February 15, 2008
Academy of Choral Art - Pearls of Traditional Music

This superb chorus sings a multiplicity of folk masterpieces: Russian, Gregorian, and Ukrainian. The authentic Russian songs offered generously on this program cover a wide range of genre and character, from love songs and coach tunes to peasant dances. The emotional range is broad as well, from subtle lyrics to boisterous joy. Each region represented reveals in its music an enriched experience of the uniqueness of its own culture. Sumptuous sound from top to bottom, pinpoint accuracy, electrifying virtuosity and great expressiveness. Selections range from old favourites like "Dark Eyes," the "Volga Boatman's Song," and "Kalinka," to much less familiar gems like "There is Birch in the Field" (Tchaikovsky Uses this theme in his Fourth Symphony.) The true joy in singing is everywhere evident. 8834 CD 15.95
Posted by acapnews at 12:29 AM
February 8, 2008
Cantus - Cantus

Cantus at its finest represents a great mix of styles and influences. On their latest release they decided to showcase all this variety on one recording. Included is a new commission from Lee Hoiby paired with a “Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel)” by Billy Joel. They include early 20th century Russian sacred music next to early 21st century American sacred music. They are two show-stoppers - the Smokey Robinson tune “Who’s Loving You” and ”I Can’t Tarry” a rousing African-American spiritual An amusing faux-Finnish piece precedes a semi-theatrical setting of “Casey at the Bat” and the lively programming keeps you listening from beginning to end, just as it does in their acclaimed live concerts.
8698 CD 16.95
Listen to "Pseudo Yoik"
Posted by acapnews at 12:09 AM
February 5, 2008
The King's Singers - The Golden Age

The King's Singers "For a group like ours the choice of repertoire for recording often seems bewilderingly large. So why did we choose Portugese, Spanish and Mexican music from the period known as the Siglo de Oro - the Golden Age? The idea came from our church concert programs, where acoustics, space and atmosphere allow great scope for drama. Beginning at the back of the church with Crux fidelis and slowly moving eastwards as the piece unfolds has proved to be a magical way to start. More than one audience member has told us that if the concert had ended after that one piece, they would have gone home happy. But that would have denied them the chance of hearing one of the most famous pieces from this era - Alonso Lobo’s incredible version of Versa est in luctum, which often closes the first half of the concerts." – The King’s Singers
8848 CD 16.95
Listen to "Pia et dolorosa mater"
Posted by acapnews at 12:12 AM
February 2, 2008
BBC Singers - Choral Images: Sir Michael Tippett

When Sir Michael Tippett first worked with the BBC Singers in 1944, the experience was such that he recalled nearly 50 years later that “It was to be the first of many such occasions when a composer’s dreams were brought to fulfillment.” Tippett's relationship with the BBC Singers went back to almost the beginning of his career, and he often expressed intense admiration for them. His faith is rewarded here. Now under the Conductor Laureate, Stephen Cleobury, the present-day BBC Singers return the compliment with this program of his works for choir, both unaccompanied and with organ. The plaintive high solo of the Nunc Dimittis, floating above strange middle-range harmonies, soars worlds away from cosy Anglican convention. The 'sprung' rhythms of Dance Clarion Air and The Windhover have a muscular freedom unlike anything in contemporary English music. The strangely irregular figures Tipett waves around the tune in Over the Sea to Skye may seem over-ingenious at first, but by the end their quite hypnotic, at the same time challenging the ear to re-examine a very familiar melody. 8861 CD 15.95
Posted by acapnews at 1:09 AM