In Celebration of the Human Voice - The Essential Musical Instrument

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Choral Group Submission Form

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Our repertoire will differ than most. While we certainly want to perform and honor traditional choral music, we'll also show that the human voice is capable of creating dynamic and intriguing and thought-provoking music. This will include acappella pieces, jazz, contemporary music, cabaret pieces and more. Music and shows that are vocally fantastic and unique and draw the audience back and wanting more! Our goal is to present three concerts per year: one holiday concert, one spring concert, and one "cabaret" style performance where members can perform some of their favorite tunes in costume and with choreography. We'd also like to utilitze the town local TV channel and engage the town community as often as possible.

We want show the vast amount of talent that Wilmingon has to offer and to show that music has a place in our community. It brings joy, helps us celebrate our triumphs and troubles, tells our stories, and brings us all together as one - as a community. Our chorus will help, heal, and spread hope and happiness in our community.">
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