Various Arrangers : World Carols for Upper VoicesThe arrangement of "The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy" explores the Caribbean style known as "Afro-Cuban": independent melodic lines with strong rhythmic pulses are superimposed to build up textures that are both rich and translucent. Every section of the choir is spot-lit; every section gets its turn to lead. The piece would especially suit a choir in search of something seasonal but upbeat which is not a "novelty number." The Basque carol "The Angel Gabriel" in an exuberant setting by Audrey Snyder can be performed a cappella or accompanied. A wonderful showcase for SSA voices. These a cappella works are a nice addition to the repertoire for women's chorus and includes "Jetzt ist die rechte Freudenzeit" and" Ecce Maria" (Praetorius) with German and English texts.
Songlist: The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy, Two Baroque Christmas Classics, The Angel Gabriel