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Toronto Children's Chorus

Song NameComposer
I Te TimatangaTe Whanau Wehi
Cantate DominoRupert Lang
Ohana I runga rawaDavid Hamilton
Magic PrayerSrul Irving Glick
MagnificatEleanor Daley
Child with the Starry CrayonEleanor Daley
Peace SongDorothy Buchanan
SanctusRichard Oswin
Weep No MoreDavid Childs
WataneMark Sirett
Tsimshian Welcome Chant
Cape Breton LullabyKenneth Leslie
Te Iwi ETe Whanau Wehi
Song for the MiraAllister MacGillivray
I Went to the Market

With performances spanning the last five years, Sounzscapes: From Our Lands celebrates Elise Bradley's first five years as Artistic Director of the Toronto Children's Chorus, and features works from both Canadian and New Zealand composers, representing a true melding of cultures - the Toronto-based Chorus, and Ms. Bradley's native New Zealand. The music includes Maori pieces rarely heard outside of New Zealand, including the Maori kapa haka piece "I Te Timatanga" (In the Beginning) and "Te Iwi E" (To the People). The Canadian music includes Srul Irving Glick's beautiful "Magic Prayer" from Three Songs of the Light and Allister MacGillvray's famous and haunting "Song for the Mira". The Toronto Children's Chorus is often called the finest chorus of treble voices in the world.

Item code: 22313C | 1 CD | $15.95 add item to cart
Choral | A Cappella | Mixed | Canada

Related: Canadian Choral Recordings

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