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RIAS Kammerchor
Mendlessohn Opp, 41, 48, 59, 88 & 100

Song NameComposer
Im WaldeFelix Mendelssohn
Entfieh' Mit MirFelix Mendelssohn
Es Fiel Ein ReifFelix Mendelssohn
Auf Ihrem GrabFelix Mendelssohn
MailiedFelix Mendelssohn
Auf Dem SeeFelix Mendelssohn
FruhlingshnungFelix Mendelssohn
Die PrimelFelix Mendelssohn
FruhlingsfeierFelix Mendelssohn
LerchengesangFelix Mendelssohn
MorgengebetFelix Mendelssohn
HerbsliedFelix Mendelssohn
Im GrunenFelix Mendelssohn
Fruhzeitiger FruhlingFelix Mendelssohn
Abschied Vom WaldeFelix Mendelssohn
Die NachtigallFelix Mendelssohn
RuhetalFelix Mendelssohn
JagdliedFelix Mendelssohn
NeujahrsliedFelix Mendelssohn
Der GlucklicheFelix Mendelssohn
HirtenliedFelix Mendelssohn
Die WaldvogeleinFelix Mendelssohn
DeutschlandFelix Mendelssohn
Der Wandernde MusikantFelix Mendelssohn
AndenkenFelix Mendelssohn
Lob Des FruhlingsFelix Mendelssohn
FruhlingsliedFelix Mendelssohn
Im WaldFelix Mendelssohn

Directed by Hans-Christoph Rademann

Mendelssohn once said, "The most natural music of all occurs when four people go out together in the woods or in a boat, and carry the music with them and inside them!" These pieces for chorus, sparkling musical miniatures, are perhaps the fi nest illustration of this profession of artistic faith. Mendelssohn's lovely choral music tends to get overshadowed by that of Brahms and by Mendelssohn's own works in other genres. This disc makes a strong case for a reassessment of the musical merit of his work in this genre. Berlin's RIAS-Kammerchor has established itself as a world-class ensemble which owes its reputation chiefl y to the performance of a cappella works. Led here by their new principal conductor, Hans-Christoph Rademann, the group continues its tradition of heartfelt music making.

Item code: 8959C | 1 CD | $18.95 add item to cart
Choral | Mixed | Germany
HMC 901992

Related: German Choral Music

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