For over fifty years, Weston Noble has lectured on his principles of choral blend that can be achieved through a process of matching voices to create beautiful, almost seamless choral sound. On this DVD, Weston Noble presents through lecture and demonstraton the principles he has used with the Luther College Nordic Choir. Thousands have benefited from this lecture over the years. Now for the first time, Weston Noble's lecture has been recorded for choral conductors to study and analyze so they can apply these principles to their choral ensemble, regardless of experience. By using the principles presented, not only will the sound of the choirs improve, but conductors will also realize an immediate improvement in intonation and rhythmic clarity in their ensembles. In addition to the principles Weston Noble has used to achieve optimum standing of his singers, he discusses the following important issues: - beginnings and history of his experimentation with standing arrangements - Robert Shaw's use of this system (rather than "quartet standing") for creating vertical sound columns in the choir -mimimizing vibrato in choirs using effective standing procedures - improving the singers' ability to hear each other - use of "altos in front" choral arrangement to vastly improve intonation - use of the "flip-flop" to achieve different choral colors. |