The Sieber Vocalises: It is important to know why Sieber is so good for the voice. He was a Viennese, Italian-trained voice teacher who knew the importance of vowel alteration and its role in keeping the balance of the registers. The Sieber Vocalises are designed to balance the registers using 8 measure melodies based on the Italian syllables da, me, ni, po, to, la, be. The register balance is achieved in the ingenious way Sieber arranges the syllables. Again, his goal it to allow the space of the open vowels in the closed vowels, and the ring of the closed vowels in the open vowels. Lindquest called these vocalises the 'bridge between vocalizing and singing music'. In my 25 years of teaching, I have never found a singer that the Sieber Vocalises did not help tremendously. 36 Eight-Measure Vocalises for Elementary Teaching for baritone voice. |