February 8, 2008
Cantus - Cantus

Cantus at its finest represents a great mix of styles and influences. On their latest release they decided to showcase all this variety on one recording. Included is a new commission from Lee Hoiby paired with a “Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel)” by Billy Joel. They include early 20th century Russian sacred music next to early 21st century American sacred music. They are two show-stoppers - the Smokey Robinson tune “Who’s Loving You” and ”I Can’t Tarry” a rousing African-American spiritual An amusing faux-Finnish piece precedes a semi-theatrical setting of “Casey at the Bat” and the lively programming keeps you listening from beginning to end, just as it does in their acclaimed live concerts.
8698 CD 16.95
Listen to "Pseudo Yoik"
Posted by acapnews at February 8, 2008 12:09 AM