singing, as only one line of melody need be learned by all parts, and is part of a popular musical tradition. | |
Lullaby Choral ArrangementsNo better to sing a baby to sleep than with these lullabies arranged for harmony voices. Balance out those high-energy songs and change the pace of the show with a gentle soothing lullaby. | Partner SongsA great way to introduce young singers to part singing is with partner songs. Partner songs are melodies which fit together in such a way that they sound good when performed together. They are melodies performed as independent musical voices. Because two or more melodic voices are performed at the same time, harmony is created. | |
Arrangements from Movies and TV showsWhile we have a whole section on our web site dedicated to musicals there are also many great songs that come from TV shows or movies that are not considered musicals. Many of these are theme songs but also include songs that were featured in a movie. Lots of fun here! | Arrangements of Sea ShantiesA sea shanty, chantey, or chanty is a type of work song that was once commonly sung to accompany labor on board large merchant sailing vessels. The term shanty most accurately refers to a specific style of work song belonging to this historical repertoire. However, in recent, popular usage, the scope of its definition is sometimes expanded to admit a wider range of repertoire and characteristics, or to refer to a maritime work song in general. | |
Sing Along SongbooksNot everybody is a fabulous singer but everybody sounds wonderful in a sing along. More importantly singing with friends, family of camp mates is a whole lot of fun so here we offer of songs suitable for any harmonious gathering. |