Founded in 1965, the Cincinnati Boychoir is divided into three groups; the Training Choir, Resident Choir, and the elite Touring Choir. Their Christmas CD, "Gift," is exactly that! Beginning with Josef Rheinburger's "Messe in A, Op. 125 and Benjamin Britten's 12-part "Ceremony of Carols," we proceed to 5 Christmas Carols, including "Joy to the World," the Sicilian hymn "O Sanctissima," and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." Then we have 4 "Holiday Songs with the Resident Choir," "Riu, Riu, Chiu," "Children's Song of the Nativity," "Nino Querido" and "Ding, Dong, Merrily on High; followed by 6 "Holiday Favorites," which include the German tune "Kling, Clockchen," "The Little Drummer Boy," "Toyland" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." All songs are accompanied by piano, harp and other instruments. As Christmas is about one special child, we particularly love beautiful Christmas music sung by a fine, well-directed children's choir like the Cincinnati Boychoir - it's a Gift! |