| A Mighty Fortress Is Our God | Abide With Me | All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name | Alone With Thee | Angels, from the Realms of Glory | Asleep in Jesus | Beautiful Savior | Behold a Host | Built on a Rock | Come, Thou Almighty King | Come, Ye Disconsolate | Dayspring of Eternity | Dearest Jesus, Draw Thou Near Me | Doxology | Eternal Father, Strong to Save | Father Most Holy | Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken | God Bless Our Native Land | God Save America | Heav'ns Resounding, The | Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty | I know a Flower | I'm a Pilgrim | In Heaven Above | In Heavenly Love Abiding | In Night Forlorn | Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus | Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring | Jesus, Lover of My Soul | Jesus, Priceless Treasure | Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun | Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming | Lord of Spirits | Lost in the Night | Morning Star Upon Us Gleams, The | Mother's Song, The | Nearer, My God, to Thee | Now Thank We All Our God | Now The Day Is Over | O Bread of LIfe | O Come All Ye Faithful | O Darkest Woe | O Love That Will Not Let Me Go | Onward Christian Soldiers | Our God, Our Help in Ages Past | Pilgrim's Chorus | Praise to the Lord | Rock of Ages | Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name | Silent NIght | Sun of my Soul | Thee, God, We Praise | The Knowest Lord | Today There is Ringing | Wake, Awake, for NIght is Flying | Young Birch, The | We've a Story to Tell | America | Drink to Me Only WIth Thyne Eyes | Fram! Fram! St. Olaf | Greetings to Spring | Herdgirl's Sunday, The | How Can I Leave Thee? | Landsighting | O Beautiful for Spacious Skies | Old Oaken Bucket | Sweet and Low | Star Spangled Banner, The |