| Good Night | Serenade | Solitude | By The Sea | Ave Maria, Op. 52, No. 6 | Teardrops | The Wanderer | The Secret | Mine | The Trout | Rest | Atlas | Courage | On The River | Question, The (Schubert) | Hark! Hark! The Lark | Death And The Maiden - Schubert | Heidenroslein (Hedge-Roses) | Linden Tree,The (Schubert) | Love's Message (Schubert) | Wohin? (Whither?) | Who Is Sylvia (An Silvia) | Ungeduld (Impatience) | My Sweet Repose(Du Bist Die Ruh) | Wandering(Die Schone Mullerin) | Halt By The Brook(D.Schone Mull) | Thanks To The Brook | After Work (D.Schone Mullerin) | Morning Greeting | Miller's Flowers, The | Pause | With The Green Lute-Band | Hunter,The | Jealousy And Pride (Schubert) | Favorite Color,The | Hateful Color, The | Withered Flowers | Miller And The Brook,The | Brook's Lullaby,The | Vane,The | Frozen Tears | Benumbed | Water-Course,The | Looking Backward | Will O' The Wisp | Spring Dreams | Post,The | Gray Head,The | Raven,The | Last Hope,The | In The Village | Stormy Morning,The | Illusion | Guide-Post,The | The Wayside Inn, Op.82 #6 | Mock Suns,The | Organ Player,The | Warrior's Foreboding | Longing For Spring (Schubert) | My Abode | Afar | Parting (Schubert) | Her Portrait | Fishermaiden,The (Schubert) | Town,The | Double,The | Carrier-Pigeon,The | Erlking,The | Margaret At The Spinning-Wheel | Praise Of Tears | Angel Of Beauty | Faith In Spring | Young Nun,The | Maiden's Lament,The | Mignon's Song (Schubert) | To Be Sung On The Waters | Restless Love | Shepherd's Lament,The | Huntsman's Even Song (Schubert) | Wanderers Nachtlied (Wanderer's Night Song) (Schubert) | Romance (Rosamund) | Farewell, Our Love To Sever |