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Choral Arrangements of
Louis Armstrong

Known for his brilliant improvisation techniques both onstage and during recordings, Louis Armstrong became one of the Jazz movement's most important musicians. As his trumpet would cease, his voice would shine. Able to perform and improvise with his voice as much as with his trumpet, he laid the foundation for a long-lasting, ideal and charismatic career.

Born into the poverty of southern Louisiana, young Louis listened to music whenever he had the chance. The first instrument he learned to play was the brass cornet, which he obtained thanks to a small loan from another family. He even played in a few southern get-togethers and was astonished by the playing of Joe King Oliver, who was Armstrong's early inspiration.

By his latter teenage years, Louis Armstrong moved to Chicago to play with Oliver - where Jazz was hot and the hottest band was Oliver's. In these early and influential years, he was even a part of the band's recordings, where one can easily hear Armstrong's back-up cornet and snippets where Louis would be given a solo.

As the Chicago experience came and went, Armstrong saw greater opportunity in New York, where he would play the trumpet with the biggest Jazz band of the day, the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra. After his success in New York, Armstrong headed back to his beloved Chicago where he began recording his own songs - an eclectic mix of Jazz music. His first hits were Potato Head Blues, West End Blues and later in his career, he released Hello, Dolly, which topped the British charts followed by the charts in the U.S.

In 1929, Armstrong toured Europe and had profound success. When he came back to the United States, he relentlessly toured for the next three decades. He released such hits as What a Wonderful World, Stardust, and the catchy Dream a Little Dream of Me. His gregarious attitude and wide grin aided him during his onstage performances. People of all backgrounds loved his music. And, while no official autobiography was ever released, the development of his vocal recordings only caused his success to mushroom beyond his creative brass talents where everyone would recognize his distinct sound.

Songbooks, Arrangements and/or Media

Displaying 1-6 of 6 items.

Libby Larsen : A Salute to Louis Armstrong : SATB : Songbook : 9780193862289 : 9780193862289

Libby Larsen : A Salute to Louis Armstrong

This salute to the spirit of Louis Armstrong breathtakingly incorporates 'Basin Street Blues', 'Lady be good', 'Tiger Rag', 'When the saints go marching in', and more surprisingly excerpts from 'Clair de Lune' and from Brahms' A flat major Piano Serenade. It is in one movement, which may be performed on its own, taken from the choral suite Seven Ghosts.

More details
Voicing: SATB | Performed by Louis Armstrong | 40439b | Songbook | $5.25 | With Piano

Tom Anderson : Basin Street Blues - Parts CD : Voicetrax CD : 884088219291 : 08748343

Tom Anderson : Basin Street Blues - Parts CD

Recorded by American jazz legend Louis Armstrong here is a great teaching tool for introducing blues styles to your younger choirs. Available separately: 3-Part Mixed 2-Part VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:25.

More details
Performed by Louis Armstrong | 2016p | Voicetrax CD | $24.95

Kirby Shaw : Cool Yule : Showtrax CD : 073999437294 : 08743729

Kirby Shaw : Cool Yule

Recorded by Louis Armstrong, this is one of those hard-to-find swingin' Christmas tunes arranged for vocal jazz groups. With hip comic lyrics, this light-hearted tune will definitely add the right kind of spirit to the season!Available separately: : SATB, SAB, SSA, 2-Part, Instrumental Pak (parts for Trumpet I & II, Tenor Sax, Trombone, Guitar, Bass and Drums) and ShowTrax CD. Performance Time: Approx. 1:55.

More details
Performed by Louis Armstrong | 2363p | Showtrax CD | $26.95

Mark Hayes : What a Wonderful World : Showtrax CD : 884088527235 : 35027577

Mark Hayes : What a Wonderful World

Though recorded by many artists, Louis Armstrong's 1968 rendition made this a hit and established it as a standard. The optimistic message regarding the future is beautifully captured in this orchestrated choral with lush and full harmonies and will certainly become a classic for your own choir. Available separately: SATB, SAB, 2-Part, Full Orchestration Parts and Score, StudioTrax CD. Duration: ca. 4:10.

More details
Performed by Louis Armstrong | 4348p | Showtrax CD | $26.95

Mark Brymer : What a Wonderful World : Showtrax CD : 884088253448 : 142347306X : 08639548

Mark Brymer : What a Wonderful World

Louis Armstrong's inspirational ballad of hope for a better world. Quite suitable for both concert and pop ensembles. Available separately: SATB, SAB, SSA, 2-Part, ShowTrax CD. Combo parts available digitally (gtr, b, dm, syn). Duration: ca. 2:20.

More details
Performed by Louis Armstrong | 5169p | Showtrax CD | $26.95

Russell L. Robinson : What a Wonderful World : Showtrax CD : 654979185956  : 00-CDM00012

Russell L. Robinson : What a Wonderful World

Few songs ever become hits as this one did for Louis Armstrong. He defined a style of music all his own and yet influenced every style existing to this day. Russ Robinson has done an incredible job of bringing all of these elements to life in this arrangement of the famous song. Done with optional trumpet solo part, the piece is truly becoming of Satchmo. All three voicings are beautiful and will touch the hearts of any audience.

More details
Performed by Louis Armstrong | 5943p | Showtrax CD | $27.95

Individual Folios

Displaying 1-11 of 11 items.

Basin Street Blues : SAB : Tom Anderson : Spencer Williams  : Louis Armstrong : Showtrax CD : 08748341 : 884088219277

Tom Anderson : Basin Street Blues

Recorded by American jazz legend, Louis Armstrong, here is a great teaching tool for introducing blues styles to your younger choirs. Available separately: 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part, VoiceTrax CD. Duration: ca. 2:25.

Arranger: Tom Anderson | Composer: Spencer Williams Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: SAB | Sheet Music | $1.80 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08748341 | Voicetrax CD Available
Other Voicings: 2-Part

Cool Yule : SSA : Kirby Shaw : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 08743707 : 073999437072

Kirby Shaw : Cool Yule

Now available in an SSA voicing. Recorded by Louis Armstrong, this is one of those hard-to-find swingin' Christmas tunes arranged for vocal jazz groups. With hip comic lyrics, this light-hearted tune will definitely add the right kind of spirit to the season!Available separately: SATB, SAB, SSA, 2-Part, Instrumental Pak (parts for Trumpet I & II, Tenor Sax, Trombone, Guitar, Bass and Drums) and ShowTrax CD. Performance Time: Approx. 1:55.

Arranger: Kirby Shaw Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: SSA | Sheet Music | $2.15 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08743707 | Showtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SATB, SAB, 2-Part,

I Love You/What a Wonderful World : SATB Divisi : Craig Hella Johnson : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 00138211 : 888680030643

Craig Hella Johnson : I Love You/What a Wonderful World

Known for his unique pairing of songs, Craig Hella Johnson has creatively combined the early contemporary Christian song by Larry Norman and Randy Stonehill with the popular favorite from the '60s. A wonderful and inspirational closing number or encore for mixed, treble and male choirs!

Arranger: Craig Hella Johnson Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: SATB Divisi | Sheet Music | $2.95 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00138211 | Digital Version Available
Other Voicings: SSAA, TTBB, SSAA, TTBB

What a Wonderful World : SATB : Tripp Carter : George David Weiss : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 01128521 : 196288111627

Tripp Carter : What a Wonderful World

First recorded by Louis Armstrong, What a Wonderful World was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999. This arrangement captures the joyful spirit of the song while using limited ranges, making it a great choice for any mixed ensemble.

Arranger: Tripp Carter | Composer: George David Weiss Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.50 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 01128521

What a Wonderful World : 2-Part : Ruth Artman : Bob Thiele : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 08564057 : 073999640571

Ruth Artman : What a Wonderful World

(Artman) 2-part

Arranger: Ruth Artman | Composers: Bob Thiele and George David Weiss Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: 2-Part | Sheet Music | $2.50 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08564057

What A Wonderful World : SATB : Rene Clausen : Bob Thiele : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 08201697 : 073999194357

Rene Clausen : What A Wonderful World

Rene Clausen provides a most sensitive arrangement of this timeless standard. Beautiful harmonies entwine around the familiar melody captivating the listener.

Arranger: Rene Clausen | Composers: Bob Thiele and George David Weiss Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.75 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08201697

What a Wonderful World : SATB : Mark Hayes : Bob Thiele : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 35027573 : 884088527181

Mark Hayes : What a Wonderful World

Though recorded by many artists, Louis Armstrong's 1968 rendition made this a hit and established it as a standard. The optimistic message regarding the future is beautifully captured in this orchestrated choral with lush and full harmonies and will certainly become a classic for your own choir. Available separately: SATB, SAB, 2-Part, Full Orchestration Parts and Score, StudioTrax CD. Duration: ca. 4:10.

Arranger: Mark Hayes | Composers: Bob Thiele and George David Weiss Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.75 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 35027573 | Digital Version Available| Showtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SAB, 2-Part, SAB, 2-Part

What a Wonderful World : 3-Part : Ed Lojeski : Bob Thiele : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 08551990 : 884088195854

Ed Lojeski : What a Wonderful World

Written for and first performed by Louis Armstrong, this popular standard rejoices in the simple enjoyment of everyday life. Introduce your young singers to this timeless song of hope for the future. Discovery Level 2 Duration: 3:00, Available separately: 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part and VoiceTrax CD.

Arranger: Ed Lojeski | Composers: Bob Thiele and George David Weiss Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: 3-Part | Sheet Music | $2.65 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08551990 | Digital Version Available| Voicetrax CD Available
Other Voicings: 2-Part, 2-Part

What a Wonderful World : SATB : Mark Brymer : Bob Thiele : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 08639541 : 073999236453 : 1423473221

Mark Brymer : What a Wonderful World

Louis Armstrong's inspirational ballad of hope for a better world. Quite suitable for both concert and pop ensembles. Available separately: SATB, SAB, SSA, 2-Part, ShowTrax CD. Combo parts available digitally (gtr, b, dm, syn). Duration: ca. 2:20.

Arranger: Mark Brymer | Composers: Bob Thiele and George David Weiss Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.30 | With Piano |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08639541 | Digital Version Available| Showtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SAB, SSA, 2-Part, SAB, SSA, 2-Part

What a Wonderful World : SATB : Russell L. Robinson : Bob Thiele : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 00-CHM00012 : 654979007319

Russell L. Robinson : What a Wonderful World

Few songs ever become hits as this one did for Louis Armstrong. He defined a style of music all his own and yet influenced every style existing to this day. Russ Robinson has done an incredible job of bringing all of these elements to life in this arrangement of the famous song. Done with optional trumpet solo part, the piece is truly becoming of Satchmo. All three voicings are beautiful and will touch the hearts of any audience.

Arranger: Russell L. Robinson | Composers: Bob Thiele and George David Weiss Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: SATB | Sheet Music | $2.25 |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 00-CHM00012 | Showtrax CD Available
Other Voicings: SAB, 2-Part

What A Wonderful World : SSAA : Audrey Snyder : Bob Thiele : Louis Armstrong : Sheet Music : 08201984 : 884088112202

Audrey Snyder : What A Wonderful World

Written for and first performed by Louis Armstrong, this popular standard rejoices in the simple enjoyment of everyday life. This lush setting is perfect for SSAA ensembles from high school and up.

Arranger: Audrey Snyder | Composers: Bob Thiele and George David Weiss Performed By: Louis Armstrong

More details
Voicing: SSAA | Sheet Music | $2.15 | A Cappella |
(Minimum order 4 copies)
| 08201984 | Digital Version Available

Louis Armstrong Solo Arrangements

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