| Song Name | Composer | Abide With Me | Henry Francis Lyte | All Glory Laud and Honor | | All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name | | America | Paul Simon | America, The Beautiful | Samuel A. Ward | American Hymn, The | | Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light | | Break Thou the Bread of Life | | Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today | | Chruch's One Fountain, The | | Come, Thou Almighty King | | Day Is Dying in the West | | Doxology, The | | Eternal Father | | Faith of Our Fathers | | For the Beauty of Earth | | Go Down Moses | Traditional | God of Our Fathers | | Holy, Holy, Holy | | Hosanna, Loud Hosanna | | I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord | | I Love to Tell the Story | | Jesus Calls Us | | Joy to the World | Traditional | Lord Is a Mighty God, The | | Love Divine All Love Excelling | | Mighty Fortress Is Our God, A | | Morning Light Is Breaking, The | | My God, How Wonderful Thou Art | | Now Thank We All Our God | | Now the Day Is Over | | O Come, All Ye Faithful | | O God Our Help in Ages Past | | O Word of God Incarnate | | Oh, Worship the King | | Once to Every Man and Nation | | Onward, Christian Soldiers | | Pledge of Allegiance, The | | Prayer of Thanksgiving | | Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart | | Silent Night, Holy Night | | Stand Up and Bless the Lord | | Star Spangled Banner, The | | Steal Away | Wallace Willis | Sun of My Soul | | There's a Wideness in God's Mercy | | Thy Word is Like a Garden, Lord | | To Thee, O Country | | Were You There? | Traditional | Morning Gilds the Skies | | Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life | | Ye Servants of God | |