The Dream of Herod traces an evolution from dark, brooding introspection to dawning effulgence. Torment and inner violence make way for the mystery of forgiveness and hope in a succession of six brief scenes. Herod, a ruthless, blood-stained king is condemned to restless reflection on the genocide he has inflicted on his own people. Uncertain whether he is lost in sleep or wakefulness, he witnesses a procession of figures that distil the essence of his branded conscience. Imprisoned by the horror of his deeds, he sees his pathway to release, illuminated by the very voices of those he most feared. "Tenebrae is a professional choir, established by former King's Singer Nigel Short to address the market for fine singing in fine buildings. Jacques Villeneuve and James Bowman are among the group's patrons, testimony to Short's networking powers. The conductor stresses the passion and precision generated by his singers and the enjoyment comes from the inspired repertoire selection. Plainsong smoothly covers the joints between works such as Peter Wishart's Alleluya, Hadley's I sing of a maiden and Short and Richard McDonald's effective The Dream of Herod." |