| Come, Let Us All | Sing Together | Oh, How Beautiful | Were I A Little Bird | The Flowers on the Hillside | Sanctus | Jubilate Deo | Come, Honest Friends | Let Us Hurry On | Oliver Cromwell | By The Waters of Babylon | Three Merry Boys | The Bells of Oseney | Dip, Dip and Swing | Sing Out, Sing Loud | Hey Down Derry | Row The Boat Whittington | Tallis's Canon | Time to Wake | Oh, How Lovely is the Evening | Ars Longa | Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund | Heaven and Earth | Great Tom is Cast | If You Trust Before You Try | I Am A Poor Man | Christmastime Is Here | Birthday Round | The Higher the Plum Tree | Come, Follow Me | Shalom Chaverim | The USH Round | Dona Nobis Pacem | Viva la Musica | Join and Sing | Long Live Our King | An Old Epitaph | Hullabalo-Balay | Rock-a My Soul | When Ever I Marry | Bless Them That Curse You | Nach der Arbeit is gut ruh'n | Celevrons sans cesse | Ah, Poor Bird | Winter is Over | Zum, Gali, Gali | and many, many more! |