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Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Baltic Voices 3

Song NameComposer
The Stomping BrideVaclovas Augustinas
StatementsPelle Gudmundsen-Homgreen
Nuits, adieuxKaija Saariaho
The Dazzled Eye lost its SpeechRytis Mazulis
Vier Galgenlieder Op. 51bErik Bergman
AlleluiaAlgirdas Martinaitis
MeditatioErkki-Sven Tuur
5 Kurpian SongsHenryk Gorecki

Directed by Paul Hillier

Acclaimed conductor Paul Hillier and the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir conclude their exploration of the choral riches of the Baltic region with a third and final volume of the Baltic Voices series. The disc features music of established figures in the genre (Bergman, Gorecki, Gudmundsen-Holmgreen) and recent works by the younger generation (Saariaho, Tuur). Baltic Voices 3 includes CD premieres of works by Saariaho, Gorecki and Tuur. Hillier proves time and again that there's a huge quantity of highly effective new choral music out there that's not only entertaining and beautiful but also distinctive and not anachronistic. Highly recommended.

Item code: 7898C | 1 CD | $16.98 add item to cart
Choral | A Cappella | Mixed | Estonia

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