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Traditional Catalan choral and folksongs arranged for harmony voices. |
Displaying 1-6 of 6 items.
A Christmas piece with a delightful melodic dialogue and beautiful accompaniment.
Arranger: Cary Ratcliff | Country: Catalan
The tune and words, of unknown origin, are thought to have been created between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. The carol was originally written in Catalan, a language related to French and Spanish and influenced by Latin. (2:45)
Arranger: Valerie Shields | Country: Catalan
This classic Catalonian Christmas carol arrangement is bright, quick, and fun to sing. New secular words along with vocal parts that are easy to learn and a piano accompaniment that sparkles with joy makes this choral a true holiday treat!
Arranger: Audrey Snyder | Country: Catalan
"Whenever Johnny dances, his fingers fill the air;" each verse of this charming Catalan game song adds another body part to the list. The apt arrangement develops into a playful presentation for SSA singers. A phonetic pronunciation guide and an optional English text are included. Featured on PianoTrax 3 Accompaniment CD (00-34744).
Arranger: Dave Perry | Country: Catalan
The delicate piano accompaniment creates a lovely and sonorous tapestry to support the expressive vocal melodies of the traditional Catalan folk carol. Imitative entrances and intertwining countermelodies make this an excellent choice for children's choirs and treble ensembles in middle school and up. In Catalan and English, with piano, and optional flute and cello.
Arranger: Martin Ellis | Country: Catalan
The charming "d'una ro ro ro" Catalan carol is given special significance in this Mark Hayes treatment. An unhurried tempo and a full choral harmonization reveal the symbolic nature of the Catalan or English text. A lovely multicultural selection for school, an effective anthem for church. Featured on PianoTrax 3 Accompaniment CD (00-34744).
Arranger: Mark Hayes | Country: Catalan
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