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Oak Park Concert Chorale

Oak Park Concert Chorale

Community Chorus

Based in Oak Park, IL

Oak Park Concert Chorale features a cappella and accompanied performances and is currently celebrating its 39th year as one of the Midwest's leading classical choral ensembles.

The choir is comprised of a diverse group of individuals from the Chicago Metropolitan area who embrace their differences in age, ethnicity, and culture, coming together to share their love of singing great music.

Led by Director Paul Lindblad, the Chorale consists of approximately 35-40 singers who offer highly artistic performances of varied and exciting choral music.

In addition to numerous appearances in and about the Chicago area, members of the Chorale, while singing with the Oak Park River Forest Symphony Chorus, have participated in two European tours where

Founded - 1981.   A Cappella.   Auditioned.

Rehearsal Information - Tuesdays 7:30pm-9:15pm We have a fall semester with a Christmas concert and a spring semester with a concert.

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