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Displaying 1-12 of 12 items.
Barry Rose : Sing Low 'Sing Low' is a new and wide-ranging collection of sacred music for church, collegiate, cathedral, school and youth choirs of 'low voices': altos, tenors and basses. The anthology includes Medieval and Renaissance works, and represents the rich diversity of twentieth century church music. Selected and edited by Barry Rose. Most arrangements with rehearsal accompaniment. Songlist: Ave Maria (Angelus Domini), Behold now, praise the Lord, By the waters of Babylon, Christ hath a garden, Come, thou Redeemer of the earth, Exsultate justi, Give rest, O Christ, God so loved the world, Grace, Holy is the true light, I will lift up mine eyes, If Ye Love Me, In manus tuas, In paradisum (Nunc dimittis), Jubilate Deo, Look down, O Lord, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Oculi omnium, O most merciful, O praise God in his holiness, Preces and Responses, Salve Regina, Sancta Maria, The shepherds' farewell, Sicut cervus, Thou, O God, art praised in Sion, Upon this Holy Eastertide, When Christ was born of Mary free ![]() Ken Bible (Editor) : Contemporary Low Voice - Songbook 80 favorite songs, arranged especially for altos and basses. Features songs made popular by Christian artists such as Larnelle Harris, Sandi Patty, Steve Green, Ray Boltz, Glad, Scott Wesley Brown, Michael Card, the Cathedrals, Carman, First Call, the Gaither Vocal Band, and more. Includes a variety of styles: traditional, contemporary, and gospel Songlist: A New Heaven and A New Earth, All Rise, All the Glory Belongs to Jesus, Almighty God, Amazing Love, As We Sail to Heaven's Shore, At the Right Time, Awesome God, Be Ye Glad, Bless God, Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty, Blessed to Be A Blessing, Breath of the Father, Calvary's Love, Carry the Light, Celebrate the Child, Children Are A Treasure From The Lord, Dare to Run, Daystar, Embrace the Cross, Exalt the Name, Father, Find Us Faithful, First Love, For Unto Us, Forever Friends, Forever Grateful, God and God Alone, Guard Your Heart, He Who Began a Good Work in You, and more ![]() Mark Hayes : 7 Praise and Worship Songs for Solo Voice - Medium Low Mark Hayes is renowned for his mastery of the contemporary praise idiom. In this extraordinary addition to his vocal solo series, he has transformed seven of the most popular contemporary praise songs into vocal solos with supportive keyboard accompaniments, worthy of worship and concert hall. Available in both medium high and medium low voicings. As an added bonus, this collection boasts fully orchestrated recordings on both its accompaniment and listening CDs. Instrumental parts are also available in select keys. Songlist: On Eagle's Wings, God Will Make a Way, Above All, Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, Shout to the Lord, One Bread, One Body, Shine, Jesus, Shine ![]() Mark Hayes : The Mark Hayes Vocal Solo Collection: 10 Christmas Songs for Solo Voice Award winning composer, arranger, pianist and recording artist Mark Hayes has crafted an exquisite anthology of Christmas arrangements for solo voice, including traditional carols, art songs, masterworks and spirituals. Reflecting the arranger's mastery of vocal accompaniment, the piano partners with the voice in true art song style. Available in medium high and medium low voicings, this collection also features accompaniment and full-performance recordings on compact disc with Mark Hayes at the piano. Songlist: Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella, Away in a Manger, Sing Joy!, Midnight Noel, Gesu Bambino, Silent Night, Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, O Holy Night, The Coventry, Carol, Jesus, Oh What a Wonderful Child ![]() Neil Jenkins : Sing Solo Sacred - Low Voice All the most popular sacred solos together in one volume. If you need to sing a solo at church this collection is all you need. Many of the pieces have been specially arranged for this book, and well-loved items traditionally viewed as only for higher voices are now available in the low voice volume in suitable keys. Songlist: Abide With Me, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Alleluia, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Verum Corpus, Ave Verum Corpus, Blessed are All They That Fear The Lord, Brother James' Air, Christians, On This Day Gladness, Come Unto Him, Crimond, God Be In My Head, God Shall Wipe Away All Tears, Hark! The Echoing Air!, He That Is Down, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth, I'll Walk With God, If Thou Art Near, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Laudate Dominum, Let The Bright Seraphim, Litany, Lowly They Kneel, May The Father's Boundless Love, Merciful God, O For The Wings of a Dove, Panis Angelicus, and more ![]() Patrick Liebergen : Favorite Sacred Classics for Solo Singers - Medium Low This versatile collection contains 18 songs for solo voice and piano appropriate for recitals, concerts, contests and worship services. Includes songs by J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Dvorak, Mendelssohn, Mozart and more! Songlist: O Holy Night, Dedication Prayer, Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring, Rise Up, My Heart, with Gladness, The Heav'ns Are Praising the Lord of Creation, Lord and Savior, I Will Sing New Songs, Come to God, The Palms, O Lord, I Pray to Thee, Eye Hath Not Seen, Ave Maria, O Divine Redeemer, If with All Your Hearts, O Rest in the Lord, Lord Most Holy, Thanks Be to Thee ![]() Peter Moss : The Low Voice Book 24 contemporary and gospel favorites arranged with alto and bass soloists in mind. Large, easy-to-read, folio-size book with keyboard accompaniment makes rehearsal and performance easy. Trax also available. Arranged by Peter Moss; compiled by Ken Bible. Songlist: Almighty God, Broken and Spilled Out, Champion of Love, Eternal Life, Father, Forgive, Glory to You, God and God Alone, His Eye Is on the Sparrow, His Strength Is Perfect, How Beautiful, How Long Has It Been?, I Bowed on My Knees and Cried, "Holy!", I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked, I'm Forever Grateful, In Christ Alone, In the Name of Love, Lift Up the Cross, No More Night, Peace in the Midst of the Storm, The River, Ten Thousand Angels, Then I Met the Master, Til the Storm Passes By, When Answers Aren't Enough ![]() Various : Lord, Be My Shepherd - Medium Low ![]() Imagine being able to sing some of the greatest operatic arias in church. Thanks to the creative team of lyricist, William K. Brehm, with text adaptation by Loretta Giles, that dream is now a reality. Committed to detail and exacting excellence, this duo has created a stunning collection of much-loved operatic arias from the pens of Puccini, Mozart, Purcell, Wagner, Rachmaninoff and others, but the lyrics are sacred - taken from both Old and New Testament texts. This CD includes some of the finest voices singing opera today and will be a cherished collection of sacred classical music for generations to come. ![]() Various Arrangers : Worship Solos for Singers - Low Voice 10 contemporary worship favorites arranged for soloists and includind a CD of piano accompaniments for practice or performance use. Songlist: Holy Ground, The Potter's Hand, Above All, Thy Word, Revelation Song, Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), From The Inside Out, The Power Of The Cross (Oh To See The Dawn), I Will Rise, Lead Me To The Cross ![]() Various Arrangers : 12 Sacred Songs - Low Voice With access to online audio files of recorded accompaniments. Contents: The Lord's Prayer (Malotte) - The 23rd Psalm (Malotte) - The Beatitudes (Malotte) - Prayer of the Norwegian Child (Kountz) - Song of Devotion (Beck) - I Wonder As I Wander (Niles) - Wayfaring Stranger (Kountz) - Were You There (arr. Johnson) - Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit (arr. Johnson) - Prayer Perfect (Speaks) - Create in me a clean heart, O God (Mueller) - I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked (O'Hara). Songlist: Poor Wayfaring Stranger, I Wonder As I Wander, The Beatitudes (Malotte), The Lord's Prayer, Were You There?, Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked, Prayer Of The Norwegian Child, The 23rd Psalm, The Prayer Perfect (Speaks), Song Of Devotion (Beck) ![]() Various Arrangers : Great Hymnwriters - Medium Low This first installment in the new Portraits in Song Series is an outstanding collection of hymnwriters and arrangers. Each of these solos may be performed separately, or - paired with the brief biographical information - together, creating an excellent recital or special worship program. Songlist: Amazing Grace, Blessed Assurance, Holy, Holy, Holy, I Sing the Mighty Power of God, It Is Well with My Soul, Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee, My Life Flows On in Endless Song, O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing ![]() Various Composers : Oxford Solo Songs: Sacred - Low Voice This beautiful collection of 16 songs for high voice includes favourite settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Each song is presented with piano or organ accompaniment, and a CD of high-quality backing tracks is included, allowing performance in a variety of different venues. With a wonderful selection of texts, including 'Be thou my vision', 'Lord of all hopefulness', 'Pie Jesu', and 'The Lord bless you and keep you', this is the perfect collection for use in services, ceremonies, and concerts. ![]() Other Voicings: Solo |
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