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Sofia Boys' Choir
Hosanna in Exelsis

Song NameComposer
Voskresenya DenNeofit Rilski
Slava OtsuYoan Kukuzel
Dostoino EstP. Efeski
Vozlyublyu, Tya, Gospodi
Voskresenie Tvoe
Svyatii Boje
Da Ispravitsya Molitva MoyaD. Bortnyansky
Angel VopiasheV. Makarov
Tebe PoemG. Lomakin
Hervimska PesenG. Lomakin
Otche NashN. Kedrov
Edin SvyatV. Orlov
Razboinika BlagoaznumnagoVorotnikov
Sei Narechnii I Svyatii DenD. Bortnyansky
Dostoino EstP. Dinev
Vo Tsarstvii TvoemD. Hristov
Elitsi Vo HristaD. Hristov
Heruvimska PesenD. Hristov
Mnogaya LetaD. Bortnyansky

Directed by Adriana Blagoeva

The Sofia Boys' Choir is one of the most prestigious Bulgarian choirs of its kind, winner of many awards at international and national competitions. Under the guidance of the talented Adriana Blagoeva, during the past few years the choir has widened the range of its repertoire by including masterpieces of sacred music - both Catholic and Orthodox. The performances are distinguished by the unique beauty of sounds of the boys' voices led by the conductor with great skill. Each song features not only the professionalism of the great choirs, but also precision of dynamics, accents and gradation, typical of religious singing. The singers and their musicality, the perfectly performed tunes, the crystal sounds, as well as the characteristic reverberation of the recordings that recreates the atmosphere in Alexander Nevsky Cathedral leave a deep impression.

Item code: 6933C | 1 CD | $15.98 add item to cart
Choral | Some a cappella | Male | Bulgaria

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