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Makten at Skogen
Har du Kvar din Roda Cykel
Valles Drom
Somliga Gar Med Trasiga Skor
Jag Sag
Fa Farre Farst
A Ente Flottar Ja Te Sjoss
Sudda Sudda
Jag Vill Ha En Hund En Bla

This is one of the notable Swedish a cappella groups.They were formed in 1985 and, to date, have four cds on their discography. On this one, F-rsta, we find covers of Sweden's popular music, several originals and one tune we all know, the Beatles "Blackbird". Though we speak no Swedish there continuously snatches of melody which are tantalizing in their familiarity. "Asfaltvisan" is an obvious comedic tune, funny without knowing the language!These are very accomplished singers and worth it if your interest is in either contemporary or international music.

Item code: 2773C | 1 CD | $14.95 ON SALE $
Contemporary | A Cappella | Male | Sweden

Related: Male Contemporary CDs

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