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Where You Can Sing

A List of Community Choruses in Cleveland

Akron Derbytown Chorus | Mixed Barbershop Chorus | Fairlawn
Chagrin Valley Choral Union | Mixed Voice Community Chorus | Solon
Choral Arts Cleveland | Mixed Community Chorus | Cleveland
Cleveland Chamber Choir | Mixed Community Chorus | Cleveland
Cleveland Messiah Chorus | Mixed Chorus | Cleveland
Cleveland Pops Chorus | Mixed Community Chorus | Beachwood
Cuyahoga Falls Community Chorus | Community Chorus | Stow
Greater Cleveland Chorus | Female Barbershop Chorus | Independence
Hudson Community Chorus | Community Chorus | Hudson
Johnnycake Ridge Singers | Male Barbershop Chorus | Madison
Lake Ridge Legacy Chorus | Female Barbershop Chorus | Elyria
Maple Mountain Chorus | Female Barbershop Chorus | Mentor
Master Singers Chorale of Northeast Ohio | Community Chorus | Stow
Medina Chorus | Mixed Community Chorus | Medina
North Coast Men's Chorus | Male LGBT Chorus | Lakewood
Northeast Ohio Encore Chorale | Mixed Community Chorus | Washington
Oberlin Choristers | Mixed Chorus | Oberlin
Quire Cleveland | Mixed Semi-Pro Ensemble | Solon
Singers' Club of Cleveland | Male Ensemble | Rocky River
Singing Angels | Youth Chorus | Cleveland
Stow Chamber Orchestra Chorus | Mixed Symphonic Chorus | Stow
Summit Choral Society | Mixed Youth Chorus | Akron
Tower City Chorus | Male Barbershop Chorus | Rocky River
Vasa Voices of Cleveland | Mixed Chorus | Cleveland
West Shore Chorale | Mixed Voice Community Ensemble | Lakewood
Western Reserve Chorale | Mixed Voice Community Ensemble | Cleveland
Windsong | Female LGBT Chorus | Lakewood

Regional Resources

Barbershop Society Johnny Appleseed District
Harmony Inc - Region 4
NATS Ohio Chapter
Ohio Choral Directors Association
Sweet Adelines Region 17 - Great Lakes Harmony

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