In Celebration of the Human Voice - The Essential Musical Instrument

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Choral Music Recordings

Christmas choral music is some of the most fun music out there, both to sing and simply to drink in. Whether the choir is singing centuries’ old pieces by Tavener and Britten, or modern and light-hearted work like Rudolph and Frosty, it’s heartwarming, spirit-raising music that just makes you want to gather with loved ones around a well-lit tree, enjoying a roaring fire. Even in the heart of Summer.

Mixed Voice Choral CDs

Mixed Voice Choral CDs

We have over the many years been able to collect some of the best mixed-voice choir recordings from around the world. Many of the recordings are not available thru the usual distributors and in many cases we are the sole distributor of the titles.

Men's Choral CDs

Men's Choral CDs

Men’s choral music spans the centuries, and well-sung choral music brings a lush joy to the ear, whether it is sacred or secular, plainsong, vocal chamber music, chant, madrigals, folk songs or even the music of U2! Many strong composers have written for the male ensemble over the centuries, and choirs today are singing the work of talents as diverse as Rutter and Henry VIII. Men’s ensembles around the world – and we carry recordings from such diverse nations as Estonia, Finland, Canada and Russia, to name just a few – deliver glorious, powerful work.

Female Choral CDs

Female Choral CDs

Chants, rounds, liturgical work, secular or sacred, folk from around the world - the one constant is the beauty of their harmony. Women’s choirs today disprove, over and over, the out-of-date myth that only men’s voices can deliver choral music with any true authenticity. Some of the ensembles we carry sing work written for the male voice, some music written for women’s voices – some even sing music originally written as instrumental. Whatever they’re singing, they all do it with passion and a purity of sound that will please even the most discerning of choral music fans.

Mixed Voice Childrens Choirs CDs

Mixed Voice Childrens Choirs CDs

Childrens choir CDs do not often have any type of national distribution and can not be found in many of the usual stores and web sites. We have worked hard to find the best available CD recording and we believe we offer the best selection of childrens chorus Cds tio be found anywhere.

Girls Choirs CDs

Girls Choirs CDs

When a talented director is given the opportunity to work with an ethusiastic girlschoir the CD recording can be a delight to listen to. We offer here a selection of some of the finest girls chorus recordings from around the world and will make great additions to any collection.

Boys Choirs CDs

Boys Choirs CDs

It can be hard to get younger boys to sing but when a boyschoir or chorus record a CD the results can be amazing. The boy choir CD recording we offer are from around the world and we consider that they are some of the finest recordings of the genre currently available.

Early Music CDs

Early Music CDs

Much of the earliest music was composed for the unaccompanied voice reaching a peak during the Renaissance when there was flowering of talented European composers. Many of these composers were true musical geniuses and whose work is still vibrant and relevant today. We offer here a far ranging collection of these works performed by the top vocal ensembles from both Europe and the US.

Choral Christmas Music

Choral Christmas Music

In a genre that has been split along gender lines for most of a century, who'd have expected mixed barbershop to be successful? Well, whoever didn't, should have. The great thing about mixed barbershop quartets is that they combine the best of the single-gender groups, and build on them. Mixed barbershop is on its way - you'll definitely want to get on the train now!

Christmas Arrangements - World | Contemporary | Vocal Jazz | Choral | Spirituals | Gospel | Novelty | Caroling | 3 Part | 2 Part | Male | Female | Solo Voice

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