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Mid States Four
Reminiscing With The Mid States Four   

You'll Never Go Wrong With A Song
Limestone Quarry
Rockin' Mockin' Bird
Let's Harmonize
Together/ Oh, How I Miss You Tonight
I'm A Fool To Care
Ayuh, Ayuh
I Want A Full Time Job
Fingerprints Upon The Window Pane
I Love You So Much/ Drifting And Dreaming
(The Torch) The Gang's All Gone
Frog Kissin'
Allegheny Moon
Tiger Rag

Tenor: Rob Mack Lead: Marty Mendro Baritone: Forry Haynes Bass: Phil Hansen

Stepping into the time machine, we travel back to 1949, when the Mid States Four brand of zany, frequently accompanied barbershop was charming audiences everywhere! Culled from old reel-to-reels, cassettes and albums, this reminiscence is authentic, with many live performances and peals of laughter in evidence, typical of which is "Ayuh, Ayuh," a quasi Polynesian number! Original arrangements ("I Want A Full Time Job") and comic delivery make this CD one of the most entertaining choices, though they were fine singers too.

Item code: 5544C | 1 CD | $14.95
Barbershop | A Cappella | Male | United States

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