February 5, 2008
The King's Singers - The Golden Age

The King's Singers "For a group like ours the choice of repertoire for recording often seems bewilderingly large. So why did we choose Portugese, Spanish and Mexican music from the period known as the Siglo de Oro - the Golden Age? The idea came from our church concert programs, where acoustics, space and atmosphere allow great scope for drama. Beginning at the back of the church with Crux fidelis and slowly moving eastwards as the piece unfolds has proved to be a magical way to start. More than one audience member has told us that if the concert had ended after that one piece, they would have gone home happy. But that would have denied them the chance of hearing one of the most famous pieces from this era - Alonso Lobo’s incredible version of Versa est in luctum, which often closes the first half of the concerts." – The King’s Singers
8848 CD 16.95
Listen to "Pia et dolorosa mater"
Posted by acapnews at February 5, 2008 12:12 AM