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Lajos Bardos

Born: 1899. Died: 1986. Lived in: Hungary

Lajos Bardos was a composer, conductor, and professor of music at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music. Together with Zoltan Kodaly, he laid the foundations of 20th-century Hungarian choral music. From 1928 to 1967 he was a professor at the Academy, where he reformed the syllabus, emphasizing the training of choral conductors, the teaching of church music history, and instruction in music theory and prosody. In 1931 he co-founded the publishing company Magyar Korus, and served as editor of the musical periodical of that name from then until 1950, when it was banned. From 1934 he organized the "singing youth" movement, encouraging young people across Hungary to join choral groups and learn the basics of music.

Through his work as a conductor Bardos raised the standards of Hungarian choral singing to an international level within decades. He directed several choirs and encouraged the development of choral activity in remote areas of the country. His repertory was pioneering: he included choral music from before Palestrina, especially those of Josquin, and promoted new music (he introduced, for example, Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms into Hungary). His own compositions also draw on Renaissance polyphony and Hungarian folk music, following in the tradition of Bartok and Kodaly.


Arrangements | Recordings

Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media

Displaying 1-5 of 5 items.

Lajos Bardos : Musica Sacra Vol 3 : SSA. Treble : Songbook : 50485339

Lajos Bardos : Musica Sacra Vol 3

This volume contains canons and choral pieces for female, children's or upper voices.

Songlist: Adoremus, Aki magat felmagasztalja, Aron vetettetek, Ave maris stella, Boldogasszony anyank, Buntetesunk hordozta, Ekes nap, Fel, fel, dalra fel, Halljatok meg az Ur hangjat, Hallod-e Jezus hivasat?, Istene az aldas, Krisztusban dicseked, Legy hiv mindhalalig, Mas nev nincs, Mennyorszag ajtaja, Nagybojti kanon (Konyorulj rajtam), O, en edes Jezusom, Szalljon a dal, Szent karacsony ejjel (O, gyonyoruszep, titokzatos ej!, Szolj, Uram, szolj, Teljes szivemmel, Zsoltar-kanon, Mennyorszagnak kiralyneja, O, edes Jezus

More details
Voicing: SSA. Treble | 7369b | Songbook | $19.95 | A Cappella

Lajos Bardos : Songs For Various Occaisions : SATB : Songbook : 50490059

Lajos Bardos : Songs For Various Occaisions

Songlist: Alleluja, Audi, filia, Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Jesu dulcis memoria, Libera me, Mane nobiscum, Rex clementissime

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Voicing: SATB | 7370b | Songbook | $6.95 | A Cappella

Lajos Bardos : Music for Christmas and Easter : SATB : Songbook : 073999198522 : 50511024

Lajos Bardos : Music for Christmas and Easter

This volume contains works for mixed voices pertaining to Christmas and the Easter season.

Songlist: Adjunk halat immar (Graces soient rendues), Adorna thalamum (Ekitsd fel templomod), Karacsonyi bolcsodal, Karacsonyi kirie, Mennybol az angyal, Napkeleti kiralyok, Nosza, lelkem!, O gloriosa virginum, O Jesule, Sancta parens, Szep kelet, szep nap! (ejev), A keresztfahoz megyek, Alleluja! orvendezzunk, Ascendit Christus, Bunbanoknak menedeke, Bunos lelek, En nemzetem (Popule meus), Fiam, Jezus, Golgotadon latunk, Ingrediente Domino (Viragvasarnap), Keresztenyek, sirjatok, Kiralyi zaszlo jar elol (Vexilla regis prodeunt), Krisztus, viragunk (A), Krisztus, viragunk (B), O Jezus, Jezus (O languens Jesu), O languens Jesu, Orvendetes napunk tamadt, Popule meus, Surrexit Christus, Szent kereszted unnepere, and more

More details
Voicing: SATB | 7373b | Songbook | $23.95 | A Cappella

Lajos Bardos : Marian Songs : SATB : Songbook : 884088612108 : 50490058

Lajos Bardos : Marian Songs

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Voicing: SATB | 40404b | Songbook | $9.95 | A Cappella

Lajos Bardos : A Nyul Eneke-score : Vocal Score : Songbook : 073999797398 : 50511038

Lajos Bardos : A Nyul Eneke-score

More details
Voicing: Vocal Score | 40430b | Songbook | $14.95 ON SALE $7.95

Individual Folios

Displaying 1-6 of 6 items.

Ave Maria Stella : SATB : Lajos Bardos : Songbook : 50511096 : 073999110968

Lajos Bardos : Ave Maria Stella

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.95 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50511096

Cantemus (A) (to words by the composer) : SATB : Lajos Bardos : Sheet Music : 50511080 : 073999793116

Lajos Bardos : Cantemus (A) (to words by the composer)


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Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $3.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50511080

Dana-Dana : SATB : Lajos Bardos : Sheet Music : 50511089 : 073999110890

Lajos Bardos : Dana-Dana


More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.45 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50511089

Libera Me : SATB : Lajos Bardos : Sheet Music : 50511073 : 073999110739

Lajos Bardos : Libera Me


More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.95 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50511073

 : SATB : Lajos Bardos : Sheet Music : 50487009 : 884088278816

Lajos Bardos : Népdalkórusok III

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $3.45 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 50487009

Tambur : SATB : Lajos Bardos : Sheet Music : 48003907 : 073999983258

Lajos Bardos : Tambur

Based on the folk tune Ungaresca from J. Paix' Organ Book (1583).

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $3.25 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 48003907

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